Plexus Power Tools

Web Name: Plexus Power Tools






This site is a community of Plexus Independent Ambassadors looking to identify and share best practices and materials and is not an official site of Plexus WorldwidePLEXUS POWERTOOLSWELCOME TO PLEXUS POWERTOOLSAll the best Plexus tools & Information organized for easy use. DOCUMENTSThe best documents - with the latest information - organized for ease of access and useGRAPHICSAll of the available compliance approved graphics - organized so you can find just what you wantTESTIMONIALSA starter kit of testimonials with before and after pic - the words of the customer - and a Plexus graphic - these are great for starting a Facebook albumJOIN TODAY!ONLY $10 a YEAR!Document Descriptions1 – Getting Started as an Ambassador - These documents are intended to guide you through your first couple of weeks as an ambassador. 1a – First Steps for a New Ambassador – From setting up your back office, to initial recommended training, to understanding how to grow your business to the first couple of ambassador levels. 1b - Tips for Using Social Media – This document will give you some insight into the dos and don’ts of using social media to promote your Plexus Business. If you have suggestions for these best practices, please contact PC Christopher 1c – FRANKS Method for Identifying Prospects – Be intentional with your business by identifying people who you can share your business with. If you do this and do it the right way….do not pre-judge…..share with everyone…let them make the decision about their health & wealth….your business will grow. 01d1 – Unsolicited Letter to Prospects - This is a template of a prospecting letter or cold-call letter to send to people who have not initiated contact with you. Once you use the FRANKS method (doc 01c) to identify prospects, this gives you a message to proactively reach out to them versus waiting for them to come to you. It is intended to make sure all of the people you know are aware of our great company and our excellent products that work. 01d2 – Facebook Personal Message to Prospects - This is a template of a prospecting message or cold-call message to send to your friends on Facebook. This gives you a message to proactively reach out to each friend versus waiting for them to maybe see a Facebook post. If you set this baseline with everyone, they will be more inclined to notice your subsequent posts. It is intended to make sure all of the people you know are aware of our great company and our excellent products that work. 01e – How to Get to $500 and $1000 in Earnings – Earning these amounts at Plexus each month is very realistic. As you begin to build your business, the bulk of your income will come from your customers. As you begin to build a team, you will begin to earn pay points and your income will come from helping your team grow. This document has realistic examples of how you can get to $500 and $1000 in earnings. 01f – Plexus Products Flyer - This one page document has a brief description of all of our products but contains no pricing information so it can be posted publicly as a flyer.2 – First Customer Letter documents - When you have an interested potential customers use one of the templates along with the enclosures to provide information. 2a1 - First Letter – Weight Loss - Consumer only - email Template – Add your personal information to this template and customize to fit your style. 2a2 - First Letter – Weight Loss - Consumer w Ambassador Purchase Option - email template - This doc is just like the 2a1 letter except it adds an option for someone to become an ambassador as the third means of purchasing product.  Add your personal information to this template and customize to fit your style. 2b1 - First Letter – TriPlex – Consumer Only– This template letter focuses on the TriPlex Combo. Add your personal information to this template and customize to fit your style. 2b2 – Continuing your Plexus Journey with Block - The launch of the new Block product provides a great opportunity to engage both current and previous customers and also pump the overall product line. You can use this document with both current and former customers to get them moving forward on their Plexus journey 2b3 – Continuing your Plexus Journey with MegaX - The launch of the new MegaX product provides a great opportunity to engage both current and previous customers and also pump the overall product line. You can use this document with both current and former customers to get them moving forward on their Plexus journey. 2c - First Letter - General Query – Consumer - This template letter serves as a response to a general query about Plexus. Add your personal information to this template and customize to fit your style 2j - How to Order the Plexus Tri-Plex Combo - This document is a visual aid for your customers to navigate your website and order the TRI-PLEX Combo, but the process is the same for all products 2k – How to Order the Slim / Accelerator+ Combo – This document is a visual aid for your customers to navigate your website. The illustration is for our most popular product, but the process is the same for all products. 2l - Plexus Product Briefs – This document has a brief summary of each of the Plexus products. Overtime, you will want to educate your customers on the health benefits of the entire portfolio.   This can be sent as an independent document as well as part of the first letter. 