Free Folder Monitor - Free File Monitor Software to Record the Changes in System, Files and Folders

Web Name: Free Folder Monitor - Free File Monitor Software to Record the Changes in System, Files and Folders






Free file monitor to record the system changes in real-time, investigating exactly what files/folders have been altered, created or removed. Monitor Program Execution Keep track of the program activity as it progresses and help you figure out what s going on with the applications you run. Ability to filter files without losing data from an extensive list with event properties like time stamp, directory, size, etc. Auto-Monitor Files/Folers/Apps Auto-monitor the file, folders (sub-folders) and applications to detect file creation, modification, attribute changes, delete operations, etc. File Filter The file filter lets you specify what types of changes to monitor and what kinds of notifications to display instantly when the change occurs without losing data. Easy Analysis Diagnosis Easy for system debugging and trouble shooting, file activity audit and log, catching the details of changes to your file system or monitoring your website files. Real-time Processing Process the monitoring with a user-defined task in real time without slowing down your computer and saves a lot of time on dealing with them. Keep track of all changes in files, folders applications in your system for analysis and diagnosis 100% Free Safe with No Malware Release date: It s like a professional reporter constantly reporting to me what happened to the designated files through the detailed log record, which is generated automatically. So amazing! - Anthony Schoen, Free Folder Monitor manages to monitor the actions of any disk, folder, file or EXE in the computer. What s more, its filter function offers users access to customizing what will be showed in the log. - Tucows, This free file monitor has indeed fulfilled what it claims to do. And we see the developers wisdom for they make log clearly understood with three different colors. - Core Download, What s new in this version? Upgrade . Filter items added . Subtree exclusion allowed . Changes in text color Version 7.4.4 ( Released on

TAGS:Software to Record 

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