Community Psychology UK

Web Name: Community Psychology UK






for community psychology. Weintroduced some of our games for participation and conscientisationat the Lisbon International Community Psychology Congress in 2008.Since then we have been piloting them and amending them. We areplease to announce that they are now ready for you to work with andpilot yourselves. We have to charge to cover the costs of producingthe games – until we know there is a demand we cannot produce lotsof them and bring the costs down. So,if you would like to order one of the games: please use this orderform which also gives details of the games. http://libpsy.org_______________________________________________________________________CommunityPsychology in MANCHESTERCommunitypsychology at Manchester Metropolitan University: Congratulationsto RebeccaLawthom who has been appointed Professor of Community Psychologyat Manchester Metropolitan University. Rebecca was formerly Reader inCommunity Psychology. Her publications include the co-authored text,CriticalCommunity Psychology. OtherUKYorkCommunityand Critical Social Psychology research group (CCSP) at York SaintJohn University.Thegroup undertakes research across a range of areas of community andcritical social psychology. Seeweb page.Community Critical Social PsychologyWeoffer an MSc in Community Critical Social Psychology. Formore information, including details of how to apply, click here.LondonPsychologicalHelping and Support Research GroupUniversity College, London - page set up by Chris Barker and NancyPistrang -updated TheUCL Psychological Helping and Support Research Group is a looseassociation of clinical/community psychologists, led by Dr ChrisBarker and Dr Nancy Pistrang. It is part of the Research Departmentof Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, in the Division ofPsychology and Language Sciences of University College London. Ourresearch focuses on all types of psychological helping and support.We mostly study those types that psychologists call social support,such as peer support, mutual support groups, internet support,befriending and mentoring. ---------------sitenavigationLondonSchool of Economics:MScin Health, Community and Development, based at the LSE SocialPsychology Institute. Catherine Campbell explainsthe programme:Theprogramme will draw primarily on community psychology, criticalhealth psychology and social psychology. It aims to explore the roleof community participation and small-scale collective action inpublic health and health promotion. It pays particular attention tothe psycho-social processes underlying the impact of collectiveaction on health, and the mechanisms through which communitydevelopment approaches may lead not only to improved health, but alsoto transformatory social action. Our starting assumption is thatefforts to promote health and to reduce disease need to combine topdown and bottom up approaches. Whilst the primary focus of the coursewill be the bottom up dimension, emphasis will be continually be laidon the inter-dependence of these two levels of action and analysis.Flyerabout the programme (pdf file) sitenavigation

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