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Jon Hawkins

Lets invite wildlife back

The Wildlife Trusts and the RHS set up Wild About Gardens to celebrate wildlife gardening and to encourage people to use their gardens to take action to help support nature. Many of our common garden visitors – including hedgehogs, house sparrows and starlings – are increasingly under threat. But together we can make a difference. This year, we're Bringing Back Beetles!

 Go wild for beetles

We’re going wild about beetles! Beetles are a vital part of any wildlife garden. They will munch on garden insects like aphids and snails, whilst acting as food for our larger garden visitors such as hedgehogs and birds. Unfortunately, beetle populations are threatened by things like pesticides, habitat loss and climate change - but you can help!

Download your FREE guide to Bringing Back Beetles in your own garden, with instructions for building your very own beetle bucket, beetle bank, or dead hedge. Pledge to create a beetle home and watch it appear on our map of the UK below!

Pledge a patch to beetles

Pledge to build a Beetle Bucket, Beetle Bank, or Dead Hedge in your garden or local green space and help us protect these amazing insects and everything else that depends on them. Tell us your plans via the form below.

Every wild area counts Wow! areas pledged to beetles! Record what you find

Take photos and record different beetles using popular nature apps such as iNaturalist or iRecord. Findings can help scientists and conservationists to understand how different species are doing.

Read about wildlife in your garden with The Wildlife Trusts

David Hopley

Read about wildlife gardening with the RHS

Tom Marshall

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More ways to help wildlife

Click on a theme below to find out how to look after different species in the garden!

Butterflies Ponds Hedgehogs 

Worms Bats Bees