Discover Leadership Training - Index

Web Name: Discover Leadership Training - Index






Surrounding yourself with like-minded people that help you sustain the fire you lit in the Master Graduate Leadership Program is an incredible win/win gift. It will allow someone you respect an opportunity to discover themselves and it will allow you to rediscover yourself. Nominate them today. Last week I gave you my Top 5 tips to have the best day of your life. This is your early morning reminder that in order to create unreasonable possibilities you will need to do things you have never done... continuing to start your day the way you always have, will create a predictable future. Okay, move your butt and accept personal responsibility to create the opportunity to get what you want. Here is a recap of the top 5 tips for the best day of your life - If you do not believe will not see it: 1. Move the alarm clock across the room - never again say no thank you for the gift of the morning (no snooze button) 2. Read something positive to start your day 3. Write down your positive outcome for the day (My motto is iFOTO!) 4. Spend a few moments visualizing and meditating on how you successfully achieved your outcomes 5. Celebrate the imminent successes you will have today (Believe it) It would make my day to get an email letting me know how this is working for you. If you are a graduate of our Master Graduate Leadership Program, you will agree that it was likely one of the toughest things you have ever done. You will also agree that it was one of the most positive and impactive things you have ever done. Who do you know that will benefit from attending the MGLP? Nominate them today. Some people grin and bear the circumstances that are occurring in their lives, while others smile and do whatever it takes to get to their outcome. There is a big difference between running from pain and running to gain. Have the courage to set a positive outcome today and focus on what you want. What you focus on will expand. iFOTO is my motto. I believe the greatest test of true courage on this earth is to be okay looking bad and winning, rather than looking good and losing. Most people are more concerned with doing things right and looking good, rather than doing the right things and potentially looking bad. No matter how it makes you look, focus on doing the right thing, because what will matter at the end is how you played the game. You are smart, you are beautiful, you are outstanding, you are great, you are exceptional, you are unique, you are one of a kind, you are exciting, you are a winner, you are magnificent, you are fun to be around, you are a game-changer, you are positive, you are self-confident, you are patient, you are empathic, you are loving, you are caring, you are a great friend. Ok, I have two challenges for you today. First, identify someone in your life to say all of the above things to and secondly, retype the above message and replace ALL of the you are with I am . Thank you for accepting the challenge. You are a superstar.Tip #3 - Write down your positive outcomes for the day. How will you know if the choices you make today are appropriate or not? You must have an outcome set. No matter the circumstance, when you are outcome-focused, you continue to move forward by remaining focused on your outcome. My motto is iFOTO (I Focus on the Outcome). Tip #4 -Take time to spend a few moments meditating and visualizing a positive, successful day. This does not need to take more than five minutes. You must first believe the things you want are possible and you must believe you are worthy of having them because you are. Tip #5 - Now it is party time. Find your favorite, positive, upbeat song and have a morning party. Celebrate the success you know will happen today. If you believe that your outcomes are imminent, then celebrate them now. Starting your day this way will create new possibilities for you every day. By the way, every day begins with a morning; you may want to fall in love with mornings. I will share my top 5 tips to create a powerful, positive day. Here are the first two today; the rest are on the way tomorrow. Tip #1 - Move your alarm clock across the room. Make a commitment to yourself that when the alarm goes off, you will get out of bed and stay up. Every time you hit that snooze button; you are enrolled in a negative conversation with yourself. You are beginning the day by creating negativity that you must overcome. Tip #2 - The first thing I recommend you do after you get up is to read something positive rather than reading the newspaper or turning on the morning news to start your day. It is predictable that the messages you get from the newspaper and the morning news will be focused on negative things. When you choose to live your life on purpose, you will reveal the purpose of your life. Each of us matters and every one of us has a purpose upon this earth. Are you living your purpose? What will you do to leave the world a better place? No need to sit around waiting for someone to give you permission to live your life on purpose because you have already received the key. Today is the best day in your life to begin living your life on purpose. I have observed people who live outside of the normal paradigm and they are often labeled insane. Here is what I have learned over the many