Town planning news, appeals, best practice | PlanningResource

Web Name: Town planning news, appeals, best practice | PlanningResource






The vast majority of the 52 local authorities that will have to apply a new 35 per cent uplift to their housing need levels under the revised standard method will be subject to figures far in excess of their recent delivery levels. Meeting such an increased need will be a challenge say observers and risks some areas failing the government's housing delivery test. The implications of the government s latest housing need changes for councils not subject to the new uplift The government's announcement that it will backtrack on plans to radically revise its standard method of assessing housing need means that almost 85 per cent of councils will see their local housing need levels unchanged compared to the existing formula. Commentators say that many English councils have been left with unambitious figures but ministers' change of plan offers them some welcome, though potentially short-lived, stability. Updated: Nine things you need to know about the government s changes to local housing need assessment The government has finally responded to its controversial consultation on its proposed changes to the so-called standard method for calculating housing need. Here are nine key points about the new methodology. Legal viewpoint: Supreme Court ruling revives prospects for third Heathrow runway Last month, the Supreme Court handed down an eagerly awaited judgment unanimously allowing Heathrow Airport Ltd’s appeal against the cancellation of the 2018 national policy statement (NPS) on airports on all four grounds. The ruling revives the prospect of a third runway being built at Heathrow Airport. The councils that determined the fewest applications within government time limits up to September 2020 Eleven planning authorities could face penalisation under the government's 'special measures' programme this year after falling below the threshold for speed of decision-making on applications. Housing minister Christopher Pincher has said the government is open to recognising "regional differences" when taking forward plans for a new infrastructure levy. Here are 17 key planning stories from across the country over the Christmas period. Exclusive list detailing the largest housing, commercial, industrial, retail and leisure schemes granted planning permission in the last twelve months. Includes details of who applied, the local planning authority, date of decisions and the law firms and consultants who acted as professional advisers to either applicant or authority As with so much else, Covid-19 has had a major impact on planning enforcement in 2020, with only a handful of cases making it through the courts. However, commentators say that, at local level, planning enforcement complaints have rocketed. Read through for summaries of the ten appeal and call-in decisions from 2020 most frequently downloaded by COMPASS Online subscribers between 1 January and 30 November. Senior Associate and Director Level Planners Lanpro Services Limited London, Chelmsford, Cambridge, York, Norwich and Manchester. Will consider other areas.

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