




ON-LINE MAGAZINE WEB SITE - SCROLL DOWN FOR NEWS HORSE RACING S ACHILLES HEEL A RECIPE FOR DISASTER Posted by admin on Mar 13, 2020 in BREAKING NEWS, HEALTH AND WEALTH, HORSE ABUSE, HORSE HEALTH, HORSE ORGANIZATIONS, INDUSTRY NEWS | 0 comments HORSE RACING’S ACHILLES HEEL: A RECIPE FOR DISASTER.By Richard E. “Rick” Dennis CPPFreelance Writer Author – 2020 All rights reserved.For Glory Ann Kurtz; Editor, 13, 2020THE DARK SECRETS OF HORSE RACING EXPOSEDOver the years I’ve written a myriad of articles pertaining to “Horse Abuse” as well as the continuing use of illegal drugs and prohibited substances by trainers that are used to enhance the performance capability of performance horses; including young race horses. The most popular article series are:  “Horse Abuse Parts 1 – 7” and “The Mechanical Horse, A Horse Under The Influence of Drugs.”  However, the most adverse effects are caused by illegal and prohibited drug supplementation during horse training, is the debilitating causative action producing an over-build of  musculature tissue surrounding under-developed bone structures.More specifically, and in simple terminology, The over-developed musculature tissue exerts a force more powerful than the under-developed bone structure can withstand.  Notwithstanding, this ideology produces an unbalanced law of physics which is a recipe for imminent disaster.  This, by itself, causes early erosion of joints and strains ligaments as well as producing other causative factors resulting in career-ending injuries such as bone splints.  If left untreated and not allowed to properly heal, the hairline fractures eventually develop into catastrophic breaks where euthanasia is necessary as the last resort.It’s the reoccurring race-horse deaths which embody the sense of urgency exhibited by animal lovers and activists nationwide, who call for an end to Thoroughbred Horse Racing  and rightfully so. Hypothetically, if a (Risk Analysis Conclusion) is offered to counter these rising race-horse death totals, the following facts should be present in the equation. More specifically:In general, horses are started on the race tracks way too early, with some horses as young as (18) months. It s  just an invitation to disaster and in some cases result in the early crippling and career-ending injuries of young equine athletes,The use of drugs and other prohibited substances to enhance an animal s performance capability further contributes to the crippling of young equine athletes.Money and greed  are the last components to factor into the equation in order to derive an accurate (Risk Analysis Conclusion).To quantify, illegal drug use is alive and well in the horse-racing industry. Since 2009, there have been over 4,000 reported positives (that the public knows of).  This same exact figure is illustrated in the below article.Essentially, “Money and Greed” has morphed the Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse Racing industry into an industry with a narcissistic personality disorder so-to-speak.  As more and more race horse  tracks are taken over by the Las Vegas Gambling Corporations, the ever-increasing necessity to generate “More Money” becomes  the business model and plan, with the noble horse being rendered dispensable in this “More-Money Pursuit.”Trainers are told to race marginal horses, and in some cases crippled horses, in order to fill track quotas during each race.  In the end, the race horse is the one who suffers a career-ending injury and euthanasia before they are five years old.  However, the ones lucky enough to survive a career ending injury, but unlucky enough to race again, will become discarded (dumped)  X-race horses at the local sale barns, where they end up in “kill pen lots” and their final destination being a foreign horse-slaughter processing plant in Mexico and Canada.The only exception to this rule is when the poor crippled and discarded (dumped) former race horse is rescued (bailed out) of this man-made hell by a horse-rescue service, which by the way is the horse s last opportunity for survival.  However, it’s my understanding that the horse-slaughter pipeline has been developed and used by the horse industry as a planned disposal option to prevent an over-population of breed-specific horses, as well as a vehicle for owners to rid themselves of an expensive veterinarian, training and feed bill.  Either way, it’s digested,  the unfortunate horse has become a throw-away commodity, without compassion, in the human s pursuit of “MONEY” and to satisfy their individual “GREED.”However, the actual hypocrisy OF IT ALL, is realized when all of this animal cruelty and abuse is created by humans in their pursuit of the “ROOT OF ALL EVIL”  MONEY-  under the guise of it being called a profession and sport. Further, the downside trend of this animal abuse and cruelty is resulting in the opposite and a more detrimental trend to the industry.  The Thoroughbred Race Horse industry is losing spectators, participants and money and is being labeled as a cruel and vicious industry that has left marketers without enough fairy tales to justify and overshadow the reality:  race horses are being abused, race horses are crippled and race horses die on more occasions than the Thoroughbred racing industry can cover-up.A good read pertaining to this topic is one produced by The Daily Beast; Tarpley Hitt, Reporter, March 9, 2020, entitled: The Mysterious Deaths That Exposed Horse Racing’s Brutal Underbelly  The Sport of Kings. Click below:“UNTIL NEXT TIME, KEEP EM BETWEEN THE BRIDLE”Wind River Company LLCRichard E. “Rick” Dennis CPPManaging MemberFreelance Writer and AuthorPhone: (985) 630-3500Email: Richardedennis@outlook.comWebsite: Read More


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