A Woman's Perspective on Sports with a dash of Fashion

Web Name: A Woman's Perspective on Sports with a dash of Fashion

WebSite: http://meagan-ilovesports.blogspot.com





A Woman's Perspective on Sports with a dash of Fashion

I am Meagan. I am not expert on sports but I love them. I love baseball, especially the Red Sox. I am also an LSU fan. The purpose of this blog is to inform men that women know about sports. I've dated guys who have said that it's "cute" when I analyzed the game and knew statistics. I want men to understand that women love sports as much as they doI will also blog about fashion. I will talk about the clothing items that are essential in my wardrobe and hopefully, yours too.

Saturday, March 10, 2012 Moneyball was amazingObviously I love baseball and Moneyball shed light on the current trading system and how managers decide who to play. It's unreal that a kid who went to Yale and majored in economics would come up with the system that revolutionized baseball. This system created the current system, which consists of batting averages, average someone has after they take a first strike, ERA, walks, fielding percentage and each batters "hot zone." Today this seems so simple but back then it was a complex system upon to which no one thought would work. Nowadays, we have invented more terms, such as WHIP, DH and golden sombrero. OK. The last one might not be a really "technical" term but it is a new term.
Beane was offered $12.5 million to be the GM of the Red Sox. He would've been the highest paid GM. He stayed with the A's because he wanted to win with them. The Red Sox used the A's new system, won the World Series and broke their 86 year curse.
You know what? The A's had some good players, especially pitchers over the years. I believe the A's had one of the greatest pitching staffs of all time. The only pitching combinations that can rival the A's is the Atlanta Braves when they had Greg Maddux, John Smoltz and Tom Glavine. The A's had Hudson, Mulder and Zito. Unlike like the Braves pitchers, they were young and upcoming. Plus, they were also playing for close to nothing because the A's have one of the lowest payrolls. They had David Justice and he was asked to be the "leader" of the team. Beane told him he was on his decline because he was 37, that he needed to get it everything he's got and be the leader of the team. Jason, "Big Crit", Giambi played well at first base but had many distractions. He loved Vegas and strip clubs, which is not conducive for baseball. He was traded to the NY Yankees. Now I will explain why his nickname is Big Crit. First off, we think that these people are big enough to the point where they are critters. Jason's entire nickname is Big Critter but Big Crit is shorter and funnier. He is denoted that nickname because he is a big dude. He has a younger brother named Jeremy. His nickname is "Crit Lite," which means Critter Lite because he is still big but not as big as his brother. And then Beane traded Pena because he wanted this other guy to play first base. The manager refused to play that guy. He used to be a catcher but had nerve problems in his arm and had to quit. Beane wanted him at first base and he played. The manager put him in to pitch hit and he hit a home run to win the game and I believe he won the 20th game in the series.No comments: Thursday, March 8, 2012 My letter to Carl CrawfordDear Carl Crawford,

First and foremost let me tell you that starting your career with the Rays was great. You were amazing! I thought this guy has a promising career ahead of him. And then you were traded to the Red Sox. Let me tell you that I was ecstatic when I found out that you were going to be playing with the Red Sox. Unfortunately, you had a really hard time finding where you fit in the line up. You were atrocious in Spring Training last year and had quite some trouble during the season. After your surgery during the offseason, I am hesitant to believe that you are going to hit .300, .280 or even .250. But the Red Sox need you. You are a powerhouse. You are a great outfielder and hit the puppies out of the ball with the Rays. WHY CAN'T YOU PERFORM FOR THE RED SOX? You got a HUGE contract and you didn't live up to the hype. I believe in you, Carl. Do you believe in yourself? Confidence is key. When you start hitting and get on a roll, you will do great. I want to see that Carl who was hungry and wanted more. I hope this is your year with the Red Sox. Carl, don't give up because WE need you (the fans).

