VDARE.com news - Americas Immigration Voice.

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They will have the right to live and work in the U.K. for five years, despite the current six-month limit, and apply for U.K. citizenship 12 months after that [UK extends immigration rights for 3M eligible Hong Kongers, by Sylvia Hui, AP, July 1, 2020]. In other words, Britons already afflicted by “Asian” grooming gangs and other Third World immigrants must now prepare for the possibility that millions of Hong Kongers will rush in. There is a word for what Johnson is doing: treason.Changing the terms on which BNO holders are allowed into the UK would require legislation. But it’s wildly improbable that Parliament would block such a change. Johnson has a large majority, and the opposition parties would never vote against Electing A New People.Johnson’s rash vow has met with precious little condemnation from the British Main Stream Media and politicians, which tells you how strong a grip Political Correctness has on British elites.Even Nigel “Mr. Brexit” Farage has confined himself to quibbling about numbers:Read more >>What’s Going On With DACA?Post By Washington Watcher II on 07/17/2020Previously: White Pill: Trump Refiling DACA Shutdown, Sending Foreign Students HomeThe White House is supposed to issue a new order rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals amnesty soon, yet President Trump is alluding to amnesty and a federal court is ordering the administration to legalize “Dreamers.”Just what the heck is going on with DACA?First, off there are Trump’s bizarre com...Read more >>Defunding Cops Means Laying Off Nonwhite Cops. Lisa Herbold Has A Solution!Post By Steve Sailer on 07/17/2020From KIRO: Seattle police chief fires back at suggestion to lay off officers ‘out of order’By: Linzi Sheldon, KIRO 7 NewsUpdated: July 15, 2020 – 7:32 PMSEATTLE — As the Seattle Police Department looks at the Seattle City Council’s demands to cut the department’s budget by 50%, police Chief Carmen Best fired back at a suggestion from Councilmember Lisa Herbold to lay off officers out of order...Read more >>A Blackpilled Reader Wonders If Our NYT Lawsuit Isn t Just Coming At Them In The Same Old Way —We Say It s Something New!Letter By VDARE.com Reader on 07/17/2020Re: Peter Brimelow’s article MSM Claims License To Lie, Wants You Dead—BRIMELOW vs. NEW YORK TIMES Moves ForwardFrom: A Blackpilled Reader [Email him]Reading articles in VDARE.com, American Renaissance, and other conservative outlets, I am reminded of Wellington s comment after the Battle of Waterloo: They came on in the same old way and we defeated them in the same old way. I can imagine the...Read more >>Spirit Airlines, Etc.: Are as Many Blacks Behaving Badly as It Seems?Post By Steve Sailer on 07/17/2020Has the rate of Blacks Behaving Badly gone up as sharply as it seems since May 24, 2020?It’s hard to tell for sure. It could just be that in reaction to the prestige press hyping so many trivial videos of, say white women acting verbally pissy as if they were the crash of the Hindenburg, people who aren’t normally all that interested in calling attention to the numerous videos every week of Blac...Read more >>Forbes 100: 35 of Top 100 U.S. Billionaires Are JewishPost By Steve Sailer on 07/17/2020There has been much talk recently about the curse of white privilege, as manifested in, for example, the greater wealth of whites than blacks in the United States.For example, in March 2019, Forbes reported that there were 4 black billionaires in the U.S.: American investor Robert F. Smith with $5 billion [#131 on the October 2019 Forbes 400], American businessman David Steward with $3.5 billion ...Read more >>TEEN VOGUE: Black Power Naps Is Addressing Systemic Racism in Sleep Post By Steve Sailer on 07/16/2020When CNN got writer Blake Neff of their archrival, the Tucker Carlson show, cancelled, the third comment by Neff they highlighted was: “Honestly given how tired black people always claim to be, maybe the real crisis is their lack of sleep.” Not from the Babylon Bee but from Teen Vogue: Black Power Naps Is Addressing Systemic Racism in SleepThe pair behind Black Power Naps explain how systemi...Read more >>Daily Beast: Disturbing Rise of Anti-Semitism Among Black CelebsPost By Steve Sailer on 07/16/2020Earlier: Black Celebrity Says Caucasians Lack the Melanin to be Compassionate, Gets Cancelled (But Not for That)From Yahoo News: The Disturbing Rise of Anti-Semitism Among Black CelebsCassie da CostaThe