Welcome - Reiki Education and Research Institute

Web Name: Welcome - Reiki Education and Research Institute

WebSite: http://reikieducation.org





Connect with a power greater than yourselfPromote deeper connection with inner guidanceEnhance feelings of wholeness and unconditional loveHelp reveal deeper meaning in the personal life journey WelcomeReiki Education and Research Institute has been serving our students, clients, and communities worldwide since 2007. Our programs are suitable for people with diverse cultural and educational backgrounds.  Allow Reiki to become a part of your everyday life to live a healthier, more relaxed, emotionally balanced, and spiritually connected lifestyle.Experience a Reiki healing session or take a Reiki program to learn how you can integrate Reiki into your life. Explore Our Programs Explore Our Programs Book Appointment/Take a Class Book an appointment for a healing session or tour our facility. Experience Reiki! Experience a healing session or take a class to find how Reiki can help you heal. "RERI has been transformative for me. It has truly allowed me to find some peace and calm in my life. I have been given tools to better myself and the environment around me. I’ve seen positive changes in my life that are ongoing" "The practitioners at RERI are the most well trained and knowledgeable I have ever dealt with. They are kind and patient with me every time I come to the community clinic. Would recommend This organization to anyone seeking to learn reiki or receive a session." Heal individuals, communities and the world physically, mental-emotionally and spiritually with Reiki, an energy healing modality. Becoming the leading force in providing the best practices for Reiki education and healing services. Who Are We? Reiki Education and Research Institute is a 501(c) non profit organization. The organization is found in 2007 in Charlotte, NC. We provide healing services worldwide. Office Location 725 Providence RoadSuite 200Charlotte, NC 28207Tel: 704-644-3644 Office Hours Monday Thursday1:30pm 6:30pmFriday9:30am 12:30pm(If you have an urgent need for an appointment outside of the office hours, please give us a call ) Map Dear Client,To protect the health and well-being of our clients and our staff from the health risks associated with the Coronavirus, all services including our classes, onsite Reiki healing sessions and spiritual mentoring appointments are now provided remotely using our online video conferencing. To make an appointment, please contact us by phone 704-644-3644 or email.Please check back with us.Thank you for your attention.Stay well. Love and Light,Reiki Education and Research Institute What is your background?I studied marketing and started my family stateside, spending 15 years there.  I then worked as an administrator in a scientific research center in Kuwait. I was introduced to Reiki in 2010 and joined RERI in 2011. What got you interested in Reiki? I was suffering from some health issues while I was working in a scientific institute in Kuwait.  I wanted to deal with the root issue of my health so I did what came naturally to myself and I began my own research on alternatives to modern medicine.  In my research, I began to notice a theme emerging of the importance of taking care of the physical body in conjunction with the spiritual body.  I then began to observe my daughter s success resolving her health issues by receiving Reiki sessions and immediately I was hooked. When did you know Reiki could make a difference in your life?  Eager to experiment for myself after witnessing the benefits my daughter received from her Reiki sessions, I signed up to receive ten sessions of Reiki from a Reiki Master in Kuwait. When the course of the treatment was completed I noticed that my pain had diminished significantly and I had more energy than ever! Amazed by the changes and extremely grateful for the opportunity I decided to learn more so I could help others overcome their ailments.Why are you teaching Reiki and volunteering for Reiki Education and Research Institute (RERI)?I decided to retire from the scientific research institute I was employed at to dedicate myself fully to studying how to heal through the practice of Reiki.I signed up for Reiki level one and two with the same Reiki Master that gave me the ten sessions. Upon completion of these classes, I still felt there was a gap in my knowledge. I was left with more questions than answers so I decided then that I must continue my learning journey. I found and studied various courses and lectures online and then came upon the website for RERI.I saw an advertisement for a retreat offered by RERI that was taking place on September of 2011. I decided to sign up and fly over 4000 miles to attend. Since that trip taken in 2011, I have been attending the retreat year after year in addition to participating in many classes, teacher workshops and programs offered by the Institute.I have found no other source as comprehensive in the field and study of Reiki as the RERI. The resources made available to all participants plus the opportunity I was offered to meet many other like-minded people on this journey bring me the greatest joy.How do you plan to use Reiki going forward?  I love being in a community of healers and sharing my healing experience with others.  I am eager to meet and help others to get on their healing journey. I also enjoy teaching the healing techniques I have learned with people who are interested.  