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Home About Contact Blog Home About Contact Blog Search by typing pressing enter YOUR CART ITS JUST US BROADS YAKKING ABOUT WHERES THE GOOD NEW, THE ELECTIONS, THE MISS BUM BUM CONTESTANTS TRY FEMINISM, WHO ARE THE WORLDS MOSTPOWERFULWOMEN...ITS NOT US..HOLIDAYS AND MUCHO MORE..It was just us two broads sitting on the opposite side of the USA yakking about the elections, Is there any good Nike shares news, the Miss bum bum contestants misguided attempt at feminism, the most powerful women in the world..Much to our sorrow we were not on the list. Second half I was woebegone ish Bah Humbugging Christmas and the time Santa accidentally left our gifts in parents closet. HOLY HEARTBREAK.. Who knew Santa Shopped at Zayres too??? We talked celebrity gossip, Michelles upcoming visit to Buddhist Temple To see her hairdresser become a Buddhist Monk , Excitement for next week guests. One of whom is a real Broad as in Claire Broad. She is a medium....and lots more...

Thanks to our listeners, we love you all.
Michelle and Grace





the broads way @broadsway_



THE FABULOUSKIRSTEN BOSLY how to invest in Equifax shares in New Zealand JOINS US ONCE AGAIN TO TELL US ABOUT HER HORRIFIC #METOO. WE ALSO TALKED KEVIN SPACEY, IS TELLING SOMEONE THEY LOOK BEAUTIFUL INAPPROPRIATE ?? ASHLEY JUDD THOUGHT SO AND MUCH MORE..The fabulous 1motherblogger Kirsten Bosley came on for her second visit. She is such an incredible life force. She told us her horrible #MeToo story. It was raw and very graphic so be warned. She told it with her down to earth honesty. Kirsten does not mince words, thats part of what makes her so great. We also talked Kevin Spacey, his coming out because he was accused of molesting an actor when actor was only 14. We wondered what will now constitute sexual assault. Is it off limits or sexual harassment for a policeman to tell a woman she looked beautiful in the dress she was wearing? Ashley Judd thought so and got the guys badge number. We also asked Kirsten what her fellow Australians thought of Trump and the USA. We talked about her photo going viral and how she felt when it all died down. Michelle and I talked our long farewells at end of show. I can never say goodbye..I just can't quit her..and lots more..
We want to thank Kirsten for staying up late to chat with us from the land down under. You are so great. We love you and of course want you on with us again!
Most of all, we want to thank our fabulous listeners. Please keep tuning in. Lots of great guests coming up.
Michelle and Grace
Find Kirsten at
Instagram @1MotherBlogger
her blog Us
twitter @broads_way
Michelles great blog
www.the pondering

We talked to Huffington Post Contributor Alla Gonopolsky about her article on being single for seven years. It is a funny, interesting story and great read. Alla discussed her biological clock and when a woman is allegedly in her dating prime, why men, even the oldest of coots, don't ever seem or believe they ever have expiration date, the double standards that have existed since caveman days. We discussed dating apps and modern love. How people just swipe a potential partner away, people swiping for love even while out on date! We discussed her travels with her mom and how long distance love is not really an option. How yoga has helped her, smartphones and depression, how technology connects us to so many people yet we are more isolated then ever and mucho more. ..I love that she used the word spinster in her article. Are there spinsters anymore??
Thanks so much to Alla the self described "nicest millennial you'll ever meet". She was a doll and very open and honest. We loved her and we know you all will too.
Mostly, we thank our listeners.. You all are the best. Please keep listening, we have some great upcoming guests..
Michelle and Grace
Allas Huff Post Article
You can catch up with Alla on instagram @travel.yogi
Michelles great blog
Some fun shows from my old podcast
Have fun and be safe!!

WE TALKED PINKS LOVE LIFE, SEXUAL ASSAULT IS NOT ABOUT LOOKS. MRS "I CAN CHEAT BECAUSE I"M SO MUCH BETTER LOOKING THEN MY HUBBY" AND MUCH MORE WITH HONORARY BROAD ANNE..Honorary Broad Anne joined us and we discussed current events, we discussed Harvey Weinstein and sexual abuse. We talked about Mayim Bialak and her piece she wrote in New York Times. Basically she said she was not a conventional looking woman and so she got no abuse, also her mom talked to her about avoiding hugs on set. She did some victim blaming. Her advice, don't wear sexy clothes. She got pummeled on Twitter so she apologized 4 separate times. Women tweeting #MeToo hashtag were saying they were too unattractive to be sexually assaulted. Which is incredibly sad. We know thats not true, rape and sexual abuse are all about power and anger. Eighty year old women are raped, one year old babies are raped, was it because of the clothes they wore? Of course not. It can happen to anyone, male or female.

For a bit peppier topic we discussed Pink's statement that sometimes she and her husband go a year without sex. Also we discuss some actress none of us knew and her declaration that because she is so much more good looking then her husband its OK if she cheats. She aint all that and her insides add to her not so beautiful looks. WE want her hubby to tell Miss Not So Beautiful to scram, beat it, and get a divorce. Find someone worthy.

Plus WE got into a scintillating talk about the weather..HA!! And lots more. Michelle and I just could not say goodbye. I can't quit her..

Thanks to Honorary Broad Anne, for taking her lunch hour to yak with us. She was great.

Mostly, we thank you, our listeners. Please keep tuning in..

Michelle and Grace

Please follow us on facebook





Michelles fab blog

My other podcast


WE WELCOMED SHANNON LELL TO TALK ABOUT HER ARTICLE 'I WAS A NINE YEAR OLD PLAYBOY BUNNY' WE THEN TALKED HARVEY WEINSTEIN.. ALSO SHANNON REVEALS HORRIFYING RECENT SEXUAL ASSAULT AT CONCERT AND POLICE NON ACTION#METOOWe spoke to Shannon Lell about her article on Longreads entitled " I Was A Nine Year Old Playboy Bunny". Its a story about her finding her sexuality in childhood. It was uncomplicated and only hers, then she grew up and see's that its not so simple anymore. Harvey Weinsten had just been blizzarded all over the news so we talked him, but before we got to him Shannon very bravely and openly discussed her very recent sexual assault at a concert. She went to the police. They did nothing. She reminded us of a term coined from when Anita Hill discussed Clarence Thomas's (now supreme court judge) sexual advances towards her. Its called nut or slut, sometimes both. Anita was a nut. How women are blamed for sexual assault or unwanted sexual advances. Shannon and her high school sexual assault and confronting her now " Devout Christian" attacker. He denied it. It is a very honest and raw conversation. We thank Shannon so much for sharing her story. On a personal note it brought back so many memories of me (Grace) being groped and fondled in my twenties and not strong enough to fight back. Also its not only twenty year olds. It can happen at any age, but when we are young, generally women do not feel or own our own power, or even know we have any, especially if a very powerful man is the abuser. Please listen. Its relevant and sadly, who knows if it will change soon. We are hopeful.

