Categories News 13 Reasons NOT to use Delphi Post author By Jim McKeeth Post date 28-Jul-2020 13 Comments on 13 Reasons NOT to use Delphi

Over the years Ive heard a lot of reasons or excuses people dont use Delphi. Ive collected the thirteen best reasons here.

1. Want to Write More Code Delphi requires less code to accomplish the same task. If you want to write more code, don’t use Delphi. Especially helpful if writing more code gives you more sense of accomplishment, or you are paid based on lines of code written.

2. Larger Developer Teams Who doesn’t love having lots of co-workers? If you use other tools and frameworks then you will need more developers, more developer tools, more frameworks, and more teams to support all the platforms. Makes for better office parties. Unfortunately, when you use Delphi you only need to write the app once for all the platforms, so one team and one code base for all the platforms. With Delphi, you just can’t justify hiring all those extra developers!

3. Like Fixing Bugs All that code you had to write to implement the features on each platform? More code means more bugs! And more bugs means more job security for you and that huge team of testers. Gotta love bugs! Heck, you can even name some and keep them as pets! You know they will be around for a while.

4. More Meetings Since each platform has its own code and own team you need more meetings to coordinate. You don’t want features to get out of sync between platforms! And then another round of meetings to coordinate bug fixes for each platform. Everyone knows meetings have the best snacks! Since Delphi lets you support all the platforms from one codebase then you can’t have all those planning meetings!

5. More Documentation Each platform has a completely different app (despite all the meetings to keep them in sync) so now you need completely different documentation for each platform. We know how much you love writing code, so clearly you love writing end-user documentation too!

6. Larger Support Department Each platform has its own version so you need to talk to a support tech that knows that version of the app. Who wants an Android version that behaves similar to the iOS version? Not to mention the desktop versions!

7. Longer Compile Times If it isn’t weren’t for long compiles developers would never get a break from their desk. We all know Delphi compiles super fast, which means you have less time to slack off.

Are you stealing those LCDs? Yeah, but Im doing it while my code compiles.
If Delphi can compile 1 million lines that quick, when will you slack off?

8. Slower Execution If your executable runs slower the user feels safer and pretends that a lot of stuff is going on in the background. With Delphi’s native execution speed your programs are fast, so your users won’t believe it is doing anything.

9. Separated Runtime If your program depends on an external runtime library instead of having one executable on Windows, you can blame the runtime for any bugs. All those support calls just result in telling them to update or rollback the runtime libraries. You’ll be able to convince them it is all their fault that the program doesn’t work!

10. Putting Memory to Use Great apps should use at least a full GB of memory just like small Electron utilities do. The great thing about Electron is it includes all of the Chrome browser features like Xbox 360 controller support. Why only use a few megabytes of memory for the same simple app? The more memory the better app. Electron puts all those CPU cores to use too!

11. In Deep Love With “DLL Hell” You love sending your customer a dozen DLLs along with your EXE and you are having so much fun to debug over the phone, which DLL is not up-to-date and makes your app fail. Closely related to #9, but worth mentioning twice!

12. Unexpected Garbage Collection Pauses Deterministic execution is boring! What fun is it to have your program behave the same every time it runs. Delphi doesn’t have any of those unexpected garbage collection pauses to mix things up. It gives you deterministic memory management either through ref-counting, an ownership / auto-free model, or whatever level of control you want. Why control when the memory is free when you can just wait for the garbage collector?

13. Would Rather “Re-Invent the Wheel” Delphi comes with so many useful components and libraries and has a rich 3rd party ecosystem. This means there is usually some reusable code for any task you need. That means less opportunity to create something new.

Just in case it wasnt obvious: This is a sarcastic list of bad reasons not to use Delphi. The reality is all the excuses are just reasons to use Delphi.

Carlos translated my post to Portuguese.

Tags delphi, humor, list, sarcasm
Categories Tools Pretty Printing Your Source Code Post author By Jim McKeeth Post date 8-Oct-2019 2 Comments on Pretty Printing Your Source Code

A picture is worth a thousand words, but how do you include source code in a presentation? By text or by image?

Nick Hodges asked about this on Facebook the other day.

Here are some of the suggestions from the community (with my commentary), followed by a few of my suggestions.

Robert Love suggested it is a paid web based presentation service centered around web standards. It includes built in features for making your code snippets look nice. Pro: Includes the code as text. Con: One more monthly fee (there is a free plan).Glenn Dufke suggested pasting the code with Syntax Highlighting preserved By default the RAD Studio/Delphi IDE doesnt maintain this, but the GExperts IDE Plugin has a Source Code Export expert (I used to use this). Im sure there are others (CnPack maybe?)
GExperts Source Export Export
David Schwartz suggested just doing a screenshot from the IDE this preserves your artistic view of how you have your IDE configured. Downside is the code cant be easily extracted from the slides . . . Bruce McGee suggested reveal.js Ive not used it yet, but it is a full web standard presentation framework, and looks promising. It uses highlight.js for the syntax highlighting, which I have used. With support for 185 languages, it has you covered. Ill certainly be checking that one out. Thanks Bruce!

