Michael Millerman | Author of Inside "Putin's Brain" & Beginning with Heidegger

Web Name: Michael Millerman | Author of Inside "Putin's Brain" & Beginning with Heidegger

WebSite: http://www.michaelmillerman.ca





Inside "Putin's Brain" Beginning with Heidegger

Books by Michael millerman

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The best courses on the most important thinkers of our time and of all time, without the worst characteristics of contemporary higher education.

A sampling of courses:

Plato's Republic

The best course on Plato's masterpiece available anywhere. Even if you studied it at university more than once, you'll experience it anew.

Heidegger: Being and Time

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"The Dugin Course"

A masterclass on Alexander Dugin's book The Fourth Political Theory, including supplementary materials from other translated and untranslated writings.

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