Again, thank you Shannon for your honesty. You are an incredible woman.

Mostly thanks to our listeners. I'm sure many of you have stories of your own to tell. Sexual assault and unwanted advances are mostly against women, but it happens to men and boys as well..We hope you get something out of this podcast. We love ya' !
Michelle and Grace

Her story on Longreads




Please check out Michelles fabulous blog

My other podcast
WE WELCOMED TABITHA FARRAR AN EATING DISORDER COUNSELOR FOR MOSTLY ANOREXIA. WE LEARNED A NEW WAY TO LOOK A EATING DISORDERS...We talked to eating disorder counselor, podcaster and blog writer Tabitha Farrar. Tabitha specializes in anorexia nervosa as she had anorexia for twelve years. She talked the Controversial Scientific reasoning behind eating disorders. WE had never heard that theory so it was very interesting. I had some sort of eating disorder from the time I was 14 until I hit 35. Eating disorders are very difficult to conquer. There are unfortunately many relapses. We talked the very real fear of food. Words that trigger people with eating disorders. The isolation the goes with eating disorders and lots more. Michelle was very lucky that she had a healthy sense of self and never had an eating disorder. Eating disorders don't discriminate. Many men have them as well but its more of a stigma attached if you are a man. We also talked how eating disorders are not only for the adolescent girls, but older women that have never had an eating disorder get one in their fifties. Its all very complicated but it is an illness and anorexia is the biggest killer of teen girls.

Our hope is if you or a loved one is suffering from an eating disorder there are many places on the web for information. Tabitha has a great website that has lots of sources about disease and help. Also she has a great podcast on same page. Check it out.

We thank Tabitha for being such a great guest. Most of all we thank our listeners. Please keep hanging in with us.

Michelle and Grace

Tabitha has a wonderful website filled with many great things and links to other places to seek help.


you can follow her on instagram @the pondering nook.

We have instagram page



new podcast

Give a listen. Its a lot of fun
Also for old shows

As a special PS

I was very saddened to hear about Tom Petty Dying. We use his American girl as our opener. I played us out with Free Falling. RIP Tom .

THE LOVELY LAURA CARROLL JOINS US TO TALK WHATS NEW IN THE CHILDFREE WORLD...The Broads once again welcomed Author, Speaker, Documentary Consultant and Researcher Laura Carroll. We had a swell time talking childfree. WE pondered why must there be a label. In my own life I have never been introduced to someone as This is CHILD FREE Grace. I know I would have to laugh. We don't need labels for everything, yet some people think we do. WE were in total agreement with CHILD FREE Laura HA HA..
We talked about if parents with kids should get to board plane first. We saw both sides but I think it takes longer to get the kiddos situated so maybe it holds everyone up. Baristas at Starbucks to get 20,000 for invitro so they can have a baby. Did the other Baristas get any dough if they did not need in vitro?? What about the guys?? We talked about people scoffing when you mourn a pet, with a get back to me when you have kids. Why should someone that lost their beloved fur baby feel more for other peoples kids.?? We don't even know them..Mom Michelle was great on offering her mom point of view. We talked about much more..It was a fun and interesting show. Laura was great and has the best laugh. Laura and I want to plan a wine show but considering the early time we tape we will settle for mimosas.

Big thanks to Laura for coming on show again.

Most of all to our listeners thanks for listening

Michelle and Childfree Grace

Catch up on laura at

Her facebook page

Facebook page

My new podcast with my co host Broadway Baby Donnie Kehr.
facebook page

ANNE JOINS US TO DISCUSS SEPTEMBER 11, YOUNG GUYS HAVING ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION BECAUSE THEY WATCH TOO MUCH PORN, DO MEAN GIRLS TURN INTO MEAN MOMS, DEVIATED SEPTUMS AND MUCH MOREWe welcomed Anne for the first time on our Season 2. We talked about where we were on September 11, hurricanes, why young guys are having erectile dysfunction these days..TOO MUCH PORN..Women judgeing women on having baby with cesarian section vs natural childbirth, Annes protest March in Boston, Nasal voices and deviated septums, funky noises and dropped words when we were recording, Michelle liking Gwyneth Paltrow while Anne and I said yuck and mucho more.
Thanks Anne for coming on. It was fun as usual.
Thanks to our editing guy, you know who you are. : )
Most of all thank you to our fabulous listeners. WE love you.
Kick back, have a cup of java or vino and give us a listen.
Michelle and Grace
instagram @thebroadsway_

Anne....coming to a protest near you
WE TALK AFFAIRS AND DIVORCE WITH WRITER CARITA RIZZO. IT WAS A FUN CHAT FEST WITH CARITA CALLING IN FROM PARIS, OOH LAH LAH..GET OUT THE BORDEAUX AND GIVE A LISTEN...CHEERS!The Broads welcomed the gorgeous freelance writer Carita Rizzo. Michelle first spotted Carita after reading her article on being the other woman. She related big time so we asked Carita to come in to discuss her article and much more. Carita is living in Paris and she sounded like she's in the same room. We talked about her article, taking off socks, divorce, bad choices we all made and why we think we made them, fear of commitment, living the fantasy versus reality. Is it better (and safer) to have someone love you more then you love them and much more.. Carita was open and fun and we'd have loved to be sipping Bordeaux with her at an outdoor cafe in France..We will be having Carita back on show to talk about book she is writing about life after divorce. It will be a very compelling read..

