Voice Communication Solutions

Integrated Solutions for Air Traffic Control and Operations Rooms

...wherever secure, reliable and controlled communication is required

World primary supplier and integrator of Operational and Technical solutions for Civil and Military organisations

All over the world

A growing number of civil and military organisations are choosing SITTI as their solution provider

The voice that guides you. Always. ®

SITTI, the primary choice for quality Voice & Data Communications

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Sitti, the primary choice for quality Voice & Data

Established in 1946, SITTI is a private company committed to providing advanced technical solutions for Voice Communication Systems (VCS) and associated equipment.

SITTI is a world primary system supplier of VCS Systems, based on the most technologically advanced architecture, fully compliant to the latest international standards, e.g. VOIP ED137.

SITTI is today present in most countries in the world with a large base of installed VCS and ancillary equipment and services in the Military and Civilian Air Traffic Control (ATC) arena, as well as public and private Strategic Emergency Services (SES), Police, Fire and Ambulance services, Control Room Management, etc, wherever secure, integrated and configurable communications are required.

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The Voice Communication Systems (VCS) deployed on the Brazilian territory are used to provide a level high level of air traffic management. Due to the vastness of this South American country, the number of operators need to assure efficient and safe services is significantly high. This has never been a problem for SITTI VCS system, […]


Brazil has an huge number of small airports with reduced traffic flow, where AFIS service (Aerodrome Flight Information Service) is provided. With the aim of granting an integrated and cost-effective service, several AFIS operations has been centralized in CINDACTA centres. The project includes enhancements at the following locations: CINDACTA I (Brasilia) Barbacena CINDACTA II (Curitiba) […]


The evolving customers’ needs and the progress in the development of new features require companies to be ready to provide new solutions capable of answering such needs, especially for civil and military applications, where reliable and secure communications are vital. Mission- and safety-critical applications (e.g. Airport Towers, Area Control Centres, Military Commands, Operations Rooms) are […]


SITTI is a reference point in the global market when it comes to integrated systems and solutions for civil and military mission- and safety-critical applications, like Airport Towers, Area Control Centres, Military Commands, Operations Rooms for Fire Brigades, Police, Emergencies and Public Utilities, Vessel Traffic Service, wherever reliable, secure and controlled communication is required. To […]