A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics

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A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics

Home About me jump to navigation Whats Response Should We Make to This Travesty of anElection? November 7, 2020 Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, disaster, error, fightback.
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The United States is currently embroiled I believe the preponderance of the evidence shows after 4 days of reports from all the so-called battleground states in an election so obviously tainted and full of stuffed ballot boxes it would make an African dictator, or the ghost of LBJ, blush.  Some are trying to pretend this away, but I, for one, am convinced.  I have donated additional money to the Trump campaign to aid the inevitable court battles.  But given that the demonrat party controls most of the political apparatus in the states in question, and given that hundreds of thousands (actually, probably several millions) of false ballots from dead people, repeat voters, never-existed, etc.,  have already been counted, this stealing of an election is almost certainly a fait accompli.

Im certain I dont need to remind readers of this site that the democrats had been telegraphing for months, years even, that they were going to stop at nothing to see Trump removed from office. Their demented candidate, the Alzheimers ridden Joe Biden, admitted to instituting the most massive voter fraud scheme in Americna history, unprompted, in a video interview given on October 24, 2020. To pretend that they wouldnt stoop to openly stealing an election and daring the body politic to stop them is simply unbelievable.  The democrats have been padding their vote totals for decades through voter fraud, and almost stole the 2000 election, as many will remember.  It is practically unprecedented for a Republican presidential candidate to do worse than the broader party during a presidential election year.  The inverse if virtually always the case.  And, of course, it is equally inconceivable that the corrupt, totally compromised and immoral Joe Biden would be the candidate to attract more votes to his side than ANY OTHER PERSON IN AMERICAN POLITICAL HISTORY.  Just as it is inconceivable that nearly 90% of eligible voters in Wisconsin voted in 2020.  These are just a few examples of voting fraud and ballot stuffing on a mass scale.  There are literally scores of others that have been uncovered in just the past few days.

The demonrats and institutional elites fully plan on punishing Trump and his supporters, canceling them as unemployable social and political pariahs, and jailing if not executing many of the higher-ups.  They are doing this both to satisfy their satanic hatred for everything currently outside their perceptions of control, and as a warning to the American public to come to heel with their corrupt, incompetent, and diabolical new world order.  I further remind that these demonrats, whom I have appropriately named for years, do not hate Trump because of Russia collusion, or his crude texts, or anything else he has done.  No, in fact, all the myriad false slanders with which they have tarred him for years are simply their to justify their pre-existing hatred.  They hate him because he had the audacity to win in 2016, and is an existential threat to their prurient and inept attempts to rule over us and remake the world in their amoral and patently evil image.

That the institutional Church is deeply involved in this worldwide effort to, as Paul Joseph Watson has warned for years, turn this world into a literal prison planet, while also massively impoverishing the American middle class (and that of most of the developed world the better to control them), has equally been apparent for years.  It is no accident that neither the McCarrick report nor the Durham report which will now be quietly burned, or turned into wholly falsified apologia for the ruling elite (which it may have been tending towards, anyway)   did not appear prior to the election.  The institutional Church, to maintain a few tens of thousands of sodomites in relative comfort, is happily going and will happily go along with this globalist agenda.  It is most likely the relatively few faithful priests will be hounded and persecuted relentlessly as time marches by and the globalist forces become further mainstreamed and entrenched.

I am not black-pilled, nor am I hopeless. I know this President, more than any other Republican in modern history, will fight.  He will fight till every avenue and resource is exhausted.  However, the forces arrayed against him are enormous and he needs, he must have, our help.  Thus I submit this post as a venue to discuss means to aid President Trump in defending himself, this nation, and the Christian world.  A few suggestions, just off the top:

monetary donations to his campaignorganizing of public demonstrations in front of federal buildings in your areacalling election officials in the various states where the ongoing fraud is most critical to demand the legislators either choose electors for Trump or refuse to name electorsYour suggestions.

Beyond that, should the election be successfully stolen, I strongly recommend at a minimum an initial one week strike by his supporters, who overwhelmingly make up the productive classes in our society.  It would have to be during December, I think, because there would need to be time for follow-up strikes.  We must convince the  elites conducting this literal coup that they are trifling with elemental forces that can quickly get out of control.  More than anything, they hate Trump because they fear US.  We must make efforts to show that we will not go quietly into that good night, that we will not sit idly by and watch this nation and its system of government be openly subverted.

