- Michael "Skitch" Schiciano

Web Name: - Michael "Skitch" Schiciano






Friday, December 17, 2010 Wow, time goes by fast....I seriously need to bug myself into posting here more often, but no worries.

First off, I will be attending Magfestin January, along with a lot of folks from It's looking to be a real fun time, though I'm not really going to be running any panels. Regardless, if you bump into me, I'd be more than happy to chat about music, games, or whatever. :)

Furthermore, I've been busy with a lot of music, and I'll try to get some of the players for this site and Skitch Studioupdated as soon as I can.

Lastly, I got an page set up today. You can go to hereto check it out. I'll be working on finding a picture I can use for the page, but it should be okay for now. :) If you have ideas about content that you'd like to see more of on here, feel free to comment.0comments Monday, July 26, 2010 "This Week In Games" - Check it out!I haven't posted this for the past few weeks, but I've been co-hosting a Video Game related podcast with my friend LordKat (Jason Pullara), via his site, and our newest episode has gotten posted over at

This Week in Games - Microsoft's Money

If you don't want to head over there, you can check the podcast recording here:

Enjoy it, and I'll try to get some more info and music posted soon!0comments Sunday, July 11, 2010 Theme song for a new series from MasaKo X!Hey there folks, a new update for you all. MasaKo X, a great voice actor I met back at MAGFest, is starting up a new anime related series, and I got to write up a theme song for it! Check out the first episode of Anifile right here:

1 comments Wednesday, July 7, 2010 What's this? An update?! (and a cameo!)Yeah, sorry for being so, well, not around for the past few months. Work has been crazy busy for me, and I've been working on building up some of my connections around. :)

On a side note, I have a cameo in a review Phelous did, you should check it out here, if you haven't watched it already.

I'll try to get some more stuff posted over the next few days. Have a good one, everyone!0comments Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Skitch Studio 3.0 running, plus more!As I noted the other day, Skitch Studio has been revamped, featuring a new player and a more compact design. I have content on all the pages now, so it's more or less complete for the time being. In addition, over at, the folks there have given me my own forum space, so feel free to direct questions and comments over to this board!

Thanks for your support, and I'll be posting up more updates soon. :)0comments Friday, March 12, 2010 Skitch Studio 3.0 Up (and almost fully set!)

Thanks to some software updates and such, I'm working on getting my main website cleaned up. You can check it out over here if you haven't seen it before.

In addition, I gots me a snazzy little flash player there thanks to the Internet Music Player that'll help give me a streamlined way of showing off a lot of music one single player.

I'm sorry I haven't gotten much more for the updates for now, but I am creating a lot of music as of late, and should have more things to report on soon.

Thanks for you support, all!

1 comments Saturday, February 20, 2010 Transmission Awesome, featuring Me as a guest!Enjoy the show, folks, and please be sure to give ThatGuyWithTheGlasses some love in return. :D

Direct link over here.0comments Older PostsHomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)Michael "Skitch" SchicianoOrlando, FL, United StatesIndependent Composer/Arranger for Media
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Educator in Music Production at
Full Sail UniversityView my complete profile
Music Player - OriginalsPosts Atom PostsAll Comments Atom All CommentsSite QR Code - Share with your friends!FollowersUnless otherwise noted, all content and music in this blog is Copyright to Michael Schiciano 2009

TAGS:com skitchstudio blog Schiciano Skitch Michael 

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