Portland Proof - An Affordable Proofreading Service

Web Name: Portland Proof - An Affordable Proofreading Service

WebSite: http://www.portlandproof.com





Proofreading is an essential part of the writing and editing process. Not only does it provide a fresh perspective on how the writing flows, but even the most knowledgeable authors can be blind to their own spelling and grammar mistakes after much repetitive reading. A good proofreader strives to not only zero in on mistakes, but also to approach the piece as a first-time reader, pointing out sentences that may be constructed in a confusing way. About Our ServicesDocuments provided in Microsoft Word format will be proofread using Word's powerful Track Changes feature, which allows the author to see every suggestion made by the proofreader, and accept or reject each change with a click of the mouse.Portland Proof uses The Chicago Manual of Style as our official guideline for punctuation, grammar, and word usage.Each author has different needs. Some authors need help improving the clarity of their sentences, or in making sure their use of terminology is consistent; others simply need a pair of eyes to spot spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes. Whatever your needs, when you contact Portland Proof, you will receive individual attention and customized service to meet your proofreading needs.Click contact to talk to us about your publishing project.Word Games!  Play Proof It, Which Word, or Alphabet Soup.Testimonials"In my latest project, I found the services of Portland Proof to be invaluable in creating a quality work that is both readable and accurate. Laura gets an A+ for her attention to detail and ability to polish a sentence or a paragraph."~Bob Briggs, author of Around HallowellTestimonials"Thank you for all your time and effort in helping me accomplish the writing of my thesis for my degree. Thanks to you, I received an A on my thesis and I will be graduating in July with my Doctorate in Theology."~Pastor Dave AdamsContact

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Proofreading services, correction for clarity, stylistic improvements, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word usage.

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