AvSuper | Super for the aviation industries

Web Name: AvSuper | Super for the aviation industries

WebSite: http://www.avsuper.com.au





Coronavirus (COVID-19) update  Read more AvSuper is the profit-for-members super fund dedicated to the aviation and aviation safety industries. Operating only for members benefits, AvSuper prides itself on superior superannuation products and personalised member service. 29 July 2020We have been trialling electronic verification of member's identity for just over 12 months now. Thank you to the members who have tried this faster and more secure means of verifying their identity. Due to the success of the trial and positive feedback from members,... 24 June 2020For the second time this year, we are pleased to say that AvSuper staff are returning to our offices!  Despite the disruptions experienced by us all during 2020, we have maintained our focus to help our members and continued to manage your super savings for you. And...

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