Carita's article
You can follow Carita on instagram and twitter

Please follow the broads at
instagram @thebroadsway_


I have not posted a new show in a while because there has been no new show. We are going through a name change, new studio and prepping for it all. I promise it will be a fun show. We will be taping our first show on September 25th and have a very fun guest scheduled. There will be a new website and facebook page as well. I'll keep you posted..

We thank Carita Rizzo for coming on the show and being so honest. We loved her!

Most of all we thank our listeners. We love you all! Keep on listening for more honest chatting.

Michelle and Grace

WE HAVE REPORTER MARCELLA RAYMOND ON TO DISCUSS HER MEAN LETTER OF CONCERN FROM ANONYMOUS SENDER THAT WENT VIRAL. WE GET SCOOPS. SHE GOT A RIDICULOUS SECOND PAGE! HEAR ABOUT THAT AND LOTS MORE.We welcomed the lovely Marcella Raymond to our show last week. Marcella is a reporter for WGN in Chicago. Marcella posted a mean letter she got from an anonymous "concerned"viewer on her Facebook page and it went viral. She talks about what its like to have so much attention on her, how she felt when it goes away and how mean people can be. WE deduced it was someone in her business because of phrases used. We even got an exclusive scoop due to the opening disappearing. Marcella was kind enough to do another opening and she told us she got a SECOND page!! Wait till you hear what the Mean thing added..Michelle thought perhaps it was an aspiring personal trainer. WE find out what profession this jerk allegedly is in.. Marcella was open, funny and endearing. She is welcome back anytime. WE LOVED HER!! So will you. She also talks about her new book which sounds like it should be juicy read.. She will be on again to talk about her book.

Thanks so much Marcella. You are smart, fun, and a great guest!!

You can see Marcella on WGN in Chicago. Follow her on facebook





My other podcast will be starting up soon. in the meantime check out some old shows at

Thanks again Marcella. Most of all thanks to our listeners. We love ya!!

Michelle and Grace

Below is page two from concerned..

Our End Of Summer Show. WE talked What We DID This Summer. Some Favorite Things and not so hot. Michelle Did Not Like Wonder Woman and thought she was a wimp and more..Michelle and I had planned to do an end of summer show. Adios, Ciao, See ya later Summer. WE ended up doing this show literally after a ten minute lets do it.

Michelle forgot she saw her parents for a week in Canada, She also strolled naked on a beach..JK..She strolled sans beach rap. Own your body! She was on the home front busy with her stepson and daughter Natasha and helping with the family company. She also nearly had heat stoke because she has no AC. Ugh Also our writing vixen, just kept on writing. She is my kinda Wonder Woman and definitely not a wimp. All this in a heat wave with NO AC!!

My fave thing was going on retreat with my sister. The Brother (Kind of like a monk) that gave 5 lessons was nice but bloviated to much for me. I met so many lovely women, and some were nuns that are just women too. I talk my usual talk and my sister would kick me if she thought I was out of place, I gather she thought i was too honest for their holy nun ears. My thing is Nuns are people too so I talk to them like people. I still have the bruises. My sister then discusses with group how if she was alone with Donald Trump she wants to beat him up..I didn't kick her leg. I found out The Brother believed ALL men and woman should be married to God, hence his lovely wedding band. God sure is married to a lot of peeps. My end of retreat was nice because we met my other sister and chowed down and drank wine. Nothing like kicking back with my big sisters.

We talked Louise Linton, elitist spoiled brat wife of Steve Gnuchin and her let them eat cake Instagram post. She named all the designers and basically played the I'm so rich and you're not game. They flew to Fort Knox And stood on Roof watching Eclipse. What an entitled thing to do. What do you wanna bet they were sipping champagne? You should check out her acting reel. Meryl Streep does not have to watch her back.

Game of Thrones. Michelle told me I did not HAVe To watch it. Really. HA..At the end I heard Michelle talking to someone that I did not hear. Boo! It was random computer lady. Plus more that I forgot. I think it was a ghost in the computer. Why Not??

We laughed, we danced, we had tea, we pondered. WE practiced our mashed potato..WE braided each others hair. Its a fast and easy listen.

Thanks to My Belle for being the best co host ever.
And mostly Thanks to our listeners. keep hanging in., Who loves ya baby.


My other podcast will be back in two weeks. I'll let you know

Michelle and Grace

I'm trying to get the shows closer to the words, I'll get it dammit.

I want the show here!!Today We Chatted With Angie Love Ward, Activist, Mom, Healer And Woman with the Best Head Of Long Curly Hair, Dropping in To Yak About Men, Marriage, AndDomestic Abuse..WE Also Discussed If WE Would Ever Have Butt Implants, Would You Tell Your Sister If Her Fiancee Cheated and more..Our Second Show Of Season 2 was a lot of fun. We had activist and healer Angie Love (how I love that Love) Ward on and we discussed her group of activists she meets with once a month, her kids, her marriages, her absolutely beautiful curly hair, health care, marriage, having SIX kids, divorce and all those lovely things, Then switched gears talkingwould we ever want a big old Kardashian butt. Michelle pondered if butt would have cellulite and lumps. I was happy I have a small booty and Angie was a ??? We talked women wearing pretend engagement and wedding rings at work to avoid sexualharassment and we all knew if someone is determined to be an oinker wearing a ring doesnt matter. Moral Dilemma Question, Would We Tell Our Sister If The Fiancee she loved was cheating on her..We did have to ponder..

Thanks To Angie. It was her first podcast and she was fab. She had surgery 2 days before and was in pain but came through like a trooper. You can find her @angieloveward on twitter. She is a twitter bud.

Thanks to Michelle My Belle Love, love those loves, for being such a great broad and co host.

Most of all we thank our listeners. Hang in there, we have some great guests coming on..
Michelle and Grace
xoxo broadswaypage
Twitter @Broads_Way


My other podcast will be starting up in September with some new voices, a new name and new website. I'll keep you posted. For past episodes
www.groovypodcast.comWe took off running with season 2 of the Broad's Way Podcast with our first guest, Kristie Overstreet, who is a clinical sexologist, licensed professional clinical counselor, certified Sex therapist, licensed mental health counselor, board certified transgender care therapist among many other things.Love Miss Peggy Lee. I have a really good story about her, but maybe another time. We the broads and Dr Kristie Overstreet Are All A W O M A N . It was my birthday and stay tuned for Michelles sultry version of The Happy Birthday song,

Michelles daughter and stepson are back in school so we were free to blab. I had my health issue to deal with. Now all seems full steam ahead for our show.