I would like to make this post a bit longer and I will add to it later, but I am out of time for now.  I look forward to seeing your thoughts in the comments.

Good Father Paul Weinberger Hosting Rosary Rallies Outside Birth Choice CPC in Dallas Oct. 13 Nov. 3 9:30 pm 10pm October 17, 2020 Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Our Lady, priests, sanctity, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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Good Father Paul Weinberger, who has been such a stalwart priest-fixture in this diocese going back well over 20 years, will be leading Rosary rallies outside Birth Choice Crisis Pregnancy Center every night at 9:30 from Oct. 13 until Nov. 3 (the election).  Many more details below, including the specific prayer intentions.  You can join Father in person, or spiritually.

Father Paul Weinberger is extending an invitation to join him (and others) who will be praying the Rosary every night, through November 3rd.  Please come in person Birth Choice: 8610 Greenville Ave #200, Dallas, TX 75243

If you unable to, then pray the Rosary from home, from 9:30 PM CDT 10:00 PM CDT.

From Father Paul Weinberger:

Praised be Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, November 3 is the Feast of the FIRST male, canonized Saint from the Americas: St. Martin de Porres, O.P. that is election day across the USA.

This outdoor Rosary will be prayed in both English and Spanish from October 11 through November 3 from 9:30-10pm.

During our Rosary we will focus on the following intentions:

1) for prayerful support of Judge Amy Coney Barrett

who has been nominated for the US Supreme Court;

2) for the USA, for prayerful support of all pro-life candidates who are currently running in the current election cycle;

3) for Birth Choice and the White Rose and for ALL pro-life women’s centers and organizations throughout the State of Texas.

Many/most people will NOT be able to be able to attend due to individual circumstances. If you are unable please pray with us from your home and encourage others to do the same.

The location of Birth Choice is just off of Hwy. 75/Central Expressway and Royal Lane, about a mile eastat the intersection of Royal Lane and Greenville Avenue.

If you have an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary or one of the Saints you are most welcome to bring the statue/image.

As you know we are now several months into the COVID-19 crisis. This outdoor Rosary will not infringe on common-sense protocols in any way, given that we will pray outside. People and families will have no problem with social distancing. The parking lot is quite large.

This week, October 13, marked the anniversary of the great Miracle of the Sun which occurred at Fatima in 1917. It was Our Lady of Fatima’s constant request that we pray the Rosary for Peace in the world and for the conversion of sinners and for an end to wars. Let us use these precious days to pray for a peaceful end to the war on children and families which is legalized abortion.

There is no charge or fee. No collection or solicitation of offerings will be made or allowed. We are asking only for your prayers for these special needs.

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!

Father Weinberger is living proof of the addage, you cant keep a good man down. Way to go, Father Weinberger!

Doing My Part to Thwart the Leftist Attempt to Memory-Hole Evidence of Biden/Democrat Corruption andBribe-Taking October 15, 2020 Posted by Tantumblogo in disaster, General Catholic, horror, persecution, Revolution, secularism, shocking, Society.
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The Left, via its control of almost all media, the dominant tech industry, and other allied forces, is attempting to block the circulation of an extremely powerful expose in the New  York Post, which reveals how Joe Biden was connected with corrupt Ukranian and Russian business ventures, establishing how the mechanism of influence-buying and bribery was established.  After years of peddling, and encouraging the dissemination of, utterly unfounded, and frankly ludicrous claims invented by Hillary Clinton herself! regarding the Russian collusion hoax now the overwhelmingly powerful and influential social media companies Facebook and Twitter are moving to completely block any spread of this evidence of massive democrat corruption anywhere on their sites. The entire New York Post twitter site has been suspended, as have those of Jack Posobiec, Trump White House Spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany, and many other influential Trump-supporters.  Well, maybe a barely-updated blog with a smattering of readers will escape their notice, and can do a tiny part to help keep this important revelation in the public sphere.