Now for my suggestions. In the past Ive used the rich export options like Glenn suggested, colorized the text by hand, or used an intermediary like Notepad++, etc. But here are some options specifically around creating code screenshots.

Greenshot is my current preferred desktop screenshot tool for pulling images directly from the IDE. It includes a nice editor for your screenshots too, so you can quickly annotate them, blur things out, etc.

Greenshot screen shot image editor is a web page that takes your code and converts it into a nice image with a macOS style window. There are a few customization options. If you embed it or share it via URL then it provides both the source code and the preview. It doesnt list Delphi as a language, but the Pascal support is close enough.

Sample from is similar to Carbon, but has more configuration options. The best part is that you can use templates sized exactly for different social media platforms. A lot more customization options, including both Windows and macOS window styles. It doesnt appear to offer a share by URL or embed option, and only does the image generation. For some reason it defaults to a JPG instead of a PNG for the image though (also supports SVG). Newer addition and still in beta.

src2img is a no-nonsense straightforward converter that turns out Source into a PNG file. Just select language (auto detects Delphi) and style. It is based on highlight.js and the source is on GitHub. Doesnt offer a link share, just image download.


Instacode is the Instagram of the bunch, with image filters like tilt shift and 3D rotation. Directly supports Delphi language, and you can share via a URL that allows someone to access the code and remix the image. Even has wallpaper generator.


Lastly, if you have some Photoshop skills (or can follow tutorials like I do) then you can make your own. This is a combination of screenshots, with perspective warps, a few filters, background images, etc.

Did I mention CodeRage 2019 is coming soon?

How do you pretty print your source code? Which of the above is your favorite, or what did I miss?

Tags presentations, screenshot, Source Code, tools
Categories News Integrating OBS Studio with X-Keys XK-24 USB Keypad Post author By Jim McKeeth Post date 14-Jun-2019
Short demo and introduction

I was a guest on X-Keys 5 Minute Friday showing off an integration between OBS Studio with the X-Keys XK-24 USB Keypad. I created a script that assigns F13 through F24 with and without the CTRL modifiers to the XK-24. You can simply assign these in the OBS hotkey settings and it will respond to those globally.

Here is the MW3(VB) script you can load into MacroWorks obs-xk-24.mw3

For some reason the F24 and CTRL+F24 didnt work. Im not sure if that is an OBS issue or where the cause originates. This would allow you to use your XK-24 with any software that that allows you to assign F13-F24 and recognizes global hotkeys.

Categories Android Manually Installing Android SDK, NDK, and Java for FireMonkey Development Post author By Jim McKeeth Post date 7-Jun-2019 2 Comments on Manually Installing Android SDK, NDK, and Java for FireMonkey Development

10.3 Rios installer (I use and recommend the EXE/web over the ISO, since it is faster and more flexible) does a fantastic job of installing and setting everything up for Android development, without requiring any manual steps. Still, sometimes it is nice to be able to manually install everything, which brings me to this guide.

Im a big believer in understanding the way the underlying systems work, and installing this way is more work, but you are able to see how everything works together. Also, this allows you to share SDKs between multiple installations, and also place the tools like ADB on your path for easy use. Not to say you cant do all of that with the automatic install, but sometimes it is nice to get your hands dirty.

I also occasionally run into people who are having trouble getting things installed for various reasons. So this is a great way to troubleshoot installation issues.

This assumes you already have RAD Studio, Delphi, or C++Builder 10.3 Rio already installed. 10.3 Rio changed the versions of the SDK and NDK that it uses, so this guide wont work with other versions. Also, I switched to AdoptOpenJDK instead of the traditional Oracle JDK. Ill show you how to install that here, but if you use a different JDK that will be different for you.

What is the OpenJDK?

OpenJDK is a free and open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition. It is the result of an effort Sun Microsystems began in 2006. The implementation is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 with a linking exception. It is the official reference implementation of Java SE since version 7.

There are multiple builds available, with different terms and support options. Why not just use the Java SE JDK? Oracle has changed the license on it that may require you to purchase a license to use it. For my purposes it is better save than sorry, plus the OpenJDK is a lot smaller and less annoying. I picked AdoptOpenJDK, which seems to be the most popular option, but this should mostly work the same with any build.

AdoptOpenJDK includes the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) too, so just one install. You must install it first because you cant run the Android SDK manager without Java installed, and the IDE users the JDK for KeyTool and JarSigner.

AdoptOpenJDK Install Instructions

Download the Windows installer for OpenJDK 8 (LTS). I used the 64-bit Windows version with the HotSpot JVM, and then just run the installation. Be sure to tell it to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

OpenJDK8U-jdk_x64_windows_hotspot_8u212b04.msiWindows 64-bit OpenJDK 8 (LTS) with HotSpot JVM 90.2 MB (94,650,368 bytes)SHA256 22303C8338C8015BA34B21829706C1231DD966BD84372CE0DE944C848BB13C52
While installing AdoptOpenJDK, have it Set JAVA_HOME environment variable.
Installing the Android SDK

When you visit the site to download the Android SDK they try to get you to download the full Android Studio, but you dont need all of that. If you scroll to the bottom, you will see the Command line tools only downloads. One note, the downloads listed on the site no longer include the GUI SDK Manager. If you scroll down further, Ill show you how you can download that and use it instead.

