The Krib (Aquaria and Tropical Fish)

Web Name: The Krib (Aquaria and Tropical Fish)






This site contains information about tropical fish aquariums,including archived usenet postings and e-mail discussions, along with new articles and photographs designed specificallyfor the web. The specialty here is freshwater aquatic plants and dwarf cichlids, but you may findinformation on a variety of subjects.We are the oldest living aquarium web site, having been around sinceJanuary 1994. If this is your first time, you may wish to look at thedetailed subject index. It willhelp you get an idea of where to find things here. Don't be fooled bythe simple front page... there are over 38 megabytes of information stored here!Nothing! I don't really update the site. But for old old updates, see Change Summary for a detailed day-by-daydescription of new and changed pages. What's in a Name? If you're interested, here's some backgroundon this site, its history, name, etc. I also maintain a couplerelated sites you may also enjoy: the Greater Seattle Aquarium Society pages,which features an archive of our locally-grown articles and photos; the Aquatic GardenersAssociation, dedicated to the keeping of aquatic plants in theaquarium and pond; and also the FAQ (see below).Additional Resources...The Aquaria FAQ(Originally written for the newsgroups rec.aquaria.*)is an excellent starting point for learning about the aquarium hobby. Lookfor hooks into specific parts of the FAQs where you see the FAQ logo.sites web sites are found in the subject index underOrganizations, and where appropriate toa topic on other pages (look for the logo). Articles, images and photos are copyrighted by theirrespective authors. Many texts are public-domain Usenet postings, but in general, please ask (e-mail) the authors beforeredistributing.All e-mail addresses herehave the @ (at) sign replaced by a / (slash) as or the word "-at-", a spam preventative. You will have to manually type theaddress in to e-mail the person. I hate spam, and hate the idea of it being sent to someone because theyonce wrote an article here.

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