Probably all readers are already aware of both the original scandal and the attempted cover-up by the democrat/statist/media/corporatist axis, but I thought Id provide a reminder or two that Google and Twitter have been telling us for years that they intend to do everything in their power to prevent the re-election of President Donald Trump, and thus use their power, in a most elitist, aristocratic way, to thrwart the will of the people.  Without the repeated attacks of the Russia collusion hoax, the subsequent failed impeachment, the Chinese-Communist Party created Wuhan flu, the George Floyd directed/planned riots/information op, and a thousand other cuts, Trump would be re-elected with a massive majority.  Even with all these attacks, and in spite of what extremely dubious polls say, the democrats are behaving as if this election still very much hangs in the balance.  So, they are now using their monopolistic power to prevent accurate revelations from being made about the corrupt and mentally failing Joe Biden in an effort to help insure his election.  They told us they were going to do this 4 years ago, and have been telling us ever since, by banning Alex Jones, Gavin McInnes, Nick Fuentes, Lara Loomer, and scores of other Trump supporters off their platforms over the past 2 years.  One of the founders of Google not only said he found Trumps election horrifying, he said Google would do all in their considerable power (with billions from communist China certainly helping) to prevent it ever happening again:

An entire laptop worth of data, almost certainly belonging to the drug-addled and pampered Hunter Biden, was left at a Delaware computer repair shop some time ago.  The owner of the shop made a copy of the hard drive contents before turning the laptop over to the FBI, which surely bleached the hard drive immediately upon receipt.  The contents were turned over to Rudy Giuliani, a stalwart ally of Trumps.  These are only the first in what will likely be an ongoing series of extremely damaging revelations going right up to election day.

Whether it will be enough, with the entire deep state corruptocrat apparatus in and out of government running cover for Biden, to an even greater degree than they did for Hillary in 2016, to see Trump through to re-election is up in the air, and also up to us.  Vote early and at least as often as your demonrat neighbors.  But more importantly, pray, pray for our nation, our Church, and our president, that the most reliably conservative and, frankly, Christian (in his policy) president this nation has seen in a century or so may be re-elected, and his enemies who havent tried to hide in the slightest that they most definitely seem themselves as our enemies may be vanquished, exposed, and driven from their seats of power.

And after that re-election, may there also be a reckoning for those corrupt, turncoat Republican leaders in the House and Senate, like Jim Jordan and Mitch McConnell, who have aided and abetted the monopolist social meda congolmerates in their efforts to shut down the rights of free men and women while protecting the interests of a narrow, incompetent, and most inaptly named elite.  These traitors have helped push this nation to the brink of civil war and caused untold misery by their constant support for their corporate donor overlords.  Ive had more than enough of it.  And no self-interested video from Ben Shapiro, apologizing for the corporate oligarchy, is going to change my mind.

The Nightmare of 2020 Continues: Local Traditional Catholics Gird Your Loins for HeartbreakingNews October 12, 2020 Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, Dallas Diocese, disaster, error, foolishness, FSSP, General Catholic, horror, Latin Mass, sadness, scandals, sexual depravity, shocking, sickness, Society, Spiritual Warfare, the enemy.
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[EDIT] I substantially reworked the beginning of this post immediately after posting it.  Its deliberately more circumspect than the initial version, due to my own re-consideration.

After the crushing news of a priest participating in vile acts upon the very Altar of Sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the Archdiocese of New Orleans, I am heartbroken to relate that local Catholics, particularly those of a traditional bent, are facing revelations along a similar line.  I cannot go into details in public now about the specifics, but pray now for all involved, including ourselves.  Yet another cross to bear, for those who are already weighted down under a crushing load.  I provide this post simply as a warning to start praying now to steel your hearts for further bad news.

For now, Taylor Marshall rightly expresses his outrage over the revelations from Pearl River, LA.  I do not know if he is aware of the local scandal at this point, or not, but it seems to me that he might be, just based on a few things he says below.

Wheels have come off, and that right hard.  Something has gone very wrong, and many of the laity sense it.  Of course, much of this is due to the hierarchys generally cowardly response to COVID heck, their cowardly leadership going back decades on essentially all matters of moral import.  How many dioceses are still shut down, or largely shut down?  How much Grace was missed from millions of Masses cancelled worldwide?  How many priests have been given, or forced to endure, far, far too much idle time in which satan can work his evil?

Lord, what is the deal with this two thousand and twentieth year of Your Incarnation?!?  Pray, let us not also be forced to bear the stealing of an election in this country, as we go through the most concentrated and bald-faced gaslighting campaign in world history!  Have mercy on Your people, Lord!  We know we have sinned, and continue to do so with a maniacal ferocity.  Please, may Your mercy exceed Your justified wrath at this nation and Church that have so obviously and deliberately turned their backs on You.  Please give us the strength to weather the coming storms.  Please may Your Grace keep us and our children in the Church in spite of all the failings of those who have been given the infinite gift of a clerical office.

