The Lazy Yogi

Web Name: The Lazy Yogi






Attachment to things drops away when you no longer seek to find yourself in them. Eckhart Tolle 1 day ago - 219 cquito asked: How do you process your anxiety and depression? What do you do with death and grief?A lot of the time it s just about not getting in the way of the process or not allowing the process to destabilize you. Internal resistance in any form will make the process take longer. If you take more interest in distracting or soothing yourself than you do in being present with yourself, then you don t give the process the space it needs. Hidden wounds do not heal. At the same time, our forms of internal resistance actually also serve to destabilize us. Stability is only found here in the present moment. If you resist the present moment, you reject stability. Resistance is when we try to get away from our experience of the present moment or to change it. Such activity does not make our suffering or its processing finished. When we reject the present moment due to the suffering contained within it, we also reject the stability found in the beingness of here and now. A few bits of insight:Anxiety is about imaginations that are stressing you out. You can t win against anxious imaginations. But you can become present and meet the moment as it unfolds. Depression can range from an enduring sadness to an array of debilitating symptoms. Sometimes you can find your way through it via meditation, physical exercise, eating well, journaling, and contemplation. Sometimes you may need the help or guidance of a therapist, healer, or doctor. Death is something with which we must all find our peace. Death was one of the things that shocked Siddhartha onto the spiritual path. It s one of those things we can t do anything about and as such is the ultimate challenge of surrender. Grief is the agony of sadness. Feel it without fearing it. Draw no conclusions from it and allow it to soften your heart. Hearts hardened by grief become brittle and small. Just my two cents. Namaste :) 1 day ago - 63 Smoke and fire it s the final Sunday of 2020 and I felt randomly moved to tint my lights, fire up the candles, burn all the incense, and dance to some club beats. While opening up space in the five mythic directions and tangling my flow with the cosmic web. Body-Knowledge.2021 theme: shedding skin. 2 days ago - 41 The sentience that lives in your head isn t You and its apparent aliveness is due to the glow created by You-as-Awareness radiating upon it. Without the glow of Awareness, no sentience could be known. If you mistake that sentience to be You, it turns into the ego, the illusory individual identity. If you awaken to-as that ground of Awareness, the sentience in your head is known simply as that: sentience. 2 days ago - 48 Beneath all bodily tensions is fear. Feel the tension, feel the fear. Ask yourself: How would I feel if I had no fear? Who would I be without fears? How would this moment feel to me? Feel into yourself, imagine yourself fearless. How do those areas of tension feel now? Feel the difference. Experiment with this and try it a few times until you get the hang of using fearlessness to relax. Once you can induce a relaxed fearlessness, maintain it by being mindful. Inhabit your body fully. Notice when those physical areas of tension start to tighten back up. What thoughts accompanied it? Notice the fear that forms with the tension. Then forget about it. Go back to relaxed fearlessness, feeling the entirety of your body. You as a fearless naked luminous being. Maintain mindfulness, again notice when tensions return. Going back and forth in this way will provoke an insight into your real nature that is beyond fear and fearlessness, beyond tension and relaxation. It is liberating. May all beings be free. May all beings be fearless. 4 days ago - 179 essplode asked: Hi lazyyogi, I hope you are well. I've been reading and thinking on dharma lately. You seem like (not to assume) you have yours somewhat figured out. Do you have advice for people who are trying to figure dharma out? Thank youMy advice is to practice it. Practice meditation, practice mindfulness, practice applying the teachings. Where you seem to fail or struggle becomes the very meat of the path. That is where your path is drawing your needed attention. Working through it, you learn to free yourself. Then you will know for yourself the value of dharma. Namaste 4 days ago - 17 Merry christmas! Happy Yule! From a yogi who was raised Jewish and never had a thing to do with this holiday, I still find the vibe so strong and lovely, probably from its pagan roots. I have a three day weekend which is aaamazing. Since I m spending the time alone, I am going to make it into a meditation and yoga retreat. 4 days ago - 50 dantediscoinferno asked: Is empathy towards pain and suffering of all sentient beings a hindrance for ones spirituality?Experiences, whether empathetic or not, cannot hinder the very ground upon which their comings and going s depend. Spirituality, in its essence, is interested in the awakening realization of that ground, as that ground. Everything else is allowed to be as it is. Namaste brother Much love. 5 days ago - 15 lazyyogi:Gratitude, euphoria, and hope. Make no mistake, we are living through historic times. The best antidote to fear is awareness. I know there is a lot of disinformation circulating about the covid vaccine. I may be a medical doctor but I am also a yogi. My agenda is to serve you. Speak with your doctor and when it becomes available, get the vaccine. This pandemic is as it has always been: a team effort. Regardless of all the divisiveness, we are all in this together. May all beings in all worlds know peace, freedom, and happiness. For anyone curious: About 8-12 hours after the vaccine I developed a headache, body aches, and soreness at the injection site. 12 hours after those symptoms began, they went away. Those symptoms are a direct result of the body s immune response, probably mediated by production of interleukins. My coworkers experienced soreness at the injection site but no other side effects. I guess my immune response is stronger (Source: lazyyogi) 5 days ago - 256 Through desire we become predictable, controllable, and fearful. Abandoning desire does not mean abandoning passion, intimacy, and enjoyment.If our desires are essentially fixations on how we want things to go, then our abandonment of desire means to surf the wave of this moment from the beginning of the day to its end. Work with the wave, allow the wave to be as it is, and not only can you still enjoy your experiencing but you may even find a deeper intimacy and saturation to that awareness. 6 days ago - 178 Gratitude, euphoria, and hope. Make no mistake, we are living through historic times. The best antidote to fear is awareness. I know there is a lot of disinformation circulating about the covid vaccine. I may be a medical doctor but I am also a yogi. My agenda is to serve you. Speak with your doctor and when it becomes available, get the vaccine. This pandemic is as it has always been: a team effort. Regardless of all the divisiveness, we are all in this together. May all beings in all worlds know peace, freedom, and happiness. 1 week ago - 256

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