Instructional Design

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Instructional Design

Sunday, December 25, 2011 Reflection
Upon entering this course I have learned that one way that I encounter learning is called Rehearsal because repeating information verbatim, underlining, and summarizing are forms of rehearsal. Repeating information to oneself-aloud, subvocally (whispering), or covertly-is an effective procedure for tasks requiring rote memorization. I have found out that when you write something down and repeat it it become stamped in your mind. How elaboration procedures (imagery, mnemonics, questioning, and not taking) expand information adding something to make learning more meaningful. For I have stated that the mind needs pictures, focus, hero, sound, and instructions. For one could memorize this definition through rote rehearsal or elaborate it by looking at a picture of a turnip and forming a mental image to link with the definition.
The reciprocal teaching method of Palincsar and Brown (1984) includes summarization as a means for promoting reading comprehension. For instruction begins with the teacher performing the activity, after which students and teach perform together. Students gradually assume more responsibility and teach one another.
We learn by what excites us. For example a lot of people are weak in math and when a math course comes up there is a blockage or wall put up by that student. I have learned that if an instruction knows the level of that student learning issues they can over come anything together.
This course has deepened my understanding of learning by understanding the concept learning theory. Concepts are labeled sets of objects, symbols or events that share common characteristics or critical attributes. For a concept is a mental construct or representation of a category that allows one to identify examples and nonexamples of the category (Howard, 1987). Concepts may involve concrete objects (e.g, tables, chair, cat) or abstract ideas. Shows us how each pattern could be classified using four different attributes, number of stimuli (one, two, three);shapes (circle, square, cross); color (red, green, black. I especially like the behavior theory position on concept learning is that people learn associations gradually and that learning builds up slowly ( Spence, 1937). In contrast to the continuity position, Bruner et al. (1956) found that people form rules quickly. For any given concept, they retain the rule as long as it correctly identifies instances and noninstances of the concept and they modify it when it fails to do so. Bruners view represents a noncontinuity. position. Learning in this course has show me that the instructional designer is a self-didact. That the designer is motivated to read psychology, instructional designer and eLearnign textbooks, trade books journal and even blogs. How we should as students take advantage of tutorials, podcasts and certification programs. How we let out education not be limited to different fields and transfer this knowledge to our field where we can fill in gaps as well as to grow and expand.

While doing different research on the web one young man stated that his instructor stated us a advocate. An advocate pleads the cause of another; defends or maintains a cause or proposal; and supports or promotes the interests of another, according to Webster online.
Were the ones who take the learner seriously and ensure that things are explained clearly, that the learning experience is engaging, that tests are fair, and so on. Advocating for learners is a purposeful and motivating mission Instructional Design is a selfless job in many ways, because its not about you, its about themthe learners. Your course has the potential to help another person become more competent at work, at life or at school.
Being people who can work together along with how to teach people how to save lives, to cooperate as a team, to operate heavy equipment safely, and use software although the learners werent computer literate. Im sure youve created life changing learning experiences too or will some day. Being one to fulfill work and thats motivating.
Visual thinking prompts you to look at things in a unique way. Even when youre not an artist, you can still sketch while thinkingwith stick figures and geometric shapes. Sketching is a cognitive aid that might help you break through the doldrums.
Use mind maps to analyze and organize content and to plan out interactions. Draw charts and diagrams to understand relationships. As one of the newer technology that we studied in this course. Problem-solving is a motivating task. Your problem is how to provide an engaging learning experience that turns information into knowledge that gets transferred to real world situations. This takes understanding how the mind works and how people process information.
This course has taken me to a level to think outside the box. This course is a course that requires very much research and reading of all types of books and even taking different kind of computer classes to be the best that you can to be able to deliver your design to the public. Just as states by metacogition is easily defined its refers to the ability to reflect upon understand and control ones learning. I am motivated to be the best ID I can be. Brainstorming is a major motivate activity that will help produce your resource.Reference:
David Glenn, (2011 November 5) Matching Teaching style to learning style may not help students. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrived from http//;Teaching-StyleWebArticle: Gilbert, J. U Swanier, C (2008) Learning styles; How do they fluctuate?Schunk, Dale H. Learning and Instruction: Fifth EditionGredler, Margaret: Learning and Instruction: Theory into Practice, Sixth EditionOrmrod, Jean, Laureate Education, Inc (2011) Video An Introduction to Learning