My own healing journey began in 2010 by leaving one research institute only to join another and I couldn t be happier!What are your interests outside of Reiki? Traveling, learning new languages, and music are a few of my interests. I enjoy all sorts of arts and crafts; I love to cook and bake and even enjoy creating new recipes. What is your favorite:  place to visit… food…book/movie?  My favorite place is the annual Reiki retreat, I feel so charged to be amongst everyone. I love to travel and explore new places, food and people. I love rice and tea. I love so many books but if I had to pick one I would pick “How to Heal Yourself” by Louise Hay.  It was given to me by my father and later lead me to Reiki.  Tayyebeth Marefat RERI Licensed Reiki Master Teacher What is your background?  I grew up a farm boy in northwest Ohio, youngest of four children. Love for nature became a part of who I am as I experienced its beauty and mystery during my childhood. My focus changed to science, however, when I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and Master of Business Administration from the University of Toledo.  For the time being, in-depth exploration of the mysteries of nature was relegated to the back burner. I began my working career as a design engineer with a large manufacturing company in Ohio, then married and moved to Charlotte, North Carolina in 1984. We added 3 children (a girl and then boy/girl twins) within 2-1/2 years of our wedding day.  I worked as a project manager for two different general contractors, then as a construction consultant.  Between a very active career and raising family, I did not think much more about science versus mystery.  I was much more focused on just surviving life.  More recently I became a part owner in my own construction consultant company.  What got you interested in Reiki?  As my career evolved and my family grew older, I was more receptive to trying other things.  I had always been a “glass is half full” positive attitude person, but life seemed to be telling me there was still more to it.  Enter Reiki! I had never heard of Reiki, but my wife saw that the Reiki Education and Research Institute (RERI) was holding an open house. I hesitantly agreed to go with her. Hearing about Reiki and feeling the energy captivated me. I was hooked. I began the journey towards doing, exploring, and gaining knowledge when I started classes that fall of 2012.  I obtained my Master level training by winter 2014, but I’m still learning and will be forever. When did you know Reiki could make a difference in your life?  From the minute I was introduced to Reiki at the open house I knew that it would make a difference in my heart.  I continue to experience that.   My positive attitude was tested by things my wife went through, with the most difficult being when she passed away in October 2015 from cancer. Reiki helped me through that time period and continues to provide me love, light, and energy to see beauty and wonder in the world. This includes remarrying to the beautiful spirit some of you now know as Sharon (Sharon Price to those of you who do not know her yet). My positive “half full” glass is now at least ¾ full and, sometimes, completely full! How do you plan to use Reiki going forward?  I use the principles that I learned at RERI each day in my life and plan to broaden my current, mostly self-use, to providing Reiki to others in the future as I become “more” retired. Why are you volunteering for RERI?  These are exciting times and as I come to recognize and understand more about Reiki, I feel the connection between our energy and that of all around us. I am continuously amazed by my experiences of energy working with and through me. Through Reiki I am more open and aware of the essence and beauty in others, nature, and even myself.  It includes simple things, such as experiencing truly what is around me including the “talk” of birds, rustling of leaves and branches, or even feeling the sun’s warmth on a cold day, but at the core it is understanding that we all have energy, are energy, and share energy with all things in the world. I still have a long way to go to fully appreciate and understand Reiki, but I look forward to taking on that challenge and continuing to grow. I hope to help others experience such feelings by attending RERI functions and volunteering for the fall retreat planning committee.  What are your interests outside of Reiki?  Living on Lake Norman in Mooresville, NC I have been able to again experience the love and wonder of nature.  I take our three dogs for daily walks and try to run or kayak every morning.  I am now semi-retired, so have been able to spend time on things other than work such as being actively involved with our church, doing home projects, assisting Sharon with some of her art projects, and doing various volunteer activities with charities. What is your favorite:  place to visit… food…book/movie?  My favorite place to visit is the North Carolina mountains for a hike especially to a waterfall. I cannot mention any waterfall singly because all that I have visited were beautiful in their own special way making each one a favorite place. A favorite food is a difficult choice because I love many foods and can eat most any type, but if forced I would say warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream. With a sweet tooth, I can easily substitute many other types of pies, cakes, or other desserts into that favorite food slot! My favorite movie, especially with Reiki in mind, is Avatar. It vividly portrays the connection between man, nature, and other beings and how the energy/life force is so vital for us to recognize and embrace. For me, Reiki facilitates this recognition and connection.  