years of helping others go for the things they really want in their lives; the insanity is in the sanity . If you are toeing the line daily and living your life more concerned about what people may say or think about you, I submit that is insane. Having the courage to go for what you want and making it happen may not be possible by following the rules or taking the normal path most frequently traveled. So be positively insane today and do something special . I have an idea, let's change the world. I believe that Shakespeare asked one of the most powerful questions ever asked in Hamlet. That question is, to be or not to be? , because who you be they will become. You are such a powerful role model and they will model your behaviors and attitudes. Are the behaviors and attitudes you are demonstrating worth repeating? Make life happen because of you and leave the world a better place because of you. Some people believe that seeing is believing or the proof is in the pudding. I submit that seeing is seeing. In order to really create a special positive outcome, you will have to believe it before you see it. You will not truly see the outcome until you believe in the possibility of it coming true. If you wait to see it before you believe it, you may never bear witness to the possibilities. Consider for a moment ALL of the unfulfillment in your life - things you say you really, really, really want yet do not have. Getting those things requires you to BE unreasonable, BE confident, BE positive, BE a risk-taker, because the sweetest fruit on the tree is out on the skinny branches. Choose in this moment to go for it. The worst thing that could happen is you could fail; so what? The good news is, You Get to Do it Again . Change your approach and go for it again. The intensity of your challenges and circumstances are in direct proportion to the magnitude of your outcome. It is very important to understand that the insanity is in the sanity because the world will throw everything at you while asking, How bad do you want to reach that outcome? I submit that everything that tests your commitment is a gift of authentication. So, how bad do you want it? The one thing you have 100% control over is you. Rather than looking for a way to change the things and people outside you, spend that time and energy changing your approach and your behaviors to get what you want. Your probability for success is much greater when you focus on assessing what you are committed to do rather than focusing on changing others. Have you ever noticed how much time is invested in talking about others' issues and shortcomings? We have tabloids, TV, magazines and many other forms of media focused on keeping us informed about the lives of the people we value. What if the time we invest in listening to and watching this stuff was invested in improving ourselves? How much of a positive return might we receive? Success begins first in the conversation you are having with yourself. Envision it, create a conversation around it, and celebrate it. Giving it life in your mind opens the door to manifesting it and makes the impossible possible. One of the greatest secrets revealed is that the only impossibilities that exist in the universe are those that exist in the conversation you are having with yourself. I know how tough it is to change the behaviors we have been working on our entire lives; however, if we commit to self-improvement, and we are focused on becoming a better person in every area of our lives, it will take work. It will be important that the drivers or benefits are powerful enough to make you excited about getting to your next level, or you will fail and make excuses or blame others. If you are committed to becoming a better you, you must be committed to do the work. Some say there are doors and windows of opportunity. You know, that really is true; it is called CHOICE. WAYFO? What Are You Focused On? I'm just sayin'. In my book entitled Change Your Mind, Change Your World , I talk about the difference between being the flag and the wind. The flag represents people who live their lives as victims waiting for someone to give them permission to live. Every time a strong wind comes along they find themselves moving in the direction of the strongest wind. An effective leader is the wind. They define ahead of time what they want, what they stand for, and what they will do. There are no victims, only volunteers, and excuses are for losers. Set your course today; life is not a dress rehearsal. Stressful situations are created by the conversation you are having with yourself. Every moment you are in, you are choosing to define that moment based on your expectations. That definition is created by the conversation you are having with yourself, a conversation you are 100% in control of. Situations do not define you; they simply reveal the conversation you are having with yourself. If you think you are too small or your position is insignificant to make a difference, then you have never been in bed with a mosquito. There is an I in team! IT'S YOU! You matter, you count. You will affect the outcome of everything you do either positively or negatively. What Are You Focused On? You have a choice - you can focus on all of the positive things and celebrate, or you can focus on everything that went wrong and throw a pity party. Keep in