Your Guide to Smarter Job Search - Jobs, Advice, and Resources -, @JobHuntOrg

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Description: Your Guide to a Shorter and Smarter Job Search In 2020, a successful job search is much more complicated than having a good resume! Helping job seekers since 1993,'s genuine experts share solid advice to help you have a shorter job search, even today with the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic: See the Top 100 Employers Hiring Now for a list of employers with over 1,060,000+ jobs open NOW. For help with a job search now, during the time of COVID-19 "social distancing," read the new Guide to Coronavirus Pandemic Job Search. If you are struggling with the impact of job loss, read handling job loss and layoff recovery. For help with working from home (also great for social distancing), read the Guide to Work From Home / Remote Jobs. To succeed with the new interviewing process, read how to succeed with phone interviews and video interviews, including one-way video interviews. Stay up-to-date! Subscribe to our newsletter: Job-Hunt Intelligence! Get weekly updates from Job-Hunt so you have a shorter, smarter, and safer job search. Newest Articles: SWOT - Strategic Planning for Your Career SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) is usually applied to business opportunities or military situations. Applying SWOT analysis to your current job and your career will provide benefits from the insights you have gathered and, most importantly, enable you to develop an actionable career plan. With the Coronavirus pandemic forcing many of us to reconsider our work and, perhaps, re-focus our careers, strategic career planning makes sense. In this article, Careeer Coach Don Goodman steps you through using SWOT analysis for your career. This article is from Job-Hunt's Guide to Career Change. How to Quickly Find the Right Jobs on Most everyone knows about and uses It is one of the largest sources of job postings, and a good place to check when you are searching for a new job -- or considering a new job. But, most people do not know about how to find exactly what they want when searching through Indeed's millions of job postings. If you want to find newly-posted jobs with specific job titles (but without certain requirements you want to avoid) and for specific employers (but not for some employers you want to avoid), read this article by Job-Hunt's editor Susan P. Joyce from Job-Hunt's Guide to Finding Jobs Online Today. 5 Keys to Successfully Working with Recruiters During Your Coronavirus Pandemic Job Search In this article, Working with Recruiters Expert Jeff Lipschultz, a top recruiter, shares what to expect in your interactions from recruiters now and how to work with them in this new and evolving situation. Jeff shares how to maintain your focus and to understand things are tough all over for everyone. He also offers advice on being flexible about your choices right now, and knowing that the world is not judging you. Find some level of normalcy in a business environment within unchartered territory in this article from Job-Hunt's Guide to Coronavirus / COVID-19 Job Search. Smart Upskilling During the COVID-19 Pandemic Most of us are spending much more time at home now, for obvious reasons which can feel like time wasted. A better strategy? Take advantage of this time to get better at all things job-related and start the process by establishing a learning strategy. Career coach/author Barbara Schultz offers a method to identify and inventory your skills, even your soft skills, and then to match your current skills with the needs of your industury and future job, determining the ROI, and finding the funding needed to cover any costs associated with the training. Then, Barbara provides several good potential sources for that training. This article is from Job-Hunt's Guide to Coronavirus / COVID-19 Job Search. 7 Steps to Maintain Job Search Momentum During the Pandemic COVID-19 has certainly thrown a sucker punch -- and a whole lot of anxiety -- into every single aspect of our everyday lives.Whether laid off, furloughed, or miserable in your role but feel like you must gut it out for a few more months -- all is not lost. In this article, Career Change Expert Virginia Franco has outlined seven steps to organize yourself, focus your job search, and maintain momentum to succeed in your job search during this challenging time. This article is from Job-Hunt's Guide to Coronavirus / COVID-19 Job Search. How to Leverage LinkedIn Posts for Your Job Search A complete LinkedIn profile is the foundation of professional visibility, but, today, when you are in a job search, being active on LinkedIn is also very important. Posts on LinkedIn allow members to communicate with each other, recruiters, and the world -- LinkedIn's version of the Facebook feed. In this article, recruiter and LinkedIn expert Ed Han shares the benefits of sharing good LinkedIn posts when you are in a job search plus tips for making and sharing posts to appropriately keep your name and headline in front of the people in your network and recruiters. This article is part of Job-Hunt's LinkedIn Job Search Guide. Interview Questions in a Post-COVID Pandemic World The Coronavirus pandemic has greatly complicated our lives, and those complications have certainly impacted the hiring process. Employers now ask questions related to your ability to work