The Dive Forum

Web Name: The Dive Forum






Occasionally the Admin/Mods will have news and/or updates about the site, they will be posted here; discussions concerning posts into Contact Admin please. We aim to keep the membership informed. General Diving Forums - Chit chat, wreck or nature dives, incidents safety, UW photography videography. Introductions (3 Viewing) Tell us a little about yourself, how you got into diving, where you dive etc.. :) Incidents and Safety Information (2 Viewing) Contains information about Diving Incidents, RNLI, MCA Recompression Chambers I Learned About Diving From That inc DISMS Feeds (3 Viewing) EVERYONE makes mistakes at some time, irrespective of experience or qualification. Discuss an incident, what went wrong and what lessons you learned or what you would do differently next time. Feedback, yes. Negative criticism, no. Anonymous posts can be made through the Moderator if required. Newbies! (1 Viewing) Thinking of learning to dive? Just qualified? Have you been out of the water for a while and are looking for some tips get back in? This forum is for you. You will only find help here - as all egos have been left outside (subject to normal T C's and forum will be moderated to ensure civility). Ask away! :) Disabled Diving (1 Viewing) Being disabled doesn't mean you can't dive. This section is for discussing issues relating to diving for the disabled. General Diving Chit Chat (30 Viewing) THE place to be! Anything that you want to discuss which is diving related, post here. Anything not dive related, go further down the forum list! Wreck Diving (3 Viewing) The majority of divers get into the water to either see wrecks or natural phenomena (flora, fauna, seascapes). This is the wreck section. Post about wreck information and guides, books, history, hunting, identification and research... Natural Side of the Underwater World (7 Viewing) There are those who dive to see wrecks, this sub-forum is for those who dive to see the flora and fauna, or squidge as some call it. UW Photography Video (6 Viewing) If you are into UW Photography or Videography, this is the section for you. There are further sub-sections dealing with Green Blue Water, Videography and 'How To' Techniques. Dive Medicine (2 Viewing) Diving poses or introduces problems or issues which are not experienced when we live on the surface. Remember, the internet is not the place to get medical advice, see a hyperbaric qualified doctor, however, you can pick up some general advice and tips/pointers here... Social, Charity and Group Buy Events (2 Viewing) A community is about knowing each other and helping each other out, and that isn't necessarily just on the back of a dive. Look here how to help out others in the community and wider. Personal Adverts - Where you can sell buy your dive (or non-dive) kit, new or old. Note it isn't eBay though! Diving Personal Adverts (13 Viewing) This isn't eBay and is offered as part of the TDF community. Caveat Emptor! If you are new and want to sell something, be aware that you might be questioned if you have no 'background' or history. TDF 'Sales and Wants' operate on trust, please help to maintain it... One of the bonuses of a community is where people can help each other out. Here you can offer up or request a 'free' courier service to move kit around the UK or world... Lost / Stolen / Found (2 Viewing) If you've had kit stolen, you've lost or found some kit - please tell people about it here. Non-Diving Personal Ads (2 Viewing) The non-diving version of the sub-forum immediately above! Rebreathers - Rebreathers are becoming more mainstream popular; this is the section to discuss them Rebreathers are interesting, complicated (compared to OC) and challenging pieces of diving equipment. Look here for the commonly asked questions about them Closed Circuit Rebreather - General Information (7 Viewing) This is the section to discuss and post about Closed Circuit Rebreathers (CCR) in general. If you have a specific unit question, visit that sub-forum This is the section to discuss and post about Semi-Closed Circuit Rebreathers (SCR) in general. Rebreathers can be complicated beasts, both to initially learn and also to operate once qualified. If you have any questions about instruction or theory, post away here. Accessories (2 Viewing) Rebreather divers are forever pimping their units; in this section you can find out how to put bling on them (or more importantly, configure them for YOUR needs) This is where CCR diving started and in some circles is still popular. Talk about how you got your B Q special to work without drowning you, making you go hypoxic, hyperoxic or hypercapnic! Technical Diving - Technical Diving is a vague term but if you think it's techy then go ahead and post Technical diving configurations and terminology can be bewildering at times. The same questions do get asked as people get involved in this area. Have a search here first for a query. Technical Diving - General Discussions (7 Viewing) Got a general question or comment about technical diving. Raise it here and the community should be able to help. Decompression Diving (7 Viewing) Decompression diving allows new depths to be explored, or extended bottom times, both allow the diver to push the boundaries. However, it is not without risk nor is it precise. Cave and Cavern Diving (2 Viewing) Some people say this is madness, other say it is the best diving out there. Either way there are challenges. Look in here if you want to