mind that if you will be throwing or attending a pity party this year, here are few essential items that you must have: a list of character flaws, a box of tissues, a list of everything that has gone wrong in 2020, and a portable hole to crawl into... sound like fun? Helen Keller once wrote, One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar. Today is the best day in your life to get in the game, play full out, and soar. Nothing will be accomplished if every circumstance, issue, or objection must be resolved before you take the first step. Regardless of what life has given you, what situations, circumstances, or events you are experiencing, you can ALWAYS choose to disrupt the status quo and Live in the Chaos, going for what you want heart, body, and soul. There are no victims, only volunteers. Good Morning. Yes, it happened again. Another morning and even worse for some folks, it's a Monday morning. The truth is that every day will begin with a morning, so if you are choosing not to be a morning person, there is some predictability in your future. If you have a bad attitude about mornings, mornings are not creating that for you. You are choosing not to be a morning person. When you are ready to accept personal responsibility for that to change, it will. This morning would be the best time to make that happen. Many people have talked about having dreams. I believe that dreams about the impossible create new possibilities; however, in order to make these dreams a reality, you must first wake up and take action now! Anything that keeps you from growing is never worth right fighting to defend. Having an attitude of growth and learning means that we first make the choice to be OPEN to the learning. When an individual in your life has an offering, and you hear criticism or judgment, your defenses come up and you prepare for the fight. It is no longer a learning environment; it now becomes a battlefield where you will go toe-to-toe to defend your position. Until you recognize how limiting this reaction is, you will never realize your next level of growth. If you stay in reaction and hold fast to your position, you are making the choice to remain firmly planted on the sidelines. Anything that keeps you from growing is never worth right fighting to defend. Having an attitude of growth and learning means that we first make the choice to be OPEN to the learning. When an individual in your life has an offering, and you hear criticism or judgment, your defenses come up and you prepare for the fight. It is no longer a learning environment; it now becomes a battlefield where you will go toe-to-toe to defend your position. Until you recognize how limiting this reaction is, you will never realize your next level of growth. If you stay in reaction and hold fast to your position, you are making the choice to remain firmly planted on the sidelines. There is a level in this game at which few are willing to play. The greatest differentiating factor for individuals at this level is that they are willing to accept PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Making the choice to accept personal responsibility is to have an understanding that you ARE responsible for who you are, if you are happy, if you are fulfilled, if you are successful, if you are focused, if you are positive, if you are enthusiastic, or if you are living your purpose. YOU are responsible. You are who you choose to be. Pain has gotten a very bad rap and being comfortable is overrated. Unfortunately, most people dread getting outside of their comfort zone. They allow fear to completely paralyze them from growing personally. The ONLY way you will grow to your next level is to get out of your comfort zone. No learning will ever take place in your comfort zone. So go out and take a class on cooking, read a book about something you know nothing about, or explore new information about a culture that is unfamiliar to you. Learning and growing creates new possibilities for something to occur for you that benefits you and others. Set your outcome and go for it! You know the benefits and it is yours to create. This being said, there will be naysayers in the bunch. Have the courage to trust yourself and keep moving forward. A mind focused on doubt and fear cannot focus on the journey to victory. The only impossibilities that exist along life's journey are within the conversation that you are having with yourself. That conversation reveals what you are focused on and determines the results you will ultimately produce. If you are focused on your fears, what could go wrong, or doubting your own ability to create success, then you will become a prophet. Check the conversation that you are having with yourself and focus on your outcome because what you focus on will expand. The time for us to take a stand for what we want is now... and then now... and then now. The moment that we just experienced is now behind us. It is the past; it is what happened. Whether good or bad, we cannot continually focus on what happened. If we do, we are being defined by what happened. This present moment (now) offers new possibilities. Live in this moment and be green and growing. I believe that we all deserve a period of time to grieve any loss we may experience in our lives. I also believe that there comes a time that we need to get on with it . This is not a conversation about getting over anything. For some of us, the loss is so great, that may never happen; however, I remind you that life is not a dress rehearsal. This Thursday is the best day in your life to get on with it . Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, but by the courage with which he has overcome his obstacles. Having an outcome and moving toward that outcome does not eliminate the possibility of encountering obstacles or challenges. It is in the face of those challenges that you reveal the true snapshot of your courage. It takes courage to keep moving forward, to change your approach if necessary, and to risk success. Your ultimate success or failure is determined by how you view those obstacles - as a stop sign... or as a steppingstone. So matter what behaviors we are comfortable with, those behaviors will not always be the best solution to our circumstance. A strength overused will become a weakness. let's start this Monday morning with the awareness that words create pictures and pictures create emotion. Now think about what picture and emotion the word brutal creates for you. Be honest with yourself and others. There is no reason to be brutal. Every ceiling, when reached, becomes the foundation to get to your next level. Regardless of your age, the color of your skin, or your position in life - for every individual drawing breath in this world - there is one reality... it's Not Over. We all occupy the largest room in the house, and that is the room for improvement. As you move forward and remain open to learning, growing, and discovering your own next level of personal and professional development, you become even more valuable to everyone in your life. I have a challenge for you. Go out and catch someone doing something right today and tell them what you observed. Ok, here is my request, send me an email today and tell me what you did and how they responded. It is just a request; if you choose not to do it your arm will not fall off and you will not experience 10 years of bad luck. When you understand that it doesn't matter what you say, what matters is what they heard, you will be more committed to making sure that you are understood. The last 4 letters in the word Enthusiasm are I A S M - which stands for I Am Sold Myself! Each failure represents a choice point, and it is in that moment that the conversation you are having with yourself is revealed. Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in your team? Authenticate that belief by creating the conversation that feeds that enthusiasm... believe and succeed! Our dreams, potentials, and aspirations are our new possibilities. There are no limitations or impossibilities; they only exist within the conversation you are having with yourself. Create a conversation that is outcome-focused and benefit-driven; watch to see what happens! The famous author Kobi Yamada once said, Sometimes you just have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down. What that means to me is remain focused on your outcome and be in the moment. Don't ask yourself how ask yourself why because if you are committed to the why of your outcomes and the benefits of those outcomes, you will soar. I continually recognize every day that one of the greatest gifts I have is the gift of choice because I can choose to believe anything I want to believe. I challenge you to choose to be even more positive. I am personally taking on that challenge; please join me. The Samurai Warrior was outcome-focused and driven by the benefits of his outcome; as a result he only moved forward. I encourage you to have the heart of a Samurai Warrior and celebrate your circumstances. Those circumstances will authenticate your commitment to move forward. If you believe your outcomes are possible before you see them, it means that you have faith that the outcome will come true. Now, have the heart of a Samurai Warrior and have the courage to take the first powerful step towards your outcome. This may sound like an obvious statement; however, it is still something most people need to hear. When you learn something new, you want to retain it because it benefitted you and helped you grow personally. The only way to retain the new learning is by working on it and using it often. In order for you to remain green and growing, you need to continue to apply what you learned. The greatest challenge to creating your outcomes and owning your potential in life... is you. Many individuals are able to see the strengths and to find value in the people around them, the people they see as leaders, and the people they see creating success. However, they are unable to see that within themselves. Check the conversation that you are having with yourself and be aware that YOU are in control of that conversation, YOU are in control of the outcomes that you produce, and YOU are in control of your attitude. You can choose to BE confident, courageous, and successful - all of those attributes that you value in others. The choice is yours... so what are you waiting for? You have a choice in every given moment to get in the game and choose to live a life on purpose or to sit on the sidelines allowing fear, being uncomfortable, indecision, and lack of courage to keep you planted where you are essentially waiting to die. Take action now and realize that you