BMG: The New Music Company

Web Name: BMG: The New Music Company






Catalogue BMG acquires No Angels catalogue bringing Germany s biggest ever popstars back to streaming services The Cheyenne Records catalogue includes many of Germany’s most iconic songs of the 2000s. BMG: The new music company We are a new kind of music company for a new world. A new world which demands that deals are transparent and fair. A new world in which service to artists and writers is key. The only significant international company to combine publishing and recordings under one roof, our purpose is clear - to support your career and maximize your income. Get played, get paid - worldwide. A genuine creative partnership and state-of-the art technology. Your new releases expertly managed. Your catalog managed expertly. Maximum reach. Maximum impact. Multi-format music films made for a digital world, marketed and screened worldwide. 3 million songs. 3 million opportunities to find the perfect song for your film, trailer, TV show or video game. A world of music available to licence now from our unique one-stop international licensing hub. BMG uses cookies. By using our services, you're agreeing to our Cookie Policy.


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