We talked transgender and is it ever too early to let your child become their true sex wrapped in the wrong body. She helps medical people on how to treat a transgender patient. Number 1 being respectful. We also talk her books. We love the name "FIX YOURSELF FIRST" Its been said by many and known by many yet still women AND men don't do that. To get the love you want and deserve you must value who you are as a person. We also talked about cheaters and is there a certain pattern to look for. Alternate lifestyles and much more. We blabbed on and we have much more to talk to Dr Kristie about. She was a delight and we know you'll enjoy her.

Thanks so much to Dr Kristie Overstreet PHD
You can read more about her and see her on youtube here. I advise you to check her out. She's great


Visit our twitter
Our Facebook page

My other podcast is on hiatus until September. We are updating equipment and getting the group ready to roll.

It will now be called In Your Face
Also on twitter

Broadway podcast can be found on iTunes.

Mostly we want to thank our faithful listeners. WE love YOUSE ALL !!!! Stay tuned.

Michelle and Grace

WE'RE BACK. WE TALK UNHEALTHY MODELS, TRUMP AND HIS NUCLEAR WAR THREAT TWEETS, AMANDA KNOX WRITING ON THE MICHELLE CARTER CASE, MEN SENDING ERECT PENIS SELFIES TO WOMEN THEY BARELY KNOW AND WHY They Think WE WOULD WANT TO SEE THEM, Much moreWe had fun even though it was very early morning for our Michelle. She got up at 5 AM to do show, once again with her sultry vixen voice. I had been up since 5 EST so had 3 hours waking time on her. No sultry vixen voice from me. WE talked about lots of things. Are plus sized models unhealthy images as much as the ultra skinny models? Men sending shots of their erect penises to women they barely know. What do they think we would do?? The Donald and his latest news. It changes so fast we hit on things from just two weeks ago and his most recent tweets threatening Nuclear War with North Korea. Michelles anger at Disney removing their content from netflix and starting new channel. Her Grimms Fairy Tale of Shot versus Magic Mountain and much more!

Thanks to my partner in crime for being an early bird. Most thanks go to our listeners. Thanks for hanging in. Next week we start having wonderful, insightful guests again. Please keep listening. You can also follow us on our Facebook page

Check out Michelles fabulous Blog
She is a wonderful writer on any subject you can imagine. She is a contributor to Huffing post and many other online mags

My other podcast page. We have not done a show in a while but will start again faithfully in September. We are making some changes. Stay tuned podcast

THE BROADS WAY: MICHELLE IS BACK FROM HER VISIT TO FOLKS. ITS JUST THE TWO BROADS TALKING TRUMP, THAT THERE TRULY IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME, MONICA LEWINSKY ARTICLE DISCUSSING JZ'S INFIDELITY AND MUCHO MORE..We did a very impromptu show. I text Michelle and said want to do a quick one and so we did. We talked Trump, Healthcare, Michelles first trip to Canada after becoming an American citizen. Monica Lewinsky writing a piece for Vanity Fair about JZs infidelity. I had a glass of wine and pondered. We talked about the upcoming season of our podcast.We wondered if the Japanese first lady shunned Trump by pretending she couldn't talk English or did Trump shun her, to Russia with love, new shows we want to watch on netflix, Michelles stepson being in my neck of the woods and my great visit with my nephews and gaining an honorary nephew. I'm the cool and groovy Aunt. Love those guys and more..

Please read Michelles great writing at
the pondering
Follow us on Facebook page
You can hear us on
iTunes as well
My other podcast that is being revamped as I type. New name, new format and lots of fun..
follow us on twitter broads_way

Thanks most of all to our listeners. You are the cats meow!!

Michelle and Grace
THE BROADS WAY: WE TALK WEIGHT, POINTS, WHAT TO SAY WHEN SITTING AROUND WITH NUNS, ROAD RAGE AND MUCHO MORE WITH OUR PEEPS ANNE AND SUZANNE..We had a great time with our favorite broads Anne and Suzanne. We talked everything. Michelles first July 4th as an American citizen. Some Trump til Michelle shut me up. HA!! We talked weight, points, drinking, Suzannes daring journey into buying all sorts of undies. NO MORE GRANNY PANTIES!! Beyonce and Jay Z and their twins. Jay Z being a serial cheater and why should we care...We don't. Anne and my spiritual retreat where I still have bruises from her kicking me because she thought I was offending a nun, and lots more. We had fun and we were all a wee bit drunkiepoo except for our Canadian cutie Suzanne. We promised to show her how to drink. It was fun and we hope you enjoy our blather.

We want to thank Anne and Suzanne for being great broads and coming on the show. I want to tell my beautiful co-host Michelle to stay off the damn scale. Nothing good comes out of peeking at those numbers.

And of course we mostly want to thank our listeners. Our summer schedules have been messed up so we try to shoot one out whenever possible. Thanks so much hanging in and for listening!! If you ever want to come on the show reach out to us on our Facebook page.

Read our Michelles fab blog
www.groovypodcast.comTHE BROADS WAY: ITS JUST MICHELLE AND GRACE A COUPLE OF TIRED CHICKS SITTING AROUND TALKING..We did it with just the two of us. Michelle is a trooper. She got up 530 AM to do this podcast. I had been up for hours and bad sleep. We are not the sharpest Broads but we talk a lot of different subjects.
We talked Health care, A movie coming on Netflix called To THe Bone, The Hunger author and her really compelling life and story. WE also talked about not having scales in our house. Michelles Hubby bought one a she could not resist going on. Our Michelle started saying she's big, shes not and the number on the scale horrofied her. NO MORE SCALE. Michelle looks great. We talked a bit on Body dismorphia and so much more. Listen to the tired broads, Michelle sounds sultry...I sound like me. UGHHHH. The Rain In Spain Stays mainly in the Palain.. I need Enry Iggins.

