Motivated Mastery Knowledge that matters

Web Name: Motivated Mastery Knowledge that matters






A monthly newsletter on mastery and creativity Subscribe In early 2016, I was freelancing and feeling the tensions of isolation, stagnation, and financial uncertainty. Can you resonate? I applied to over 30 companies in three months which resulted in two phone interviews that ended with “Unfortunately….” I almost called it quits, and I even considered a career change, and then my friend Sean sent me a job posting from CreativeMornings. “I know the founder, and I can introduce you,” he assured me. I knew of Tina Read Essay Everything hinges on the narrative of your work. What stories are you telling yourself about what you do? That story determines everything. One of the most difficult patterns to accept in life is that there are ups and downs. When we re down, it s easy to spin out of control and subscribe to a negative mindset. We Read Essay Every one of us is creative. Whether you’re an engineer and you write really elegant code, or you’re a writer who researches and imagines and writes a book of fiction, or you’re a home Read Essay At the beginning of this year, my two friends Bobby and David invited me on their annual, month-long trip to Colorado. We would drive across country for four days, leaving from Brooklyn and arriving Read Essay Motivated Mastery Ideas for change-makers hungry for knowledge and actively shaping their best life. Looking to evoke curiosity, the desire to learn and discovering what's inside of you. Learn More Curiosity Delivered Sign up to get essays on living well + a monthly newsletter of enriching ideas

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A space to think about ideas that help you master your craft and yourself.

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