remotely, often necessary now. And, you need to know how the employer has responded to the situation. While some jobs have the potential to permanently transition to work from home, not all jobs will, and not everyone wants to work remotely. In this article, Job Search Expert (and former HR executive) Barbara Schultz offers 9 questions you can expect to be asked and 9 questions you could ask the employer to understand more about how they have handled this situation, part of Job-Hunt's Guide to Coronavirus / COVID-19 Job Search. Catch Recruiter Attention: LinkedIn Messages That Work Most recruiters receive many LinkedIn messages every day from people looking for advice and help with their job searches, resumes, and LinkedIn profiles. Unfortunately, most of these messages are not answered, for various reasons. In this article, author and former recruiter Job Search Expert Biron Clark offers advice on 4 basic reasons that messages receive no response. He also provides 4 examples of messages that should work. Following Biron's guidance will very likely increase your response rate from your LinkedIn messages. This article is from Job-Hunt's LinkedIn Job Search Guide. LinkedIn Tips for Job Seekers Over 50 Today, more than ever before, employers and recruiters expect to find your credentials on LinkedIn, confirming the contents of your resume or application and demonstrating your understanding and skills for business today. Done well, your LinkedIn Profile will show you are up-to-date and knowledgeable about today's business world. In this article, Social Media Job Search Expert Laura Smith-Proulx shares the key elements of your LinkedIn Profile to update. This article is the newest in Job-Hunt's LinkedIn Job Search Guide How to Job Search Effectively for Remote Jobs With COVID19 disrupting job markets around the world, many typical in-office jobs are being done remotely, at least temporarily. If you have decided to shift your job search to find a remote job, check out these great tips by Remote Job Search Expert Brie Reynolds. To be successful when looking for a remote job, present yourself a bit differently than in the past, making your remote skills clear in addition to your qualifications for the job. These tips will help you succeed in your job search for a remote job. This article is from Job-Hunt's Guide to Work From Home / Remote Jobs. How Hiring Happens During This Pandemic Quarantine We are in a challenging time for hiring on both sides of the hiring desk. The COVID-19 pandemic and attendant quarantines are reshaping how -- and which -- employers hire. Quarantines and "social distancing" requirements have also eliminated most face-to-face meetings. Consequently, what job seekers need to do to find their next opportunities under such circumstances has changed, too. This article recruiter Ed Han shares how to find employers who are hiring and how to connect with them, from Job-Hunt's Guide to Coronavirus / COVID-19 Job Search. Increase Your Work-From-Home Efficiency: 9 Handy Tools for Remote Workers While working from home is becoming increasingly popular, working outside of an office may be very challenging. This increase in remote work requires the right tools to meet -- or to exceed -- productivity and connectivity expectations. These tools are essential, not just a luxury, to bring value to your work and the virtual workplace. Work From Home Contributor Mark Anthony Dyson shares 9 essential tools that enable you to work from home successfully and effectively in this new article from Job-Hunt's Guide to Work From Home / Remote Jobs. Guide to Layoffs and Layoff Recovery Millions of Americans have registered for unemployment compensation as a result of the COVID19 pandemic. Unfortunately, layoffs are common even without a pandemic. Fortunately, people survive and move on to have great careers and excellent incomes. However, going through the process of losing your job and recovering from being laid off can be painful and complicated. In this article, Job-Hunt's Editor Susan P. Joyce, who has been laid off twice in her career, describes how to prepare, manage, and recover from this experience in this Guide. Guide to Work From Home Jobs in 2020 Working from home is a goal for an increasing number of people. Technology is changing the economy and how we earn our incomes. Both employers and employees can benefit from this popular option. Learn about your options, as an employee working "remotely" or as an independent worker running your own business in this Guide with articles by Working from Home Expert Nancy Collamer. Search Smarter: 7 Great Ways to Leverage Google's Power for Your Job Search Use Google to help you find and research potential employers (location, open jobs, financial stability, competitors, etc.) and to separate the good opportunities from the fake and not-so-good ones. Job-Hunt's editor and online job search expert Susan P. Joyce shares 7 Google functions which can help you find exactly what you want and need in your next Google search in this article from Job-Hunt's Guide to Using Google for Job Search. Smart Strategies to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions Behavioral interview questions can be scary! They typically start with, "Tell me about a time when you..." or "Describe how you have handled..." or "Give me an example of..." or even "Walk me through..." Top recruiter Jeff Lipschultz shares strategies for successfully answering these questions, including sample answers so you can see how to implement the strategies in this article from Job-Hunt's Guide to Successful Interviews. Smart Answers for 21 Common Interview Questions Who understands how to give smart answers to job interview questions better than a recruiter? Nobody! So, recruiter Jeff Lipschultz, Job-Hunt's Working with Recruiters Expert, offers his wisdom to help you give great answers to the most commonly asked job interview questions. This article is from Job-Hunt's Guide to Successful Interviews. 