Wonderful Local Catholic/Patriot Needs YourPrayers September 18, 2020 Posted by Tantumblogo in Admin, Basics, Dallas Diocese, Domestic Church.
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It has been my great privilege over the past few years to become friends with my neighbor Steve Porter, owner of Porters Army Navy Store in Irving, a place frequented by many local Catholics, including a number of priests and brothers.  The Porters are wonderfully devout Catholics, and as with many souls the Lord loves, they have had their share of crosses to bear.  Quite possibly, more than their share.  They are also incredible patriots, still performing annual fundraisers on Veterans Day to provide hundreds of boxes of goodies for servicemembers stationed in conflict zones overseas (for nearly 20 years now).

Steve is a great guy and has been enduring a number of health problems in this dread year of 2020.  He is suffering from some acute difficulties right now. If you could, in your charity, pray for him, you can be assured of many prayers in return.  Thank you and God bless you for your act of virtue.

Catholic Musical Great Eric Genuis to Perform in Irving September 18-19,2020 September 18, 2020 Posted by Tantumblogo in Art and Architecture, awesomeness, Dallas Diocese, Domestic Church, General Catholic, Interior Life, Restoration, sanctity, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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Im not dead, though this blog may as well be.  In a desperate to attempt to recussitate it*, Eric Genuis is coming to Irving to give a FREE concert at the RBR Muzik School in Irving, Texas (3248 Skyway Cir N, Irving, TX 75038) on Friday, September 18th, and Saturday, September, 19th.  There will be two concerts on the 19th.  See below for details.  The concert is free but donations are gratefully accepted for Erics charity, Concerts for Hope, a 501(c)3 charity.

An RSVP is required at the number above to attend, thanks to the ongoing cultural hysteria/desperate ploy brought to us by the Left and their ChiCom overlords called COVID-19/Kung Flu.  The 5pm concert is geared for children/teens but kids are welcome at any performance.  I doubt Mr. Genuis requires much introduction to this readership, but if youve never been to an Eric Genuis concert, this is an excellent opportunity to see a top-notch, world-class musician and composer in action.  Its also a great opportunity for a classy night out with the wife, maybe for the first time in months, while enjoying edifying music and solid Catholic spirituality. I have it on good authority that Mr. Genuis strongly prefers the TLM whenever possible.

All the other culturally enriching high-brow forms of entertainment have been closed for months so take this opportunity to enjoy some live entertainment with a good Catholic in a pleasant environment.  Its also a good way to stick it to the leftists who are desperately trying to steal an election by terrifying the public into compliance.  I keep thinking more and more of the title of Metallicas 1983 album.

*- As for the inference, Im just kidding, this was just a fortuitous opportunity to try to electroshock the blog back into existence.  Dr. Cal Brackett says, 400 watt-seconds, stat!

Archbishop Lenga – Francis an “usurper……..heretic” March 3, 2020 Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, episcopate, fightback, Francis, General Catholic, Grace, manhood, shocking, Society, the struggle for the Church, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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I know this dates from about 10 days ago, but I haven’t commented on it, so it can’t be said to have been done (watch out for the evangelical trolls in the comments at the link dont they know that evangelical protestantism is dead, the millenials totally abandoned their WWJD bracelets for bi-curious lifestyles and diabolical social media narcissm?).

So what’s my comment to retired Archbishop Pawel Lenga calling Francis an usurper and a heretic?  If the shoe fits………..and those look like 9 1/2s to me.

I’ll throw in a bit more commentary as we go along:

Catholic Archbishop Jan Lenga,  the former head of the Diocese of Karaganda, Khazakhstan and now retired in Poland, was ordered to stop delivering sermons and speaking with the media because of his frequent statements that Pope Francis is a heretic spreading untruths and sins and leading the world astray. [check, check, and double check?]

Archbishop Lenga has rejected the order to be silent, issued this month by Polish Bishop Wieslaw Mering, because no one in the Polish church apparently has the authority to silence him [because he apparently belongs to a religious order of papal right?  I’m not sure on the circumstances]

Lenga belongs to a religious order, the Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception, and is living as a guest of the order in Lichen, Poland. He reportedly is only subject to an order from the Pope.

