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You might think your CV ...How to Sell YourselfWhen employers read your cover letter they need to be certain that your skills and experiences are relevant to your ...Speculative Cover LetterA cover letter is a bit like your personal statement on a UCAS application, but for a job. A speculative ...How to Write a Cover Letter – Include these tips in Each ParagraphOk, so you have three or four paragraphs to sell yourself to your future employer. How do you start writing ...What To Include in a Covering LetterAlthough many job applications are now done online in fancy, new-fangled digital application forms, many companies still favour the traditional ... Work Experience What is a Non-Compete Agreement?Your employee has the right to leave your job and pursue another venture. But what if your employee comes into ...How you can do a Two-Week Notice Letter successfullyIn professional life, there are some standards that you always have to follow. Its common to quit one job and ...Work Experience Ideas: Banking, Finance AccountancyLuckily, this is a sector where you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to work experience and internship opportunities. From ...Why is Work Experience Important?You might think that the only point of doing work experience is for CV fodder. You probably think you’ll just ...Engineering Work Experience LetterEngineering companies get bucket loads of requests for work experience, so how can you make your work experience letter stand ...Work Experience IdeasFinding work experience can be a tricky business. Short of typing “find me work experience” into Google, where can you ...Work Experience: Know Your RightsWe’re young, we need to bulk out our CVs and ultimately we want to get a job, which means one ...Architecture Work ExperienceWhether you’re dreaming of becoming the next Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas or Norman Foster, you don’t need us to tell ...Engineering Work ExperienceUnfortunately, engineering companies aren’t exactly leading the pack when it comes to offering work experience opportunities, but there a number ...How to Get Work Experience – Where should I start looking for work experience?A good start is deciding what kind of work experience you actually want to get! Come up with a list ...More UniversityShould I go to law school?You are anticipating yourself as a lawyer within a few years and love this image. There could be many reasons ...Best online MBA Business programsGaining an MBA is a useful stepping stone in your career if you are working in business and finance, however, ...Best Colleges and Universities with Scholarships In the USThere is certainly no doubt that the US is one of the costliest nations for pursuing your higher education and ...Oxbridge Interview QuestionsThere’s no magic formula for answering Oxbridge interview questions, neither is there the perfect answer. You can’t predict what questions ...University Interview QuestionsThe university interview rumour mill regularly trundles out stories of tutors asking hapless students to hurl bricks through windows, sit ...How to Prepare for a University InterviewStop quaking in your boots, university interviews aren’t that scary. The most important thing is to be prepared ‘Boy Scout’ ...University Interview Dress CodeThe prospect of a university interview has left many a student fretting about what to wear. The problem is that ...Dropping Out of UniversityFirst things first, dropping out of university is by no means something to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. People ...LNAT: Fact FictionAllAboutCareers quizzes the team behind the LNAT to sort the fact from the fiction…Manchester University has joined the LNAT…FACT: From September ...Oxford Interview: FAQsSo you’ve received an invitation to come to Oxford for interview and after the initial excitement subsides, like many candidates ...More UCASUCAS Personal Statement – Some simple steps for successCompiling a ‘winning’ UCAS personal statement is one of the most time consuming aspects of completing your UCAS application. Your ...What is an MEng?Nope, an MEng (or Master of Engineering to give it its full title) isn’t a character from a dodgy sci-fi ...UCAS Tariff CalculatorMost university courses require you to have a certain number of UCAS points. But how can you work out what ...What is UCAS?First of all, let’s unpick what UCAS does. UCAS stands for Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. It’s the centralised service ...UCAS ClearingIn 2014, 55,000 students found a university place through clearing. The clearing service opens during July and August. If you’ve missed ...UCAS PostgraduateYour undergraduate degree was bags of fun. From the late nights and later mornings in first year, to actually enjoying ...UCAS Courses and universities colleges can I applyWe don’t mean to brag, but we’ve got the entire UCAS database right here on this website. In fact, you ...UCAS Application FormTo apply to university or college you’ll have to use UCAS’s application form. It’s all done online and you use ...UCAS AdjustmentYou’ve all definitely heard of UCAS clearing; the tool that A Level