Command-Line Only installsdk-tools-windows-4333796.zipWindows Platform SDK148 MB (156,136,858 bytes)SHA256 7e81d69c303e47a4f0e748a6352d85cd0c8fd90a5a95ae4e076b5e5f960d3c7a

This isnt an installer, so just pick a folder to unzip it into. You will just find a tools folder in the zip. This contains the SDK Manager to install the rest of the Android SDK. I typically unzip it into the folder:


Then use the sdkmanager command-line tool (in the tools\bin folder) to install everything you need. Notice I am installing the Android 26 Platform. This is the version you want to use with 10.3 Rio. It meets the new Target SDK requirements and still gives your Android apps maximum compatibility. This is the version 10.3 Rio is designed to work with.

sdkmanager "build-tools;29.0.0" "extras;google;usb_driver" "platforms;android-26" "tools" "platform-tools" 
Android SDK with GUI Install

For some reason the Android SDK GUI Installer isnt listed for download, but the file is still available on their servers. SDK release 25.2.5 (this is the version RAD Studio installs, and the last version with the GUI)292 MB (306,785,944 bytes)SHA256 DA1A0BD9BB358CB52A8FC0A553A060428EFE11151E69B9EA7A5CBACB27CF1C7C

The fact we are installing an older version of the SDK isnt a big deal because we will still update it when we are done, but now we have a choice of using the command-line interface like I showed in the previous section, or using the GUI SDK Manager by running the Android.bat file in the tools folder.

Once you run the SDK manager, you want to install the latest Android SDK Tools, Android SDK Platform-tools, Android SDK Build-tools, Android API 26 SDK Platform, and the Google USB Driver. It will default to installing a lot of other things you dont need. Feel free to deselect those. The Google USB Driver isnt technically needed, but is nice to have.

The GUI for the Android SDK Manager

Once youve selected what you want installed, you can always update them via the command line with the sdkmanager utility in the tools\bin folder

sdkmanager --update
Installing the Android NDK

10.3 Rio updated the version of the Android NDK it uses to release 17b. It was the latest at the time of Rios development. There have been some new NDK releases since then. If you visit the Older Releases page for the Android NDK you will see 17b isnt listed there, but the download file is still available. 17c may work, but I havent tested it extensively yet.

android-ndk-r17b-windows-x86.zipWindows 32-bit version 17b580 MB (608,351,759 bytes)SHA256 4F6128AE1D6382A783EF6C8B836E8DA94B81AA490DC83DDCD2788BFE27E40A53

The NDK is also a zip file, so just extract it to the folder of your choosing. Ill extract it next to my Android SDK. The root folder in the zip file is android-ndk-r17b


There are no further installation steps necessary. Your folders should look something like this when you are done:

The folder containing the Android SDK and NDK

Ive expanded the directories so you can see the build tools and Android platforms also installed

Environment Variables and System Path

Last thing you need to do is set up some Environment Variables and add things to your system path. This isnt strictly necessary, but I highly recommend it!

Make sure your JAVA_HOME is correct, and set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable.

Then add the following to your system path

%JAVA_HOME%\bin (you can replace the expanded version with this) %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin %ANDROID_HOME%\tools %ANDROID_HOME%\tools\bin %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools
The first JAVA path is the JRE, the second is the JDK.
Using the environment variables in the path saves environment space.
Settings Up the IDE SDK Manager

Since weve installed the SDK manually, we need to tell the IDE where to find it. This is really simple. Go into Tools ? Options ? Deployment ? SDK Manager (or just use the IDE search for SDK Manager) and add a new SDK entry.

If you have an existing Android entry here, you can remove it before adding a new one.
We are adding a new Android platform.
Provide the three paths based on where you installed them

The next stage in the wizard looks to make sure it can find everything it needs. If you didnt install everything with the Android SDK Manager, then you may see a warning symbol next to something. If that is the case go back and double check the installation.

Be sure you select Android-26 for the API level, especially if you installed other versions too.
The SDK Manager found everything it needs to continue.

And with that you are ready to develop and deploy Android apps with FireMonkey.

Categories Android devices News Source Code WebBroker on Android and Raspberry Pi 3 Post author By Jim McKeeth Post date 26-Apr-2019 2 Comments on WebBroker on Android and Raspberry Pi 3

I covered this previously in a few webinars and presentations, but never published the source code for WebBroker on Android. To be honest I hadnt tested it with C++Builder before, but I completely expected it to work, and it did. I also updated the tests on Emteria.OS (FKA RTAndroid) and it also works there.

The process of porting a Delphi or C++Builder WebBroker project to Android is pretty straight forward, but Im publishing the code anyway. You create a Windows FMX WebBroker project, then copy all the code into a regular FireMonkey project. You will need to copy a few files from the RTL folder locally so you can reference them since they arent included in the Android package.

