Marc and Angel Hack Life – Practical Tips for Productive Living

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When you learn a new way to think, you can master a new way to be... at Think Better, Live Better 2020.Marc and Angel Hack LifePractical Tips for Productive LivingBlogAboutEventsBooksPodcastGetting Back to Happy2 Quick Stories that Will Change the Way You Show Up in Your Relationships07.06.2020 by Angel Chernoff // 30 Comments Compliment people. Sometimes you will say something really small and simple, but it will fit right into an empty space in someone’s heart.This morning, I shared two quick stories on Zoom with a small group of digital Think Better, Live Better conference attendees. I appreciate the perspective, and the invitation to change how I show up in my relationships, one attendee replied. A dozen others said they agreed. So, I figured I d share these stories with you in hopes that you find value in them too. Try to read each one slowly and thoughtfully. Take the little lessons to heart. See how doing so changes how you show up in your interactions and conversations with others today Story #1 — True, Good, and UsefulA couple thousand [Read more ]7 Difficult Things You Should Start Doing for the People Around You06.22.2020 by Marc Chernoff // 47 Comments We are all in this together, so always be kinder than necessary. What goes around comes around. No one has ever made themselves strong by showing how small someone else is. Everyone you meet is learning something, is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something. Know this. And be extra kind today.In other words, don t just preach online.Actually do the difficult things, too.Be compassionate in whatever way you can.Be a beacon of hope to people you pass on the street.Embody what you preach.Many of the kindest gestures you ll ever make, and the most important things you ll ever do, won t come easy and will never be seen publicly.Do them anyway [Read more ]An Open Letter to Those Who Want to Make a Bigger Difference Right Now06.09.2020 by Marc Chernoff // 31 Comments “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”—Mahatma GandhiThis short article was inspired by an email we received this morning from a new course student:Dear Marc and Angel,I’m a single mom to two wonderful teenagers, and I m also a (rather passionate) domestic violence attorney. Although I’ve been told I do a great job on both fronts, I wish to make an even bigger difference. With all that s going on in society right now, there’s so much positive change and growth I feel I could instill in both my children and the world at large if I could just find the right approach. I wish there was a way to open people’s eyes to the possibilities I see! How can someone like me—someone who has the means—make a bigger difference right now? Do you have any relevant stories or lessons to share?Sincerely, A Caring StudentOur reply (an open reply to all who want to make a bigger difference right now):Dear Caring Student,It’s time for a quick true story about life…In 1955, Ella Fitzgerald had a professional music career that spanned nearly two decades. She was a critically acclaimed Jazz musician, and yet she was hardly known by the general public because she was an African American doing amazing things at a time when [Read more ]Paths are Made by Walking, Not Waiting: One Lesson We Forget in Hard Times06.01.2020 by Angel Chernoff // 38 Comments We waste our time waiting for a path to appear. But it never does. Because we forget that paths are made by walking, not waiting. And we forget that there s absolutely nothing about our present circumstances that prevents us from making progress again, one tiny step at a time.So, let s cut to the chase today: What we truly need to do is often what we most feel like avoiding. This is a harsh reality, even in our present times.Because, if we don’t go after what we want, we will never get it. If we don’t ask the right questions, we will always get the wrong answers. If we don’t take a step forward, we are always going to be standing in the same exact place.Life is a journey comprised of small steps. The key is to take these steps, every single day, even during harder times that require us to be extra resourceful.To an extent, we know this already, right?Yet how often are we stuck in a cycle of worry, fear, and other forms of over-thinking? How often are we aimlessly distracted? And how often do we hide from our problems, or procrastinate? [Read more ]1 Sign it s Finally Time to Take a Step Forward Again (and How to Get Started)05.18.2020 by Marc Chernoff // 28 Comments If it entertains you now but will actually hurt you someday, it’s a distraction. Don’t settle. Don’t exchange what you need in the long run for what you kinda want at the moment. Study your habits. Determine where your time goes. Delete the toxic distractions.Taking small steps can make a big difference, especially in tough times, but there’s no getting around the fact that taking these steps is often incredibly uncomfortable. That’s why so many people often don’t do it—at least not initially. But we have to catch ourselves, and remind ourselves that just because it isn’t easy doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it. The key is to remember that it’s okay to feel uncomfortable, because that’s where human growth and healing begins.In order to get something in life, we often have to give something up. In order to change our situation for the better, we have to take some action that’s not necessarily going to be easy or fun. Life is the opposite of perfection. It can be beautiful, of course, but it’s obviously quite messy and chaotic at times. Too often we shy away from taking the next step because we’re afraid it might not be worth the discomfort. It’s scary and uncomfortable to upset the status quo, even when it’s in service of something better.It all comes down to a single question: what is worth suffering for right now? Is the change you’re wanting to implement—finding a new job, reinventing yourself or your business, ending a relationship, or something else—truly going to help you move toward the life you want to lead in the weeks and months ahead? If so, then it’s a sign that it s time to step forward, and it s probably worth enduring some extra pain and discomfort to get there. You can also rephrase the question to help you think through it: How important is moving forward to you? And what are you willing to sacrifice, in the short term and long term, in order to be happier in the long term?By questioning your situation like this, you’ll realize that there are great reasons to step out of your comfort zone and to suffer. Changes of this magnitude do not come easily for any of us—especially as we collectively deal with the realities of COVID-19—and we understand that. But once you start to [Read more ]123219Next Page Subscribe for Free Join 130,000+ subscribers and get life-changing ideas in your inbox: Thanks! Now check your email. There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. Email Address Subscribe Read a Good Book Recent Posts 2006-2020 Marc and Angel Hack Life Questions, comments, advertising inquiries? Want to be a guest blogger? Contact Us: marc [at] marcandangel [dot] com Privacy Policy Site design by Brian Gardner

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