EPAW - European Platform Against Windfarms

Web Name: EPAW - European Platform Against Windfarms

WebSite: http://www.epaw.org





description:Stop the useless and destructive wind farm programme

European Platform
Against Windfarms


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1615 member organisations
from 31 European countries:

New members:

Deutschland: Saarland
Pro Lachwald, aber ohne Windkraft
member #1615

France : Franche-Comt
Association La Colre des Ours
member #1614

Espana: Catalunya
El Saquer, associaci per la preservaci del territori
member #1613

France: Rhne Alpes (Ardche)
La Maison cologique
member #1612

Grce: Corinthia
Ziria Protection Network
member #1611

France: Haute-Marne; Grand Est
Association Les Amis De Reynel
member #1610

France: Bourgogne
association de dfense de l'environnement des communes de Sainte-Colombe des Bois, Suilly-la-Tour
member #1609

France: franche-Comt
Association Vivre au pied du Mont d'Or
member #1608

Belgique : Province du Luxembourg
Non aux parcs oliens Habay
member #1607

France: Vende
Association Vent des Noues
member #1606

France: Bourgogne-Franche-Comt
Association des Vrais Amis de la Fort d'Arne
member #1605

France: Hauts de France
Association pour la Sauvegarde de l'Environnement de Plessier de Roye et de ses Alentours
member #1604

France: Corrze - 19
Association Agir Autrement Pour La Xaintrie
member #1603

Lithuania: Radviliskis region
Alksniupiu Bendruomene
member #1602

Suisse: Canton de Fribourg
Paysage Libre Fribourg
member #1601

France: Lorraine
Association de dfense de l'Environnement et des Paysages du Pays de Bray
member #1593

France: Ile de France
Association Patrimoine entre 2 Morin
member #1592

France: Ile de France
member #1591

France: Grand Est
Association HETRE VIT VENT
member #1590

France: Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes
member #1589

France: Occitanie-Tarn
Association Sauvons Le Ciel de Cordes (SLCC)
member #1588

Deutschland: Hessen (Mittelhessen)
Brgerinitiative gegenwind-lohra
member #1587

France: Bourgogne Cte-d'Or
Association Paysages et Forts de l'Armanon
member #1586

Deutschland: Mnsterland
Gegenwind in Gescher
member #1585

France: Grand-Est - Lorraine
Sauvegarde des collines du Bayonnais
member #1584

France: Bourgogne Cte-d'Or
amis de la commanderie dEpailly
member #1583

ppeebp.png: Centre Val de Loire
association PPEEBP
member #1582

Deutschland: Hessen
Regionalverband Taunus Windkraft mit Vernunft e.V
member #1581

Deutschland: Mecklenburg Vorpommern
Mecklenburg Vorpommern
member #1580

France: Bourgogne
Association Morvent en Colre
member #1579

Deutschland: Hessen
Rettet das Ronneburger Hgelland e. V.
member #1578

Deutschland: Westerwald Rheinland-Pfalz
7-Wege-Gegenwind e.V.
member #1577

France: Bourgogne-Franche-Comt Yonne
Association Des Amis De L'Histoire De Ravires
member #1576

France: Franche-Comt
Association Le Vent Tourne
member #1575

France: Occitanie (Aude)
Natura Pige-Lauragais
member #1574

France: Pays de la Loire
Associationde Dfense de l'Environnement et des Habitants du Bocage Est Choletais
member #1573

Deutschland: Baden-Wrttemberg
Brgerinitiative Lebenswerte Heimat Rulfingen, Rosna, Krauchenwies, Hausen am Andelsbach
member #1572

France: Occitanie
Comit Alternatif de la Corneilla
member #1571

France: Languedoc-Roussillon-Pyrnes-Orientales
Collectif Associatif LE VENT TOURNE
member #1570

France: Puy-de-Dme Auvergne
member #1569

France: Centre, Pays de Loire
member #1568

Grece: Thessaly
Mountain Pilion and City of Volos Citizens' Movement for the Water
member #1567