students dread when it comes to results day ... Student FinanceHow to Pay for Graduate School?Every student dreams of attending graduate school to outshine in his desired career. You can get one of the best ...Should College Athletes Be Paid for their Services?There is a long-held debate on whether college athletes should be paid for their services or not. The real problem ...University Of Utah Financial Aid for StudentsAttending university is a significant part of a student’s life. It doesnt only prepare the student academically but also for ...University of California-San Diego (UCSD) Financial AidFor every university student, managing the cost of attendance is a crucial matter. If you have decided to get admission ...Best Loans for Nursing Students in 2021There is always a massive demand for qualified nursing professionals at both the regional and federal levels in America. Therefore, ...How College-Bound Students Can Make Money?It is quite normal for college-bound students to be broke within just a few months after starting classes. The high much do you get for student hardship fundAsk any student around the country what their biggest concerns are and it’s likely that, alongside ‘graduate employment’ and ‘how ...Student Finance Placement Year • CalculatorPlacement years are becoming increasingly popular for students studying a variety of subjects because they’re mega useful for getting real ...How to Apply for a Student LoanSo you have plans to fly the nest and speed away to university to study the subject of your dreams ...Student Account BenefitsMost banks accept anyone with a UCAS offer letter. So you should definitely open a student bank account before you ...More Self EmploymentHow to come up with a business ideaAll businesses start with an idea. AllAboutLaw and AllAboutCareers started because two law graduates were frustrated with the dearth of ...What is corporation tax who has to pay it?If you set up your own business, then you’ll probably have to deal with corporation tax. Usually, your accountant will ...How do you get freelance work?You may think that freelance work involves spending your time schlubbing around in a pair of novelty slippers, lazily working ...How to Build a WebsiteYou’ve had an epiphany. Your ‘big idea’ has been the result of many years of study, or perhaps it came ...What is a Business Plan?To put it simply, a business plan is a written document which outlines the plan for a business. Writing a ...Pros Cons of Being a FreelancerSo you’ve just graduated (wearing gowns and that silly hat they call a mortarboard was fun, wasn’t it?) and you’ve ...What should I be looking for in a business bank account?Getting a business bank account is a vital part of setting up your business. All incorporated businesses must have separate ...What is an umbrella company?Essentially, an umbrella company provides an alternative legal structure for independent contractors to receive payments from their clients. Instead of ...How to Register a CompanyIf you want to start a limited company (i.e. defined by the HMRC as “a legal entity distinct from its ...How to Set up a Limited CompanyA limited company is one of the most popular business structures in the UK. The most attractive thing about limited ...More Postgraduate-StudyWhat is a Postgraduate Degree?In medieval universities, a master’s degree or doctorate often took 12 years to complete. Blimey! Thankfully though, nowadays you can ...Postgraduate Study: Important Things to ConsiderRight, so you’ve nearly done your undergraduate degree! You’ve almost ticked that box, but now you want more! Good work ...Professional Qualifications – What are professional qualifications?Professional qualifications are vocational qualifications, often involving an element of practical training. Usually, they are linked with a specific industry ...What’s The Difference Between Undergraduate Postgraduate Study?The undergraduate days are regrettably coming to an end and next up in the wonderful journey of life is postgraduate ...What is an MBA?MBA stands for Master of Business Administration. It’s a top level, internationally-recognised business qualification, designed to train up the next ...Part-time StudyPart-time study becomes ever more popular as people try to juggle earning with learning. Whether you’re picking up a professional ...Master’s DegreeThe humble master’s degree has experienced a surge in popularity over the last decade. Every year a significant proportion of ...Is the LLM worth it?Some might dread the thought of spending yet another year at a university, doing even more reading, writing even longer ...Conversion CoursesConversion courses would be more aptly named “crash courses”. They are intensive courses designed to get you up to speed ...Research DegreesThere comes a time in your university education when everything becomes a lot more research-focused. If you’re keen on pursuing ...More Looking for a JobGet the Best Recommendation Letter Template (Download Free)A recommendation letter is a document used to give a positive point of view of someone, generally towards a new ...How to answer in an interview: Why Do You Want To Work Here?While hunting for a job, you must have heard