Web.WebReq.pasWeb.WebBroker.pasWeb.WebConst.pasIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pasIdCompilerDefines.incFor C++Builder you also needWeb.WebReq.hppWeb.WebBroker.hppWeb.WebConst.hppIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.hpp

Here are the links for the Delphi and C++Builder projects. They were built and tested in with 10.3.1 Rio. I also compiled some updated details on how to build the project and how to install and test on Emteria.OS.

Delphi Android WebBroker CodeC++Builder Android WebBroker CodeGuide Slide Deck

I mention this in the slide deck, but officially WebBroker isnt supported on Android. I tested it, and it seems to work, but if you run into an instance where it doesnt work as expected, then you are on your own. Please dont contact support and tell them I said it should work. Thanks!

Previous webinars:
Delphi and C++Builder on Raspberry Pi and SBC
Revisiting Raspberry Pi, Android and the SBC

See also: Targeting Chrome OS with Delphi via Android and Linux

Tags android, Raspberry Pi, SBC
Categories News Animated Path Graphics of Grace Hopper Post author By Jim McKeeth Post date 1-Apr-2019 1 Comment on Animated Path Graphics of Grace Hopper

I wanted to finish this side project during Womens History Month to honor the Amazing Grace Hopper and her contributions to the field of Computer Science. I found this interesting SVG of Grace Hopper that wanted to figure out how to render in Delphi using the FireMonkey TPath, but it also looked like it should be animated somehow . . . .

Ive rendered some simple SVG graphics with the TPath component before, but this one was more complicated. It has multiple colors and variable opacity. This requires multiple TPath instances to handle each variation. It was a simple matter of loading in the SVG file using an IXMLDocument, then parsing the elements, and creating a TPath for each one. For fun I included a variable sleep between each draw. Also, to make sure all the paths have the same relative size I added a couple MoveTo calls to define the client area.

var  XmlSvg: IXMLDocument;  val: String;  vals: TArrayString;  node: IXMLNode;  path: TPath;begin  tabControl.ActiveTab := TabItem2;  // This removes the encoded carriage returns  XmlSvg := LoadXMLData(StringReplace(memo1.Text, '#xA;', '', [rfReplaceAll]));  if XmlSvg.DocumentElement.HasAttribute('viewBox') then  begin    val := XmlSvg.DocumentElement.Attributes['viewBox'];    vals := val.Split([' ']);    SVGLayout.Width := vals[2].ToInteger - vals[0].ToInteger;    SVGLayout.Height := vals[3].ToInteger - vals[1].ToInteger;  end;  for var idx := 0 to XmlSvg.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Count - 1 do  begin    node := XmlSvg.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[idx];    if (node.NodeName = 'path') and (node.HasAttribute('d')) then    begin      path := TPath.Create(svgLayout);      path.Parent := svgLayout;      path.WrapMode := TPathWrapMode.Stretch;      path.Align := TAlignLayout.Contents;      path.Data.Data := node.Attributes['d'];      path.Data.MoveTo(TPointF.Zero);      path.Data.MoveTo(TPointF.Create(SVGLayout.Width, SVGLayout.Height));      if node.HasAttribute('opacity') then        path.Opacity := StrToFloat(node.Attributes['opacity']);      if node.HasAttribute('fill') and (node.Attributes['fill']  'none') and (node.Attributes['fill']  '') then        path.Fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Alpha or StringToAlphaColor(node.Attributes['fill']);    end;    Sleep(Trunc(TrackBar1.Value));    svgLayout.Repaint;    Application.ProcessMessages;  end;

This is by no means a complete implementation of the SVG standard, but it is getting closer! Close enough for some simple SVG images though, and possibly a useful basis for more complicated ones.

The animations was just a matter of assigning a TFloatAnimation to each TPath that adds some random movement. I included both slight scales and rotations. I could have done both on each, but was afraid that might be too much movement.

var  dance: TFloatAnimation;  path: TPath;  I: Integer;begin  for I := 0 to pred(SVGLayout.ChildrenCount) do  begin    if SVGLayout.Children[I] is TPath then    begin      path := SVGLayout.Children[I] as TPath;      dance := TFloatAnimation.Create(nil);      dancers.Add(dance);      dance.Parent := Path;      dance.AutoReverse := True;      dance.Loop := True;      dance.StartFromCurrent := True;      case random(4) of        0: begin            case random(2) of              0: dance.PropertyName := 'Scale.X';              1: dance.PropertyName := 'Scale.Y';            end;            case random(2) of              0: dance.StopValue := 1.01;              1: dance.StopValue := 0.99;            end;        end;        1: begin            case random(2) of              0: begin                dance.PropertyName := 'Position.X';                case random(2) of                  0: dance.StopValue := Path.Position.X - random - 0.01;                  1: dance.StopValue := Path.Position.X + random + 0.01;                end;              end;              1: begin                dance.PropertyName := 'Position.Y';                case random(2) of                  0: dance.StopValue := Path.Position.Y - random - 0.01;                  1: dance.StopValue := Path.Position.Y + random + 0.01;                end;              end;            end;        end;        2..3: begin          dance.PropertyName := 'RotationAngle';          path.RotationCenter.X := random;          path.RotationCenter.Y := random;          case random(2) of            0: dance.StopValue := random + 0.01;            1: dance.StopValue := -1 * random - 0.01;          end;        end;      end;      dance.Enabled := True;    end;  end;

And we end up with something like this . . .. (Down scaled and lower FPS)

Im posting my code if you want to play with it some more. The source SVG is embedded in a memo instead of reading it from a file. It was written with Delphi 10.3.1 Rio.