Ron Wright Reiki Master/Alumnus/Retreat Planning Committee Member What is your background?  My diploma says I earned my BS in Secondary Education majoring in physical education with a biology minor!  However, thanks to several life changing opportunities, I earned my living as an Industrial / Ergonomic / Safety Engineer.  I’m retired now and rather enjoying it.  I have lived in the Charlotte area longer than any other location I have been lucky enough to call home.!  Here are some clues to other places I have lived:  my favorite NFL football teams are the Bills and the Bears; I am a die hard U of M fan but my college teams were the Fighting Falcons; and baseball would have me cheering for the Tigers. What got you interested in Reiki? I started out as a client which developed into a desire to learn more about Reiki, so became a student. From there, I started going to the Monthly Intention Circle, Drum Circle, Open House and Winter Solstice events, and the Annual Reiki Retreat sponsored by RERI. When did you know Reiki could make a difference in your life?  Each event I participate in gives me more of a sense of belonging within the RERI Community and has helped me to experience my life s journey in ways I never thought possible. Truly an unexpected gift from RERI! How do you plan to use Reiki going forward?  Reiki has become an important part of my daily routine.  It helps create a balance within that allows me to stay cool, calm and collected even during stress filled events/days.  I let the energy guide me.  Thanks to Reiki, I’m listening more and going with the flow to see where my journey takes me tomorrow. Why are you volunteering for RERI? I have been associated with RERI for going on 4 years. I was raised to believe that giving is always better than receiving, so getting involved and volunteering to help plan some of these events, especially the Annual Retreat, is my way of giving back to the RERI Community and will hopefully have a positive impact on others’ Reiki Journey. What are your interests outside of Reiki? I love spending time with my family, traveling, reading a good book, antiquing for treasures that I can’t live without (including adding to one of my many “smalls” collections), and playing golf.   What is your favorite:  place to visit… food…book/movie?  I love any porch with a creaky rocking chair and a fantastic view, both of which are key elements for my Reiki guided spiritual growth! I like to eat so picking a favorite has its challenges, but here goes.!  For snacking I love munching on lightly buttered popcorn.   While for dinner, there is nothing better than a pot roast of beef cooked up in my grandmother’s cast iron double boiler with potatoes, onions and carrots.  Each of these are not only delicious but always activate fond childhood memories while being consumed. My favorite book is The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff, inspired by A.A. Milne and Winnie the Pooh’s approach to life living in the Hundred Acre Forest.  Try reading this book with Reiki Vision and it is amazing how much you can learn from one small teddy bear about living just for today.  As for favorite movie, any of the Marvel Avenger movies will do, especially if I am curled up on the couch with a bowl of lightly popcorn in my lap. Andi Crowley RERI Reiki Master,Alumna,Reiki Planning Committee Member What is your background/occupation? Or Where are you from?I have been a nurse for over 30 years. For several years I worked in a facility that believed that the holistic approach to medicine had a greater effect on a person’s recovering than just traditional methods alone. This began my search for some sort of energy healing that I could incorporate into my own life.What got you interested in Reiki?After searching the internet for energy healing there was something that stood out to me and that was Reiki. Reiki was different, not only could I offer Reiki to others I could improve my own health and well-being. That was when I registered for Reiki training at Reiki Education and Research Institute.When did you know Reiki could make a difference in your life? Or What is you most memorable Reiki experience?Reiki has changed my life and has helped me heal on many levels. My life has changed from being a sponge to negativity and sickness to wellness and sharing positive energy with everyone. My love for Reiki continues to grow with each day and with each person.How do you plan to use Reiki going forward?I have been a Reiki Master now for several years and I have completed a comprehensive teacher training program at Reiki Education and Research Institute. My passion is to share this wonderful healing art with everyone I come into contact and help people heal and become the best they can be on all levels.Why are you volunteering for RERI?I volunteer at RERI because of the high standard they set not only for teaching reiki but the high standard of reiki practice hey instill into their students.What are your interests outside of Reiki?In my off time I enjoy being out in nature watching nature happen watching birds and wildlife in their natural surroundings, listening to the wind and trees.What is your favorite place to visit? Or favorite food? Or favorite book/movie etc.The most exciting and fun trip I have taken was in May of 2019 when RERI had a retreat in Greece. Not only was it so beautiful and my first trip abroad, being with like mined people for a week and enjoying each other in another country was the best.My favorite book has to be Atlas Shrugged by Anne Rand, my favorite movie is White Squall and favorite food is Italian. Charlene Justis Licensed Reiki Master Teacher 1. VolunteeringReiki Education and Research Institute strives to build a vibrant Reiki community.  