WE will be doing another one this weekend. Thanks to all you people that listen. This summer is weird for both of us but we will be back on our schedule once the kiddos are back to school.
Michelle and Grace

Follow us n twitter @Broads _ way

Again Thanks for listening..
Today we speak to author Bob Marsocci about his book "You Exhaust me..The Clueless Guys Guide To Marriage"Today we spoke to Author Bob Marsocci. His book is You Exhaust Me, A Clueless Guys Guide To Marriage. Bob wrote the book for other married men to avoid the mistakes he made as one of the clueless. We had fun talking to him. He gave us his ten common mistakes the clueless husband makes. Check it out and see if you agree.

Thanks to Bob for being a great guest and coming on our show. You can find out more about Bob and how to get his book at,

Bobs social media

Twitter: @rmarsocci



Most of all Thanks to our listeners. We have been not so great about putting out shows recently but that will be changing. Please hang in with us..

Thanks you all,

Michelle and Grace

THE BROADS WAY: Back After 3 Week Hiatus We Talk Breast Cancer, the importance of mammograms, health insurance, Kathy Griffins Joke and Why Its Not Tit for Tat
We are back from a three week break..It actually seems longer and we explain why we were off during that time. We talk my finding out I had breast cancer and the importance of mammograms for early detection. Some breast cancers can't be felt during breast exam, that is why mammograms are lifesavers. We talk about Health insurance and the importance of having it, lumpectomy and radiation with 6 month check ups versus double mastectomy and rebuilding breasts.
We also discuss Trumps decision to leave Paris Climate Agreement and Kathy Griffins very bad Trump joke. Tit for tat aint the way to go.
Thanks to Michelle my belle for waking up at 445 AM to do show at 5 West Coast time. She did sound like a sultry vixen, whereas I just sounded like me..AGGHHH!!
Most thanks go to you, our listeners. Please hang in there. We have lots of good stuff to talk about.
Michelle and Grace
Please follow us on twitter the broads way

THE BROADS WAY: TODAY WE WELCOME AGAIN OUR FRIEND SALLY LAUREN OF THE FEMINIST GAZETTE. WE DISCUSS IT ALL....We had the fabulous Sally Lauren back on. She is amazing and articulate. She is turning 18 soon (It made Michelle and I feel OLD). We both love and admire her greatly. As Sally Lives in South Korea, Michelle in California and me in NYC trying to get a time we all could tape was not easy but our Sally was a trooper. She called in 9 AM her time and hadn't yet been to bed. You'd never know it.

We talked nuke scares, pollution so bad where she lives that people have to wear surgical masks to leave her town, her future, politics, how white skin is highly treasured by South Korean women and the way they achieve it and so much more. She was great!! I highly recommend listening. She is a woman to watch out for. I have very positive feelings about how great her future will be, not only for herself but helping and inspiring others.

Thanks so much to Sally. We shall definitely talk to her soon. I have a very warm spot in my heart for you!!

Mostly thanks to you, our listeners. I know a lot of you liked Sally a lot. Please listen. You'll like her even more..

Michelle and Grace

Sally is a very smart and thought provoking writer. You will enjoy her articles. gazette


THE BROADS WAY: WE TALK TO AUTHOR, MUSICIAN SETH DAVIS BRANITZ ABOUT HOW HE LOVED AND LOST HIS DRUG ADDICTED BROTHER KIMWe talked to Seth about an article I found on Longreads. I highly recommend you all read it As he was on the show, in the article he was honest, sensitive and as much as it was heartbreaking it was beautifully written and really made you feel what he felt. Thats a great writer. He has told me he would gladly come on again to discuss other topics. We will definitely have him on again. He is a very sweet soul.
I was running on no sleep. I'm sorry I was not at my best. Michelle and Seth picked up the show and I really feel its an important topic and for people in similar situations, you will knowyou are not alone. For those who have not had to deal with this you will learn a lot.
We want to thank Seth for coming on and sharing his story. He was great.
Most of all we thank our loyal listeners. You all are the best!
Michelle and Grace
You can read more about Seth, hear his music
He did a great talk you can check out on youtube

THE BROADS WAY:ANI, OUR FIRST GUEST RETURNS..AND WE ARE STILL NOT SLUTS..WE TALK SEX ED VS VIOLENCE.. TRUMP AND THE BOMB, Thought Police AND MUCH MOREToday Anabelle Bernard Fournier of the bloghttp://www.thestoryofa.comreturns to the show. Anabelle was our first brave guest and I really loved that show. We discussed her article "YouMay Be A Slut and Don't know it" among many other topics. If you havent heard it I highly recommend it.
We discussed her article about Why she writes about sex. We talked when is too young for sex education. Sex ED versus violent video games andwhy is violence is always more acceptable then sex.
We talked about politics and what is going on in our world, how we are regressing, and truly feeling the A bomb may actually be deployed. SCARY STUFF..

WE also talked the danger of the Thought Police where Annabelle gives us a frightening example.

We were a trio of Hardy Broads plugging through show.. Michelles daughter was home sick and wanted to join our discussion one way or another (Michelle does not have a nanny). Annabelle had pretty much just woken up, and I was sick with stomach virus with barf bag at my side. We soldiered on.
We discussed much more. It was very nice speaking to Ani again. She is a great and provacative writer. There is so much to discuss there.
Thanks to Anabelle for breaking into her slumber to join us. Also our Michelle doing the show while keeping little poopsie doop occupied and me for not barfing on tape.
Most of all we thank you, our listeners. Keep coming back please..
Michelle and Grace
Anis first show with us.
Her website
Michelles blog
Our facebook page
Please follow us on twitter

The Broads Way:We TALK TO KATE CHAPMAN ABOUT HAVING BLENDED FAMILY OF SIX AND HOW IT AINT NO BRADY BUNCH April 21, 2017Today we spoke to Kate Chapman. Kate is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post and stepparenting magazine. She has a blog "this life in progress" and is a steparrenting coach. Kate has three children, she got divorced and eventually married a man with three children of his own. We find out (SHOCKING)that real life is not The Brady Bunch. We never did found out if any of them had hair of gold or if the youngest one is in curls.

Kate talks about navigating the wavy waters of blended families. She tells us why she does not discipline her step children, being a united front co parenting her children with her ex husband, enjoying the quiet weekend when its kids time at other parents. Kate is honest, articulate and very very wise. You will learn at lot about blended families and how just when you think you are getting it all together, each day there is another lesson to be learned.

