Doctors Research, Inc. 100% Food Nutrients

Web Name: Doctors Research, Inc. 100% Food Nutrients






Doctors Research, Inc. is dedicated to providing research to licensed doctors as well as the highest quality nutritional supplements, in a form that is as close as possible to those naturally found in foods, to doctors and other health professionals. It is well understood by nutrition researchers that we, as humans, should derive nutrition from food.It is our goal at Doctors Research to provide the best, scientifically researched, natural food supplements which meet the needs of those who live in our modern society. Doctors Research products are environmentally friendly. They are natural food complexes which have been shown to be better for the internal human environment. They are supplied in recyclable glass bottles which we feel are better for the global environment (as well as the supplement s environment).A seventy-second video providing an overview of Doctors Research and the advantages of Food vitamins and mineral supplements over the usual USP synthetic vitamins and industrially-processed rocks that nearly all other professional companies use.Some natural health products contain glandular ingredients and many doctors have used glandulars for years with great success.  Glandular organs, such as heart, aorta, and liver, have been a food source in the human diet for centuries. The consumption of glandulars is believed to provide nutritional support to the corresponding gland in the human body. Glandular organs contain food vitamins and minerals and were often used in the past to supply various nutrients.A biofilm is an assemblage of surface-associated microbial cells that is enclosed in an extracellular polymeric substance matrix … Several studies have shown that treatment of adsorbed cells with proteolytic enzymes caused a marked release of attached bacteria”Adrenalin is an outstanding example of a synthetic product that is being commercialized in disregard of the difference in physiological action. The natural adrenalin is fifteen times as 35 active as the synthetic dextro form in its effect on blood vessels.LEARN MORE » Instead of having us talk about ourselves, why don t we see what our clients have to say.Knee not been hurting, I really like that Advanced Joint Complex. It (knee) was in a lot of pain before. B Stress Complex does not bother my stomach like the USP “B” formulas I’ve tried in the past.. Many people have told me that they were pleased with Vitamin-Mineral who could not handle regular vitamins (USP).This site provides information for doctors and health care professionals and is not intended for use by consumer.

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