2m - Product-Price-Sheet - This document has a brief description of all of our products with the Retail, Preferred, and Ambassador Pricing. This may not need to be sent to every customer, but is available if needed to use with customers.3 – New Customer Follow-up Letter Documents – When you are notified of a new customer, send this letter along with the enclosures. It is very important that they get the Instructions document so that they use the products properly and have the best possible experience. 3a - Order Confirmation Letter - email Template - Add your personal information to this template and customize to fit your style. 3b - Directions on How to Take Plexus Weight Loss Products – This is a critical document for new customers. 3d– Customer Information Pack – This is a document from Plexus worldwide that contains a wealth of information on getting started including charts for tracking your weight loss and measurements. 3e - Letter to Inactive Customer - We all have customers who have wandered away from their Plexus journey. This template letter is for you to customize to your own personal style and send to inactive customers and encourage them to give Plexus another try.4 – Customer Follow Up 4a - Communication & Follow-up Best Practices – This document contains best practices for how to keep track of prospects and customers, recommended methods and timeframes for follow-up, and finally some key documents that can be used for follow-up. If you have suggestions for these best practices, please send a message to 4b – Customer Information Sheet – The Fortune is in the Follow-up. Use one of these for each of your customers to keep track of all the key information related to the customer and keep track of your follow-up. 4c - Symptoms of Detox - When you first start taking Plexus, your body will begin to rid itself of toxins. This document outlines some common side effects that may be experienced during the detoxification process 4d – Three Fundamentals of Weight Loss – Hydration, Nutrition, & Elimination. Great information in the hydration section on why drinking water is so important. 4e – Do I need to eat differently with Plexus - Now that I can resist junk, what and how much should I eat is a great question. 4f - Non Scale Victories – These are important to emphasize with customers periodically. 4g – How Much Should I Eat - Now that I can resist junk, what and how much should I eat is a great question. 4h - Struggling Tips - This document was prompted by a customer who was discouraged after a couple of months on Plexus without the results others were having. Tips were compiled from the forums into the document.  Some tips are directly concerning Plexus products and others are simply sound advice on things to either do or not do.  This is a document to discuss with a customer versus a simple send. 4i – Dealing with Dissatisfied Customers - There are customers that are happy from day one and others that aren't happy until day 60. In order to encourage and guide your customer to success, we must ask them a series of questions that gives us a better understanding of their lifestyle, activity level, diet and any underlying issues that may be hindering their success while on Plexus. 4j - Weight Loss Tips - These come directly from the Plexus Back Office site. They are very interesting tid-bits that you can share with your customers (perhaps even post). They are not specific to Plexus, but are supportive of what we do. 04k - Letter to Inactive Customer - We all have customers who have wandered away from their Plexus journey. This template letter is for you to customize to your own personal style and send to inactive customers and encourage them to give Plexus another try. NEW May 16, 2015.5 – Ambassador Recruitment Docs – These documents are for use in communicating with prospective ambassadors. 5a - Why Sell Plexus - Invitation to Become an Ambassador - email Template– At some point you will have either your customers or others indicate that they are interested in Plexus from a business perspective. This letter can be used to initiate that conversation.  Ambassador prospects can be current customers or just people you know in general.  Remember a person does not have to have a personal plexus weight loss story to be a successful ambassador, so don't feel like you have to limit your recruitment of new ambassadors to your current customers. 5b - Eleven Ways to Earn with Plexus – This is an incredible summary of all the ways to make money with Plexus. Experienced MLMs will tell you it is one of the most generous plans they have ever seen.  Learn what these are and make the most of your business.  Don't think you can't be successful - work and determination will make it happen for you. 5c - Plexus Comp Plan 11 Way Breakdown – This document serves two purposes: 1) it is a summary of the compensation plan and 2) it illustrates the 11 ways to earn with plexus on the actual compensation plan chart. 5d – Customer versus Ambassador – This document compares the product purchase costs of being an ambassador versus a preferred or regular customer. 5e – New Ambassador Sign-up Instructions - These are step by step instructions with pictures on how a person signs up to be an ambassador. I recommend you customize this doc with you Plexus Web Address at the top. 5f - What is a Welcome Pack and Why do I need One – This document explains the importance of the welcome pack and gives good advice on the choices and relative costs. 5g - Auto Qualification Option Explanation – This document explains how the auto qualification works and why it must be selected to earn commissions. 5h - What Separates Plexus from Other Network Marketers – This is a great document for anyone who is considering joining our wonderful company. It is from the Super Saturday and outlines the 10 reasons why Plexus is different from other MLM companies. 