Thanks so much to Kate. She was wonderful. Good luck with the Chapman Bunch!!
Congrats to the beautiful Michelle for becoming an American Citizen this week!!!
Mostly, thanks to our listeners. You are the best!

Michelle and Grace

Where you can read more Kate.
Kate Chapman

Please follow Michelle and I on twitter @broads_way
Michelles Blog
My other podcast

THE BROADS + 2 TALK WEARING THE LINGERIE, MASTURBATION, WHAT UNDERWEAR WE LIKE. WHY YOU SHOULD WEAR THE SPECIAL UNDIES SO THE FIRST TIME WEARING THEM IS NOT WHEN YOURE DEAD..Today we had as special guests Anne and our biggest supporter Suzanne. We talked Michelles Article "Just Wear The Lingerie" We discussed men not checking out your cellulite in the heat of the moment. Shake those insecurities and your booty in some Fredericks Of Hollywood va va va voom undies (Victorias Secret if preferred). We talked undies and what kind we like, why you should not wait for some "special day" to wear your fancy pants. Wear them today, becauser every day is special! We talked about Michelles Masturbation article. She asks why women do not freely discuss masturbation , where men will gladly mention "beating off'. We discussed pepsi commercial, United Airlines Brutality to poor guy getting kicked off plane, Michelle becoming an American citizen next week (YAY) and mucho more.
Thanks so Much to my big sister Anne. Please wear your nice undies...Don't wait..
Thanks to our favorite listener Suzanne!! Thanks for sending me the good luck spork and candy!!
Mostly thanks to you our listeners!! Please keep hanging in there!!

Michelle and Grace

Michelles articles BROADS WAY: WE TALK TO AUTHOR T. RUNYAN ABOUT HER GREAT ARTICLE ON HER TEENAGE YEARS, FINDING HER POWER THAT CAME WITH HER BIKINIS AND DISCOVERING HER DAD WAS A MAN AND NOT JUST A DADAND MUCH MORE...We had a great chat with Author T Runyan about her article I found in Salon.com It was so well written and so relatable to me that it transported me to my miserable teen years. Thats some kind of writing. T. tells us about growing up as a beach going California girl, feeling awkward until she put on a bikini. She was 5 ft 11 and never felt comfortable in her skin until she put on that magic bikini. With it on she felt she was just fine. She also noticed the power she had over men because of her body. She took in their approving looks and felt validated. Michelle and I totally related.We all discussed when we found out our fathers were men and not just dads. The awkwardness that sometimes occurs between a daughter and her dad when her body changes and that it must be weird for the fathers as well. One day T.was sunbathing in her backyard in one of her bikinis and she felt like someone was looming over her. She looked up and saw her father at the window taking pictures of her. He said he was checking out how she was looking. It made her feel violated and uncomfortable and that was the day she put her bikini away. Its a great read. T is a delight. Again, it was like three girlfriends that have known each other for years, drinking coffee and chatting away. She is working on a memoir about her years in California and I for one can't wait to read it.
Thanks to T for being so open and honest and sharing that time with us. She was articulate and funny and a true delight. Of course we want her back on.
Mostly we thank our listeners. I know we have not been as faithful in putting out our show weekly but thats changing. Hang in with us please. Like everything, podcasts evolve and we want to put out some great stuff for you.
Thanks so much

Michelle and Grace

Today WE TALK TO VANESSA BATES RAMIREZ ON WHY ARE WOMEN CALLED COUGARS WHEN THEY DATE A YOUNGER MAN AND OLD MEN CAN DATE TWENTY YEAR OLDS AND NOBODY BLINKS AN EYE and much more...Today we talked to Vanessa Bates Ramirez about Cougars..GRRRRRROOOOWWWWL. Why are women called cougars while old cooters get nothing said to them if they date 20 years old. Why is it not that way for women. Its ridiculous. Vanessa tells us her romantic story, its kind of like the movie Last Night IN Paris, except it wasnt just a night and it was not in Paris. They both lied about their age which was not a huge difference and why she was compelled to lie about it. We talk about how amazing it is to make such a great connection. Even if it turns out being only two days its a memory of something beautiful.
Vanessa has started a new blog. She has three essays on there for now, including the one we speak about today.

Please follow her at

Which stands for Around The World In Eighty Dates.
Thanks so much to Vanessa, this was her first podcast and she came off like a pro. Mostly thanks to our audience. Don't give up on us. We are revamping the podcast and it should be fun! Thanks for listening.
Michelle and Grace

Today we talk to Millennial Mentor And Java Bud Tony DufresneWe talked all things Millenial. Social media, relationships. Sort of everything you may or may not want to know about millenials but were afraid to ask or did not care to know. Tony was a great guy and we loved talking to him. He also has a podcast.

www.javabud.comis the one stop to get all things Tony.

Thanks Tony. Thanks to our listeners for hanging in.

Grace and Michelle
Today we talk to the wonderful Liz Petrone. She is a blogger, a mom of four and a very cool chick!! Again it was like talking to a girlfriend over a cup of java. We discussed mom guilt, taking an hour a night while the hubby and kids are snoozing to just bask in the quiet with a glass of wine or a bowl of ice cream (sometimes both)and not thinking you should be cleaning the grout from the tub. We talk about our moms. Liz lost her mom to suicide and she has written such beautiful and heartwrenching blogs on that experience. We also talked about Mean Older Ladies at grocery stores that yell at other peoples kids. Liz wrote a blog about this, because a mean lady yelled at her daughter to get her mitts off her carton of ice cream. Liz and Grace had flashbacks because mean older women yelled at us at grocery stores too, Graces was usually her mom, but some strange meanies did it too. All in all it was a fun show and we adored Liz.
Thanks so much to Liz for joining us. You were great!! Mostly,thanks so much to our listeners. Keep coming back please, we have a lot of great peeps lined up.
Michelle and Grace
TODAY WE TALK GHOSTING, PEOPLE THAT SEND FAKE OR OLD PHOTOS TO DATING SITES, CREEPY FIRST DATES,HOW EASY IT IS TO SWIPE YOUR WAY TO NEXT DATE, HALF NIGHT STANDS....AND MUCH MOREToday we talk to the very fun Jamie Silverman. She wrote an article on Huffington Post that we loved about Ghosting. Ghosting is the new word for blowing someone off with no explanation, whether it be someone you are dating, someone you had sex with or job interviews ...Jamie does not ghost, she is honest, WE, Michelle and I, have blown people off . We also talk about how people misrepresent themselves on dating sites with either a very old/meaning young pic of themselves, thin pic when they now weigh 200 pounds more and even sending someone else picture!!! We ponder how in the world do they think no one will notice?? Also how easy it is to say next, when you have not found Mr. Or Ms Perfection yet. What makes the perfect seekers think they are so perfect?? We talk about Graces date with a Jack The Ripper Fan Boy. We also discuss half night stands. Instead of scrambling out of unfamiliar pads in last nights clothes and no sunglasses facing the bright morning sun, people are doing their business and scramming so they can sleep in their own bed and enjoy their morning breath all to themselves. It was very fun doing this show. It was like chatting with girlfriends minus the red wine.