one question specifically, “why do you want to work here?” The ...Best Paying Jobs for Engineers in Industrial Machinery/ComponentsEverything in our lives is now digitized. Automation has become a part of every manufacturing equipment and infrastructure. Advances in ...How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” in an interviewIf you ever been to an interview, you would be aware of a question asked at the beginning of it ...Getting an online degree in Medical Billing and CodingWith increasing dependence on technology in the healthcare sector, there is more work for medical billing and coding specialists. Every ...The Best Description of an Informational InterviewAfter graduation, you pull yourself together to apply for every job advertisement that comes your way. While you think you ...What Jobs can you Get at 14 Years Old?You will be excited to know that there are a lot of job opportunities for teens with 14 years old ...Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors Similar ProfessionsAmongst us, some people aim to help others and strive to bring a change in the community. For this purpose, ...High-Paying Jobs that don’t Require a College DegreeIn the current era, getting a job after a four-year college degree is not guaranteed. Hefty tuition fees and potential ...Most Common Behavioral Interview QuestionsWhen looking for your dream job, the only thing between you and your job is the interview process. Every job ...More InternshipsGet the Best Recommendation Letter Template (Download Free)A recommendation letter is a document used to give a positive point of view of someone, generally towards a new ...Google Summer Internship ProgramGoogle is the most used search engine worldwide, and technical students always remain motivated to get an internship in Google ...Internship Opportunities for Mechanical Engineering Students in America 2021Are you a mechanical engineering student looking for an internship in America? If yes, you are at the perfect place ...What is a Chemical Engineering Internship like?Have you ever wondered who was behind some of your favorite websites, products, and even the gadgets you use in ...The Microsoft Internship ProgramThe Internship Program at Microsoft is unlike your typical file-processing and tea-making internship. Instead, it is the ultimate chance for ...How to Write a Cover Letter for an InternshipInternships are an excellent way to kick-start your professional career. They are essential because every firm wants to hire an ...Health Insurance for Foreign Students in the USMoving abroad and living in the United States of America can prove challenging and expensive, especially for students coming in ...Internships: Know Your RightsWe’re young, we need to bulk out our CVs and ultimately we want to get a job, which means one ...Internships AbroadThink of going abroad and you might think of lazy days by the beach, backpacking through South America, Full Moon ...Management Consulting InternshipsManagement consulting internships give graduates and students a fantastic insight into consulting. What’s more, they can be extremely useful for ...More Career PathIs Real Estate Investment Trust a Good Career Path?Making a career choice is one of the most intimidating decisions in our lives. We spend plenty of time figuring ...Is Information Technology a Good Career Path?Choosing a career path out of uncountable options is an overwhelming and stressful task. However, to finally reach a decision, ...Is Business Services a Good Career Path in 2021?In terms of career opportunities, it is hard to beat business services. College students with a major in business degrees ...How to become a Certified Surgical Technician?Have you always admired the essential work done by medical professionals? Becoming a doctor can take over a decade of ...How to become a Physician AssistantAre you interested in working in the health care sector and treating patients? Qualifying to become a physician can take ...How to become a PsychologistBeing a psychologist plays a critical role in society, supporting those who are going through a difficult period and helping ...How to become a Social WorkerAre you interested in supporting those who are struggling to find their feet in society? Whether it is helping people ...How to become a pharmacist?Pharmacists play an important role in society, providing vital medications to patients and helping them live life to the full ...Why get into dancing gymnastics?Whether you think about Ann Widdecombe getting dragged along the floor in Strictly Come Dancing or Beth Tweddle sprinting up to the ...Installation, Maintenance CommissioningBuying a product or piece of machinery is all well and good, but who’s going to fit it and make ...More CollegeBest Colleges for Computer ScienceImportant things to know about Ivy League SchoolsLaw School Personal Statement ExamplesBest Public Universities in the USCredits Needed to Graduate from College – FAQ7 Best Engineering Schools in the US in 2021Best Colleges and Universities with Scholarships In the USHow to get grants for college studentsHow to write a college essayBest Accredited Online Colleges

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