5i - Linear vs Residual Income - Perhaps you have seen the graphic "If you understood residual income, you would walk through a brick wall to get it." This document provides a short overview of why Residual Income is desirable and how it is different from traditional Linear Income.6 – New Ambassador Welcome Docs 6a - New Ambassador Welcome Letter - email Template – When you have a new ambassador join, you will want to welcome them and give them the tools to be successful. 6b - New Ambassador Checklist for Sponsoring Ambassador – This is a handy checklist to make sure you have done everything to set up your new ambassadors. 6c – Ambassador Tips for Back Office and More – This document is a great “how-to” guide to help a new ambassador navigate around the back office. 6d - Plexus Compensation Plan Overview - Other ambassadors who are veterans at Multi-Level Marketing, state unequivocally that the Plexus Compensation plan is the most generous they have ever seen. Take the time to learn how it works so you can maximize your earnings. 6e - Success Tips for New Ambassadors – This document was created by some of the most successful ambassadors in our business. 6f - Power of 3! – This is an excellent document that illustrates the income earning potential you have if you build three strong lines and then teach the ambassadors under you to do the same. 6g – Compliance FAQs - It’s important to follow the rules that the company has in place for us so that you don’t risk your business. This document contains the most important guidelines. If you have any questions beyond this as to whether or not something is allowed, the email address for compliance is 6h – Quick Reference Card – This document can be printed out double-sided and laminated. It contains the Compensation Plan Overview chart, the Product pricing chart (comparing retail, preferred, and ambassador), and the welcome pack descriptions.  The idea is to always have this with you for use with customers and potential ambassadors. 6i - Plexus Product Pricing Including PV Amounts - This document contains the pricing for Retail, Preferred, and Ambassador and also included the PV amount associated with each. 6j - Plexus Worldwide Lexus Program - This document explains the Plexus Lexus Program in Detail7 – Plexus Training Documents – These are some of the best options we have found. It is so important that you know Plexus inside and out. These will help you get there. 7b1 - Sonya Dudley Training Videos – Sonya Dudley is a wonderful ambassador and has shared many success tips via short You-Tube videos. This document has the links to all of these videos.  They are divided into two sections:  Interacting with Customers and Building Your Business. 7b2 – Sara Marble Training Videos - This is a collection of training videos featuring the most Plexcellent Diamond Ambassador Sara Marble. We have take her videos and organized them across the major areas of work we have as ambassadors. All of them are great and most are less than 5 minutes long. 7c - Plexus Online Office - Ambassador Quick Start Guide – This will help you quickly master the use of your back office. It is cool.  Take advantage of it as it can really help you run your business. 7d1 - Plexus Training Presentation – Option 1 – This is a PowerPoint presentation you can use with any gathering of potential customers and / or ambassadors. Customize the title page with your information. Please note, that the verbiage that goes with the pictures on the "What If" chart is in the notes section of that chart. 7d2 - Plexus Training Presentation – Option 1 – This version of the training has been created for newer ambassadors who are not yet comfortable with presenting the product overview and / or compensation plan. The Plexus Worldwide videos on Products and Compensation that were posted on YouTube are embedded in the document. All you have to do is double click and the presentation will play. Also, please note that the verbiage associated with the pictures on the "What If" chart is in the notes section for that chart. 7e - Plexus 18 Tips Training Workbook - This is the workbook that goes with some video training you can access via your back office. Once you are in your back office click on "Resources" and you will see it to the right of the gray bar.  IF YOU HAVE NOT GONE THROUGH THIS TRAINING DO IT.  You will be glad you did. 7f – Tips from the Top & Diamond Documentaries - Why not learn from those who have achieved the pinnacle level in our business. These are all approximately six minutes long and are well worth the time. 7h - Training Tuesday Series - This document contains all of the presentations from the Plexus Tuesday Training Series.8 – Business Building Documents – Once you have completed the training, there are other things you can do to build your business. 8a - Business Building Tips - These come directly from the Plexus Back Office site and are very good. They are provided here just for the sake of your convenience. Take some time to look through these and you will get some great ideas. BTW we have no idea what happened to Tip#4.  It was not on the Plexus site.  If we find it we will include it in a future revision of this tool-kit. 8b – Other Weight Loss Companies – This document overviews some of the other weight loss companies you will encounter such as: Zija, Advocare, Ace, Herbalife, Body By Vi (ViSalus), BioSlim, Skinny Fiber, and ItWorks. For each company, the document covers how they do sales and marketing, the company’s website, average retail price of weight loss products, daily regimen, money back guarantee offered, health claims, food restrictions, exercise requirements, and warnings. 