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Site SponsorsPleco for iPhone / AndroidiPhone & Android Chinese dictionary: camera & hand- writing input, flashcards, audio.Learn Chinese in Kunming1-1 classes, qualified teachers and unique teaching methods in the Spring City.Learn Chinese CharactersLearn 2289 Chinese Characters in 90 Days with Unique Flash Card System.Hacking Chinese Tips and strategies for how to learn Chinese more efficiently.Popup Chinese Translator Understand Chinese inside any Windows application, website or PDF.Chinese Grammar Wiki All Chinese grammar, organized by level, all in one place. I have decided that I don't want to keep sharing moments anymore. However, there is no way to delete them amass and when I tried to delete them one by one my account can no longer delete any WeChat Moments(I can however post but not delete my posts or comments on these posts). I know I can set "visible last 3 days and the like but want to completely delete them). Nothing special, just feel more mature and also don't find any reason to keep sharing my life with people hence need to delete my posts. Has someone experienced this or know of a solution? I just wanted to delete my posts because I want to forget everything about China. For now I cannot disable my account since I still need to use it. Please help. I have a problem with wechat people nearby. I used this function earlier and it's really good to make Chinese friends in my country. But somehow these days the other people just can't see me. I think I am restricted to use this function, but I never violated the rules. I think the problem is maybe I used wechat on my previous phone and I bought a new one. My sister uses the old one now and she also uses wechat with her own profile. Maybe it's a problem that on the same phone two people used wechat, but I don't understand. What should I do? I'm preparing for the HSK 4 in about 10 days and currently I'm really falling down on the reading section... in particular the speed you need to go in order to answer everything: it's 40 questions in 40 minutes. A simple breakdown of the 5 question types, with timing assuming that they are all worth equal marks, looks like this: Currently on mock tests I'm getting to around Q74, 75 and panicking that I don't have much time left, especially since Q80-85 have 3-4 line texts with 2 questions each.  So I end up rushing it and guessing some answers. I'm fairly confident on the first 3 question types, but for Q66 onwards I'm just much too slow at the moment. @∞保罗∞ or anyone else who's passed HSK 4 and can remember their tactics... do you have any tips for the reading section? My current thinking is to sit down with some mock papers and a stop-watch and work on my timing for these specific sections, Q66-85. Ideally I should be able to scan longer texts when appropriate, but they rarely seem to use the same words in the question as in the main text, so you're scanning for synonyms in hanzi...  Skimming is maybe a bit easier, but they rarely seem to ask "what is this passage about?" in the HSK 4 mocks I've seen so far. Hi. I have bachelors degree in management. I want to do masters in CS/Information Systems or big data. Is it possible or do they reject non-cs bachelors outright? Can't see any degree requirement in application forms of most universities. Has anyone done something like this?  Is it possible to find the book "Hakka one" by George F Harkin (Taichung, Taiwan : Maryknoll Language School, 1975) online by any chance? I know Taiwanese Maryknoll books are available online, but what about this Hakka book? Or does anyone happen to have a pdf version of it?  A quick question, I hope, I always thought the circle in the square represented earth and heaven. Earth represented by the circle and heaven by the square. But I have done some research and it seems its the other way round.  Hello everyone, I'm in the midst of interviewing for a position at an international company (not a language school, not english teaching btw) in Shanghai but the company and I are unsure whether I can even get a visa... Could anyone advise me on whether this is possible + what I can do to make it possible? These are some facts about me: No HKC Certificate, but studied Chinese in school from 7-18y.o (took Chinese as my International Baccalaureate Diploma subject) and probably between HKC level 6-9 I'd say? The company I want to work for has a branch in my home country and we were discussing the possibility of signing the contract in my country, then having them "transfer me" to the Shanghai branch. Would that help with the visa situation? This device is often advertised on Facebook.  Does anyone know how, if at all, it works? I'm not sure how new this is, but the Hanban site offers mock tests, and for HSK 4 and above the real writing parts actually get marked (presumably by humans). Although it says "for PC", it's browser-based and so presumably works on any platform.  There's also a mobile version. For the "writing" part of the test (I tried HSK 4) you can use the IME on your own machine, which gives a certain advantage when it's predicting pairs of characters. You have to pay 20 RMB to get an admission ticket and a 4-digit PIN... it all looks very like the computer-based test I took in Shanghai 2 years ago. I paid with WeChat. The instructions said you might have to wait up to a week for the human-marked part to come through, but I did a test yesterday and got my result through within 24 hours. Apart from the actual score you get this fancy breakdown of how you performed, which I haven't managed to decypher yet (this is the example from the link above).  You also get a mock certificate! Here are some screenshots. That last one in particular makes me think that this is the actual test system that has been used in some centres.  I recently learned that I have a condition (?) called aphantasia. Basically all it means is that I can't conjure up mental images at all, not even very vague ones, not even a colour, not even a shape. More info here: Now, I've always struggled reading and writing characters in Chinese. Basically I only have two ways of remembering them, which is a) repeated handwriting following the correct (or any consistent) stroke patterns and b) breaking the character down into radicals and trying to explain the meaning somehow, and retaining the memory of that character that way. To recognise/read a character I then have to look at the individual radicals and often make the hand movement of writing it in order to know its meaning. I always thought I don't practice enough, or that I've just got a really good "ear" (as opposed to really bad visual memory) but ever since I learned about aphantasia I have been wondering if it's connected to that. I've been trying to Google it but found nothing, so I thought I'd ask here: is there anyone else here who has aphantasia and is learning Chinese? What are your experiences with characters? And inversely, anyone who doesn't have aphantasia but struggles with characters much more than with speaking?

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