Internationally Renowned Hypnotherapist | Sheila Granger

Web Name: Internationally Renowned Hypnotherapist | Sheila Granger






Having worked with thousands of clients, trained practitioners and fellow hypnotherapists around the world, I really wanted my second book to support them on their journey to success. Buy now on AmazonThe Virtual Gastric Band is a remarkable weight loss programme, and one which I have pioneered in the UK. As the name suggests, the system utilises the concept of a "virtual” gastric band and clinical hypnotherapy. It successfully harnesses the power that every individual holds within them to make changes to their lives. Many clients have benefited from The Virtual Gastric Band therapy.So, what is it?The Virtual Gastric Band is a non-surgical technique which uses the power of hypnosis to retrain you to be satisfied with smaller amounts of food. It changes how you think about food and gives very safe, very predictable results. The clinical hypnotherapy convinces the brain that the stomach is full after a certain level of intake and that there is no need for more food.It is most definitely NOT a diet – we know that diets only work in the short term. The Virtual Gastric Band allows you to eat what you want, but will enable you to intake smaller portions. And, because it’s not a diet, you won’t feel deprived, miserable or hungry, the issues which cause diets to fail. As The Virtual Gastric Band effectively negates these issues, you are left with a long-term solution to your weight problems.The medical procedure reduces the physical size of the stomach, and may achieve the same result, but The Virtual Gastric Band can be undertaken quickly and privately, without the lengthy delay of hospital waiting lists, and of course carries no costly invasive surgery, no risks and no on-going medical treatment. Find out moreFears and phobiasPhobias are far more common than many people realise. It is estimated that more than 11% of the population has some kind of irrational fear.Generally, the solution is to see that phobia in a different context starting from an objective perspective and then gradually building up exposure from a minimal to a comfortable level.Using hypnosis, this can be done rapidly as the unconscious is able to process information more effectively without the interference of the critical mind. This is known as desensitisation.Often phobias can be treated in just one session. There is, however, no guarantee as change depends on the individual’s willingness to embrace it. Sheila will therefore give you a realistic expectation of how long treatment may last.Get help There are many problems that sales team employees face, which could affect their performance, such as lack of confidence, poor focus on tasks, and ineffective management. Quite often, sales employees will have formed bad habits learned in other employment and it is difficult to get out of this sort of behaviour. In recent years, more and more people are seeking to quit smoking, usually with the aid of a range of smoking cessation products. There may be an abundance of potential clients in your area who are not aware of hypnotherapy as an alternative or additional means of stopping smoking. The start of the year provides an opportunity for you to improve business practices and embark on specialising in a specific area of hypnotherapy. By specialising, you can build a reputation as a skilled practitioner in one or more areas of hypnosis therapy.

TAGS:Renowned Internationally Hypnotherapist 

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Receive a FREE hypnosis recording every month. New book "How to Build a Hypnotherapy Business: An Insider's Guide to Growing Your Practice&rdquo; Having worked with thousands of clients, trained practitioners and fellow hypnotherapists around the world, I really wanted my second book to support them on their journey to success.

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