Thanks so much to Jamie Silverman, you were a fun guest and don't ghost us. We want you back on show!!
Mostly, we thank you peeps that listen. We love ya!!

Michelle and Grace

Also please follow us on's way page

To any New Jersey listeners. I love New Jersey, I just don't want to live there. I'm a city girl.. NO DRIVING.: )

The Broads WAY:The beginning of US Michelle and Big sister Annes Virgin podcast. We discuss Michelles much read article on Cheating With A Married Man..This is our first time talking on podcast. I read Michelles article about being "the other woman" and loved it. My sister Anne came on to discuss her cheating ex husband and we were like three old pals. I fell in love with michelle and had her on three other times before I asked her if she'd like to be my co host. Lucky for me she said yes. I am so lucky to have found her. She is a doll. I hope you enjoy listening to our first time.

Thanks Anne, and especially the lovely Michelle My Belle. You are an amazing woman. I love you toots!!
Our biggest thanks is to you, our listeners. You are the greatest! We have some fun and interesting guests coming on. One A MAN!!!! YAY!!!
Today We Talk Toe a phobia, Hairy Bear LIKE Arms, Threesomes, Cuckold Sex, Awkward silence And Much More Today Anne joined us for just rambling. We had no specific topic to discuss. When Anne and Grace discussed their lifetime aversion to gross toes and bunions, Michelle was strangely silent. We once again talked obsession with womens body hair as Michelle and Anne discuss once again they are hairy, Grace is not. Anne was called out by her grandmom for having bear arms..MEAN GRANDMA!! WE talked threesomes and how when Grace is in love she does not share her man. Nor would she have her man sitting in a corner masturbating while she was being banged by another man. Michelle pondered why not if it would make your man happy. Grace said if it made her uncomfortable she was not gonna do it. R E S P E C T goes both ways in coupledom. We talk about Michelles groovy henna tattoo, very young children having to wear glasses and lots more.. We were not going to release but what the hey. We will also be releasing the first time Michelle and Grace spoke. she as an expert not the great co host she is now. It was Also Anne and Michelles virgin podcast. It was fun.. Our beginning..
Thanks to big sister Anne (whose toes are not as elegant as mine, or my other two sisters .) She came in last place in our Miss Family Toe Contest.. To know why..and to you our listeners. We are so grateful for your support. Michelle and Grace xoxoTODAY WE TALK TO CHELSEA CRISTENE ABOUT MELANIA, DOMESTIC ABUSE AND THE WOMENS MARCH. ALSO PORN AND HOW IT AFFECTS ALL OF US, B.J'S AND MEN RECIPROCATING, FIFTY SHADES OF GREY AND CONTROLLING OVERLY POSSESSIVE MATES...ALSO SEX..Today we talk to the lovely and very smart Chelsea Cristene about Melania Trump, domestic Violence and The Womens March. Chelsea wrote a great article on this subject. We also talk 50 Shades Of Grey. Controlling and excessively jealous men. Sixteen year olds watching the film and perhaps not really understanding the deal. We talk how porn affects us all. How as much as we want to protect the teens about dealing with inappropriate men, the only way most will learn is the hard way, as we three did. There is Bj talk and men reciprocating. Does love have to hurt? What is going on in our society as a whole and lots more.

Thanks to Chelsea for being a fabulous guest. It was her first podcast and she handled it like a pro. We hope she will come back on soon!!

Also thanks to our listeners. You are the best and we love ya!!
Michelle and Grace

ITS A LOVE FEST. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY...YAY OR NAY? WHY WE MAY NOT END UP WITH LOVE OF OUR LIFE/S..WILL THE DONALDS FIRST WIFE IVANA EVER BE OUR GUEST??Today We talk about Valentines Day. Love it or hate it it's here. We also discuss how sometimes you don't end up with the love of your life, Or could it be loves of your life?? Maybe Anabelle was right, we just might be sluts. WE talk to buy cards or not to buy cards. Why Anne and her husband aren't Facebook friends, the Grammys, and why was the guy that carries the nuke button case taking selfies at Mar A Lago?? We ponder whether The Donalds first wife Ivana would ever come on our show. Weare sure she will be on, most likely the week after Abraham Lincoln.

Thanks to Anne for as usual, being a swell guest. We also want to thank Suzanne, our number 1 fan. We love ya..And to all the rest of you wonderful listeners we love youtoo!! Thanks so much for listening! MWWAHH!


THE BROADS WAY: TODAY WE TALK TO AUTHOR LAURA CARROLL ABOUT BEING CHILD FREE. WE TALK ABOUT WHY PEOPLE THAT HAVE CHILDREN ARE SO CONCERNED WITH PEOPLE THAT CHOOSE NOT TO, MOMS REGRETTING HAVING THEIR CHILDREN AND THAT CHILDFREE WOMEN DON'T HATE KIDS.We really enjoyed talking to the lovely and wise Laura Carroll. She has authored numerous books, her most recent being "The Man Swarm" We mostly discussed her book "The Baby Matrix". We discuss why people with children want you to join the club. Why childfree does not mean selfish and kid haters. Why having children should not be something to fill a void in your life. Basically, ponder the reasons you have children, do you really want them or is it societal or parental pressure. As always our show is about the right of choice. To celebrate our differences and to respectfully disagree.