“Christ gave me authority through the church to proclaim the truth, and I’ll do so as long as I live,” said Lenga, 69, as reported by Crux.com.  “I won’t yield to degradation by those whose own statements and actions are entangled with heresy and sectarianism.

“What right do they have to recall what pertains to the church when they themselves have never upheld it?” he said. [Wow.  Preach it, brother.  I guess Lenga is apparently the honeybadger archbishop, because he don’t give a -.  That, and everything he says is true about all but perhaps 5% of bishops, and I’m being generous]

In a Feb. 25 interview with Gloria TV, Archbishop Lenga said his critics should “form their own church, rather than usurping power in the Catholic Church.” [But that’s not how the Left works.  As Iowahawk brilliantly established several years ago, the Left works by invading a healthy organization, infecting it with Leftism like a virus, killing it from the inside out, and then parading around in its desiccated husk demanding respect.  The Left will continue to occupy and attempt to destroy the human element of the Church so long as it perceives the Church as having any cultural cache and ability to influence people to its ends.  Once the Church or any other organization has been destroyed to the point of uselessness, the Left will then, sometimes, depart.  But sometimes they leave agents behind to make sure it can never resurrect to become a threat. The Left is an endlessly jealous religion that brooks no competition whatsoever.  Thus, our choice is, drive them out by hook or crook, or see the human element of Holy Mother Church essentially destroyed.]

Archbishop Lenga has co-signed several letters urging Pope Francis to clarify marriage and family teachings after the pope’s 2016 encyclical Amoris Laetitia,' reported Crux.com.  He also signed a May 2019 Declaration of Truths alongside U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke.…….[and many other worthy Churchmen and laity]

…….. In a book-length interview on YouTube, Archbishop Lenga said he still recognizes Benedict XVI as the Pope; Benedict resigned in February 2013, the first pope to do so in nearly 600 years. Lenga also stated he does not include the name of the usurper and heretic Francis in his Mass prayer intentions. [I’m not real hung up on whether Francis is the “real” pope or not.  We could argue forever and none of us are going to make the call, unless there is a future Pius XIII among the readers, in which case, hook me up when  you get to Rome!!  The fact is, Francis has the title and the position and virtually everyone responds to his authority, so he is, for all practical purposes, the pope.  I read the book about Benedict still being kind of a pseudo-pope, and I wasn’t exactly convinced. I believe he is the Pope, just the worst one ever – but only so far.  His successor may be even worse.  The fact that Benedict has stubbornly refused to die (thank you, God!) has prevented Francis from enacting many of the travesties he has desired to enact, just as PBXVI and Cardinal Sarah very adroitly and effectively cut the knees off of the “Amazonian synod” (sponsored and wholly funded by the German episcopal conference, which will say or do anything to keep that sweet, sweet church tax money coming)]

Bergoglio [Pope Francis] has not confirmed himself in the faith and is not passing that faith to others, he is leading the world astray, said Archbishop Lenga, as reported in The Tablet. He proclaims untruths and sins, not the tradition which has endured for 2000 years.

He proclaims the truth of this world, which is precisely the truth the Devil, said the archbishop. [Well that’s pretty harsh, but it is also not untrue. However, playing devil’s advocate since he was brought up, could not the same be said, to varying degrees, about the past 5 predecessors of Francis?  What was Paul VI’s laying aside of the papal tiara, and declaring the Church ready to submit to the “wisdom” of the United Nations?]

In a Jan. 20 interview on Polish television, according to Crux.com, Archbishop Lenga said many bishops and cardinals lacked a deep faith and had adopted an attitude of betrayal and destruction by seeking to correct Christ’s teaching, adding that current confusion in the church indicated the Antichrist is here.' [Wow, as I said, he’s really the honeybadger archbishop, but the Church desperately needs men willing to speak the Truth, and the whole Truth, unadulterated and without infection by Leftism or sops to the world and its lies and evils. Francis’ predecessors have been less direct counters to the Truth of Jesus Christ than weak men more afraid of offending the world than God. Francis is the first pontiff to directly attack and undermine the Doctrine of the Faith in a direct, deliberate, and systematic way.  That is why comparisons between Francis and amoral “Renaissance popes” or the horrid men who occupied the office in the 800-900s is non sequitur and facile. Those men may have been personally immoral, but they never attacked the Doctrine of the Faith in a consistent and systematic manner, as Francis has done.  Indeed, some of them defended the Faith heroically, at times. We have to come to the sad, heart-breaking realization that man is actually a fervently religious man, just one who worships a different religion and a false god. Indeed, he is using his ill-gotten office to proselytize – which means to aggressively promote a religion, or even shove a belief down the throat of another – for his false religion.  He doesn’t mind proselytism at all, he just hates Catholics proselytizing, as he recognizes it as a threat to his own religion.]