Grece: Paros Island, Cyclades
Municipality of Paros Committee for the Wind Turbines
member #1566

France: Bretagne
Association Vents Contraires Acign 35
member #1565

Belgique: Wallonie et Flandre
Vents de Changement
member #1564

Deutschland: NRW
Rettet den Schnee den Lttringhauser Wald
member #1563

France: Ardennes
Collectif de dfense des Riverains du mont des 4 Faux
member #1562

Deutschland: Schleswig-Holstein Dithmarschen
Brgerinitiativen Netzwerk Dithmarschen
member #1561

France: Auvergne Rhne Alpes(Cantal)
Association Vent dArtense VDA
member #1560

France: National
Contre l'olien industriel dans les campagnes et en mer
member #1559

France: National
Cindy Eolien Danger
member #1558

France: Nord
Ptition contre les oliennes sur la Frontiere Leersoise
member #1557

France: Aveyron
member #1556

France: Nouvelle Aquitaine
Association RAPASSE
member #1555

France: Occitanie /dpartements de l'Herault et de l'Aude
Collectif OEL Opposants aux oliennes de Lespignan et de la Basse Valle de l'Aude
member #1554

France: Ain
Association Bien Vivre Aux Portes des Dombes
member #1553

France: Nouvelle Aquitaine Creuse
Association AQVA Agir pour la Qualit de Vie Anzme
member #1552

France: Franche-Comt Jura
Association Les Amis de Sermange
member #1551

Deutschland: Oberbayern
Gemeinsam fr unser Westerholz
member #1550

France: Bretagne
Association Vent d’arre
member #1549

Deutschland: Saarland
IGvW Interessengemeinschaft vernnftige Windenergie gegen den Windpark Primsbogen
member #1548

Deutschland: Hessen / Kreis Limburg-Weilburg / Waldbrunn / Westerwald
IG Gegenwind Hauser Wald
member #1547

France: Grand Est
Amicale de Sauvegarde de la Rgion de Dompaire
member #1546

France: Poitou-Charentes
Association Lathus Vent Debout
member #1545

France: Poitou-Vienne
La gazette de Saint Savin sur Gartempe
member #1544

France: Poitou-Aquitaine
Industrial Wind Turbine Awareness Campaign
member #1543

Canada: Ontario
Wind Concerns
member #1542

France: Allier (Auvergne)
Association Contre-Courant Val de Besbre
member #1541

Ireland: Inishowen, Co. Donegal
Wind Energy Awareness Group
member #1540

France: Hautes Alpes
Association Haut Buch Nature
member #1539

France: Franche-Comt (Jura)
Association Echec aux mts
member #1538

England: North East England and South East Scotland
member #1537

France: Languedoc-Roussillon
APROMIhner Wald - fr Mensch und Natur e.V.
member #1535

France: Nord
collectif des riverain de hondschoote
member #1534

Deutschland: Schleswig Holstein Dithmarschen
Arbeitskreis Wind SDF
member #1533

Deutschland: MJecklenburg-Vorpommern
Brgerinitiative und Dorfverein
member #1532

Deutschland: Niedersachsen
Brgerinitiative Dorfgemeinschaft Feggendorf
member #1531

Deutschland: Weser-Ems
Naturpark ohne Windfarm
member #1530

Suisse: Oberes Suhrental (LU/AG)
Schweiz:Verein Pro Kulmerauer Allmend
member #1529

Deutschland: Schleswig-Holstein, Kreis Herzogtum-Lauenburg
Gegenwind Brunstorf
member #1528

Thailand: Ranong
save phayam Island
member #1527

France: Ile-de-France
Entre Vent et Bocage
member #1526

France: Picardie -Oise
SOS Danger Eolien
member #1525

France: Bourgogne Morvan
Nature et Paysages en Sud Morvan
member #1524

Deutschland: Hessen Bergstrae, sdlicher Odenwald
Brgerinitiative Greiner Eck e.V.
member #1523