Thanks so much Laura for hanging in during our technical difficulties. You are terrific!! Come back anytime to talk about your book "Man Swarm" or just say "hey"

Most of all thanks to our listeners. We love you all!!

Michelle and Grace

Check out Laura's website

TODAY WE TALK GOSSIP, WINOS, TRUMP VERSUS ARNOLD, Ivankas LET THEM EAT CAKE MOMENT, Forgetting A Dogs Birthday Guilt AND MUCH MORE....We had a lot of fun talking to My big sister Anne. We talked Beyonce having twins, Putin saying its legal to slap your wife around, Johnny Depp spending THIRTY GRAND A MONTH ON WINE...and why did he not invite us, protests should be peaceful, not arson, Anne feeling incredible guilt because she forgot one of her dogs birthday and Michelle FINALLY getting the letter about her becoming an AMERICAN CITIZEN..

Thanks Anne for coming on. We love when you can join us. Thanks to our listeners, yes, that does include you Beyonce...You all are the best!!

Michelle and Grace

WE Talk To Kirsten Bosley About Her Post That Went Viral.. SHE WORE HER SWIMSUIT SANS COVER UP FOR THE FIRST TIME AND TOOK PICS WITH HER TWO CHILDREN. SHE INSPIRES ALL OF US TO Just SAY NO TO BODY LOATHING!!We talk to the fabulous and hilarious Kirstin Bosley about Freedom from Body loathing. We discuss how its not just over weight women that feel freaked out wearing their bathing suit without some sort of cover up. Michelle and I have our own issues as well. Kirsten got many letters from women who totally related. How sad that something that should be so simple is now an act of bravery. WE must own our bods, cellulite and all. We are who we are.. We also talk depression, being hairy and so much more. Listen in and laugh. Thanks Kirsten for being an incredible life force. You are welcome back anytime. We loved you!!

Thanks to our fabulous listeners..Who loves ya baby?? We do!!

Michelle and Grace

You can follow Kirsten on her fabulous blog...We use the word fabulous a lot, don't we...BUT ITS TRUE!!


We had lots of fun talking to Leslie about a little bit of everything. Leslie and her posse going incognito to Fifty Shades OF Gray. Having a long lasting marriage and raising five children. Michelle and I loved her and laughed a lot.

Come back soon Leslie!!

We want to thank Leslie and Michelle and I want to thank you peeps for listening to us. You are da' best.

Michelle and Grace
Leslie is also a contributor on Huffington Post..

Michelle and I talked with Corrine Foote, creator of Stepparent Magazine. All three of us have experience as stepparents. I was a stepmom but divorced her dad. Michelle and Corrine are still very active stepparents.

We talk the highs and lows of being a stepparent, the myth of The WICKED STEP MOTHER and do we really make our step children sweep out chimneys. Corrine has created a wonderful way for stepparents to communicate with one and other anonymously about their experiences. I wish her magazine was available when I needed it. Corrine was a fabulous guest and an inspiration.

Thanks to Corrine. You were great! Please come back on. Thanks to Michelle, the best co host there is and most of all, to our listeners.

Grace and Michelle

Corrine Foote

WE WELCOME SALLY LAUREN OF THE FEMINIST GAZETTE. WE TALK PLUS SIZED MODELS, WHY NO ROLLS OR CELLULITE? BEAUTY CULTURE USA VERSUS SOUTH KOREA AND SO MUCH MOREMichelle and I welcomed the wonderful Sally Lauren From The Feminist Gazette. Sally is also a contributor for Medium and Huff Post. We talked are plus size models really a step up from their skinny counterparts. Also how South Korean women are possibly even more looks conscious then their American sisters and much much more. She was a delight and will be back as requested to be on one of our fun gossipy shows.

Thanks to the lovely Sally and her totally honest talk. You were great Sally!
Also to my beautiful co host Michelle My Belle..She is the best!!
Most of all to you, our listeners. We love ya!!

THE BROADS WAY CELEBRATES MICHELLE'S BIRTHDAY WITH SURPRISE GUESTS AND GOSSIP. GOLDEN SHOWERS, HAIRY PITS ON WOMEN, HILLBILLY PECKERS AND SO MUCH MORE..We had a lot of fun gossiping and debating such important topics as underarm hair, uncircumsized man meat and lots lots more..Our special guests were Suzanne, our biggest fan and Anne, my big sister. Bad singing of Happy Birthday was sung by all.

Thanks so much to Anne and Suzanne for coming on to celebrate our Michelle. Of course thanks to the lovely Birthday girl and my co host Michelle. Most thanks go to you, our listeners. YOU DA BEST!!

Grace and Michelle

THE BROAD'S WAY EPISODE 5. THERES A MAN ON OUR SHOW!!! COMIC, WRITER AND TOP 5 SELLING COMEDY ALBUM DUDE BEN ROSENFELDWe had a wonderful time with Ben. He is funny and smart and does not have sperm breath..We talked Russia, Comedy, Bro jobs/bud sex. We talked Mariah Careys not so rockin' new year.. Michelle thinks she's smarmy, I think shes skanky and Ben though she was Jo Lo. We talked a bit about Rosie O'Donnell and her feud with Trump. Michelle thought they were made for each other...She forgot the Donald rated Rosie a minus 8 and the fact Rosie is gay.

I want to thank Ben. He is adorable. Go to his website for all his info.

Thanks to the Lovely Michelle and especially to you, our listeners. We love YA!!!

Grace And Michelle

THE BROAD'S WAY...YOU MAY BE A SLUT AND DON'T KNOW IT..Today we speak to Anabelle Bernard Fournier. We talk sluts, sex education for children, making our own choices and many other topics. Thanks for being our first guest Anabelle!! You can read more about Anabelle on her

Thanks of course to my smart and lovely partner in crime Michelle. Also to our sound and edit guy Ben. You guys are da best..

Merry Christmas!! Happy Holidays!! I hope 2017 is a happy healthy one for all. Thanks for listening!! We have great guests planned for 2017. Some very cool men too to give us their perspective. I'm really looking forward to more of this wonderful adventure.

Grace and Michelle xoxo

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