Evidence, analysis, values | Centre for Crime and Justice Studies

Web Name: Evidence, analysis, values | Centre for Crime and Justice Studies

WebSite: http://www.crimeandjustice.org.uk





The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies is an independent educational charity that advances public understanding of crime and criminal justice.Through diverse, inclusive and durable collaborations, we work to advance knowledge of crime and criminal justice, to champion evidenced and just policy and practice, and to support good legislation. As the summer holidays get underway, even if you're staying at home for your holiday, we thought you might be interested in reading our back catalogue of articles on prison abolitionism and decarceration.  Listen to the first part of our two-part podcast produced by National Prison Radio on the Strangeways protests and the past, present and future of prisons.  "The Disturbance" is the first part of a two-part podcast documenting the Strangeways protests, their causes and aftermath. Produced by National Prison Radio and with support from the Barry Amiel and Norman Melburn Trust, the podcasts situate the protests within the wider context of the state of... On the release of the 250th Prison Service Journal, the issue offers academics the opportunity to reflect upon prisons and imprisonment in the past half a century. This edition includes, amongst others, contributions from: Dr Sarah Moore on escapes from prison Professor Joe Sim on modern prisons in... It is several years since a government put out a White Paper on criminal justice. This week's speakers considered the longer-term implications, and how a positive legacy for criminal justice might be achieved.  This week's speakers explored the political dimensions to the COVID-19 changes and the implications for criminal justice. This morning we held the first of three in our series of webinars tackling issues around socially distanced justice. What measures are EU countries adopting to address COVID-19 in prisons and other detention settings? Listen to the second part of our two-part podcast produced by National Prison Radio on the Strangeways protests and the past, present and future of prisons.  Part two examines the legacy of the Strangeways protests and the role of prisons and imprisonment since. Produced by National Prison Radio and with support from the Barry Amiel and Norman Melburn Trust, the podcasts situate the protests within the wider context of the state of prisons in the... Matt Ford and Richard Garside have made recent appearances on different podcasts. Last week, Research Analyst Matt Ford appeared on 'CIPFA Speaks!', the podcast for the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, to talk about recent trends in criminal justice spending, staffing and populations,... David Nolan, a young journalist at the time of the Strangeways protests, gives his eye-witness account of the disturbances. Listen to Professor Joe Sim on the wider context within with the Strangeways protests happened. Last week, we released the first of a two-part podcast documentary on Strangeways, the past, present and future of prisons, with National Prison Radio. In this clip, Professor Joe Sim highlights the Strangeways protest as one of many disturbances during this period of British penal history.... The Centre's Research Analyst, Matt Ford answers questions on UK's "skyrocketing" prison population and government prison building programme. The interview, appearing in Sputnik News last week by Mohamed Elmaazi covers the general state of prison conditions, the politics of the prison building programme and realistic alternatives to imprisonment.On the subject of alternatives to imprisonment, Matt said:... Listen to the first part of our two-part podcast produced by National Prison Radio on the Strangeways protests and the past, present and future of prisons.  "The Disturbance" is the first part of a two-part podcast documenting the Strangeways protests, their causes and aftermath. Produced by National Prison Radio and with support from the Barry Amiel and Norman Melburn Trust, the podcasts situate the protests within the wider context of the state of... Professor Nicky Padfield says there is reason to be cautiously optimistic about the impact of COVID-19 on prison sentencing, whilst also remembering the pains of imprisonment.  ... This week's summer reading builds on last week's policing reading list, with articles, videos and research focusing on the undercover policing of political protest.  Please consider making a donation if you have enjoyed an event, our bulletin, one of our publications or just want to help us to continue with our important work.We value all donations, large or small.Support us Keep in touch with our work: Our bulletins are packed with wit, wisdom and more.Sign upTel: 020 7840 6110Email: info@crimeandjustice.org.ukRegistered Charity No 251588. A Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No 496821

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