Patti Miinch

Web Name: Patti Miinch






Tuesday, October 26, 2021 NaNoWriMo 2021, Here I Come!

In six days, NaNoWriMo 2021 will kick off.

For those who arent familiar with NaNoWriMo, it is a yearly, November challenge in which people around the globe attempt to write a 50,000-word-minimum rough draft of a novel.

As the founder and current organizers of NaNoWriMo explain, the challenge's aim is to help a writer, or wanna-be writer, achieve their goals.

I tried to win NaNoWriMo 4 or 5 times between 2009 and 2019. Life circumstances always intervened, and I never got more than 1/2-way to the 50,000-word mark.

As a result, I was elated last year to write 50,000+ words and to wear the 2020 NaNoWriMo Winner t-shirt I bought as an incentive.

I wasnt planning to participate in NaNoWriMo this year. Although I love the concept itself and the intense focus on writing it requires, I have two large projects Im also more than ready to spend some time on.

But two weeks ago I was struck with a strong desire to accept the challenge again this year. I decided to step away from this blog and, for the most part, from social media for the entire month of November in order to free up the time and energy needed for writing, on average, 1667 words per day.

With that decision, I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I have a love-hate relationship with social media, and my hope is that this quasi-break will give me the opportunity to step back and consider how (or even if) I want to utilize it again when December 1 arrives.

I hope that if you dont already, youll visit, like, and follow my Facebook author page (Patti Miinch), where I will be posting 5-6 days each week. Ill be sharing information that will (hopefully) inspire, inform, and entertain you along with NaNoWriMo updates.

If you think you have a novel inside of you, theres still time to sign up for NaNoWriMo 2021. Find out more at NaNoWriMo.

No comments: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 No Facebook or Instagram or WhatsApp -- Oh My!

Facebook was down for six hours last Monday and again for a couple of hours several days later. Unsurprisingly, reactions to the outages were mixed.

There were the inevitable conspiracy claims; more than a few skeptics claimed that the outages Monday were linked to a now-famous whistleblowers impending Congressional testimony. The popular theory was that Facebook folks were spending those six hours frantically erasing all evidence. Of what, Im not quite sure.

Responses from the more mainstream folks ranged from frantic OMG i cant blieve fb was down it was horrible! to the outages were great too bad they werent permanent.

My own ambivalence to the outages was just what what I needed to decide in favor of something Id been casually considering for a few weeks: a partial social media hiatus.

Moving forward, I plan to post on my newsfeed sparingly at best -- for prayer requests or information for extended family or personal friends only as absolutely necessary. Ill be using my professional/author page (PattiMiinch) for everything else.

So while, according to news sources, millions of people around the globe found the eight hours sans Facebook to be a horrible experience that significantly impacted their lives in a negative way, I consider it beneficial.

What about you? Did the outage really affect you? Did it give you food for thought about your own relationship with and usage of social media? Share your thoughts via a comment.

2 comments: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Why I Write

Last week, an author shared on social media that they received an email from a new fan. It wasnt an Oh, I discovered your book and loved it; I am going to buy every one you have ever written or will write in my lifetime missive. Instead, it was an I bought your book at the dollar store and loved it message.

The author stated that he/she was miffed and didnt know if they should be offended because thats all the public thinks his/her book is worth and other thoughts along those lines.

I responded that it all depends on an authors motivation for writing in the first place. Others responded with similar comments, but there were a few people who said they would be miffed as well and that they would not be happy if their hard work was not valued any more than that.

After reading that discussion, I thought Id share here why I have chosen to be in the writing business (as a teacher and later professor of composition, as a paid columnist, as a free-lance writer, as the author of a textbook for which I receive no royalties on any sales, as a blogger, and now as an as-yet-unpublished novelist) since graduating from college just over 40 years ago.

First, I write because I am absolutely passionate about the craft of writing. I could expound on this for pages, but in short, I absolutely love (and I use that word intentionally) every aspect of writing prose of almost any kind.

Second, Ive always know that whatever writing skills and talent I have come from God. Ive never thought otherwise. But it wasnt until fairly recently that I realized that my love for the craft was not accidental; instead, it was instilled by Him as well. As a result, it would be wrong (the Bible clearly says so) not to follow that strong pull and/or to not utilize those gifts.

Thats it. Thats why I write.

You may have noticed I didnt mention that I write in order to be published or to earn money.

Oh, I hope to someday have a book published and to maybe have a little fun money as a result, but do I expect either to happen? Not really. I dont even think about that.

I write because I can't notwrite.

2 comments: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 Let's Get Real About Fictional Characters

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, events, and incidents in this book are the product of the authors imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Unless youve never read a fiction book or youre one of those people who dont read anything before page 1, youve read this disclaimer before. The legal folks kept on retainer by publishers require such notices, and justifiably so. I mean, we live in a culture where people file lawsuits (and win!!) because the hot coffee they ordered at a fast food drive-through was, well, hot!

But I digress. Back to every published novelists emphatic denial that they have -- to even the slightest degree -- based any of their fictional characters on a person they know or have observed.

Im calling bull on the whole disclaimer.