have been given the tools to create success. It is simply about moving beyond the fear and going for it heart, body, and soul! This is not a dress rehearsal... Each of us reproduces a likeness of our self. When you maintain a positive attitude, self-confidence, focus, determination, drive, integrity, passion, conviction and enthusiasm, then that is exactly what you will reproduce in the people around you in both your personal life and your professional life. Whether you want to be or not, YOU are a role model to someone. Choose to be a powerful self . When iFOTO (I Focus On The Outcome) becomes your Motto people will begin to ask, What are you on? My coaching to you is to tell them you are on purpose . There is a universal rule that says when you give, it always comes back to you. It may not look like what you gave, however, it will always come back to you. The measure of your life will not be in what you accumulate, but in what you give away. We have been taught there is no i in Team. I would like to challenge that belief. I believe you are either a creator of truth or a creature of circumstance; you either bring color into your environment or, like a chameleon, you take color from others' environments. Every one of us has something positive to give in every situation. You are relevant; you make the difference. YOU MATTER! You are the i in Team! It is better to be respected than liked. Effective leaders understand that tough decisions have to be made at times and they make them while remaining focused on the positive outcomes they set. There are almost 7 billion people on this planet; are you going to let just one of them take your joy away from you today? If you choose frustration over patience, anger over understanding or jealousy over love, that's what you will do. Claim your joy today and then give it away to everyone in your life! It is important to know that the biggest energy in an environment will prevail. If you find yourself in a negative environment you must be more positive than the negative energy in order to overcome it. Remember, your attitude is not controlled by what is happening to you, however it is controlled by the conversation you are having with yourself. Check the conversation you are having with yourself and respond to the situation in the way that will get you to the positive outcome you want. A healthy attitude is contagious, but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. It has been said in many different ways that attitudes are contagious, and it is true. Your attitude is not controlled by what is happening to you; however, it is controlled by the conversation you are having with yourself about what's happening. Check the conversation you are having with yourself and remain focused on your positive outcome and you will get to the things you want. When circumstances arise, it is important to know that the biggest energy in any environment will prevail. If you find yourself in a negative environment, focus on a positive outcome and remain enthusiastically committed to your outcome and watch what happens. Yup, you have always had the ability to do that - pretty cool stuff. Brand new opportunities are always there for you. If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. Focus on what you want and make it happen! Fce it, no one owes you a living. What you accomplish in your life is up to you. If there is no wind, row. If you want it, make it happen. Do you have a dream? Is it a really big one? The one thing I tell all of our Heart of a Samurai Program participants is that if your dream doesn't make your palms sweat and your heart race, it is not big enough! I love taking annual making memories trips with my sons. I realize what will matter most to them is not the day I was born or the day I died. What will matter most is that little dash in between those dates, because that dash represents ALL of their memories of the time we shared together. What memories will your dash create? If you tested the iFOTO concept yesterday... very likely you are excited this morning about the results. What I want you to recognize in this present moment is that every circumstance that you are faced with is an incredible gift as you embrace iFOTO as your motto. Each circumstance allows you an opportunity to authenticate your commitment to your outcome. You should really test that concept again today. Okay, let's put this iFOTO concept to the test today. Let's say our outcome today is to be positive in every interaction we have with every person we come in contact with. Now I realize that you have no control over some circumstances, however, you have 100% control over how you respond to the circumstance. Before you take this on today, take a moment to write down 5 benefits of being positive in every interaction you have with a person today. No matter what circumstance comes your way remain focused on your outcome and be driven by the benefits of doing so. If the choices you are making in every given moment are not focused on a positive outcome, it is likely that they are attached to historical events or belief systems. I suggest that everything you know or have experienced has the potential of being a resource that will benefit you in your life if you use it appropriately. Okay, so what determines appropriateness? The outcome that you are focused on will. If