Ontrol is a major control systems manufacturer and distributor based in Turkey. Our controllers, sensors, valves and actuators are designed and manufactured to demanding specifications. All our products come from 50+ years of experience as installers and reflect our experience and understanding of what is needed on site under demanding conditions.

Ontrol products and sytems are installed throughout the world, in all kinds of buildings including luxury hotels, high-end residential, energy-efficient office buildings, shopping centers, hospitals...

Niagara 4

Ontrol is an official Tridium distributor, OEM and developer since 2001. We have amassed a great amount of Niagara Framework™ experience and expertise going back to the early days with R2, then Niagara AX, and presently the latest generation Niagara 4 systems.

We offer hardware and software produced by Tridium, including Niagara 4 supervisor, JACE® 8000 and Edge controllers.

EDGE Controllers

Ontrol products boast innovative features that make unique solutions possible, placing our partners ahead of the competition in state-of-the-art building projects.

Our range extends from basic I/O modules to IP-based programmable plant controllers and fully configurable touch-screen devices.

Touch-Screen Display Controllers

Inteligent, programmable, communicating, multi-protocol, wireless, customizable, elegant...

Several frame, color and mounting options.

Adoptable to diverse uses by simple programming.

Integrated temperature relative humidity sensors available.

BACnet, Modbus, KNX, Dali, DMX, MP-Bus...

OEM Solutions

Competitive touch-screen user-interfaces with built-in configurable graphics, intelligence and real-time control engine.

Associated input/output modules to control machines, products, systems...

Lighting Control

A unique product supporting all universal lighting protocols simultaneously - KNX, DALI, DMX.

No gateways, converters, licenses.. Direct bus connection to room control device.



Hotel Guest Room Management

Integrate HVAC control, lighting and more...

Intelligent, connected Make-up-room Do-not-disturb functions

Annunciations, announcements

Integration with hotel management software

Belimo MP-Bus connectivity

Integrate with Belimo VAV controllers for ultimate room control with no physical IO.

Integrate with Belimo Energy Valves for local display, tenant reporting, analytics, connectivity