I could go on, but I’ll stop.  In short, Francis is a very, very bad man, but he was also inevitable, given that the vast majority of Catholics today are adherents to the religion of secular/materialist modernism, which is just another variant of Leftism, especially within the clergy and episcopate.  Add to that most national episcopates being wholly addicted to government money, and it was actually a great blessing of God that we didn’t have a Francis or worse much sooner, before the traditional resistance had developed some cohesion and, I think and pray, momentum.

God bless Archbishop Lenga!  I don’t know if he’s a bit too strong in his language and assessments but the Church desperately needs much more clarity and leadership right now.

James Martin, SJ, Pete Buttigieg Team to Offer Study Bible with Notes Explaining Why Most of the Bible isWrong February 20, 2020 Posted by Tantumblogo in cultural marxism, damnable blasphemy, fun, General Catholic, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, silliness, Society.
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Status: True.  In the broader sense.

I am totally stealing this from the awesome Babylon Bee, and added a bit of a Catholic twist:

To support his presidential campaign and continue to boost his meteoric rise in popularity, Pete Buttigieg, in cooperation ostensible Father James Martin, SJ, and the USCCB, has released a new study Bible with tens of thousands of notes explaining why most of the verses are wrong, incorrect, and outdated.

The Buttigieg-Martin Study Bible mixes the very best post-modern Bible scholarship with progressive stances, and obviously, as the one true faith, progressivism must dominate.

For instance, the note on Exodus 20:13, You shall not murder, is accompanied by a note explaining that this only applies once a baby is born and not before. Verses on sexual immorality are waved away as Buttigieg and Martin explain how the ignorant farmers, fishermen, and prophets who wrote the Bible simply werent as enlightened (or, frankly, so good) as we are today. And Buttigieg adds his commentary on Jesuss ministry, pointing out all the ways that Jesus was obviously a socialist.

I am a strong Christian, but theres obviously a lot of stuff in the Bible that contradicts the gospel of progressivism, Buttigieg said at a press conference, followed by Martin energetically interjecting not to mention sodomy, which, obviously, Jesus totes endorsed, if not practiced. Now, progressive Christians can come to the Scriptures and not be afraid that the Bible is going to destroy their political beliefs, since my notes will be there to explain away the text, and make sure that instead, progressivism destroys Christian belief, as God intended, Martin noted.

Get The Buttigieg-Martin Study Bible: it explains away Gods truth, one verse at a time, he added.

The bits in red may or may not have been added by me.

Yes, there is a monthly TLM at St. Elizabeth of Hungary parish inDallas February 20, 2020 Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Latin Mass, Lent, Liturgy, priests, Restoration, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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I erred in the comments of the preceding post in claiming that the Latin Mass at St. Elizabeth of Hungary parish in Dallas was a Novus Ordo Latin, and not a TLM.  I have spoken with the priest offering these monthly Masses, Father Emmett Hatch, and they are TLMs.  I apologize for the error.  Upcoming monthly TLMs at St. Elizabeth of Hungary are:

March 19April 17May 11

All Masses are at 7pm.  Father is eager for newcomers to check out his TLM and is hoping to see it grow.  Please support another young priest attempting to reinvigorate the liturgical and theological basis of the Church, which is all founded upon the ancient Mass codified but certainly not invented at the Council of Trent.

I will try to gather more info on this Mass and provide it as it becomes available. I am hoping to check out the March Mass, since I have a particular devotion to St. Joseph.