you really want to live a purposeful life then make iFOTO your motto. iFOTO means, I Focus on the Outcome . The only way to know the choices you are making every day are purposeful, is to know what outcome is driving those choices. I have found that managing my professional and personal relationships based on mutual promises allows me to identify the people who are committed to be positive and play at the level I choose to live. I decided not to create any space for negative people to live in my relationships. Good Morning, I bet you were wondering why I sent the same Thought of the Day on Wednesday and Thursday, well it is because the circumstances you are experiencing this morning are not creating your reality. The choices you are making in relation to those circumstances are what is creating your reality. How can you change that reality and transform pain into gain? Well, I am glad you asked. Listen to the conversation you are having with yourself. If that conversation is not focused on what you want, change it. As long as you continue to focus on the things that caused you pain, you simply get to continue to have a good reason to justify your misery. My question to you this morning is, How's that working for you? Give yourself permission to get on with living your life; in fact, you are the only person that can give you permission to do so. As long as you continue to focus on the things that caused you pain, you simply get to continue to have a good reason to justify your misery. My question to you this morning is, How's that working for you? Give yourself permission to get on with living your life; in fact, you are the only person that can give you permission to do so. Take time today to exercise the 80 muscles in your face. Do some up downs . A laugh is never a foreign language to anyone, and a smile speaks all languages. It's a GREAT day to be alive! You are one of over 10,000 people receiving this Thought of the Day this morning. If you are benefiting from them, please pay it forward and sign-up at least one person today. It would be okay to do that NOW. Remember the last time you put something off? It is impossible to awaken a person who is pretending to be asleep. Many of us who have begun the journey of personal growth and self-awareness have gained insight and knowledge about ourselves that we did not have prior to having the courage to take that journey. You must continue learning and growing because this stuff is real simple; however, it is not easy. You must practice new learnings and behaviors daily because knowledge is only powerful when it is applied. The way your life is right now is nothing more than the manifestation of your choices. There are no victims, only volunteers. Make sure the choices you are making will manifest the outcomes you want. If you are blaming something or someone else, the game is over, and there is no chance you will succeed. Only when you accept personal responsibility do you keep what's possible alive. Most of us have been taught that if we are experiencing something tough, then we should focus on getting through it. There is no way to feel the exhilaration of success without overcoming tough. When tough arrives, be grateful, smile and embrace it. You have just been given an opportunity to create a new possibility. If you have the courage to go for it, you may fall down... so what? Dust yourself off and go for it again and again until you achieve the success you are focused on. Accept personal responsibility to make it happen NOW! When you say I love you do you expect that person to say it back to you? If you do, it's not a gift; you are only giving so that you will receive something back. Today give without any conditions or expectations... starting with yourself, and I love you! I know I sent this to you on Monday, I'm just not sure if you really connected so here it is to read again... I apologize if this unromanticizes what love means to you; however, I believe this thought will create a new possibility for you to love more completely. I submit that love is a gift, available for you to give to anyone that you want. My definition of love is accepting a person for who they are, and for who they aren't. So it's ok to love the folks in your life the way they want to be loved; if you don't know what that means, ask them. Oh and by the way rather than waiting for them to figure out how to love you the way you want to be loved, tell them. A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd - Max Lucado It is important to become independent of the opinions of others. This is not a conversation about dismissing what others offer you. This is a conversation about checking their offering against your outcome to determine the value of it. I apologize if this unromanticizes what love means to you; however, I believe this thought will create a new possibility for you to love more completely. I submit that love is a gift, available for you to give to anyone you want. My definition of love is accepting a person for who they are, and for who they aren't. So it is ok to love the folks in your life the way they want to be loved; if you don't know what that means, ask them. Oh, and by the way, rather than waiting for them to figure out how to love you the way you want to be loved, tell them. You are REALLY going to need to wake up before reading