No comments: Sunday, December 18, 2011 Fitting the Pieces TogetherUpon the ending of this class I have discovered after research and watching the videos on learning. I can truly say that my deeper understanding the different learning theories and styles have made me take a different look at learning. Although I am still a on hands learner. I learned taht the cognitive process enable me to learn effectively and to remember effectively. I know how to study better and do a recall on what I have studied. I know that I have to visulize when I am reading any kinda of material. I put myself in theI have stories that I read so it become much clear to me and I can see the true picture of this relationship. I found out by being and adult learners we have the need to know basis, and have something to peek my stimulus. You can't just pick sometime up and learn about it. You have to have an interest in the subject at hand. This is where you learning to me began. You will start to research the material at hand. I to find someone with experience to teach me what it is I need to learn, because the books just won't get you where you need to be. I do believe in OJT (on the job training)

What have I learned about the various learning theories and learning styles over the past weeks that can further explain your own personal learning preferences? I learned that one of my basic nees for competence is to feel that I have done something well. My colleagues have shown me a great deal in this class along with my instructor. I know that I have a need to interact with my fellow class mates and fellow workers. My favorite learning theories are both cognitive theory because this is the effect from states of knowledg and the discrete changes. Also my mental state about any given subject at hand. Connectivism is learning from observation of the outside stimuli. To see your project comes into plain site, To put what I feel and vision into a development project, by creating meaning from experience, allowing the different scenarios for learning to empower my mind. As Dr. Ormrod, Schunk Gredler 2009) stated that studen way of viewing an idea is to develop an adequate model. Dr. Ormrod also stated tthe thing that 's motivating is that ou give them the task that 's intriguing, that is challenging, and yet potentially solvable. How this gives the learner a sense of competence, a sense of mastery: "I can do this new thing I couldn't do before.

The role technology play in my learning: " Example doing this blog is new and I am thankful that I have learn this new technique to have a different way of communicating. I have used facebook before, but since I have taken this class I will start using youtube to put my church services so people can get involved in services that are not able to attend church. This allow people to know more about us and what we believe. I am able to take my cell phone and put it to better use since I read the Horizon Report. This report has show me how my mobile can take to higher levels of usage. Such as social networkers, digital divides, and also can be used as a laptop. My text messages can go from writing to talking. My mobile can tell me about appointments, do memos, remind me of things to get from the store, kids activities at school and etc. We are in such a wonderful electronic age and its only going to getter better.

Thank you Dr. Artino for this wonderful education class. Some of the information that you gave will go with me to my future classes, help in designing a better website and make me a super Instructional Designer:. I want to thank my class mate in group 2 for helping me obtain this goal and being their to help with their comments and ideas that open me up to newer ideas.

No comments: Tuesday, December 6, 2011 Learning Styles and Strategies - Discussion #6Learning Styles and Strategies - Discussion #6

