I Can Has Cheezburger? - Funny Animals Online - Cheezburger

Web Name: I Can Has Cheezburger? - Funny Animals Online - Cheezburger

WebSite: http://icanhas.cheezburger.com





They don't even look real! Teeny tiny animals are some of our most aww-worthy moments! And teeny tiny puppies are no exception to that aww-worthy title. These pups are so adorable and tiny, it's hard to believe they're even real, they look like plushies.The fact that they ARE real just makes them even cuter! We wouldn't mind being surrounded by such adorableness on a daily basis. And except now, while stress levels are at an all-level high, there's nothing quite like a load of puppies to help relieve all that anxiety. We just wish we could physically be with all these pups, but we'll take what we can get.Viewers are warned, cuteness overload is expected, as well as, heavy heart-melting. There's really nothing better than ending your week with some animal wholesomeness. So, you're getting an extra treat from us this week just to give you that little boost. This week, our tumblr treat is one full of wholesome and absolutely adorable animal goodness because every animal is adorable, and no one knows how to capture that better than tumblr.From adorable tumblr cats and dogs to bald eagles and baby lions, animal cuteness never disappoints. So, may this bring some light into your day, and we wish you a calm, fulfilling week that passes quickly and leaves you satisfied and proud of your achievements. Oh man, we got some really great videos for you this week! Seems like Instagram videos are slowly becoming TikTok videos, but if they're cat-related, we don't mind in the slightest.Each week, we dig through Instagram to find the most viral and adorable cat videos circulating the app, and this week has one of the best compilations yet! It's the purrfect blend of silly cat shenanigans and absolute adorableness. Which is honestly all it takes for a cat video to go viral. If you need another dose of cat video goodness, you don't have to look too far.Wishing you all a wonderful and relaxing Sunday! And, as always, be sure to turn your sound on for these hilarious vids! This is one of the cutest stories we've ever heard! And it's also the most literal, "my mom can beat up your mom" scenario we've ever come across!Meet Alena, a beautiful Lynx at the Siberian Zoo who has adopted three abandoned kittens. The kittens were left at the zoo's gates in a box with a note attached, "They left us!" Alena has previous experience at being an adoptive mother, and she's so very good at it. Alena is so loving with the three kittens, constantly watching over them and grooming them. Take about a motherly instinct.Sadly, the kittens cannot stay at the zoo forever, the zoo has already found new owners for the kittens and they will be at their forever home.This beautiful bond between Lynx and kittens won't be forgotten, we just hope this born to be mother gets her own forever cub someday. We could all use an energy boost of wholesome goodness! Honestly, we could use this boost every day. The days are getting shorter and it's getting colder. We're already missing the Summer that barely existed.However, we have to hold on and remind ourselves of happiness and good in the world. In our case, that means everything animal-related. And when it comes to animals, there's nothing quite as satisfying as a wholesome gallery of precious animal gifs. Their movements, their overwhelming cuteness, it does the heart good to take it all in.Take some deep breathes and let this treasure trove of animal goodness flow through you. While all these photoshopped animals do look beautiful either way and some not even odd-looking, we're definitely grateful to live in a world where tigers and zebras have stripes. These animals have color and uniquely beautiful, if you photoshop out those iconic markings, it doesn't dilute their cuteness, but we've obviously come to love and admire these animals individual uniqueness.The team at Brightside.me has asked the question, "What would animals look like without their markings?" And then created it for us to help us imagine a world in which animals only come in one shade of color. Safe to say, we all love the animals just as they naturally are! Listen, whether you're a believer in tarot card readings or not, this card deck is one that you will definitely love and want to use. Why? Because it's a tarot card deck that is entirely made up of cat memes. Yup. The most iconic cat memes we know (and then some) make up this undeniably iconic card deck that if we ever saw anyone using in real life, we'd probably sit down for a reading.This is yet another magical tumblr creation by some incredibly creative tumblr users, this time, a collaboration between king-jesster and crazy-brioche. It is one that has been reblogged and liked hundreds of thousands of times on the website. And for good reason. As labelleizzy put it: "Okay I'm legally obligated to reblog this." So, enjoy, and may your future be magical, positive, and full of cats. There isn't anyone cooler and more intimidating than a cat squad. There's power in one cat, but put a few of those cats together, and oh boy, you're in trouble. Cats are just... weirdly gangster and intimidating sometimes. You know, when they're not being the most adorable, fluffy, wholesome creatures who like to headbutt as a sign of love.All the other times, they're cool, calm, and collected. It's true, sometimes people confuse certain cat behaviors as "mean" or "evil" because they simply don't understand cats. But even those of us who do understand them can totally admit that they can be intimidating when they're about to pounce - intimidating in a funny way that is wholesome no matter how hard they try to spook us. When Tumblr user, sailorcuba, shared their thoughts on how adorable a cat's meow is to any verbal response, it paved the way for another user to share a funny and wholesome story of a cat who had never had human interaction before.We've heard that adult cats don't actually meow at other cats to communicate, but rather just at humans to let us know when they want something. This story could be further proof of that claim.Tumblr is filled with endless cat gems, we hope to never discover them all because that would just take out the excitement for when we do across a gem such as this thread below. It's National Hug A Bear Day! And we here at Cheezburger are celebrating! Now, it's important to remember that you should actually go out and hug a bear. That is a bit dangerous at the end of the day, no matter how cute and cuddly bears may appear.No, National Hug A Bear Day is actually a day that refers to teddy bears and is meant to celebrate hugging! Yeah, you heard right. On this day, you aren't supposed to go out and hug actual bears. The way to celebrate National Hug A Bear day is by hugging your teddy bear, or by hugging your friend's teddy bear, or giving a big ol' 'bear hug' to one of your friends or family members.That doesn't mean that actual bears shouldn't be celebrated, of course, since bears are unbearably awesome. So, since we can't come give y'all bear hugs right now, as a compromise, we've decided to give you an adorable collection of some of the most teddy bear-like looking bear cubs instead. Another fine day to celebrate another purrfect Caturday! Last week's Caturday celebration was one to be remembered and we just hope we can keep up the party vibes this weekend!Traditionally, we tend to have quite the ritual when it comes to Caturday. First, we indulge in cat memes, tons, and tons of cat memes. The more cat memes, the merrier the Caturday. Second, we take an immediate catnap lastly approximately 18-22 hours. And lastly, when the whole world seems to be asleep, that is when we rise and cause chaos around the house. All in all, a true Caturday experience.We hope you have a wonderful Caturday, fellow cat lovers!

TAGS:Cheezburger Has Can 

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