Geoengineering Lawsuit and Chemtrails Lawsuit Fundraising Campaign

Web Name: Geoengineering Lawsuit and Chemtrails Lawsuit Fundraising Campaign






keywords:Geoengineering, lawsuit, Chemtrails, Chemtrail, Weather Modification, Campaign, Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, SAG, Government, Fundraising, Fund raising, criminal,
description:This is a Geoengineering lawsuit and chemtrails lawsuit fundraising site. Funds raised with this Geoengineering and chemtrail campaign will be used to hire a team of professional private investigators and a team of lawyers to challenge the geoengineering and chemtrails projects in a Canadian criminal court.
Is Destroying
The Ozone Layer Stop Daylight Robbery Stop Spraying Our Planet Stop Chemtrails To
Restore Nature Let The Mother Earth

Lawsuit is over. Donations are only accepted for my work.


URGENT Message:The evidence within my lawsuit has definitely made a big impact in prevention of a possible false flag nuclear attack on US or Canadian soil and a worldwide false flag Ebola pandemic.

There is a high possibility that some criminals are trying to destroy the evidence within my lawsuit. Then they can have the opportunity for a false flag nuclear attack on US soil or even Canadian soil, a false flag Ebola or other global pandemic and so on. Please note that this lawsuit is the HISTORICAL lawsuit in Canada NOT any other lawsuit! I need you Ottawans / Canadians to please URGENTLY file a request under the access to information act for the details of my lawsuit and get the documents and release it to the public ASAP. The more people request the details and release it to the public the less is the chance of any false flag disaster! The reason I cannot release more information than what I have already released on my website is that I am not sure what information I can release without being penalized by law.

Download and Print this pdf file about my lawsuit and take it along with the application for the information request to the Ontario Court of Justice at the address below.

How to make a Freedom of Information request

I filed a criminal lawsuit via private prosecution in 2014 in regards to Chemtrails, Geoengineering, global warming fraud, HAARP, animal die offs, a possible global false flag Ebola outbreak, A possible false flag nuclear attack on US or even may be Canadian soil, a plot for creating a one world government (NWO), depopulation agenda via chemtrails, geoengineering, Aspartame, vaccines and GMO with the "Ontario Court of Justice" (CRIMINAL) in Ottawa file#: 14-13157 (14 in the file number refers to the year 2014) at Ottawa courthouse on 161 Elgin Street, Ontario. See the googlemap below (when you enter the court, pass the security and turn right. When you look at the front there is an intake office at the corner and another one to its left which is The Ontario Court of Justice intake office.

Ottawa Courthouse Googlemap location

I filed an appeal (Mandamus Application) from the order of the Justice of the peace (Ontario Court of Justice / Justices of the peaces office) at the Superior Court of Justice (CRIMINAL) which is located on the 4th or 5th floor of the above mentioned building on September 9, 2014. First Trial at the superior court (CRIMINAL) in Ottawa, ON was on Sep 15, 2014 and second one in Ottawa, ON was on Nov 10, 2014 and my lawsuit was dismissed.Although this lawsuit was dismissed however it has made a big impact in prevention of any global disaster!

I have removed the facebook page for this site to prevent any misuse of the page since I might not have internet access later on. Please always make sure to check this site to verify that a Facebook page is related to this site. If it is not mentioned on this site then it is not related to this lawsuit web site.

Please download the Transcripts of my latest presentation "A Case for the Planet Earth" from the link below: Transcripts of How to Prove Chemtrails Geoengineering Formal Petition Private Prosecution Process Aerosol Climate

This lawsuit is over because of insufficient funds. This campaign page will be archived as of today December 10, 2014. Total amount of expenses excluding some of the expenses that I have paid for is $2,642.48. Total amount of Donations is $2,265.80. Total amount still needs your help to cover the expenses is $376.68.If you would like to help to cover the expenses and or would like to help for my work please use my site to donate. Other than those mentioned No more donations for the lawsuit will be accepted. Anything donated from now on will go towards the above mentioned expenses and my work.