If you are a current student and alumni and you are inspired by our mission and ideas, we would like to invite to join our volunteer team. Our student and alumni community is growing and we need volunteers to help with various tasks in these areas:1) Developing our Social Media Channels2) Organize healing events3) Website maintenanceand more. Please contact Mei Yin Hung by email, Co-Founder/Senior Reiki Master Teacher and Spiritual Mentor if you are interested in volunteering for RERI.2. DonateReiki Education and Research Institute is an approved 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, founded in 2007. Our income is mostly generated by offering Reiki classes and programs.  The course tuition collected from our educational programs are not sufficient and we reply on donations to support basic operating and administrative cost.One-time donation: The most direct way of supporting us is to make a one-time donation. All donations are tax-deductible.  No donation is too small or too big. You can make a donation on our website by clicking on this link https://Reikieducation.org/donate  or send a check to 725 Providence Road, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28207Monthly pledges You can choose to set up a monthly pledge and have your monthly gift charged to your credit card or your bank account. We will provide you monthly or annual receipts by email.In-kind donation:A Gift-in-Kind is a non-cash, tax-deductible gift, such as air miles, vehicles, furniture, musical instruments, computer, digital camera, office equipment, etc. The in-kind donation is 100% tax-deductible. Please contact us by email or phone 704-644-3644 if you would like to provide us a In-kind donation.3. Share with the world Social MediaLet people know we do great things. We help people heal. We teach people how to cultivate and nurture their energy and empower themselves. As a result, bringing more positive energy to the world.It only takes few seconds to spread the words. LIKE SHARE COMMENT!  The more you share, the more people will know who we are, what we do and our social impact. Please also provide testimonials for our services on various social networking or other websites you see fit.  Some examples are Great Non Profit, Facebook, Twitter.https://GreatNonProfit.comhttps://www.facebook.com/ReikiEducation/https://twitters.com/reikieducation 4. Planning a legacy giftingLegacy gifts is a great way to create a powerful philanthropic legacy and make a direct impact on causes important to you.  Tomorrow’s results are created by today’s dreamers. Many people dream of a way to change the world and we are utilizing Reiki to do it.  Help us manifest our goal and create a new paradigm to benefit many generations to come.Please give us a call about planning a special gift for Reiki Education and Research Institute.  Gifts include real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, life insurance, charitable gift annuities, wills or living trusts, etc. We are looking to have a property donated to our institute and we believe that this need will be met one day by sticking to our mission and goal.5. Participate in our eventsLast but certainly not least, we host regular healing events to provide healing to ourselves, our communities and our world. As more and more people get involved in Reiki, the closer we come to a paradigm shift.  Please signup for our mailing list to get monthly updates on our events. Come and join us to co-create a new paradigm in the world for all.All gifts are 100% tax-deductibleFor more information, please contact us by  email us at: info@ReikiEducation.org or call us at: 704-644-3644. Thank you! Mei Yin was born and raised in Hong Kong. She studied Business Administration specializing in Logistics and Supply Chain Management in the UK at the University of Northumbria. Mei Yin has over 10 years of working experience in project development and international trade consulting. In her early career, Mei Yin worked for Tormont Publications in Montreal as a Project Manager. After leaving her position, she started her own international trade consulting business. Mei Yin is a world traveler and she has been to many countries for business and leisure. Her traveling journey includes some unforgettable trips. One in particular is a visit to Nepal where she spent 3 weeks trekking in the Mount Everest region to experience the culture and purifying energy in those higher altitudes. In 2001, she settled in the United States and began her new life and adventure in America. She married her husband Bill Coryer in 2002 and became a US citizen in 2017. Journey to discover ReikiMei Yin began her Reiki Journey in early 2000, desperately looking for an alternative therapy to help her husband heal from chronic acid reflux disease. She describes it as being lead or guided to pick up a business card at a local health food store. She didn t know what Reiki meant at the time. She brought home the business card and asked her husband to give the Reiki Master a call. After Mei Yin and Bill experienced their first Reiki healing session, they began to study Reiki with a passion and practice it regularly. Her healing journey with ReikiAfter practicing and studying Reiki for a little while, Mei Yin began to