Sveridge: Halland
God Livsmilj i Hylte
member #1522

Danmark: Zealand
No to Sejeroe Bugt Havmoellepark
member #1521

Deutschland: Nordrhein-Westfahlen
Brgerinitiative zur Windenergie
member #1520

France: Morvan
Sauvegarde Sud Morvan
member #1519

Deutschland: Hessen
Brgerinitiative pro Lahntal
member #1518

Deutschland: NRW, Rhein-Sieg-Kreis
BI Meckenheims Schattenseite
member #1517

Mexico: Istmo de Tehuntepec
member #1516

Mexico: Istmo de Tehuntepec
member #1515

Mexico: Istmo de Tehuntepec
member #1514

France: Bourgogne
association des Amis de la commanderie dEpailly
member #1513

France: Rhône-Alpes Ardeche
Sauvegarde du Barres
member #1512

Deutschland: NRW Ostwestfalen-Lippe
Kein Windrad in Grothaus Feld e.V.
member #1511

Deutschland: NRW Mnsterland, 48691 Vreden
Brgerinitiative Venunftkraft Vreden
member #1510

France: Centre_Cher
Harmonie Environnement Ruralité
member #1509

France: Pays de la Loire-Vende
Association "VENT de FURIE"
member #1508

Deutschland: Nordrhein-Westfalen Ostwestfalen-Lippe-Sauerland
Regional-Bndnis-Windvernunft e.V.
member #1507

Deutschland: Nordrhein-Westfalen Ostwestfalen
Brgerinitiative Windvernunft Bad Wnnenberg
member #1506

France: Pays de Loire
Association Bien Vivre Fontaine Couverte
member #1505

France: Pays de la Loire-Vende
Vende Eoliennes NON
member #1504

Deutschland: Schleswig-Holstein
member #1503

France: PACA
Collectif Anti olien PACA
member #1502

France : Pays de Loire
Vent Oppose
member #1501

France: PACA
Association pour la Prservation des Paysages du Haut Var
member #1500

Deutschland: Thringen
Brgerinitiative Pro Natur und Mensch - Fr freie Horizonte
member #1499

France: PACA
association Mathieu Weirich
member #1498

France: PACA
Association de Dfense de l'Environnement de la Valle du Haut
member #1497

France: PACA
member #1496

Belgique: Wallonie
member #1495

France : Ile de France
Vent Libre Du Plessis
member #1494

Deutschland: Hessen
Brgerinitiative Knigsberger Gegenwind
member #1493

Oesterreich: Niederösterreich
Pro Lebensraum Ebreichsdorf
member #1492

Deutschland: Bayern Unterfranken
Brgerinitiative Dettelbach
member #1491

Deutschland: Frstenau
member #1490

France: Charente
Bouchage Energie Sans Douleur
member #1489

Deutschland: Frstenau - Settrup
Fair Wind Settrup
member #1488

Deutschland: Merzen
member #1487

Deutschland: Bramsche
BI AHrensfeld / Wittefeld
member #1486

France: Lorraine Vosges
Collectif Vosges Horizon Durable
member #1485

England: North Cornwall
Boyton Residents Action Group
member #1484

Tapio Pitkranta
member #1483

Deutschland: Niedersachsen
Brgerinitiative Gegenwind Elm-Asse
member #1482

France: Baden-Wrttemberg
Vernunftkraft Niedersachsen e.V.
member #1481

France: Normandie
Libre Horizon
member #1480

France: Normandie
Gardez les Caps
member #1479

UK: Lancashire
Against Controversial Wind Turbines in Blackburn with Darwen
member #1478

Deutschland: Saarland
Naturschutzverband Hcherberg 2015 e.V.
member #1477

Deutschland: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Windflut Elpe
member #1476

France: Hautes Alpes
Haut Buch Nature
member #1475

France: Doubs
Association Protection des sommets du Haut-Doubs
member #1474

France: Loire-Atlantique
Non au Projet eolien de JANS 44170
member #1473

member #1472

France: Charente
Saint-Christophe nature
member #1471

France: Charente
member #1470

France: Charente
Bon Vent
member #1469

France: Charente
Environnement Confolentais et Charlois
member #1468

France: Charente
Charente limousine environnement
member #1467

UK: East Riding of Yorkshire
POWER Action Group
member #1466

France: Haute-Loire
Association pour la Préservation des Paysages Exceptionnels du Mézenc
member #1465

