Making money and banking work for society

Web Name: Making money and banking work for society






We campaign for a money and banking system that enables a fair, sustainable and democratic economy.PLEASE JOIN US { Center text :{ textstyle : dynamic , textpositionstatic : bottom , textautohide :true, textpositionmarginstatic :0, textpositiondynamic : topcenter , textpositionmarginleft :24, textpositionmarginright :24, textpositionmargintop :24, textpositionmarginbottom :24, texteffect : slide , texteffecteasing : easeOutCubic , texteffectduration :600, texteffectslidedirection : bottom , texteffectslidedistance :30, texteffectdelay :500, texteffectseparate :true, texteffect1 : slide , texteffectslidedirection1 : bottom , texteffectslidedistance1 :30, texteffecteasing1 : easeOutCubic , texteffectduration1 :600, texteffectdelay1 :1000, texteffect2 : slide , texteffectslidedirection2 : bottom , texteffectslidedistance2 :30, texteffecteasing2 : easeOutCubic , texteffectduration2 :600, texteffectdelay2 :1500, textcss : display:block; padding:48px; text-align:center; , textbgcss : display:none; 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Registered number 07253015.Registered office: 307 Davina House, 137-149 Goswell Road, London EC1V 7ET.Positive Money Europe

TAGS:and money Making 

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We have an unbalanced economy and it’s breaking our society. Make sure you’re ready to ask your MP candidates what they’re going to do to #tipthebalance

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