Projektowanie Wnętrz | Peka Studio Paulina Kasperkowicz | Mazowieckie

Web Name: Projektowanie Wnętrz | Peka Studio Paulina Kasperkowicz | Mazowieckie






2018 PEKA Studio Cześć.​W PEKA STUDIO ZAPROJEKTUJESZ SWOJE WYMARZONE MIEJSCE. { items :[ d113057e-f6fa-11e7-a9ff-063f49e9a7e4 , ce54b66a-55bb-4138-8e5d-9a03f62abe27 ], styles :{ galleryType :2, groupSize :3, showArrows :true, cubeImages :false, cubeType : fill , cubeRatio :1, isVertical :false, gallerySize :1000, collageAmount :0.8, collageDensity :0.8, groupTypes : 1,2h,2v,3t,3b,3l,3r , oneRow :false, imageMargin :0, galleryMargin :0, floatingImages :0, chooseBestGroup :true, smartCrop :false, hasThumbnails :false, enableScroll :true, isGrid :false, isSlider :false, isColumns :false, isSlideshow :false, cropOnlyFill :false, fixedColumns :0, enableInfiniteScroll :true, isRTL :false, minItemSize :120, rotatingGroupTypes : , rotatingCubeRatio : , gallerySliderImageRatio :1.7777777777777777, numberOfImagesPerRow :3, numberOfImagesPerCol :1, groupsPerStrip :0, borderRadius :0, boxShadow :0, gridStyle :0, mobilePanorama :false, placeGroupsLtr :false, viewMode : preview , thumbnailSpacings :0, galleryThumbnailsAlignment : bottom , isMasonry :false, isAutoSlideshow :false, slideshowLoop :false, autoSlideshowInterval :4, bottomInfoHeight :0, titlePlacement : SHOW_ON_HOVER , galleryTextAlign : center , scrollSnap :false, itemClick : expand , fullscreen :true, videoPlay : hover , scrollAnimation : NO_EFFECT , scrollDirection :0, overlayAnimation : NO_EFFECT , arrowsPosition :0, arrowsSize :23, watermarkOpacity :40, watermarkSize :40, useWatermark :true, watermarkDock :{ top : auto , left : auto , right :0, bottom :0, transform : translate3d(0,0,0) }, loadMoreAmount : all , defaultShowInfoExpand :1, allowLinkExpand :true, expandInfoPosition :0, allowFullscreenExpand :true, fullscreenLoop :false, galleryAlignExpand : left , addToCartBorderWidth :1, addToCartButtonText : , slideshowInfoSize :200, playButtonForAutoSlideShow :false, allowSlideshowCounter :false, hoveringBehaviour : APPEARS , thumbnailSize :120, magicLayoutSeed :1, imageHoverAnimation : NO_EFFECT , calculateTextBoxWidthMode : PERCENT , textBoxHeight :0, textBoxWidth :200, textBoxWidthPercent :50, textImageSpace :10, textBoxBorderRadius :0, textBoxBorderWidth :0, loadMoreButtonText : , loadMoreButtonBorderWidth :1, loadMoreButtonBorderRadius :0, imageInfoType : NO_BACKGROUND , itemBorderWidth :0, itemBorderRadius :0, itemEnableShadow :false, itemShadowBlur :20, itemShadowDirection :135, itemShadowSize :10, imageLoadingMode : BLUR , expandAnimation : NO_EFFECT , imageQuality :90, usmToggle :false, usm_a :0, usm_r :0, usm_t :0, videoSound :false, videoSpeed :1, videoLoop :true, gotStyleParams :true, selectedLayout : 0|bottom|1|fill|false|0|true , allowSocial :false, allowDownload :false, allowTitle :true, allowDescription :false, loveButton :false, loveCounter :false, showVideoPlayButton :true, galleryImageRatio :2, sharpParams :{ quality :90, usm :{ usm_a :0, usm_r :0, usm_t :0}, allowUsm :true}, galleryHorizontalAlign : center , galleryVerticalAlign : center , imageLoadingWithColorMode : PICKED_COLOR , imageRatioType : FIXED , numberOfDisplayedItems :3, itemBorderColor :{ themeName : color_15 , value : rgba(0,0,0,1) }, itemShadowOpacityAndColor :{ themeName : color_15 , value : rgba(0,0,0,0.2) }, textBoxBorderColor :{ themeName : color_15 , value : rgba(0,0,0,1) }, titleDescriptionSpace :6, textsVerticalPadding :0, textsHorizontalPadding :0, textBoxFillColor :{ themeName : color_12 , value : rgba(235,235,235,1) }, alwaysShowHover :false, isStoreGallery :false, previewHover :false, calculateTextBoxHeightMode : MANUAL , galleryLayout :0, useCustomButton :false, customButtonText : , itemOpacity :{ themeName : color_15 , value : rgba(0,0,0,0) }, itemFont :{ style :{ bold :false, italic :false, underline :false}, family : playfair display , preset : Page-title , editorKey : font_2 , size :22, displayName : Page Title , fontStyleParam :true, value : font:normal normal normal 22px/1.4em \ playfair display\ ,serif; 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