France: Pays de Loire-vende
Association Vent de Furie
member #1464

France: Pays de Loire-vende
Association Vent de Bise
member #1463

France: Haute-Saone
member #1462

France: Nivre Bourgogne
Association Cout de Vent
member #1461

France: Picardie-Somme
Association contre vents et marées. Bayonvillers
member #1460

France: Picardie -Somme
Association pour la protection du cadre et de la qualit de la vie contre toutes nuisances en milieu rural
member #1459

France: Picardie-Somme
Halte a la Prolifration Anarchique des Eoliennes, Herbcourt
member #1458

France: Picardie-Somme
Association samarienne de dfense contre les oliennes industrielles
member #1457

France: Picardie-Somme
Sauvegarde de nos villages du Pays Hamois.
member #1456

France: Picardie Baie de Somme
Non aux �oliennes du secteur de Bayonvillers, Wiencourt et Guillaucourt
member #1455

France: Picardie-Somme
Association pour la sauvegarde de l'environnement Fourcigny-Beaurepaire
member #1454

Belgium: Wallonie
Alliance des quatre vents
member #1453

France: Pays de loire vende
Bournezeau oliennes commune 85480
member #1452

France: Bourgogne
Association Chazelle l'Echo Environnement
member #1451

Deutschland: Hamburg
Brgerinitiative Windkraft Altengamme
member #1450

France: Jura
SOS Vent dAmont
member #1449

France: Poitou-Charentes
association vigilance souffrignac et environs
member #1448

France: Nord -Cambraisis
Carnire sans oliennes
member #1447

France: Picardie Somme
Collectif stop Eoliennes Somme
member #1446

France: Picardie-Somme
Union pour la Sauvegarde du Santerre
member #1445

Deutschland: Hessen, Spessart
Brgerinitiative Gegenwind Flrsbachtal
member #1444

France: Doubs
member #1443

France: Languedoc-Roussillon- Aude
Association Sauvegarde du territoire Porte Sud Minervois
member #1442

France: Arige
Bien Vivre Lran
member #1441

France: Picardie Haute Somme
Contre vents et marchs
member #1440

France: Picardie
Amis et Voisins de Baie de Somme
member #1439

France: Picardie
ASEN de nos village
member #1438

France: Basse-Normandie Calavados
Lison Vigilance Environnement
member #1437

France: Poitou-Charentes
member #1436

England: Dorset
Poole and Christchurch Bays Association
member #1435

France: Allier
member #1434

France: Perigord
Vivre et agir pour le Prigord Limousin
member #1433

France: Picardie
Stop aux oliennes dans le Bernavillois
member #1432

Deutschland: Brandenburg
Gegenwind Oberkrmer
member #1431

Deutschland: Hessen
BI Gegenwind-Vogelsberg, Ortsgruppe Engelrod
member #1430

France: Normandie-calavados
association de St Georges d'Aunay
member #1429

France: Bourgogne
member #1428

France: Lot
Association pour la Protection du Patrimoine des Gorges de l'Escaumels
member #1427

France: Poitou-Charentes
member #1426

France: Haute-Saone
member #1425

apphv83.png: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Association Pour la Prservation des Paysages du Haut Var
member #1424

Belgium: Wallonie
Vent de la Burdinale
member #1423

France: Auvergne-puy de dome
Association Quel Horizon pour le Pays d'Issoire
member #1422

France: Auvergne
Association pour la Protection de l'Environnement du canton de Paulhaguet
member #1421

France: Pays de Loire -vendee
NON AU EOLIENNES Bournezeau * Mareuil * Les Pineaux * Sainte Ccile * Chateau Guibert ....
member #1420