notice the impact that Reiki had on her overall health. She felt better physically when she practiced self-Reiki or received a Reiki session from another practitioner, especially when her energy was low or she felt sick. On many occasions, Reiki helped reduce her pain level from migraine headaches and helped her release negative emotions and blocked energy. Over time, she noticed that Reiki helped change her perceptions about people and situations. It also provided her strength and insights in handling life s challenges. Mei Yin found Reiki very effective and it has become a major contributor to her overall health and well-being. The greatest benefit from Reiki is that she feels more in-tune with herself mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Reiki gave her a stronger connection with others and a new prospective on life. Journey to create Reiki Education and Research InstituteInspired by her healing experiences with Reiki, Mei Yin co-sponsored the Charlotte Reiki Meet-up group and created a Reiki community for people interested in Reiki in the Greater Charlotte area in 2007. In 2008, she and Bill Coryer, founded Reiki Education and Research Institute (RERI), a charitable 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization to raise awareness of the health benefits of Reiki. Since 2007, Mei Yin has been involved in business and program development for RERI and she is dedicated to building a professional education and research institute to raise educational standards of Reiki and conduct research studies to validate its effectiveness. Mei-Yin s healing workIn 2009, Mei Yin along with Bill Coryer and the medical staff of the cancer center created a monthly Reiki wellness program for cancer patients and survivors at the CaroMont Cancer Center in Gastonia, NC. The monthly program developed into a weekly Reiki symptom management clinic within a year. The clinic offered Reiki sessions as an adjunct treatment for cancer patients and survivors from 2009-2011. Mei Yin helped many cancer patients by relieving their stress, anxiety, pain and other cancer-related symptoms through the use of Reiki. This gave many cancer patients hope and a sense of peace and well-being. Since 2009 Mei Yin has been offering Reiki sessions in her private practice to help people who are facing physical challenges, dealing with life s challenges or who simply want to be more connected to their inner self. Mei Yin Hung Co-Founder/Senior Reiki Master Teacher/Spiritual Mentor Bill Coryer is a Senior Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Mentor and Teacher of metaphysical subjects. Bill received a BA degree in Sociology from St. Michael College in Vermont and a Master s Degree in Metaphysics from the American Institute of Holistic Theology in Alabama. He has been trained in many other areas including meditation, breath work, mind-body connection techniques as well as nutritional programs. Bill’s experience and achievements include drug rehabilitation counseling, crisis management counseling, personal development and mentoring, treatment program implementation and evaluation, corporate troubleshooting, and community-based holistic health campaigns. His diverse background and life experiences, give him exceptional insight about how to help others overcome their life challenges. He has provided healing and mentoring sessions to many individuals on their life paths to grow on both personal and professional levels.   His experience over the past several years includes assisting individuals and families with the transition process and the healing of the associated grief experienced. He has also taught hospice staff and medical staff how Reiki can be an effective tool in assisting individuals and families with transitioning. He has a track record of being able to work effectively with individuals and professionals in the medical and social services fields achieving phenomenal results on physical, mental-emotional and spiritual levels.– Bill’s Healing Journey In the early 2000 s, Bill was experiencing severe health issues. He started to receive Reiki sessions regularly from a Reiki Master in New York due to severe and chronic acid reflux disease and soon his whole life began changing for the better. He noted that his symptoms did not go away immediately but he began feeling generally better after about six months when his wife Mei Yin pointed out that he was changing in many ways. Over time the symptoms of various physical challenges began to dissolve.  In addition, he noticed more clarity in his thinking and better ability to focus.  This experience prompted him to learn Reiki.  He did self-Reiki daily and continued receiving sessions on a regular basis. As his journey and experiences progressed, not only did he heal on all levels but his experiences gave him a totally new perspective on holistic health and life.– Journey to create Reiki Education and Research Institute  Bill and his wife Mei Yin moved to the Charlotte area in 2006 and shortly thereafter started the Charlotte Reiki Meet-Up.  This soon morphed into the current non-profit organization, Reiki Education and Research Institute (RERI).  