At present, the Latin Mass situation in the Diocese of Dallas, then, includes:

Daily TLMs at Mater Dei, the Dioceses official traditional parishMonthly TLMs at Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, noted aboveWeekly Novus Ordo Masses in the Dominican Rite at the University of Dallas Chapel (they were TLMs, but for some reason they were switched to NO Latin Mass)Periodic Novus Ordo Latin Masses at St. Joseph in Richardson?  Can anyone confirm with Father Cargos health if these are still planned for Lent, like last year?There will be Latin propers and Gregorian Chant in some of the Sunday Masses at St. Mark in Plano during Lent and possibly Easter.  I hope Father Rangel will confirm regarding the latter.  There might be an opening for the TLM here, if there is enough interest hint hint.

Losses to the Latin Mass:

Latin Mass is no longer offered in Greenville, but Father Weinberger is regularly offering Masses at his new parish, St. Monica.  I do not believe these feature any Latin.

Nevertheless, from a strictly Latin perspective, the situation in the Diocese of Dallas is markedly improved from what it was 2 years ago, when there was only Mater Dei and NO Latin Masses at St. William in Greenville on Sunday mornings only.  I love the fact that a diocesan priest is offering the TLM.  Whether it becomes more frequent will depend upon the level of interest and the approval of the pastor at St. Elizabeth, so if you assist at this Mass a supportive, charitable note to the pastor would certainly be helpful.  Overall, I think we in this diocese can be very thankful that we now have a bishop who is much more open to traditional, reverent liturgy than his predecessors.  Whether that is a positive support in the form of active encouragement, or simply the support of allowing pastors and priests to make their own calls regarding the pastoral needs of their flocks, it has been a huge benefit irrespective.  Thank you, Bishop Burns.

Finally, please pray for Father Jason Cargo, he is experiencing heart problems (though he is younger than me, but I have similar problems) and will undergo some kind of treatment that may keep him out of active ministry for some months.  He is presently trying to decide his best course of action.  Father Cargo is one of those good young priests upon whom so much of the future of this diocese will depend.  He has greatly expanded Confession at St. Joseph, which I always appreciate, and has been covered on this blog many times for his unique and effective ways of witnessing to our glorious Faith.

Father Cargo

Wonderful Developments, Liturgical and Otherwise, at St. Mark Parish inPlano January 31, 2020 Posted by Tantumblogo in Art and Architecture, awesomeness, Basics, Dallas Diocese, Eucharist, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Latin Mass, Liturgy, North Deanery, priests, Restoration, sanctity, the struggle for the Church, Tradition, true leadership.
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He lives!  Sorry for the long absence.  I even missed the 10th anniversary of the blog by a month and a half.

But something important has come up.

I have known the young pastor of St. Mark parish in Plano, Texas, since he was a newly ordained priest.  We were always gratified to see him wearing the occasional cassock and frequent Roman chasuble.  He even wore black at funeral Masses.  I figured we could expect great things from him.

This good priest, Fr. Marco Rangel, had some other assignments in the intervening 10 or so  years, but last year he was assigned as the pastor of St. Mark in Plano.  He has made a number of changes that I believe almost all devout Catholics will find most positive.

First, St. Mark, god bless it and whatever its merits, I don’t think has ever been anyone’s idea of a brilliant architectural and artistic achievement.  A sunken sanctuary with stadium seating and bare concrete and stucco walls, it at least did have one very large stained glass window, and a nice, traditional crucifix (which the former pastor, Fr. Cliff Smith, is to be thanked for fighting for.  He caught surprising flak for replacing the touchdown Jesus, Christ rising on the cross “crucifix” with a far more tasteful,a nd I would say, accurate and Catholic one).  However, Fr. Rangel has made a number of changes, which you can see below.  Most photos were taken during Christmas, which of course includes additional decorations, but most all the paintings and statuary are new.  The angels kneeling in adoration next to the tabernacle are definitely new, and so welcome, as is the Benedictine arrangement on the altar.

The before:

Some initial changes:  Small but noticeable:

The full monte:

Changes to the Eucharistic adoration chapel:

I’m amazed at the improvements these changes have made.  Some – like the addition of the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe – were made under Father Smith, but most have been made under Father Rangel.

Next, there are major liturgical improvements underway.  Father Rangel offered Mass partially in Latin during Advent and on Christmas, and will do so again during Lenten Sunday Masses.  This included the propers and Gloria in Latin as appropriate, as well as organ music and Gregorian chant.  Father Rangel intends to continue adding more and more reverent aspects to the Liturgy and is open to even becoming bi-ritual, should interest warrant such a move.