know more about being an underwater Gollum... Side Mount (2 Viewing) A subforum specifically for divers who dive using a Side Mount configuration. There are plenty who move from 'recreational' diving to Commercial diving. It isn't as simple as you might think but the rewards can be there. Post here if this sort of diving interests you. Dive Equipment - The section to discuss general dive equipment (not CCR) including regs, cylinders, BCDs, suits, fins, computers etc Dive Equipment FAQs (7 Viewing) Many of the questions which get asked about dive equipment are fairly common. Have a look here first to see if they have been asked before. If not, go down a little bit... Regs and Cylinders (3 Viewing) Anything to do with regulators (1st or 2nd stage) or diving cylinders, their properties and configurations BCDs/Wings (1 Viewing) Buoyancy Compensation Devices, Wings and other devices to keep you afloat on the surface or neutrally buoyant underwater. Reviews, questions, comments: all in here. Exposure and Thermal Protection (5 Viewing) Drysuits, Wet-suits, Semi-dry wetsuits, rash vests, thermal undersuits - anything to do with keeping you dry and/or warm whilst diving. Torches (1 Viewing) Primary torches, back up torches, light sabres, all in here. It can be dark underwater and you need to be able to see the critters or your way out. Discuss sources of light you can take underwater with you. Dive Computers and Timers (3 Viewing) We need to understand how long and how deep we have been underwater to work out our decompression obligation. This section is for discussing computers and dive/bottom timers which help us with this. Maintenance and Servicing (4 Viewing) Some people have the skill and knowledge to service their own life support equipment and want to share that knowledge. Here is the place to discuss it - however, this information is provided without liability. YOU are responsible for your own safety which may mean getting it serviced professionally. Diving Opportunities and Reports - Organising a trip? Spare spaces? Trip report you want to share? This is the place Planned Trips and Spare Spaces (6 Viewing) This is where trips are organised, spaces 'allocated' and where trip organisers can list trips where they have spaces. General rule is 'You say, you pay' when it comes to putting names on lists. Trip Reports (3 Viewing) Had a great trip? Got some photos to show what it was really like to go with the words? Post your trip reports here and make people envious. If it didn't go to planned, put something in the ILADFT!! Looking for Buddies (2 Viewing) A diving community develops when people meet others diving. This is the place to hook up and GO diving. The forum for authorised Skippers to advise of spare spaces, trips coming up etc... Dive Charter Boats and Skippers (1 Viewing) This contains dive charter boats and Skippers' contact details, covering both UK and abroad. Please feel free to add more, this is a community after all ... Training Education - Our learning zone. Covers training, diving physiology and physics. Includes Rubicon RSS feed. General Training Posts (4 Viewing) This is for the membership to pose questions about general or specific diver training. Course Reports reside here too. Instructors Area (2 Viewing) This section is for instructors to discuss anything to do with being an instructor; lessons, issues, problems, ideas...anything to make learning safer and more enjoyable The underwater world can be a complicated place when it comes to physics and physiology. This is the section to discuss those problems and solutions. Rubicon RSS Feed (2 Viewing) RSS feed from the excellent research facility - Rubicon Research Repository Travel Information - UK and Overseas Travel Information; dive sites, accommodation, liveaboards, flights, deals... UK Dive Sites, Accommodation and Liveaboards (1 Viewing) A place where the membership can provide details of UK dive sites, accommodation, opportunities, offers etc. Just another part to a community... Top Tips (1 Viewing) As it says really. Got any good hints or tips for or when travelling to a dive site, UK or overseas? Post them here and hopefully make the trip more enjoyable... Non-Diving Forums - A successful community has a breadth of experiences and knowledge. Find them here Non-Diving Posts (79 Viewing) This is where all the non-diving general chit-chat will end up. The Play Pen (18 Viewing) Everyone likes to have a rant every now and again. Post them here. This is the forum to air those gripes, sling (a little) mud and let off some steam.. As long as it doesn't breach the T Cs, rant away! Technology (6 Viewing) Technology is taking over but they are still many things we don't understand. Got an IT problem, don't understand how to use your Smartphone/Tablet/PC/Laptop? There is likely to be someone here who can help This isn't a free for all to advertise for free, but if you have something the membership might be able to benefit from, post here. Single post, no bumping. Polls (2 Viewing) People like to know what other people think about stuff. Polls are one way to find out... Currently Active Users There are currently 311 users online. 6 members and 305 guests Most users ever online was 3,916, 18-03-2016 at 02:58 AM. Spam-O-Matic Statistics 1274 Spammers Denied Registration303 Spammers Permanently Banned198 Spammers submitted to StopForumSpam197 Spammers submitted to Akismet118 Spammy Posts Automatically Moderated

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