Welcome to the Library! | Texas County Library

Web Name: Welcome to the Library! | Texas County Library

WebSite: http://texascountylibrary.lib.mo.us





EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: DUE TO THE RECENT SURGE OF COVID -19 CASES IN TEXAS CO. MASKS WILL BE REQUIRED AT ALL BRANCHES OF THE TEXAS COUNTY LIBRARIES.The Texas County LibrariesARE OPEN!At this Time,No Storytime, Book Clubs or Meeting Gatherings.Each Library will have a designated book return, all books must be left there.Please do not return books to check-out desk.Please Understand these Rules have been put in place to assure everyone's safety.If you choose to not abide by these Rules you will be asked to leave the Library. Now on Facebook! Go like our page for all the latest news @ the library!Up-to-date technology is available in all branches of Texas County Library and is supported by grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State..Bookmark/Search this post with

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