As Solomon so wisely said, there is nothing new under the sun. And, of course, that applies to fictional characters. Given the time and background information needed, Im confident you and I could successfully play a fictional-character version of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. In other words, I am sure we could analyze the traits of every novel's characters and trace them back to the actual person(s) encountered in real life by the very first author who created such a character.

Ill even be so bold as to claim that, if authors were completely honest (or connected to lie detector machines that zapped them with every falsehood), they would confess that the similarities between their novels mean-spirited protagonist and their snippy sister-in-law are not exactly coincidental, either.

Ive never been a trendsetter, but Im willing to be one. To that end, heres the disclaimer youll find just before the opening chapter in my first book:

This is a work of fiction. The legal team of XYZ Publishing requires that I state that unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, events, and incidents in this book are the product of the authors imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

There. I've stated it. But the truth is that every single character, event, and incident in the book youre about to read has at least an inkling of a person, event, or incident Ive witnessed in real life.

If you love a character and recognize yourself in him/her, thank you for being part of my life. If youre offended because you recognize yourself in a less-than-positive character, well . . .

1 comment: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 Fact or Fiction?

Other than short stories and a novel written in 5th grade that has long since disappeared, the writing Ive done throughout my life has been nonfiction. In grade school and high school, it was summaries, reports and essays; in college and grad school, my writing time was consumed by essays, research papers, and my thesis.

As a high school English teacher and later a college professor, I spent countless hours writing lessons plans, student guides, worksheets, assignment sheets, quizzes and tests, notes and memos, and reports required by administrators. All of it every single text was non-fiction. Not a single short story or novel in the mix.

When I retired three years ago, I decided it was time to resurrect my longtime dream of writing a novel. My children were raised, my free time was no longer consumed with grading essays, and it was my time to write.

With two storylines in mind, I attended several well-respected writing conferences, where I was able to pitch my ideas to a few agents and even an editor or two.

All but one were encouraging. But when they asked about my writing background and learned about my nonfiction writing experience, they urged me to write a nonfiction book instead.

Their position was that nonfiction offers a greater chance for a new author to be published. And though several gently tip-toed around it, one very bluntly stated that at my age, I didnt really have the time for the longer learning-curve I would face as a fiction writer.

And so, Im ashamed to admit, instead of making a decision between fiction and nonfiction and then forging ahead, Ive done nothing.

But 2021 has been a year of doing things and even of abandoning comfort zones, Ive decided that Im done sitting around dithering.

And so, on September 1st, I began writing a book that I hope youll some day be able to find in your local book store or on amazon.

But where? In fiction . . . or nonfiction? Hmmmm . . .

No comments: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 One Big Change

A friend recently mentioned that she couldnt believe it had been almost seven years since she committed to giving up sugar for an entire year and, in a show of support, I gave up soft drinks.

Our conversation moved on to other things. But over the next several days, my mind kept wandering back to what she had said.

Giving up soda for an entire year had been an invigorating challenge, and Id been surprised at how much fun Id had sticking to my commitment. The more I thought about it, the more appealing I found the idea of doing something similar in 2022.

I began compiling a list of ideas as they occurred to me. Just for fun, of course.

And then it happened. While riding my Villager trike on a path alongside the Meramec River last Sunday, I suddenly decided to do it. To commit to a significant life change for 2022.

I dont know yet what it will be. No matter what I commit to, Ill share it here closer to the end of 2021.

Until then, I hope youll offer ideas of things I could either do every day or not do at all for an entire year. Possibilities that have already occurred to me include walking 5 miles, eating 7 servings of fruits veggies, knitting 4 rows of a current project, not breaking the speed limit, and abstaining from all chocolate. Also on my list is discarding (donating, selling, or throwing away) one possession every day.

So . . . share your suggestions via a comment below! What big change do you suggest I commit to in 2022?

3 comments: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 Just a Girl and Her Trike

After returning from my van-camping adventure, I turned my attention to my 100 List of things to accomplish or experience. I read my list and stopped at #47. There it was! Something that would be both fun and good for me.

It was time to buy a bike!

But not a traditional bike. You know the type: 2 wheels; multiple speeds; horribly-uncomfortable seat. Not that sort of bike.

I rode one of those until about 7 years ago, when a minor health issue made that problematic. I sold my bike then, resigned to never checking off #47: participate in a multi-day bike-riding event/tour.

Enter my friend Laura! A long-time triathlete, she mentioned to me this past winter that issues stemming from a major (automobile-driver caused) accident had led her to trade her traditional racing bike for a recumbent trike. Between her glowing testimonial and my subsequent research, I realized that a recumbent trike offered me the opportunity to ride a bike again and eventually check off #47.

Armed with stimulus money I hadnt yet spent at small businesses and funds from my precious savings, I visited my favorite bike shop back home. Within an hour, I was the proud and excited owner of a neon green-yellow (looks better than it sounds) Catrike Villager.

Ive been riding my Villager on bike trails every weekend for a month now. Its wonderful to be active and outside in the gorgeous sunshine.

I hope that you make opportunities in these dog days of summer to get outside and enjoy the beauty of the world around you!

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