The Daily Research - Learn Something New Every Day

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Nemanja Pavlovic 20th December '16 19 Minute Read This year has seen a lot of pain and heartbreak on a global scale, with many tragic events that seemingly just keep piling on. However, there is a bit of light in it all: Thousands of scientists all over the globe have been hard at work and have made some amazing discoveries, created impressive devices, and achieved seemingly incredible successes. Some of the stuff is literally like it’s taken out of a sci-fi show, and it seems that we are only getting started. Don’t believe me? Check out this list, and maybe you will: Bionic eyes enter human testing stage [ ] Nemanja Pavlovic 16th December '16 7 Minute Read Animal lovers rejoice! A San Francisco based company, not-so-aptly named Memphis Meats has been making splashes among vegans and meat lovers alike. Their first big media moment was when they revealed what they called the “world’s first cultured meatball”. This doesn’t mean that the particular meatball in question could read or recite Keats, but rather that it was lab grown from animal cells, or “cultures”. Growing meat How the whole thing works is fairly simple in principle: The team harvests stem cells from cows, pigs, and chickens, turkeys and then they use their cell renewal technology to grow more cells [ ] Nemanja Pavlovic 8th December '16 10 Minute Read During the 1950’s a lot of curious things happened. The red scare was at its height in the US, and the USSR and USA were locked in a pretty insane nuclear arms race that had the rest of the world biting at its fingernails. Things were tense, to say the least. Like two ego-fueled high school jocks, two superpowers were always looking for an excuse to flaunt their power and superiority over the other, and heaven forbid if your nemesis outdone you in some manner. If you have this in mind, it might not be a surprise that the US [ ] Nemanja Pavlovic 20th November '16 34 Minute Read You cannot make a machine to think for you . This was the beginning of a talk held in Manchester, England on one, presumably rainy, afternoon of 1951. The talk, held by one Alan Turing, was meant to present his Heretical Theory , as he himself called it. And heretical it was, as the father of modern computing went on to explain why that very first sentence of his speech was completely wrong. Turing presented a paper he wrote a few years earlier in which he explained that computers could be used to mimic human brains. Now, an interesting thing is that [ ] The Daily Research 3rd September '16 8 Minute Read The 2016 Summer Paralympics will kick-off in Brazil in just one week. The Summer Paralympic Games, now in their 15th year, are vital in developing global awareness around disabled athletes and disability in general. Many of the athletes who will compete in these games are fitted with prosthetics – artificial devices that replace missing body parts. These artificial devices can replace hands, arms, fingers, legs, feet, and even sockets like wrists and knee joints. In the 21st century, prosthetics aren’t anything new, but the field is advancing rapidly thanks to incredible scientific research and discovery. This development doesn’t mean they [ ] The Daily Research 31st August '16 26 Minute Read Whether they’re simplistic clear blobs marooned on a beach or colorful floaters that form the basis of many nightmares, what are jellyfish exactly? Let’s take a look at a creature that is significantly more interesting, and unfortunately deadlier, than they appear. They Aren’t Fish A jellyfish is certainly gelatinous, but is it a fish? Not at all. A type of zooplankton, it is more scientifically appropriate to refer to them as Jellies, so do so! What is plankton? Plankton is typically defined as a type of small or microscopic organisms, drifting or floating in the sea or fresh water. Jellies [ ] The Daily Research 31st August '16 8 Minute Read A team of scientists recently announced the discovery of a new planet not far from our Solar System. A discovery of this caliber is fairly typical in the astronomy field, so why are scientists, popular media outlets, and regular people like me and you getting so excited about it? Because this planet could be another Earth! It sounds crazy, we know. We’re more used to hearing about planets being downgraded and stars being named, or NASA exploring planets and moons orbiting our own Sun. But, this new planet, currently dubbed Proxima b, gives us a lot to be excited about. [ ] Nemanja Pavlovic 13th August '16 22 Minute Read One of the greatest minds of our time came with a number of peculiarities and behavior that people of his time deemed “eccentric”. He was a kind, but passionate man, with numerous talents and a great love of life. At the same time, he was a very hard man to live with, and his devotion to his science often left his love life in shambles. A celebrity, an activist, a scientist, a friend, he was many things to a huge number of people in the tumultuous time of the past mid-century. One thing is certain: This amazing character has reshaped [ ] The Daily Research 5th June '16 8 Minute Read Without water, there is not life; and this is an un-escapable fact for all organisms on earth. For animals, droughts can have a devastating effect causing mass extinctions and population crashes. Water is taken in via drinking it in through the mouth, a simple method that is second nature to us. But what about species that live in water? Do fish drink water? Why water is important for life Water makes up a large part of our bodies, as it does with all animals. In people this figure is around the 60%-70% mark. Now luckily we are not walking puddles, [ ] The Daily Research 4th May '16 7 Minute Read Most people, myself included, love a bit of sleep. While we can often get by on varying amounts, it is agreed that sleep is essential to be able to function well the next day; after all a coffee can only go so far! All mammalian species, from wild animals to our beloved pets enjoy a good nap; curling up in their burrows or hide outs when needed. But what about our underwater friends, the fish? How does a fish sleep, if they do at all? Defining sleep To determine whether or not fish sleep, it is necessary to define what [ ]

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