Daily Beast•July 15, 2020Often, we discuss conspiracy theories as if they are kooky yet benign tales spun by our neighbors, acquaintances, and even friends. But in America’s current political a...Read more >>Black Murder Of White Cop: Just Local Crime Blotter NewsPost By Steve Sailer on 07/16/2020From the Seattle Times, some distinctly non-national news Suspect in fatal shooting of Bothell police officer ordered held without bailJuly 15, 2020 at 4:39 pm Updated July 15, 2020 at 6:49 pmBy Sara Jean GreenSeattle Times staff reporterA judge found probable cause Wednesday to hold a 37-year-old man on investigation of first-degree murder in connection with the shooting death of Bothell poli...Read more >>MORE PUBLICATIONS...Legal Defense FundSUPPORT USSign up for our weekly E-Bulletin:VIDEOS Social Distancing with John Derbyshire An Interview with Jesse Lee Peterson2020-07-17MORE VIDEOS...VDARE RADIO2019-06-14VDARE Radio: California, Rat Infested Tunnel EditionMORE SHOWS...RADIO DERBRadio derb2020-07-17Radio Derb: Uniparty Back, Crushing Jeff Sessions, And Color-Blindness Is Racist, EtcMORE SHOWS...TODAY S LETTERLetter2020-07-17A Blackpilled Reader Wonders If Our NYT Lawsuit Isn t Just Coming At Them In The Same Old Way —We Say It s Something New!MORE LETTERS...VDARE QUARTERLYAs the voice of the Historic American Nation, VDARE.com is proud to announce the creation of a print journal featuring the best material from our webzine.You can also sign up to receive multiple copies, which serve as an excellent gift for friends and family while also helping to build our community.We count on your support!Sign me up to keep America AmericanOur Borders, Ourselves: America in the Age of MulticulturalismBUY HERE!ARTICLESThere’s A Word For Boris Johnson’s Proposal To Swamp U.K. With Chinese: TREASONByRobert Hendersonon07/17/2020See earlier: John Derbyshire: I’m Sorry For Hong Kong—But U.S. Must Not Import ANOTHER OverclassBritish Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently announced that Hong Kongers eligible for a British National (Overseas) [BNO] passport—i.e. anyone born before 1997, when China took over Hong Kong—will soon be able to enter Britain without a visa if China officially implements its recently-passed Hong Kong security Law. They will have the right to live and work in the U.K. for five years, despite the current six-month limit, and apply for U.K. citizenship 12 months after that [UK extends immigration rights for 3M eligible Hong Kongers, by Sylvia Hui, AP, July 1, 2020]. In other words, Britons already afflicted by “Asian” grooming gangs and other Third World immigrants must now prepare for the possibility that millions of Hong Kongers will rush in. There is a word for what Johnson is doing: treason.Changing the terms on which BNO holders are allowed into the UK would require legislation. But it’s wildly improbable that Parliament would block such a change. Johnson has a large majority, and the opposition parties would never vote against Electing A New People.Johnson’s rash vow has met with precious little condemnation from the British Main Stream Media and politicians, which tells you how strong a grip Political Correctness has on British elites.Even Nigel “Mr. Brexit” Farage has confined himself to quibbling about numbers:Read more >>Patrick J. Buchanan: Is America Up for a Naval War with China?ByPatrick J. Buchananon07/16/2020Earlier by Patrick J. Buchanan: Can We Coexist with Asia s Communists?Is the U.S., preoccupied with a pandemic and a depression that medical crisis created, prepared for a collision with China over Beijing s claims to the rocks, reefs and resources of the South China Sea?For that is what Mike Pompeo appeared to threaten this week. The world will not allow Beijing to treat the South China Sea as ...Read more >>MSM Claims License To Lie, Wants You Dead—BRIMELOW vs. NEW YORK TIMES Moves ForwardByPeter Brimelowon07/16/2020See also: The Sin Of SULLIVAN: Why Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard and I Are Suing For LibelIt’s been just over four months since I published my detailed explanation of why I, as Editor of tiny VDARE.com, am taking the fraught step of suing the mighty New York Times for libel. In the interim, the world has gone mad—and the New York Times even madder. This, in my humble opinion, has made Brimelow vs. New York Times even more important.For example, in a truly weird development, the New York Times management capitulated to a crazed staff revolt over its publication of an Op-Ed by a