Everyday Mindfulness — The Journey is the Destination

Web Name: Everyday Mindfulness — The Journey is the Destination

WebSite: http://www.everyday-mindfulness.org





Why Everyday? Because mindfulness is normal; it is not something special, limited to Buddhists, mystics, academics or psychologists. This is a simple process that any human being can undertake. Mindfulness is not always an easy thing to do, particularly if you have never experienced anything like this before or if you are going through intense pain or strong emotions. But the techniques required to cultivate greater mindfulness are incredibly simple and are available to any human being free of charge. As time progresses, mindfulness becomes easier and easier to develop and being in the present moment becomes as much of a habit as our normal state of distractedness. How do I Start? There are many ways in which you can practice mindfulness. After all, there are  many ways in which you can anchor yourself to any given moment.Many people practice mindfulness of breathing, because the breath is always here and always in the present moment. The breath is a wonderful anchor, and it can really get you in touch with your own body and what is going on there, but there are other ways ways to practice mindfulness too. Come along to our forum and join people that are undergoing the 8-week course or chat generally around the subject of mindfulness. The Potential Benefits • A general feeling of well being• Better sleeping• A greater connection with the body• An improved relationship with pain• A reduction in levels of stress and anxiety• Improved personal relationships• A greater acceptance of troublesome thoughts and emotions• Improvements to memory, concentration and cognitive ability• Increased productivity• Increased creativity Why Every Day? Because mindfulness requires a commitment to regular practice. If there is no commitment, then the mind can easily be drawn back into it s old ways. Modern life holds so many distractions and it bombards us with so much information that it can lead the mind astray easily.Jon Kabat-Zinn, who pioneered secular mindfulness says the following: Making a time for formal practice every day is like feeding yourself every day. It is that important. Our Aim The aim of Everyday Mindfulness is simply to promote mindfulness Mindfulness is free, simple and has the potential to be life changing. Mindfulness is a little alien at first for someone who has never tried this type of thing, there is also a tendency for some people to view it as something mystical or a bit weird. Here at Everyday Mindfulness we are trying to break down these barriers as much as we can.It is said that people come to mindfulness either by way of a whisper or a scream. I think it’s fair to say that I came to the practice via the last-chance-saloon route. I was Read More Mindfulness: A Bird’s-Eye ViewPosted on July 11, 2021 // by Sandra BishopI‘ve always kept budgies. They were part of my childhood, my adolescence and young adulthood, and in middle-age they are my here and now. And sitting with my ever-present Read More Habits and Everyday AddictionsPosted on April 18, 2021 // by Judson BrewerHate to tell you this, but you’re addicted to something. When you read the word addicted, your first thoughts might be of alcohol, heroin, opioids, or other illicit drugs. You might Read More Poetry as MindfulnessPosted on January 15, 2021 // by Janice Falls I want to tell you something. This morning is bright after all the steady rain, and every iris,peony, rose, opens its mouth, rejoicing. I want to say, wake up, open your eyes, Read More How Mindfulness Stopped Me From Over-thinking My LifePosted on December 12, 2020 // by Nikolina EisingerIt’s getting harder and harder to pump the breaks of our busylives. Silence is hard to find these days. We are constantly over-stimulatedand/or distracted. In almost any given second, Read More Give The Gift Of Compassion This Holiday Season With Co-MindfulnessPosted on December 7, 2020 // by Doro Bush Koch Tricia Reilly KochThis year many of us won’t be traveling home forthe holidays. We won’t be rushing off to parties to celebrate the passing ofanother year with our friends. We’ll find Read More Ripple Effect: Mindfulness and COVID-19Posted on December 2, 2020 // by Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles“There is only one cause ofunhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head." ~ Anthony De MelloA little over 4 years ago, I decided to take one of thebiggest decisions of my life. I quit my job in London working in Finance forone of the world’s largest energy companies and moved back to Read More Next Page CategoriesCategories

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