Categories News Delphis Big Day (with a little SVG fun!) Post author By Jim McKeeth Post date 14-Feb-2019 2 Comments on Delphis Big Day (with a little SVG fun!)

A lot going on today for Delphi. Celebrating 24 years as being our favorite development tool, and also got the 10.3.1 Rio release! I wanted to do something fun for today, but I keep getting all wrapped up with webinars and other things, so this is a bit last minute, but still fun I think . .. .

Ive been playing with SVG and the TPath shape component. If you are not familiar with SVG it stands for Scalable Vector Graphic and is a vector graphic format based on XML. Ive always liked SVG, and am glad that it is finally catching on (in Oct 2018 they recommended a candidate for SVG2!) TPath on the other hand is a FireMonkey shape component that complex draws 2D shapes. Turns out the Path Data used by TPath is compatible with SVG path data.

There are a few full blown SVG components [RiverSoftAVG, BVerhue, M. Walters, Ekot1, and probably more] for Delphi, but for fun Ive been experimenting with building my own: having Delphi read the SVG XML file, and then render it with shapes, layouts, paths, etc. Not sure if it will ever get to a usable state, but I thought I would share a little TPath fun with you.

Create a new FireMonkey application and copy and paste this component onto your form.

object HappyBirthdayDelphi: TPath  Data.Path = {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02000000D90E7F438300414302000000029B8243E365414303000000029B8243    E36541430000000027C19543C9964D4301000000DD74B8437533134302000000    AE77B443ECD10D4302000000B062B043F45D0943020000000436AC438DD70543    020000005809A843275102430200000017B9A343CBE1FE42020000003F459F43    146EFA4201000000273187434AEC42430200000033438943858B434302000000    AEE78B43C500454302000000B81E8F43084C47430300000027C19543C9964D43    00000000A02A9C4344FBBB430200000060B59B434626BA4302000000640B9843    981EAA4302000000B4D88943440BA043020000007563894304969F4302000000    DD8482430A179A430200000042A07E43CFF7954301000000CD8C74434EE29643    010000002D429043D783C64302000000AA0193435899C5430200000060B59B43    1D7AC14302000000A02A9C4344FBBB4303000000A02A9C4344FBBB4300000000    B29DA743DD248943010000003709A3433B7F594301000000DDE46543982E8E43    010000005AA468435238934303000000B29DA743DD2489430000000054236F43    500D9543010000005EFA6543CFF79543010000006250624319448D4301000000    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Or if you would rather just paste the path data into a new TPath component of your own you can do that too (just make sure it is square for the right aspect ratio and set the Fill color):