My Mandamus application / Appeal from the decision of the Justice of the Peace was dismissed on November 10, 2014 at the criminal proceeding at the Superior Court in Ottawa. we ONLY have until December 10, 2014 to appeal this judgment to a higher court. Otherwise the case will be CLOSED. We need about $5000 to serve and file an appeal at a higher court. We need this no later than November 30, 2014. To see an overview of the lawsuit along with the orders issued as well as conspiracies that I have experienced when preparing, filing and serving the lawsuit documents at Ottawa courthouse and elsewhere please browse the following pdf file: Download Conspiracies

I have successfully served the Provincial Crown on September 22, 2014 and the Federal Crown on September 9, 2014 as well as the Criminal court with the necessary documents for the upcoming Mandamus Application in November 2014. This is a trial to appeal the decline of the private information which was declined on August 15, 2014. If awarded I will have at least 10 sets of documents each 200 pages which I need to serve to multiple respondents. This is the time I need your help, without your donations and sponsorship this will not be successful. This is the time for humanity to stand up! We are about to make a history. Be part of the success. Donate Now.

An "Information" through the Private Prosecution to lay criminal charges based on the Criminal Code of Canada and Environmental Protection act which had named three high profile individuals were declined by three different Justices of the Peace on August 13, 14 and 15, 2014 at the Ottawa Courthouse. A redacted version of the "Information" on August 15, 2014 in pdf format can be downloaded at: Download Information_Aug15_14_redacted

Announcement: A Letter was written to the to Canadian Authorities through a legal process using donations in November 2013. Please download the Letter to Canadian Authorities as well as the Receipts

Please note that documents are redacted because of confidentiality of the issue.

I filed a request for information in regards to the safe levels of several chemicals and metals including LITHIUM in water, air and soil with Health Canada in December 2013 under the Access to Information Act. I was NOT provided with the safe levels for LITHIUM and for the rest of the materials I was only provided with the safe levels in water. As the result I filed a complaint with the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (OIC) on February 3, 2014. My file was blocked until April 3, 2014 at the OIC which I then followed up via a letter, email and phone on that date. A gentleman was assigned to investigate my file on April 4, 2014 at the OIC!

Please listen to NASA scientist, Dr. Douglas E. Rowland where he states NASA is dispersing LITHIUM in the space!!

There are extremely serious allegations as to the use of LITHIUM raised by Dr. Bill Deagle in his speech "Surviving Code Red". This campaign does not endorse the content and allegations raised in his speech however we need to be alarmed.

Therefore I need the Canadians' URGENT help. Please test your water, air and soil for LITHIUM and send the results to the email on the contact tab of this site AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

This is a not-for-profit fundraising site. I (Davoud Tohidy) am a concerned Canadian citizen striving to help to improve the health and safety of our environment and our people.

My mission is to generate funds which will be used to hire a team of professional investigators and lawyers to challenge the Geoengineering and Chemtrails programs in a Canadian criminal court in order to stop this project and aid and enrich our people and our wonderful planet's health and safety.

Most of us are really busy and do not have time to scratch our heads! We do not even raise our head to even look up in the sky and see what is happening above our heads.

It is hard to believe that above our heads unknown entities are spraying this planet with artificial man made clouds, under the guise of fighting with global warming, which as reported by contain different TOXIC chemicals and metals such as Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells , Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass, Aluminum, Strontium, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, Polymer Fibers, Barium and much more. For a full list of substances found in chemtrails please visit:

These materials are said to be extremely harmful for human, animals and our environment. There are also some claims that they may cause from different upper respiratory illnesses, asthma and Alzheimer to even cancer.

We need several thorough investigations to confirm these claims. Therefore I need your support and help in funding this.

I am fighting for you and your family, for our species and for our planet. Please donate to this cause and help me to help you.


Here they are the ways you can join me. Please note that this is a Canadian lawsuit fundraising campaign and only Canadian citizens and evidence can be accepted. However I strongly encourage donations from around the world. If we can stop the geoengineering projects in Canada then it will be stopped all over the world!

Get a requisition from your family doctor and test your hair, blood or finger nail for chemtrails fallout and send the result to the email in the contact tab. Your privacy is very important to me. I guaranty you that your information will not be shared with anybody other than Canadian government officials, Candaian Justice system and/or a national/international Chemtrails/geo-engineering inquiry committee.
Please note that by sending your documents and information to the email in contact tab of this site you are fully authorizing me (Davoud Tohidy), to use the documents in any Geoengineering lawsuit and or Chemtrail lawsuit and to disclose your information to the authorities mentioned above. If you are concerned about any of the mentioned authorities please mention it in your email. Be a Plaintiff in the Chemtrails lawsuit if you have provided evidence of injury caused by geongineering / chemtrails. For the chemtrail and geoengineering side effects please browse the Donate Sponsor my lawsuit campaign Share the url for this fundraising campaign with your friends and family members If you are web administrator, please provide a link back to this campaign in your site DONATE