Home - Bone Bank

Web Name: Home - Bone Bank

WebSite: http://www.bonebank.com





Bone Bank Allografts (BBA) is the leading provider of regenerative medicine technologies to the surgical community. Utilized in over 1 million successful transplants since 1993, BBA excels in developing solutions for healing and recovery. BBA aims to lead and serve the medical community by maximizing the gift of tissue donation.BBA provides a wide range of surgical options from traditional bone and soft tissues to specialty custom products for transplant, and continue to innovate tissue processing and distribution. We are engaging in discussions with medical product distributors and independent sales reps. All territories in the United States and abroad are currently available for candidates with success selling human tissue products to spine, orthopedic, and trauma surgeons.  Our goal is to lead and serve the medical community, while maximizing the great gift of tissue donation. We view every donation as an opportunity to serve. We are engaging in discussions with medical product distributors and independent sales reps. Territories in the United States and abroad are currently available for candidates with success selling human tissue products to spine and orthopedic surgeons.Learn More

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