Bookfox | Write Better Books

Web Name: Bookfox | Write Better Books






Look, this is basically a list of 100 Things Every Writer Should Do Before They Die. How many have you already done?Some of them are pretty ambitious reading 100 books in a single year is difficult, no doubt. While others like write fan fiction or go to a reading have a much lower bar.Continue Reading In every author s life there comes a moment when they must slaughter one of their creations.Yep, you ve got to kill one of your characters. I know, I know, you love them, you ve created them, and yet for the sake of the story and for the sake of the reader, they need to bite a bullet, drink that poison, or succumb to cancer. Continue Reading How should you write a sentence?Well, most guides will start off with 10,000 ways NOT to write a sentence.You know, the finger-wagging schoolmarm that lectures you about avoiding fragments and comma splices and run-ons.Continue Reading These 30 writing conferences across the United States offer countless opportunities to hone your craft, network with industry professionals, and have a blast with fellow writers!Conferences can even become an integral part of the pitching process as they offer face to face time with agents. That s just about impossible to replicate unless you live in New York and have impeccable sleuthing skills.Continue Reading Whether you re a planner or a pantser, just hear me out.For the writer, an outline is a tool.A good outline helps you do two things.See the big pictureOrganize the little detailsContinue Reading Every writer dreams of hearing the words I love your book.When looking for an agent to represent your fledgling novel, it s key to find someone that shares your vision and passion.Here is an alphabetical list of 22 literary and genre agents on the hunt for their next bestseller.Will it be you? You ll never know till you query.Continue Reading If you want to write for kids, then you re in luck!Every year, children s books produce almost two billion dollars of revenue, and the market is only getting bigger each year.But with great size comes great competition. You ll need an excellent agent to get your book published.Continue Reading The difference between a bestselling book and a book that sells a handful of copies can be summed up in one word: publicity.Listen, you definitely need a better strategy than standing on a street corner, yelling and waving your book. Thankfully, the 25 publicists on this list can provide you with a wealth of ideas, giving you access to media that you can t get on your own.Continue Reading I ve seen a lot of fantastic books fail because of bad cover design.No matter how good your book is, people simply won t buy it if the cover art doesn t grab their eye. It s unfair, but in a crowded marketplace you have to stand out, and the best way to do that is with a beautiful, eye-catching, genre-defining book cover. Continue Reading

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Bookfox helps writers get from the shoebox of rejections to their dream publication.

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