France: Vosges
Paysage et nature de la Campagne Vosgienne
member #1419

France: Rhône-Alpes
Vent debout en pays de St Bonnet
member #1418

France: Ile de France
Association CoviPEO
member #1417

Ireland: Tipperary
Keeper Kilcommon Upperchurch Wind Awareness Group
member #1416

France: Arige
Association Hers Arige Environnement
member #1415

France: Pays-de Loire Mayenne
Association bien vivre dans le Craonnais
member #1414

Deutschland: Mittelfranken - Bayern
Brgerinitiative WKA Rezelsdorf
member #1413

France: Bretagne-Cotes Armor
Vent debout Plmet
member #1412

Suisse: Canton de Fribourg
Sauvez les Pralpes
member #1411

France: Picardie
Association de protection de l environnement Henencourtois
member #1410

France: Finistere
Association GOYEN AVENIR
member #1409

France: Loire-Atlantique
member #1408

France: Pays de Loire -vendee
Vent de l'injustice
member #1407

France: Charente-maritime
Prservons nos villages et notre terre
member #1406

member #1405

Ellada: Crete

member #1404

Deutschland: Baden Wrttemberg
Windkraftgegner in und um Gersbach
member #1403

Deutschland: Nordrhein Westfalen, Mnsterland
BI Daldrup
member #1402

Deutschland: Bayern
Brgerinitiative fr ein lebenswertes Kohlberg
member #1401

Deutschland: Hessen - Taunus
BI Wind-Wahn Villmar-Runkel
member #1400

France: Bourgogne
Collectif 21
member #1399

USA: New Hampshire
New Hampshire Wind Watch
member #1398

Wind Power Problems
member #1397

USA: Maine
Gone With The Wind
member #1396

USA: Maine
Fox Islands Wind Neighbors
member #1395

USA: Maine
Friends of Rag Mountain
member #1394

USA: Maine
Friends Of The Highland Mountains
member #1393

USA: Maine
Saving Maine it's up to you
member #1392

USA: Maine
Citizens' Task Force on Wind Power - Maine
member #1391

Deutschland: NRW: Schwarzwald
Jochen Niemand
member #1390

France: Poitou Charentes
Pas de Vent en Haute Saintonge
member #1389

France: Ile de France
Yvelines Environnement
member #1388

France: Poitou-Vienne
Association Apache
member #1387

France: Languedoc-Roussillon
Sauvergarde Du Territoire Porte Sud Du Minervois
member #1386

Deutschland: Baden-Wrttemberg
Brgerinitiative Pro-Tauschwal
member #1385

UK: Scotland
Save Loch Ness and the Great Glen
member #1384

France: Sarthe
Pour la Prservation du Cadre de Vie du Sud- Est du Pays Manceau
member #1383

France: Mayenne
Association Bien vivre dans le Craonnais
member #1382

UK: Scotland
Wind Energy's Absurd
member #1381

France: Bourgogne
member #1380

France: Sud-Auvergne
Association des Riverains du Bs
member #1379

France: Vende
Cte Ouest Sans Eolienne
member #1378

France: AISNE
member #1377

France: Bretagne-Morbihan
member #1376

France: Champagne Ardenne
Les Vues Imprenables
member #1375

Deutschland: Niedersachsen
Brgerinitiative Hoher Hagen
member #1374

France: Normandie
Association de protection du site des Petites Dalles
member #1373

Grce: Athen
Windbag of Aeolous
member #1372

France: Pays de la Loire-Sarthe
Association de prservation du Patrimoine Chemiren
member #1371

Deutschland: Rheinland-Pfalz
Interessengemeinschaft Windkraftfreies Wolfersheck
member #1370

Belgium: Wallonie
STOP aux Eoliennes d'Aische Liernu
member #1369

France: Limousin -Correze
Agir Pour le Pays d'Eygurande
member #1368

France: Auvergne
Quel horizon pour le pays d'Issoire
member #1367

France: Centre /Boischaut
Collectif de La Marche du Vent Libre
member #1366

Canada: Ontario
Ontario Coalition for Harm-to-Health from Industrial Wind Turbine
member #1365