M 499.996 185.685 C 500.673 282.217 411.317 315.926 353.636 356.897 C 300.877 394.36 255.711 447.001 250.27 468.359 C 243.913 446.564 203.354 395.367 146.37 357.94 C 87.596 319.354 -0.667 283.269 0.004 186.738 C 1.214 10.975 185.692 -37.617 250.41 113.819 C 312.154 -31.581 498.776 9.49 499.996 185.685 Z M 211.574 374.131 C 224.398 374.131 239.97 375.963 257.374 379.627 L 266.533 363.139 L 256.458 341.155 C 245.466 339.323 235.39 338.407 227.146 338.407 C 204.247 338.407 200.583 345.735 200.583 345.735 L 186.843 377.795 C 191.423 375.963 199.667 374.131 211.574 374.131 Z M 206.994 345.735 C 218.902 342.071 231.014 341.448 237.222 343.903 C 229.894 341.155 210.658 347.567 210.658 347.567 L 196.919 366.803 Z M 175.495 317.519 L 140.152 325.868 C 142.016 330.859 143.5 334.57 144.604 337 C 145.709 339.43 147.471 342.862 149.892 347.297 L 182.731 329.764 Z M 169.712 299.497 L 132.081 291.637 C 132.591 296.206 133.055 299.638 133.472 301.934 C 133.89 304.23 134.725 307.941 135.977 313.066 L 173.547 312.76 C 172.578 310.076 171.836 308.045 171.321 306.665 C 170.806 305.286 170.27 302.897 169.712 299.497 Z M 167.703 271.54 L 132.916 249.893 C 132.014 256.899 131.457 262.094 131.246 265.477 C 131.035 268.86 131.035 273.684 131.246 279.949 L 168.26 292.75 C 167.792 288.175 167.514 284.743 167.425 282.453 C 167.336 280.164 167.428 276.526 167.703 271.54 Z M 173.547 247.666 L 145.161 209.539 C 142.577 215.412 140.722 219.957 139.595 223.176 C 138.468 226.394 137.077 231.126 135.421 237.369 L 168.538 266.59 C 169.442 261.919 170.184 258.486 170.764 256.293 C 171.345 254.1 172.273 251.225 173.547 247.666 Z M 190.245 221.506 L 177.444 164.455 C 170.974 171.095 166.243 176.29 163.25 180.04 C 160.257 183.789 156.547 189.17 152.118 196.181 L 175.495 243.213 C 178.402 237.882 180.628 234.079 182.175 231.803 C 183.721 229.528 186.411 226.095 190.245 221.506 Z M 222.249 199.521 L 234.495 128.833 C 222.951 133.828 214.324 137.909 208.613 141.078 C 202.902 144.247 196.316 148.607 188.854 154.158 L 194.141 217.332 C 200.474 212.197 205.298 208.579 208.613 206.478 C 211.928 204.377 216.474 202.058 222.249 199.521 Z M 261.211 193.398 L 299.616 122.154 C 288.313 121.306 279.5 121.12 273.178 121.597 C 266.856 122.074 258.414 123.28 247.853 125.215 L 228.65 196.738 C 236.473 194.908 242.317 193.795 246.183 193.398 C 250.049 193.002 255.058 193.002 261.211 193.398 Z M 299.509 205.589 L 368.913 147.201 C 360.935 141.82 352.771 137.367 344.422 133.842 C 336.073 130.317 327.446 127.441 318.541 125.215 L 270.384 194.923 C 274.525 195.545 279.81 197.003 286.24 199.297 Z M 312.333 375.963 C 311.417 372.299 304.089 340.239 275.693 320.088 C 274.777 319.172 261.038 308.18 254.626 299.936 L 244.55 301.768 L 288.517 397.03 C 294.013 395.198 311.417 386.954 312.333 375.963 Z M 335.232 274.288 L 326.072 217.497 L 229.894 284.364 L 232.642 294.44 Z M 239.138 298.104 L 229.978 299.936 L 226.314 282.532 L 316.081 221.161 C 299.593 205.59 277.609 195.513 256.542 195.513 C 209.826 195.513 171.355 233.985 171.355 280.7 C 171.355 304.516 181.431 327.415 198.835 342.987 C 200.667 340.239 206.163 333.827 229.062 333.827 C 237.306 333.827 246.466 334.743 257.458 336.575 Z M 196.003 326.499 C 150.203 247.725 227.146 210.169 237.222 206.505 C 228.062 210.169 155.699 254.137 202.415 323.751 C 199.667 325.583 196.003 327.415 196.003 326.499 Z

If you are curious what the whole SVG file looks like, here it is:

?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?svg viewBox="0 0 500 500" xmlns=""  path id="Delphi" d="M 499.996 185.685 C 500.673 282.217 411.317 315.926 353.636 356.897 C 300.877 394.36 255.711 447.001 250.27 468.359 C 243.913 446.564 203.354 395.367 146.37 357.94 C 87.596 319.354 -0.667 283.269 0.004 186.738 C 1.214 10.975 185.692 -37.617 250.41 113.819 C 312.154 -31.581 498.776 9.49 499.996 185.685 Z M 211.574 374.131 C 224.398 374.131 239.97 375.963 257.374 379.627 L 266.533 363.139 L 256.458 341.155 C 245.466 339.323 235.39 338.407 227.146 338.407 C 204.247 338.407 200.583 345.735 200.583 345.735 L 186.843 377.795 C 191.423 375.963 199.667 374.131 211.574 374.131 Z M 206.994 345.735 C 218.902 342.071 231.014 341.448 237.222 343.903 C 229.894 341.155 210.658 347.567 210.658 347.567 L 196.919 366.803 Z M 175.495 317.519 L 140.152 325.868 C 142.016 330.859 143.5 334.57 144.604 337 C 145.709 339.43 147.471 342.862 149.892 347.297 L 182.731 329.764 Z M 169.712 299.497 L 132.081 291.637 C 132.591 296.206 133.055 299.638 133.472 301.934 C 133.89 304.23 134.725 307.941 135.977 313.066 L 173.547 312.76 C 172.578 310.076 171.836 308.045 171.321 306.665 C 170.806 305.286 170.27 302.897 169.712 299.497 Z M 167.703 271.54 L 132.916 249.893 C 132.014 256.899 131.457 262.094 131.246 265.477 C 131.035 268.86 131.035 273.684 131.246 279.949 L 168.26 292.75 C 167.792 288.175 167.514 284.743 167.425 282.453 C 167.336 280.164 167.428 276.526 167.703 271.54 Z M 173.547 247.666 L 145.161 209.539 C 142.577 215.412 140.722 219.957 139.595 223.176 C 138.468 226.394 137.077 231.126 135.421 237.369 L 168.538 266.59 C 169.442 261.919 170.184 258.486 170.764 256.293 C 171.345 254.1 172.273 251.225 173.547 247.666 Z M 190.245 221.506 L 177.444 164.455 C 170.974 171.095 166.243 176.29 163.25 180.04 C 160.257 183.789 156.547 189.17 152.118 196.181 L 175.495 243.213 C 178.402 237.882 180.628 234.079 182.175 231.803 C 183.721 229.528 186.411 226.095 190.245 221.506 Z M 222.249 199.521 L 234.495 128.833 C 222.951 133.828 214.324 137.909 208.613 141.078 C 202.902 144.247 196.316 148.607 188.854 154.158 L 194.141 217.332 C 200.474 212.197 205.298 208.579 208.613 206.478 C 211.928 204.377 216.474 202.058 222.249 199.521 Z M 261.211 193.398 L 299.616 122.154 C 288.313 121.306 279.5 121.12 273.178 121.597 C 266.856 122.074 258.414 123.28 247.853 125.215 L 228.65 196.738 C 236.473 194.908 242.317 193.795 246.183 193.398 C 250.049 193.002 255.058 193.002 261.211 193.398 Z M 299.509 205.589 L 368.913 147.201 C 360.935 141.82 352.771 137.367 344.422 133.842 C 336.073 130.317 327.446 127.441 318.541 125.215 L 270.384 194.923 C 274.525 195.545 279.81 197.003 286.24 199.297 Z M 312.333 375.963 C 311.417 372.299 304.089 340.239 275.693 320.088 C 274.777 319.172 261.038 308.18 254.626 299.936 L 244.55 301.768 L 288.517 397.03 C 294.013 395.198 311.417 386.954 312.333 375.963 Z M 335.232 274.288 L 326.072 217.497 L 229.894 284.364 L 232.642 294.44 Z M 239.138 298.104 L 229.978 299.936 L 226.314 282.532 L 316.081 221.161 C 299.593 205.59 277.609 195.513 256.542 195.513 C 209.826 195.513 171.355 233.985 171.355 280.7 C 171.355 304.516 181.431 327.415 198.835 342.987 C 200.667 340.239 206.163 333.827 229.062 333.827 C 237.306 333.827 246.466 334.743 257.458 336.575 Z M 196.003 326.499 C 150.203 247.725 227.146 210.169 237.222 206.505 C 228.062 210.169 155.699 254.137 202.415 323.751 C 199.667 325.583 196.003 327.415 196.003 326.499 Z" fill="#d40000"//svg