sitting U.S. Senator, discussing the entirely legitimate possibility that President Donald J. Trump might exercise his legal option to invoke the Insurrection Act against Black Lives Matter rioters.And it threw its Editorial Page Editor James Bennet, a certified liberal Bigfoot and himself the brother of a U.S. Senator and the son of a Holocaust survivor, under the 8th Avenue subway car.BREAKING: even weirder, Bari Weiss, an NYT Op-Ed editor and columnist, just posted on her website [July 15, 2020] a scathing letter of resignation from the NYT, saying …the lessons that ought to have followed the [2016] election—lessons about the importance of understanding other Americans, the necessity of resisting tribalism, and the centrality of the free exchange of ideas to a democratic society—have not been learned. Instead, a new consensus has emerged in the press, but perhaps especially at this paper: that truth isn’t a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else.Weis even alleged that, although she’s a Jewish bisexual,[m]y own forays into Wrongthink have made me the subject of constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views. They have called me a Nazi and a racistIt really looks like the inmates have taken over the asylum at the New York Times.So it might seem the NYT has more important problems than the fact that it violated its own guidelines by refusing to acknowledge it stealth-edited a reference to me to remove its smear that I am an “open white nationalist,” or that it has subsequently escalated its libels of me—incredibly, even after being warned we proposed legal action—to include anti-Semitism and white supremacism.But in fact it has no more important problems. Precisely because the NYT, like the rest of the Main Stream Media, have increasingly interpreted the U.S. Supreme Court’s disastrous 1964 Sullivan decision as a license to lie, and not just about apparently powerless Politically Incorrect groups like my VDARE.com, political debate in the U.S. has come unmoored from any consideration of truth and increasingly spun out of control. The ironic result: the New York Times itself, and the Establishment Left in general, are now being consumed by Woke golems and dybbuks that they themselves have enabled.Read more >>Ann Coulter: Bastille Day: The Beginning Of Liberal MadnessByAnn Coulteron07/15/2020Earlier by Matthew Richer: Is It Time For Americans To Start Talking About The Devil?This Tuesday, the French celebrated Bastille Day, the mob attack on a Parisian prison that has come to symbolize the French Revolution, a period of massive violence that produced nothing other than a lot of dead Frenchmen. Their revolution was the screech of a mob, much as we are seeing in several of our own cities and towns today. So let’s review this absurdly celebrated event.As is common with mob violence the storming of the Bastille was set off by a rumor. People began to whisper that the impotent, indecisive king, Louis XVI, was going to attack the new legislative body, the National Assembly.— Hands Up! Don’t Shoot! (Even Eric Holder’s Justice Department found that claim was a lie—after multiple millions in property damage and human suffering.)— Mass protests over police killing an innocent black man in Detroit! (Turns out, Hakim Littleton was firing a gun at them.)— Althea Bernstein’s face was burned with lighter fluid and a match thrown at her by four “classic Wisconsin frat boys“!(After initial flood-the-zone coverage, that story sure disappeared fast.)Read more >>Michelle Malkin: Mask Mandates Are a Public Health MenaceByMichelle Malkinon07/15/2020Earlier by Michelle Malkin: The Grand Farce of American Social DistancingJared Polis, the Democratic governor of Colorado, thinks those of us who oppose scientifically dubious, constitutionally suspect and dangerously overbroad face mask mandates are "selfish bastards."I think Polis is a pandering pandemic control freak endangering public health, safety, and sanity.There. Now that the name-calling is out of the way, let's talk facts.Read more >>MORE ARTICLES...POPULAR TAGSAutomationImmigrant Mass MurderCamp Of The SaintsDonald Trump InsurgencyDiversity Is StrengthHate HoaxesimpeachmentMinority Occupation GovernmentWhite Guy Loses His JobGun ControlDisgruntled Minority MassacreAchievement Gapnot reporting raceAdministrative AmnestyAnn CoulterWar On ChristmasTech TotalitariansGOP Share Of The White VoteBirthright Citizenship ReformAnti-White Hate Crimes

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