this thought. Ok, here we go. Think of life from the perspective there is no bad or good, it is all about the assessment you place on the situation based on your expectations. When you stop making those assessments based on your judgments, you become powerful because you will become aware life only has the meaning you give it. Well, if you need a little more explanation, send me an email. This Present Moment creates two very powerful opportunities. The first is to create the future you want by setting a positive outcome you are committed to and making appropriate choices that will create that future. The second powerful opportunity, which will be created as a result of taking advantage of the first, is you will create a new past that you will be 100% proud of. Reliving the old past will only create a predictable future that you have already experienced. It is okay to let it go and move forward. The only reason we get old is because we forget to take the time to play. I understand how busy life can get as we move from one milestone to the next; graduating from high school, then college, then getting a job and building a career, getting married and raising children and then finally retirement. Well, I agree, that will keep you very busy; however, remember to have a little fun along the way. Here is a little tip for you, everything goes to another level when you add ENTHUSIASM. I'm just sayin'. In every one of our futures is a day when we will only have our past to look at. That future and that past are being created in this present moment. If you find yourself focused on the past, it will become your future. If you choose to focus on creating your future by focusing on what you want and accepting personal responsibility to create it, your future will then authentically become your past. It is impossible to awaken someone who is pretending to be asleep. We get at least two choices in life every day - tough or suffering. We choose tough when we choose to play the game Full Out with no attachment to how it turns out. We choose suffering when we choose to stand on the sidelines in fear, watching life pass us by. Well, that is only going to happen once. I'm thinking it's not a good idea. There is a level in this game at which few are willing to play. The greatest differentiating factor for individuals at this level is that they are willing to accept PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Making the choice to accept personal responsibility is to have an understanding that you ARE responsible... for who you are, for your happiness, for your fulfillment, for your success, for your focus, for your positivity, for your enthusiasm, and for living your purpose. YOU are responsible - you are who you are because you choose to be. Regardless of what life has given you - whatever situations, circumstances, or events you are experiencing - you can ALWAYS choose to be unreasonable and go for what you want. There are no victims, only volunteers. One of the greatest gifts you have been given is choice - and you can choose to create whatever reality you want. Despite what is going on around you, your attitude and your choices are still your own. Being unreasonable is redefined in every moment, so make the choice to create what you want... no reasons... no excuses... no alibis. Anything that keeps you from growing is never worth right fighting to defend. We all occupy the largest room in the house... and that is the room for improvement. Having an attitude of growth and learning means that we first make the choice to be OPEN to the learning. When an individual in your life has an offering, and you hear criticism or judgment, your defenses come up and you prepare for the fight. It is no longer an opportunity to grow the relationship; it now becomes a battlefield where you will go toe to toe to defend your position. At the end of the day, you will get to be right . How is that working for you? The way people treat you is the way you have TAUGHT them to treat you. You are in control of how you project yourself to the world. How you react or respond in certain situations, the value you give to the people around you, the behaviors you encourage or allow from them, and the boundaries you create, all affect how individuals will BE with you. If you are looking for a different result in how someone is treating you, change your approach with them to create something different. As you set and focus on your outcome, you must be willing to take the steps necessary to manifest that outcome. There will be certain circumstances along your journey that you have no control over, and as you encounter these circumstances, you have the option of either reacting or responding. Our plan of action for TODAY is to be in the moment. There is a difference between being focused on the outcome and being attached to the outcome. Truly being focused on the outcome means giving your 100% to manifest that outcome, creating the conversation and the behavior that will bring you closer to that outcome, and understanding there are things outside of your control that could affect whether you reach that outcome or not. Being attached to the outcome will lead to frustration and disappointment if the outcome is not met - despite the existence of things outside of your control. Realize that all you can control is your own give and