5 Steps to Shorter Job Search with LinkedIn Today, recruiters often first try to find their ideal candidates and, then, to approach those individuals directly to be interviewed. Often that's without the job ever having been advertised at all. Social Media Expert Tony Restell shares how to measure your LinkedIn visibility and how to increase that visibility so that your next job will find you in this article from Job-Hunt's LinkedIn Job Search Guide. Build Your Personal SEO: The 25 Best Keywords for You in Your Job Search Want your next job to find you? Then, being find-able online today is NOT optional. Knowing the "right keywords" for you is the core of effective SEO (search engine optimization). Discover your 25 best keywords in this article by Job-Hunt's Editor Susan P. Joyce part of Job-Hunt's Guide to Personal SEO. 12 Steps to Outrank Your Competitors in LinkedIn Search in 2020 (Personal LinkedIn SEO) Having your personal Profile found in LinkedIn requires paying attention to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so your Profile is visible in search results for the right terms for you. This is not difficult to accomplish, when you focus on the right elements. Online Job Search Expert, Susan P. Joyce shares 12 steps for finding and leveraging those elements on LinkedIn to increase your visibility in search results. For more articles on LinkedIn visibility, check out Job-Hunt's Guide to LinkedIn SEO. How Top ATS Systems Analyze Resumes Whenever you upload a resume to an online form or fill out a questionnaire during a job application, an ATS is tasked with making your information visible to employers -- or not. Job-Hunt's ATS expert Jon Shields helps you understand what 3 of the top ATS need to find in this article from Job-Hunt's Guide to Personal SEO. 7 Signs It Is Time for a Career Change While it would be great to wake up thrilled at the prospect of going to work every day, it’s NOT OK to wake up every day dreading going to work. Career Change Expert Virginia Franco shares 7 signs it might be time for a career change (and 3 signs it's not), in this article from Job-Hunt's Guide to Career Change. Sample Job Interview Thank You Email Recent surveys by both CareerBuilder and Accountemps have indicated that an emailed thank you note is acceptable to most employers in the USA, except the most conservative. Online Job Search Expert Susan P. Joyce provides a sample email template that you can modify for your own use. For more sample interview thank you notes, check out Job-Hunt's Guide to Successful Job Interviews. The Winning Difference: Pre-Interview Preparation for Your Job Interview Being obviously well-prepared for a job interview can make or break your chances at a landing that job. You demonstrate to the employer that you are genuinely interested in the job. That preparation is often viewed by the employer as an example of the quality of your work. Job-Hunt's editor Susan P. Joyce shares 10 types of interview preparation in this article in Job-Hunt's Guide to Successful Interviews. Stay up-to-date with today's requirements for a successful job search. Subscribe to the weekly Job-Hunt Newsletter. New articles and tips -- solid actionable information -- delivered to your inbox every week (and NO spam!). 25 September 2019, latest update to Job-Hunt's Privacy Policy. Guide to LinkedIn for Job Search Learn how to develop an effective Profile, leverage LinkedIn Groups and Updates, plus more tips for advancing your job search and your career using LinkedIn. Guide to Working From Home Working from home, also called "remote" work and "telecommuting," is becoming more popular and important as we deal with COVID-19. Guide to Working with Recruiters These people represent the "buyers" so they are very important to you. Learn how to work with them effectively. Guide to Freelancing and Contracting Freelancing or contract jobs can be a temporary gap filler that provides a good income for a set period of time (weeks or months). Guide to the Temporary Work Option Temporary employment can be a short-term fix (days or weeks), paying the bills while you fill an employment gap. Guide to Veterans Job Search For veterans and those in transition, learn how to successfully execute a civilian job search. Adapt and overcome! Guide to Beating Unemployment Regardless of why you are unemployed, being unemployed can make your job search a bit more challenging. These tips will help you regain that regular paycheck. Guide to a Stealth Job Search If you are currently employed, your smartest strategy is to conduct a "stealth job search" so you don't lose the job you've got.

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Online Job Search Expert Susan P. Joyce and her colleagues help job seekers succeed in this Guide to Smarter Job Search - Useful Jobs Search Advice and Information.

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