Sons To Glory books | Gospel of the Kingdom

Web Name: Sons To Glory books | Gospel of the Kingdom






was only fitting that God, the Creator and Preserver of everything, should bring the Author of their salvation to this goal through sufferings. Publilshing free Christian books in three formats: 1. Website (html), 2. E-book (.pdf), and 3. Paperback (as supplies last) The Kingdom of God on Earth -- by Kenny Mitchell The Revolution is in progress! The Kingdom of God is being established on the earth as it is in heaven by the Church. The 21st century Church is beginning to be more productive (fruitful) than the 20th century Church in manifesting the kingdom of God upon the earth. Hopefully our children and our children's children will be participating in this glorious manifestation. Kenny Mitchell hopes the message in this book sparks a flame in the hearts of those who read it. Kenny fully believes there is so much more the LORD wants His Church to understand regarding the entire precept of the fullness of the Kingdom of God coming to earth and the will of God being done in the earth as it is in heaven. The kingdom of God on earth includes the full spectrum of the marketplace in: government, business, education, media, healthcare, church, and law enforcement. These seven gates of the city are discussed in detail and compared with the seven Spirits of God mentioned in Scripture: The Spirit of the LORD, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and power, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. (Isaiah 11:2) The gates of hell will not overcome the Church founded in the 7 Spirits! 131 pages, - Read On-line | E-book (Coming Soon) | Paperback We are living in a very special era - a magnificent time-parallel to the first advent of Jesus. Events which happened 2,000 years ago in obscure Israel, are now experiencing a fulfillment on a global scale. The parallel to His birth brought us to the Autumn of 1999. The parallel to his death will bring us to the Spring of 2033. This interim period of 33-1/2 years is happening all around us. Look at the signs. They are magnificent! The parallels are awesome! They give us a glimpse into the future of this generation, and an insight into the establishment of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ upon earth. We are now in the early dawning, looking for the sunrise of that new DAY. Author, Bonnie Gaunt, has been researching the Bible's number code (Gematria) for over 40 years. In this, her 15th and final book on the topic, she has once again made the Gematria of the Bible come alive, to show us the very special era in which we are now living. Bonnie has appeared as a guest of Pat Robertson on the 700 Club, as well as on many television documentaries and radio interviews. Her work has received worldwide acclaim. 120 pages, - Read On-line | Download E-book | Paperback The story of the Heart of David and the Heart of Saul; the story of the love of God and the fear of man; the story of passion for the truth and obsession with outward appearance; the story of the devotion of Jesus and the hypocricy of the Pharisee. Tale of Two Hearts will open your eyes to First Samuel to such a degree that you will never see First Samuel or the other 65 books of the Bible the same way again! In this perceptive study of two hearts, the author exhibits a keen insight into details that are easy to overlook in the lives of David and Saul, which will help the reader understand more fully what it means to be a man after the Lord's own heart. Conversely, by way of contrast, he has also painted a clear picture of the heart of one who wants to be seen as that man, but is not willing to pay the price to be him. This book will change how you understand the conflict between David and Saul, and help you to become even more fully a man or woman after God's own heart. 144 pages, - Read On-line | Download E-book | Paperback The Shekinah Glory of Christ at His Coming -- by Roland Pletts This book contains a revolutionary new understanding of the manner of Christ's coming in Glory. May it be a blessing to those who are open to receive revelation from Him. In 1994 the Lord opened my spirit to receive spiritual understanding as to how he will return and establish his Kingdom on earth. It did not come from my own knowledge but from his Spirit. The insight I received is not how popular books teach he will come. In fact I have never read this in any book or ever heard it taught - it came from the Spirit of God - and I now know he has also shown many others the same thing. I can say with the apostle Paul, For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. (Gal. 1:12). After this I carefully studied the scriptures and concluded that what was shown is more correct than any other teaching I had considered. God began to show me things that I had never seen before. The Lord's Spirit disclosed to me that when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to earth he will simply step out of the invisible realm and appear to believers wherever they may be. They may be in their homes, or in a place of prayer, or worshipping together. He will come to each individual believer or group of believers who are looking for his return. He will appear in his glorified body and be real and tangible to all who love him. He will be visible, and function in a real body in the same way he did during the forty days after His resurrection. When he comes he will establish God's Kingdom in the world and will empower his people to rule with him. 72 pages, - Read On-line | Download E-book | Paperback To Glory - Bringing many sons to glory -- by Paul Jablonowski A modern day Pentecost awaits our generation, but the Cross is the only way to obtain a crown in the Kingdom of God. All previous moves of God have moved and then stopped moving because of not understanding the wisdom of the Cross. But we have a promise (Eph. 5:27) that there WILL be a spotless Bride Body people who will continually run after the Lord and move with Him for eternity! An emphasis on Sonship is certainly a Biblical mandate. True spiritual father son relationships are so desperately needed in our performance oriented society where talent and gifting wrongly outweigh godly character. This book offers a solution to developing real discipleship and covenant relationships with those whom God has you connected. Bringing many sons to glory is the goal of this book. The Cross of Christ is the way and the means by which this goal can occur in your life. Therefore, the picture on the cover of this book has a crown representing the glory that God desires to give to all of His children, and the cross is under girding the crown. The coming move of God in our generation will be fueled by a people whose passion is to live the crucified life (death to selfishness). Only then, can Jesus truly live His life of sacrificial love through us - His mature sons. 240 pages, - Read On-line | Download E-book | Paperback

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Sons to Glory publishes Christian books about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, Spiritual Maturity, Sonship, Fatherhood, apostles and teachings about Jesus

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