Learning Styles and Strategies
Which concepts or strategies related to learning styles and multiple intelligences do you think will have the greatest impact on your instructional design practice?
After watching the Learning Styles and Strategies video the learning styles that is best for me is the comprehension monitoring. Dr. Ormond stated that What we simple mean is that as learners, we stop periodically and check ourselves. Making a check list in order to make sure that nothing is left out or duplicated. We know that learning is a visual aide as well and on the job training, hearing, reflecting and acting reasoning logically and intuitively, and analyzing. The presentation development processes how elaboration is a highly effective learning tool. As Dr. Ormond stated as an Instruction Designer to learn the environment that I would be have to take in accounted the different and take them into consideration. Being able to contribute to the different environments of the different cultures. Learning Instruction Designs focus to me mostly on the mind. Because our mind needs pictures, words, sounds and instructions our mind needs even a hero someone we can learn from and proceed as an Instruction Designer.Dunn (1978) stated that indication that learning styles are approaches to learning and studying. Keefe (1982) define learning styles as characteristic cognitive, affective ad psychological behaviors that serve as relative stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with or response to the learning environment. We know that we learn in different ways
What are the potential drawbacks of categorizing student by learning style and intelligence strengths/weakness?It was stated by, people have different learning styles that are reflected in different academic strengths, weaknesses, skills and interests. Dunn and Dunn (1992) stated that suggested the research on learning provides directions for either how to teach individuals through their styles, patterns or how to teach them by capitalizing on their personal strengths.What considerations will you need to keep in mind in your ongoing quest to understand learners as unique individuals and provide them with the highest quality of instructor? As stated by Gardner (2003) that analysis has led to a perhaps surprising conclusion: Multiple intelligence should not in and of itself be an educational goal. Educational goals need to reflect ones own values, and these can never come simply or directly from a scientific theory. As stated that everyone learns different. No two people will ever think, learn and see things alike. Even in this Instruction Designer we will always see things in a different light and designer on different levels. I would take with me that to check myself as stated in the comprehension monitoring. Along with the nmemonics is to make sense out of my design and maybe always keep a jingle to help open up my mind to any given design.
Reference:Learning Styles and Strategies (Video- DVD) Dr. Jeanne Ormrod
Gardner, H (2003, April 21). Multiple intelligences after 20 years. Paper presented to the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL MI after 20 years.pdf

No comments: Sunday, December 4, 2011 ConnectivismI am more than happy to be able to share my mind map with you all. I know we all have different things we are going through. When we look at today's enconomy we think 'Is this for real" I show us how much people really care about each other. If we don't have the Lord in our life and depends upon him we will all be lost. I know that the worst is yet to come but will be be prepared for it or not. My faith has been deepended with me going through this Colon Cancer battle, The things I used to take for granted I don't anymore. It is good to be alive and even thought I am going thru I am still grateful to be here among the living. I will finish my master's degree and plan to go further in education., I love Dr. Artino he takes us in this educaitonal level to another high. I love reading all of your blogs and I am learning from you all. I won't change this time for nothing.

It's So Good To Be A Part
Debra Webb - debra-c-blessed.blogspot.com1 comment: Hello to AllI see that my class is very challenging. It is not a hard class but it is opening me up to new ways to communicating on line. I love one line classes, it meets all of my needs and I love some of the instructors that have and take the time to teach us what we need to learn to accomplish our goal of learning in this Instructional Designer class. Wow I am so excited about this.No comments: Hello to AllI started to walking three miles a day to help me get better in shape with my body. And to make me become a more active person to help me live longer. I want to stay focus on life and how sweet it is to be alive and healthyNo comments: Discussion #5I have learned that internet research is the best field for me to follow. I can get a lot of information from the webpages of Instructional Designer. These pages opens up a lot of interest to me and for me. You get a change to view the instructional designers page along with their idea of how their page came together.No comments: Older PostsHomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)FollowersBlog Archive 2011(12) December(8)ReflectionFitting the Pieces TogetherLearning Styles and Strategies - Discussion #6ConnectivismHello to AllHello to AllDiscussion #5Adults and Learners November(4)About MeDebra C.WebbHello my name is Debra Webb. I am a mother, wife and grandmother. I love life and making people happy. I am a person who belives in the triune God, God the Father , God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I am a middle age woman who is going through CA for the third time. I don't take anything for granted anymore. I love to know more and more about God and computers, CA treatment and what makes people more healtier. I love to know about what make the mind tickView my complete profile
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