Rape & Sexual Abuse Survivor Message Board, Support Forums & Chat Room

Web Name: Rape & Sexual Abuse Survivor Message Board, Support Forums & Chat Room

WebSite: http://www.aftersilence.org





One year ago, I locked my door and went to sleep; like we all do on any given night. Unfortunately, this night was like no other before and was one I will never be able to forget. I woke up that night to a co-worker who had undressed himself, crawled into my bed and raped me. Kathleen, rape survivorRead Kathleen's Story Rape is a crime, talking about it isn't. SPEAK. to After Silence, an online support group, message board, and chat room for rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse survivors. You are not alone, you are not broken, and you can heal. After Silence is designed to help victims become survivors, and communicate in the recovery of sexual violence. Our mission is to support, empower, validate, and educate survivors, as well as their families and supporters. The core of our organization is a support group, message board, and chat room where victims and survivors come together online in a mutually supportive and safe environment. Surviving rape, sexual abuse, sexual assault, incest, and molestation may cause different feelings to emerge. During the healing process many survivors of sexual violence undergo a dramatic reality shift, and see life and themselves drastically different than before. Feelings of anger, fear, shock, denial, and confusion are normal. Often pain doesn't simply go away, it has to find a safe outlet. We believe that breaking the silence is the first step toward recovery and it is our mission to provide a safe, loving, and thought-provoking online support group for each rape and sexual abuse survivor to speak out, ask for help, and give help in return. To realize (sometimes for the first time!) that you are not alone can make all the difference. Learn more about our support forums for healing and recovery. If you have been a victim of rape, date rape, sexual abuse, incest, sexual assault, marital rape, childhood sexual abuse, or molestation please know that you did nothing wrong and you are not to blame. In our online support group and forums you can share your story, feelings, fears, doubts, and receive support from fellow survivors who are experiencing similar emotions. Here you may speak freely without identifying yourself. At times the path to healing may seem an arduous and somewhat frightening one, but you don't have to go through it alone. By joining After Silence you become part of a community that understands your struggles. We are here to support, listen, and heal together. This site is offered for support of other rape and sexual abuse survivors. It is not meant to be a substitute for any kind of professional help. If you are in a crisis situation we urge to contact your local rape crisis center or health care professional.

TAGS:Survivor Message Abuse 

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A non-profit organization, message board and chat room for rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse survivors and victims.

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