France: Pays de loire
Le Vent Tourne Guenrout Quilly
member #1364

France: Pays de la Loire
Vent d'Anjou: Plus Belle notre Verze
member #1363

Deutschland: Hessen
Windkraft Grvenwiesbach
member #1362

Suisse: Jura vaudois
Vol au Vent Jura-Vaud Nord sans oliennes-membre de Paysage-Libre Vaud
member #1361

Suisse: Jura vaudois
Pieduventmembre de Paysage-Libre Vaud
member #1360

member #1359

France: Pays de la Loire
Vents d'Ir et du pays loiren
member #1358

France: Poitou-Charentes, dpartement des Deux-Svres (79)
member #1357

France: Bourgogne / Cte dOr
Aper Vpec (Association pour la Prservation de notre Environnement Rural Villages Voisins du Projet Eolien de Cessey-Sur-Tille)
member #1356

France: Languedoc Roussillon
Association pour la Protection des Payages et des Ressources de l'Escandorgue et du Lodvois
member #1355

France: Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Non au Projet eolien de Walincourt-selvigny et Haucourt en Cambresis
member #1354

France: Haute-Loire
Prot??geons Taillard
member #1353

France: Centre
Association de Dfense de lEnvironnement des communes de Murs, Clr-du-Bois et des Alentours
member #1352

UK: United Kindom
Winds Of Justice
member #1351

France: Aquitaine
Association du val de Dronne et de La Double
member #1350

Deutschland: Bayern
member #1349

France: Lorraine
Association pour le Dveloppementdurable du Santois
member #1348

Deutschland: Baden-W?�rttemberg
Verein fr Mensch und Natur e.V. Kettenacker
member #1347

Deutschland: Niedersachsen
BI Windkraft Dassel
member #1346

France: Aquitaine-Landes
member #1345

France: Franche-Comt??
Le vent Tourne
member #1344

Suisse: Jura vaudois
SOS Jura-Vaud (Sud)
member #1343

France: Bretagne
member #1342

France: Bourgogne
member #1341

France: Limousin -Correze
Agir pour le Plateau des Etangs
member #1340

Slovenija: Primorska
Civilna iniciativa za zaito Senoekih Brd- DiegoLOREDAN -firefighter tehnique now retired
member #1339

France: Centre
aest 37
member #1338

France: Picardie
member #1337

France: Pays de Loire
Vie Environnement et Patrimoine
member #1336

Puerto_Rico: El Caribe
Coalicin Pro Bosque Seco
member #1335

Ireland: West Cork
West Cork Wind
member #1334

Grce: Laconia
Network for Environmental and Cultural Protection of Laconia
member #1333

France: Languedoc-Roussillon
La Farigoule
member #1332

Mexico: Istmo de Tehuntepec
member #1331

France: Landes
Association Mzossaise pour la Protection de l'Environnement (AMPE)
member #1330

France: Bretagne
member #1329

France: Bretagne
Gare aux Vents de Tresboeuf
member #1328

France: Bretagne
Eolien Morbihan
member #1327

France: Pays de la Loire
Non aux Eoliennes entre Noirmoutier et Yeu
member #1326

Suisse: Surselva Graubnden
IG Sezner-UmSu-Grenerberg
member #1325

France: Basse-Normandie
Association Contre les Projets Eoliens en Mer
member #1324

France: Languedoc-Roussillon
Sauvons Puich??ric, Blomac, Saint Couat
member #1323

France: Pays de loire
member #1322

Deutschland: Bayern
Art der Organisation
member #1321

Ireland: Irland
Castlejordan/Ballinabrackey Windfarm Action Group
member #1320

Ireland: Co Offaly
Rhode Parish Wind Turbine Action Group
member #1319

Finland: Sydsterbotten
People Against Wind turbines in Finland
member #1318

Turkey: West Turkey
Cesme surdulenebilir yasam platform
member #1317

Deutschland: Ostwestfalen
Burger gegen Windpark Hirschweg
member #1316

Deutschland: Zellertal, Violental
Burger fur ein zauberhaftes Zellertal
member #1315