Bill’s passion in helping people overcome life challenges in all areas is demonstrated by his wholehearted effort in educating people on Reiki and working to develop programs of instruction that would become the training material for Reiki Education and Research Institute. His leadership played a large part in Reiki being introduced to cancer patients, cancer survivors and caregivers at the CaroMont Cancer Center in Gaston Memorial Hospital as a complementary treatment method in 2009. Bill currently serves on the board as the President of RERI and he is involved in day-to-day operations and continued development of RERI. Bill Coryer Co-Founder/Senior Reiki Master Teacher/Spiritual Mentor Started in 2006 RERI originally began as a Charlotte Reiki meet-up group started by two Reiki Master/Teachers, William Coryer and Mei Yin Hung, who are passionate about Reiki and have a desire to share Reiki with others of similar interest in Charlotte, North Carolina in January of 2007. At that time, Reiki shares and social events were held monthly in different parts of the Greater Charlotte areas to provide opportunity for the group members and Reiki newbies to share and experience Reiki. Since then, the Charlotte Reiki Meet-up group has grown over 500 members today. Between 2008-09, a mission to raise public awareness of Reiki was slowly developing. Bill and Mei Yin spent most of their time in organizing and hosting community events and Reiki orientation programs to promote the health benefits of Reiki in various locations including health food stores, churches, hospitals, health fairs and hotels as well as using many other venues. Registered as a Non for Profit Organization in 2008In 2008, Bill and Mei Yin began developing a website, the organizational structure and filing for 501©(3) not for profit status in October 2009. The 501(c)(3) non profit status was approved and the effective date for exemption dated April 10, 2008. Other volunteers (Reiki Practitioners) including Zulma Bianchi, Stephen Buck, Barbara Butler, and Jeff Lutz have also given time and effort to assist in the development and raising funds for the initial setup. Our first volunteer program was established in 2008, we provided sample Reiki healing sessions to the visitors at drumSTRONG, a national fundraising event for cancer research in Charlotte, NC. In early 2009, the implementation of the Reiki Wellness program at the CaroMont Cancer Canter brought RERI to another level of growth. Along with this, many other opportunities have opened up and were developing. RERI became recognized in the local health care community and received its first grant from Gaston Memorial Hospital (Now called CaroMont Health) in Gastonia, North Carolina. This became a milestone of the organization’s success. Established our home base in Charlotte in 2010In 2009, Reiki Education, Inc. changed it’s name to Reiki Education and Research Institute to better reflect the mission and purpose  of the organization, which is to raise public awareness of the health benefits of Reiki through providing quality education and conducting Reiki research. Up until 2010 we sublet space or borrowed rooms from various organizations and businesses in the surrounding area. In 2010 with the help of some benefactors, we were able to open our own office in Gastonia, NC and a little over a year later we moved to our current location in Myers Park, Charlotte where we continue to hold educational programs and provide healing services.During this time we also have continued to provide programs on location in many venues including those mentioned previously. We  continue to fine-tune our programs to ensure quality on all levels. Our most recent addition to the group of programs is our Teacher Training segment that gives students a well-structured and method to provide Reiki training for others. This program is intended to help us expand our reach into the community and to other communities throughout the country. We have also begun a student clinic to provide students the opportunity to utilize their skills under the supervision of a trained Reiki Master Teacher while providing those with chronic illness access to Reiki healing services. Grass rooted organization serving students and clients worldwideIn the 10 years, we have expanded our reach to a worldwide audience through the development of our website and have students who have participated in our programs through live video from all over the world. Some international students have travelled to Charlotte to participate directly in our programs. Over the past 10 years, RERI has evolved from a small group of like-minded people into an charitable organization with students, alumni, volunteers and supporters worldwide. Since then, the organization has held over 400 events, including Reiki orientation and outreach programs, Reiki clinics, Reiki educational programs of all levels (Internship format) and conducting Reiki research. The organization is built on 95% volunteer effort lead by Bill and Mei Yin and since 2007 and 95% of our fundings come from educational programs and events. We are the leading force in creating best practices in Reiki education and delivering result-driven services to facilitate the healing process and enhance wellness for individuals, communities and the world. Meet Our Team Reiki Education and Research Institute is guided by the following organizational values:Share RERI vision with your peers, students and othersStrive to engage people as partners in the process, whether as students, clients, peers or associates, striving to strengthen relationships in all levels of society in a positive manner for the highest good of all. We are the leading force in creating best practices in Reiki education and delivering result-driven services to facilitate the healing process and enhance wellness for individuals, communities and the world. Reiki and Intention circle Join us on the 1st Saturday Reiki and Intention Circle. We welcome RERI current students, alumni, guests, volunteers and supporters to join us. The circle is followed by a social luncheon (optional)Meet like-minded people with similar interest want to heal and grow, live a more expansive, positive, authentic and meaningful life.Combine power of intention with group Reiki, you can reset your life and create a purposeful and fulfilling life journey.Together, we intent and manifest a better world for all.The monthly event is held at Reiki Education and Research Institute, 725 Providence Road, Charlotte, NC 28207If you are unable to come to our physical location for this event, you may join the circle on line, just copy and paste the Join Zoom Meeting link on your web browser.