Love you lots,


P.S. Please try to hit .290 or so this year. Talk to Pedroia. I'm sure he can give you some inspirational advice.No comments: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 And who said women can't play male sports!There is a woman trying out for the LSU football team. She was an LSU soccer player. She is six feet tall and beautiful. She has been practicing with the team all September. She was practicing kickoff and field goals. LSU can always use a kicker. Although a senior, she can receive one year ofeligibility should she make the team. She would not be the first woman kicker but she is still amazing! I really hope she makes the team. From one collegiate athlete to another, you go girl! Let's put it this way: she can't be any worse than Jefferson. I know that's harsh but it's true. According to her, she said that everyone has been nice. My concern was whether or not she would be accepted by the other players, since they are male. I can only hope that they can respect the fact that she wants to play football so bad despite it is an all male environment. I also hope that they can respect her talents. I mean, she is beautiful but LSU needs talent over beauty. Whether or not she makes the team, I believe this will empower women and help them achieve whatever it is they want. I know that she is a role model for young girls. Girls needs someone with balls to look up to. They want to see someone attempt, and hopefully, achieve a goal women did not think was possible until now. Mo Isom, you are already the example of someone who set their mind to something and is going to try to break stereotypes (men play football).No comments: The Dan Patrick ShowI do not watch ESPN anymore because I hate it. I don't want to watch Sports Center five times a day. I watch ESPN during baseball season when games are playing and when college football games are playing. Do I care what that guy who looks like a mouse and the other guy who argues with him over everything? That is the dumbest show. I forgot the name, which is a testament to how much of an impression the show has made on me. And then you have Sports Center playing over and over and over. OK. I got it the first time. We have no idea what's going to happen to Payton. Where is he going to go? Is he going to go to Arizona or Miami? You know what? I don't care. As callous as that sounds, wherever he goes I'm sure he'll be happy.
But Dan Patrick covers all the bases, talks about all sports, has aknowledgeable staff and is interesting. I can watch the entire 3 hours or so and that's saying a lot because I have a short attention span. Plus, he has someone on his staff that he calls "McLovin." That is just pure gold. Not to mention, he doesn't work for ESPN, so he doesn't find a single player and focus on them until people are sick of them. Maybe I need to get a life, which I probably do, but I will watch this show whenever I can.No comments: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 Should Tebow be the new Bachelor?One word: NO! Tebow is too nice to be The Bachelor. First, he is too religious. I do not say that in a bad way. Women who go on The Bachelor can be sexy and are looking to do sexy things and that is not Tebow's style. Tebow needs a nice girl like Taylor Swift. She can write a song about him and their first date. How cute would that be? Too cute! It would sound like, "he picked me up in his car/ we went to a restaurant/ sparks flew far/ farther than ever." OK. So, that wasn't great but I don't write songs for a living. Secondly, Tebow seems like he is too nice. I can't imagine him only giving away a certain amount of roses and letting some girls go. I think he would feel bad. Third, I think all the girls would be trying to impress him by looking up and memorizing stats before they meet him. Oh, good strategy because that's what matters most to him. Fourth, he is going to find those lying women who talk about how much charity work they do, when they only go to socialite events.
Tebow, go out with Taylow Swift or someone else cute, sweet and innocent. I'm glad that you decided to not to do The Bachelor. I don't think that I would like you as much if you did that stupid show. You do have some sense! I only say that because the Jockey commercial that you did portrayed you as vapid and unable to read a teleprompter or memorize lines. Thank you for thinking hard enough to not to do The Bachelor. I do love you Tebow.No comments: Monday, March 5, 2012 Baseball is almost here!Spring training is now in effect and some managers are already starting stuff; I'm looking at you Bobby Valentine. That's why I love him. I hope he turns out to be a less aggressive Ozzie Guillen. He is already calling out A-Rod for the play that was made in 2004 when Varitek picked him up and man handled him. That's prettyembarrassing, A-Rod. So, Bobby Valentine is off to a good start. I think baseball season starts end of April/beginning of May. Unfortunately, the DISastros are going to be horrible again. You may be asking, "Meagan, how do you know that?" Because you already traded all our good players for triple A players who have not played in the majors. Oh, and we still have Carlos Lee. He is just a waste of space and money. No one is going to pick up the rest of his contract. Why in the world would anyone give him a 10 year, $100 contract. I think that is the amount that he received. Ridiculous. But that is what Houston teams do best. We acquire average/bad players and give them a lot of money. Why? Then you trade the good ones, who were not making much money, to other teams for uncertain prospects. Sometimes I think I could be a better GM. I admire the fact that the new owner, I forgot his name right now, is trying to make games more affordable but get a better GM and scout because they suck.Now, on to the Red Sox. Please don't drink in the dugout when it's not your turn to pitch. That's just stupid. I have a feeling that Bobby Valentine will not allow that to happen. I hope he instills a hard work ethic in them. Damn. They can be so good but when they don't care, they are awful and terrible to watch.No comments: LSU-Florida series is coming to an endSome people decided that ended the LSU-Florida series is a good idea because of the expanding SEC. All I can say is thank AM and Mizzou. You are messing this all up. If you wouldn't have wanted to be apart of the greatest conference in the world, then this series wouldn't come to an end. To be honest, I really don't care why it is coming to an end but I do care that it is. There are some things that are meant to be like peanut butter and jelly. I do believe that over the past couple of years, Bama and LSU have become rivals according to both Bama and LSU fans. But it is sad not to play Florida anymore. LSU fans are obviously going to miss the gator chomp. Geez. Everyone loves the gator chomp. That's dumb. The only people who like that are Florida alumnus and students. It's just like how Oklahoma alumnus and students sing that horrible song "Boomer Sooner." They are the only people who like that song because it literally gives me a headache. Whenever they sing that song, I put the TV on mute.
I just don't like it when series come to an end because two other teams join the SEC. I'm sorry but that's a bunch of BS. I'd rather watch a Bama game because you never know who is going to win but years ago when Tebow was quarterback, it was up in the air whether or not LSU would win. I don't think you should mess with tradition. Point blank. So, people who want to stop this series, shame on you.No comments: Older PostsHomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)FollowersAbout MeMeaganView my complete profileBlog Archive 2012(46) March(10)Moneyball was amazingMy letter to Carl CrawfordAnd who said women cant play male sports!The Dan Patrick ShowShould Tebow be the new Bachelor?Baseball is almost here!LSU-Florida series is coming to an endBrian Cashman says hes going to continue to spend...This was be the only basketball post EVERI cant even say Saban and good job in the same se... February(20) January(16) 2011(87) December(17) November(51) October(19)
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