Deutschland: Oberfranken, Bayern
Gegenwind Effeltrich �?? Pinzberg �?? Poxdorf
member #1314

Deutschland: Oberfranken, Bayern
Gegenwind Effeltrich �?? Pinzberg �?? Poxdorf
member #1313

France: Poitou-Charentes
La Vall??e des Singes
member #1312

Alpe Adria Green
member #1311

Ireland: County Mayo
Moygownagh / Kilfian Community and Landscape Protection Group
member #1310

Deutschland: Hochsauerlandkreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Verein f?�r Umwelt- und Naturschutz Schmallenberg
member #1309

Ireland: Kildare, Leinster
North Kildare Environmental Protection Group
member #1308

Deutschland: Schweinfurt, Unterfranken, Bayern
member #1307

Deutschland: Nordfriesland, Schleswig-Holstein
B?�rgerinitiative M?�hlenberg
member #1306

Ireland: Kildare, Leinster
Bog of Allen Communities Against Spin
member #1305

UK: West Yorkshire, England
Slaithwaite Moor Opposes Giant Industrial Turbines
member #1304

See the 1615 members

Honorary members:

Val Martin
In recognition of services rendered to our common cause. A million thanks to Val Martin, who is our spokesman in Ireland since 2010.

Mouvement citoyen pour la protection de nos territoires envahis par l'éolien industriel
They came all the way from Canada, with their flags, to help us save Mont-Saint-Michel. Many thanks to our friends from Quebec! See the pictures

Read the messages of support


Visit the North American
Platform Against Windpower Canada, United States of America, Mexico,
the Caribbean, Central America Thirteen million trees felled in Scotland to build onshore wind farms German's Tragic energy venture 2019 Study shows harmful health effects due to infrasoundsof wind turbines as fare as 15 km 2015 INFRASOUND EMISSIONS FROM WIND TURBINES HAVE ADVERSE HEALTH EFFECTS Map of European Wind Farms Wind bankrupcy petition in Sweden UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN GROUPS AGAINST WIND TURBINES Wind Turbines and the Rationalized Desecration of Nature Windturbines. 100% proof of ill effects is not needed Speech to the Bundestag by Sandra Weeser, Liberal Democrat Party (FDP) member, on the energy transition In our forest, in Burgundy, France, WPD and EPURON try to develop 50 to 52 windturbines Aveyron: 13 opponents of the Crassous wind project arrested on waking The Green Empress has No Clothes International alert: Wind turbine plausible pathway to cardiovascular disease Yes, wind turbines drive tourists away and threaten the GDP of rural areas. Waubra Foundation Statement re Simon Chapman Fiona Crichtons Book France: 1.6 million bats killed by wind turbines Dangerous flight into the wind farm Bat Killings by Wind Energy Turbines Continue Wind turbine communism France: Australian Prime Minister urged to stop wind farm on WWI battlefield German Wind Farms To Be Terminated As Subsidies RunOut Croatia The wind turbine , fifty meters of steel crumpled like paper Seminar on Wind Turbine Noise French citizens from Occitanieblock a bridge to stop a wind turbines convoy The Utter Complete Total Fraud of Wind Power Germanys Wind Power Debacle Worsens New book documents the wind turbine industrys abuse of power DEMONSTRATION IN ARROMANCHES: STOP THE WIND TURBINE RIP-OFF Science deniers in the wind industry Arctic: Ten million wind-powered snow guns, will the wind industrialists become completely nuts? Ireland... a setback of at least 1209 metres from a 175m / 3.5MW wind turbine is required to underpin a 40dB absolute limit VIDEO | Italy: a wind turbine disintegrates under the force of the win Sweden : Expert alarm: Wind turbines massacre raptors Safety probe launched after collapse of 480-foot wind turbine in Ayrshire Belgium Wind farms have 1.1 billion euro less support accepted after negotiations

Stop the useless destructive wind farm programme Join the international demand for a moratorium
on European wind energy projects

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Stop the useless and destructive wind farm programme

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