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/348728042 Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam. Class ScheduleIn the 10 years, we have expanded our reach to a worldwide audience through the development of our website and have students who have participated in our programs through live video from all over the world. Some international students have travelled to Charlotte to participate directly in our programs. Over the past 10 years, RERI has evolved from a small group of like-minded people into an charitable organization with students, alumni, volunteers and supporters worldwide. Since then, the organization has held over 400 events, including Reiki orientation and outreach programs, Reiki clinics, Reiki educational programs of all levels (Internship format) and conducting Reiki research. The organization is built on 95% volunteer effort lead by Bill and Mei Yin and since 2007 and 95% of our fundings come from educational programs and events. Stay in TouchLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. I was born in Charlotte, NC and raised with my two bothers by both of my parents with my grandparent’s loving support in Union county area of North Carolina. After graduating from East Carolina University with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing, I married my husband, Darren and we now have a son, Ethan, who is eleven years old. As a registered nurse, I worked full-time for eight years as a charge Nurse in the areas of neurological medical/surgical and psychological pediatric to geriatric. Also, I am a licensed massage therapist and was massage therapy instructor at Southeastern Institute in Charlotte, NC. As I completed my teacher training for the Reiki Education and Research Institute (RERI), I reflect back upon my own healing journey and the part that Reiki has played. After my son was diagnosed with Autism at age two, I began a search to help him and myself to be the best Mom I could be for him. Having a child with special needs can be very scary and stressful. Now after RERI, I have learned many skills and received tools that help myself to be peaceful and heal on all levels mind, body and spirit. This has helped me to feel empowered and supported when my mother then my husband had cancer and both were greatfully healed. RERI is not just a place to take classes but a community of people who are there to care and encourage you. I am proud to be associated with a professional Reiki organization and part of this group of amazing people” I am excited to share my healing experiences and to teach this truly effective healing method to others. I am now certified to teach RERI Reiki Natural Healing and Personal Empowerment Program Fundamental Level. You can find and register for my program on our website. Susanne Boatwright-Young Licensed RERI Reiki Master Teacher Dear Client,To protect the health and well-being of our clients and our staff from the health risks associated with the Corona-virus, all services including our classes, onsite Reiki healing sessions and spiritual mentoring appointments are now provided remotely using our online video conferencing. To make an appointment, please contact us by phone 704-644-3644 or email. Please check back with us.Stay well. Love and Light,Reiki Education and Research Institute

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  If you're seeking graphic design employment, are you confident that you know what will be expected of you? If you've worked in a studio before, did yo

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  تریلر سینمایی Mists of Pandaria منتشر شدبلیزارد تریلر سینمایی از چهارمین Expantion خود برای با

Original Zen Alarm Clocks | Digi

  Founded in Boulder, Colorado in 1995, Now Zen makes Zen Alarm Clocks and Zen Timers that make a real difference in people's lives. The growing prefere

AnandTech Forums: Technology, Ha

  Guest, The rules for the P & N subforum have been updated to prohibit "ad hominem" or personal attacks against other posters. See the full details in

Keys Gate Charter School

  To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Our school follows the district publ

Welcome to the Royal Society | R

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NP Health Health and wellness t

  It isn’t uncommon at all for people to vape CBD oil instead of taking it through drops with tincture or swallowing soft gel capsules. If you are inte

Competency Credentialing Instit

  We welcome you to join our community of over 40,000 professionals dedicated to perioperative nursing excellence. CCI is a non-profit credentialing bod

Nurse Career

  Nurses help people in every walk of life and in every part of business. A nurse career can take many forms, from working in a hospital with gravely il


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