8c -Tax deductions – This document is useful in helping you identify and track which costs you incur can be utilized as a tax deduction. You of course will want to consult with your tax professional for the final word on this. 8d - Age of Majority - A person must be of the Age of Majority to sign legally binding agreements, such as Independent or Senior Agent Agreements. Therefore, it is important for Independent or Senior Agents to bear in mind the Age of Majority pertaining to the residence of any potential recruit or customer. This document outlines the requirements for various legal jurisdictions. 8e - Plexus Advertising Compliance - This is a summary of the information presented at the Plexus Freedom event in Dallas. You can easily find what you should do and what you should not do over a range of advertising topics. REVISED. 8f - 2014 Sales Tax Information - This document outlines why and how Plexus collects sales taxes for orders placed through your Plexus website. 8g – Direct Transaction Receipt - This document is available in your Plexus Back-office as a PDF file; however it has been recreated here as an Excel file so you can type in the information versus handwriting the information and make the receipt look more professional for your customers. 8h - Independent Ambassador Enrollment Form - This document is for use in enrolling ambassadors manually versus sending them to your replicated website. The document is available in your back-office, but the one in the back-office is missing the newer Welcome Packs9 – Product Information – These are great documents that are informative for you and can be used with customers in certain situations. 9a – Plexus Products Ingredients List – All the ingredients for each of our products in one convenient document. 9b00 – Plexus Product Details, Ingredients, & FAQS ALL PRODUCTS – This document explains the all-natural ingredients for each product and how they work. 9b1 to 9b13 - These individual documents explain the all natural ingredients in each product and how they work. 9b14 - TriPlex Details, Ingredients, & FAQs 9b15 – MegaX Details, Ingredients, & FAQs10– Miscellaneous – These are great documents that are informative for you and can be used with customers in certain situations. 10a – 60 Day Money Back Guarantee - All the details on this wonderful selling tool. 10b – Ambassador Return Policy – Since the 60 day money back guarantee does not apply to ambassadors, this document outlines the return policy for ambassadors. 10c – All about Candida Yeast– This document was revised to incorporate all the great information about Candida. You can use the information as a post or informative email to people. It contains valuable information on the symptoms of Candida, how to test for it, why it makes weigh loss difficult, why infections are so hard to eliminate, and why it affects men more than women. It also contains links to excellent videos on the topic with Dr. Oz.. 10d – Recommended Regimen for the Big 5 – A suggested daily regimen for customers taking the Slim, Accelerator+, X Factor, Bio Cleanse & ProBio 5. 10e – Recommended Regimen for the TriPlex Combo – A suggested daily regimen for customers taking the Tri-Plex Combo - Slim, Bio Cleanse & ProBio 5. 10f – Plexus 96 Shake Recipes - Drinking Plexus 96 fancy style! 10g – Sugar vs Plexus - This document can be used as an informative note to send to customers or as posts on facebook. 10h – Healing with Probiotics – This document explains why probiotics are necessary for good health and how they work. 10i – Selling all Four Weight Loss Products - Selling Plexus as a four product system can be challenging. This document outlines the advantages. 10j1 – Weekly Measurement Chart for Men 10j2 – Weekly Measurement Chart for Women 10k – Trade Show Guidelines and Etiquette - This document provides best practice information and tips on what you should do both before, during, and after a Trade Show or similar event 10l – Testimonial Template - This is a simple template to help you create nice looking testimonials. The file includes several graphics that can be used with before and after pictures and testimonial text. Please pay attention to the information on page 2 on how to avoid making medical claims.ORGANIZED Plexus Graphics - The graphics library contains almost 1500 approved graphics for you to use with customers or for posts on Facebook. The graphics are organized so that you can find what you are looking for. Banner Pages Graphics Business Building Graphics General weight loss or encouragement graphics Holiday and Special Occasion graphics – sub organized by New Year, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Wedding, etc. Plexus Company Information graphics Products Graphics –sub organized by Breast Chek, Plexus Slim, Accelerator, ProBio5, Bio Cleanse, X-Factor, Nerve Health Support, Fast Relief Capsules, Fast Relief Cream, and Body Lotion.Plexus TestimonialsA solid set of testimonials with excellent formatting, good before and after pics, written testimony and an appropriate Plexus graphic. For a new ambassador, these are perfect for starting a Testimonials Album on your Facebook page (i.e. having some ready made one to begin posting one each day!)0GraphicsGrouped by each Product, About Plexus, General Health, Business Building, and Holidays.0DocumentsOrganized for how you will use them as an ambassador: getting ready, customer recruitment, first customer contact, customer follow-up, ambassador recruitment, ambassador follow-up, training, business building, product information, and special case testimonials

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