And that’s one of the purposes of this post, not only to apprise of these positive developments, and prove I am still alive, but also to ask readers here in the Diocese of Dallas to send a letter of support to Bishop Burns for authentic, orthodox liturgical improvements, the Traditional Latin Mass, and Father Rangel in particular.  Whether  you attend St. Mark or not, if you desire to see liturgy more in keeping with the constant belief and practice of the Church, this is a great opportunity to show both your interest and your support for a local priest who is taking large steps in that direction.  Of course, Father Rangel has encountered a great deal of resistance, so he could use all the support he can get.  This kind of support can be vital in determining how a bishop may respond to these kinds of initiatives made on the part of pastors. I thus implore all local readers, and even interested non-local ones (you should indicate whether or not you reside in the Diocese), to contact both Bishop Burns and Father Rangel.  I provide some form letters below, which you are free to use.  It is quite a risk for a priest to make changes like this, and at this pace.  Father Rangel has not been pastor at St. Mark for even a year, yet, I do not believe.

This also ties in with changes in catechesis and sacramental preparation at St. Mark, which is my final point.  Father Rangel is working to revamp the materials used in these vital areas, to be in accord with timeless, unchanging Church teaching which goes back to the Apostolic Deposit of Faith, and not just the current theological experimentations presently in vogue.

Letters should be sent to:

Bishop Edward Burns
Catholic Diocese of Dallas
3725 Blackburn St.
Dallas, TX, 75219

A sample letter is included below, just as an idea.  Feel free to compose your own:

Dear Bishop Burns –

Greetings in Christ! I have been apprised of the very positive liturgical, architectural, and catechetical improvements made by Father Marco Rangel of St. Mark parish in Plano, Texas, and I am writing to indicate my wholehearted support for these efforts.  Father Rangel is moving the liturgy at St. Mark to be very reverent and to offer great glory and honor to God.  His artistic and liturgical changes are in keeping with the great patrimony of our Holy Mother Church, and unite our worship with that of millions of Catholics through years past.  His changes incorporating more Latin, Gregorian chant, and great reverence for the Most Blessed Sacrament are all very edifying and are bringing great benefit to many souls.  We implore your eminence to support Father Rangel in this new direction for St. Mark.

I would also like to include in this letter a request for regular Traditional Latin Masses (TLM) in the north deanery of the Diocese of Dallas, most particularly in the Plano/Richardson area.  At this point, St. Mark and Father Marco Rangel would appear to be the most suited for offering this ancient and beautiful form of the Mass, but St. Joseph in Richardson may also be a strong candidate.

We thank you for your continued leadership of this diocese, and  for the many blessings and benefits this leadership has brought.  We pray your leadership, and that of good priests like Father Rangel, will continue to bring glory to God and aid in the sanctification of all the souls in  the Diocese of Dallas.

God bless and keep you,


In all likelihood it will be Bishop Kelly that reads these and responds, but the message will hopefully get through to Bishop Burns.

I also implore you to send letters of support and thanks to Father Rangel at St. Mark.  He can be reached at:

(Pastor) Father Marco Rangel
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
1105 West 15th Street
Plano, TX 75075

Another sample:

Dear Father Rangel –

Greetings in Christ!  I have learned of late that you are in the process of making numerous liturgical, artistic, and catechetical improvements to St. Mark.  May God reward you!  This is such a happy and blessed development, and will surely bring enormous fruit to souls.   I support you in your efforts to bring more  reverence to the Mass and to bring St. Mark’s liturgical, artistic, and catechetical practice more in union with the great patrimony of our Holy Mother Church.  I am so grateful that some of the fruit of the “reform of the reform” is beginning to blossom in Plano.

I would also like to indicate my interest in having a regular Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) at St. Mark.  I reside in the Diocese of Dallas/North Dallas/Collin County area and would be overjoyed to have a TLM closer to my home and/or place of business, particularly at St. Mark.  If you are assessing the level of interest in this form of the Mass in the Plano area, please be assured of mine, and that of my family.

May God continue to bless and support your apostolate in every way,


Father Rangel can also be reached at pastor@stmarkplano.org.

If at least 12 of you do not contact Father Rangel with support, I’ll never post again.   Like that’ll be any different!

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