And for those of you who are impatient, here is the output:

Rendered in Delphi with a TPath component
(The strokes default to black, but you can tweak that)
And as an SVG

And since it is a vector graphic it will look great at any resolution, as long as you maintain a 1:1 aspect ratio.

What fun Delphi side projects are you working on? What did you do to celebrate the birthday of your favorite programming language?

Categories 10.3 Rio Android News webinar Get the Most out of Android with 10.3 Rio Post author By Jim McKeeth Post date 6-Feb-2019 8 Comments on Get the Most out of Android with 10.3 Rio

Today, I have a webinar on Getting the Most out of Android with 10.3 Rio. I want it to be a bit of a State of Android development today, as well as a Whats New in 10.3 Rio for Android. During CodeRage 2018 presented on whats new in 10.3 Rio around Android. That session evolved into this webinar.

You can access the slides directly too.

Here is the QA log. Ive gone back and typed answers to all the questions and included links too when possible. I may have edited some questions for length or clarity. The recording of the QA failed, and despite trying to recover it I wasnt able to.

Question:what about Samsung Tizen os mobile? I think its different than Android OSAnswer: When I worked for a large PC manufacturer, it was common for companies to tell Intel they were looking at AMD CPUs as a bargaining techniqueSamsung mostly uses Tizen as a way to tell Google that they have options aren’t too attached to AndroidAbandoning Android compatibility and ecosystem is dangerous Question:and what about Android Intel processors or Android emulator with Intel Atom (x86)Answer: Intel’s Atom processors made a short appearance in Android devicesThey were x86 instead of ARM baseAndroid 4.4 KitKat included libHoudini to provide ARM compatibilityARM compatibility was required because of widespread native NDK appsMost games include native NDK partsDiscontinued for Android in 2016 Question:8.1 Oreo not yet available for S8+ Answer: That is unfortunate, I thought it was. I recently read that Android 9.0 Pie is coming.Question:In case I need an external Android library (jar file) included in my project, what should I do? Answer: Check out the DocWiki for information. But you can add the JAR file in the Project Manager under Targets - Android - Libraries and then use Java2OP to create a JNI Bridge file. There is good information in the DocWiki. Question:Will there be the same webinar for iOS? Answer:Maybe. Im not as familiar with iOS, but Ill see what I can do. Question:Just a Note that Huawei also has a Dex equivalent and it seems to work better than Samsungs. Please dont ignore that Answer:Very cool! It looks like it called EMUI Desktop on their HUAWEI Mate 10 Question:I am trying to use Drag and Drop to re-sequence TListView items and cannot find any relevant examples. (only things moving panels etc). how would I go about this? Answer:Ive not tried, but Ive seen it done. I would treat the ListView items as individual items like panels and then drag those. On drop just look at where it as in the list and change the index. Question:LivePreview are available somehow for Delphi CE?Answer:Yes, just build it and install it. You can find the source here C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\source\Tools\FireUIAppPreview\and more information on using it DocWiki Question:Are there examples of how to make accepting permissions and explain why needed? Answer:In the DocWiki and I covered it in the webinar. Question:Receiving Cant open socket: Permission denied. Exiting message when trying to debug an Android app. Running Android 8.0. This has been a problem since 10.2. Answer:I just tested this with Rio and a Note 9 running Oreo 8.1 and it worked fine. There was a bug in Android 8.0 that impacted all debuggers. You can find more information on Marcos blog post. Question:Why does Delphi take so long, literally 5+ minutes, to recognize an Android device connected, via USB, to my laptop? Windows recognizes the device immediately and Im able to browse the device within Windows file explorer. Clicking the refresh devices button has no effect. Is there a way to speed up this device recognition process? Answer:Odd. Ive not seen that. If you run ADB DEVICES from the command line does it recognize it? If not then that would be an issue with the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) so could be related to your device or the ADB USB driver. The single physical device has multiple devices that Windows recognizes. One is the MTP device for transferring files, the other is the ADB device for debugging. So just because windows recognizes the MTP device doesnt mean it has recognized the ADB device yet. What device is it? Question:Re: Delay recognizing device: Device is a Samsung Galaxy S8+. Also tried an HTC One M7 with the same result. Answer:Did you try ADB DEVICES from the command line? It could be a Windows issue. Question:Re: Open Socket error: Android version 8.0. Device Samsung Galaxy S8+. Running Delphi Rio 10.3 So theres no workaround? Given the current route that Android updates arrive at devices: Google - Manufacturer - Telcom - Device means that Im stuck with no debugging for potentially years already been ~6 months? Debugging is the reason Ive invested in Delphi. Answer: That was a bug in 8.0 Oreo that was fixed in Android 8.1 it wasnt specific to Delphi. Unfortunately, we dont have any control over the Android OS or what Samsung installs on their devices. Wish we did. Question:Whats the best way to end an Android app? Answer:Best practice on Android is that you dont close your app, but let the OS manage that. If you need to though, then just call Close on your main form like you would on another platform. You could also try Application.Terminate and Halt. Question:Just want to say that this has been an excellent seminar. Thank you for putting it on. Answer:My pleasure. Glad it is of value. Question:what are the sound capabilities in RAD Studio for Android? Answer:You can do quite a bit. Anything that Android supports (which is a lot). There is a media player component that comes with FireMonkey. Take a look at the 4 sample games in GetIt. They have music and sound effects if I recall correctly. The great thing about using FireMonkey is you can get the productivity of all the FireMonkey components, libraries, etc. and then when you need to you can reach down and access the Android APIs just like developers who dont use FireMonkey. Question:Wouldnt it nice to have a component for permissions? Answer:The PermisionService makes it really easy, but a component could be useful too I suppose. Question:Where are we with 64 bit for Android? Answer:RD is working on it and it is on the Roadmap for later 2019. Question:Give them the coming end of GCM, any plans for built-in FCM components? Answer:Good question. Ill need to look into that. I know there are some free 3rd party libraries that do that. Question:Hello. where find more info about splash screen? It not clear how to control it.Answer:Check out the DocWiki on application properties. There are another of other options too here you can make a splash screen form. Marco has a blog post from a while ago on the subject too. Question:I cant find LivePreview App on Google Play Store? Does it still exist? Answer:Not currently, but the source ships with the IDE and you can build it and install it yourself. You can find the source hereC:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\source\Tools\FireUIAppPreviewand more information on using it in the DocWiki Question:is possible to active and android Delphi generated app on both and remain on background sending GPS updates? any sample? Answer:No samples, but I believe people have done it. You would need to be concerned about the battery though. You might need to go directly to the Android GPS API. I would suggest researching Android services on the Android developer site. There are a lot of rules about them. Question:Hello, Im wondering why for demos all presenters use a mac? Is better have Delphi on a Mac laptop? Answer:I prefer Windows, and most developers I know do too, but Apple requires you to have a Mac if you want to build for iOS, and since I need to demo for iOS too then it makes sense to have just one computer. Question:Ok. It will be great a webinar about to setup Delphi on Mac !!! Answer: There is a good guide in the DocWiki Question:Is Firebase supported on Rio? from Rad Server? Answer:I believe there are some 3rd party libraries to make easier. Here is a blog post on messaging with Berlin. Question:What about GUI test automation for mobile Delphi projects? Is there finally something available for that? Answer: Im not aware of anything, I know Ranorex has Delphi VCL and Android GUI Test automation, but it doesnt look like that do Delphi on Android. You might be able to leverage the FireMonkey Accessibly Pack for something Question: Does the HTTP client library cover all SSL related topics or is there a need for raw TCP SSL sockets? If yes, the HTTP client might not be of help.Although Android still supports SSL (Indy libraries), what about the support for the Google libraries (boring SSL). Answer:Check out the new HTTP Client library that was introduced in XE8 it uses the platform libraries, but dont know if it supports Googles Boring SSL specifically Question:Does Fire Monkey support right to left languages like Arabic and Hebrew? Answer:Take a look at FMX RTL. Also, if a 3rd party can do it, then you can do it yourself too. But using their library will certainly make it easier. Question:Huawei is pronounced hwah way

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