your own attitude in the midst of that give. Let go of any attachment to how it turns out. It's OK to TAN. This is a choice you get to make every day of your life. You can remain on the sidelines, playing it safe, doing the same thing you've always done and getting the same results; however, in doing this, you will also get the opportunity to experience the leftovers in the wake of those who are in the game. Aren't you worth more than that? Take the steps to get in the game and BE the one blazing the trail, holding nothing back, creating Unreasonable Possibilities, and living your life on purpose. Take Action Now! Do you believe you have a life purpose? Do you believe you can choose one? The journey starts right now, and it is 14 inches long from your head to your heart. Follow your heart in everything you do and you'll never be without purpose, or joy, or abundance, or love, or happiness... I'll bet you never saw that coming. I have often told people that energy and action follow thought. So with that in mind, if you feel you are one of those people that is snake bitten, you have a dark cloud over your head, and everything you touch turns sour -- my coaching to you is to not go sky diving until you get that worked out. I'm just sayin'. My coaching to you this morning is to stay away from negative people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that; the really great people make you feel that you too, can become great. Getting to your next level of leadership development will be challenging; embrace the challenge. In order to create something you've never created, you must conquer the challenge. Apprehension only exists in the conversation you are having with yourself. Stand up to your fears - you will find that they are not as strong as you thought they were. Every challenging situation is an opportunity for significant positive personal growth. Take a moment to grieve the loss, then get on with it; you are worth it. Rather than focusing on all of the circumstances and people in your life that need to change to make you happy, simply choose to be happy. Be aware that the common denominator in every one of those situations is you. I'm just sayin'... Circumstances do not define you. Circumstances reveal the person you are. Nuff said. I have heard so many people say, I will forgive you, however I will not forget. Well, ok let's speak some truth here; that really is just another way of saying, I will not forgive you. True forgiveness is like blowing up a bridge. There is nothing to go back to, it is finished. You will never get a positive return by holding on to anything that is negative. Just a thought, blow up the bridge and get on with your life. It is the only life you get. Dead fish go with the current, but it takes a live fish to go against the current. So CHOOSE to be ALIVE and CREATE AN UNREASONABLE POSSIBILITY TODAY!! Ability is what you're capable of doing, so focus on increasing your capacity every day. Motivation determines what you do and as long as it is internal, you will continue doing it. Attitude determines how well you will choose to do it, so slap on a smile and have fun doing whatever you are focused on today. As you travel this journey of personal growth, you will encounter many roadblocks, obstacles, circumstances, and huge walls. Let the celebration begin because we now get an opportunity to authenticate the work that we have been doing. You better get clear as it relates to who has your back. What would it be like to love like you have never been hurt, let down, or betrayed before? I knew you would say that; tell you what, let's go for it and find out. This is not a conversation about getting over anything or anyone; it is however, a conversation about getting on with it. I have heard many people over the years say, You can't teach an old dog new tricks. I said to a few of those old dogs that it is okay to develop a habit around catching people doing things right rather than always catching them doing things wrong. Their response, I never thought about that. Mission accomplished. In this present moment I strongly encourage you to destroy, crush, and kill every fear you encounter in others and in yourself. Fear is a gift provided to you for the sole purpose of building your courage muscle. Build some big courage muscles today. Focus on unreasonable positive possibilities. Once you set a course to the positive outcomes you want in your professional and personal life - remain focused on your outcome. The winds will blow and the waves will pound the boat, however, stay the course. If the sea was always calm, you could never practice your navigational skills Generally when we use absolutes in our communications (always, never) we are coming from emotion. Then it's predictable that drama is about to show up. When we are coming from emotion, we are not communicating effectively. My coaching is to check the conversation you are having with yourself and address what is making you emotional before talking about anything else. I'm Just Sayin!! I am grateful for every enemy in my life-every person who stands in opposition to my purpose. Without them, I cannot be a role model for what it means to be a positive, focused, determined, enthusiastic, powerful leader. Without them, I cannot be a superhero, creating unreasonable possibilities that invent a new positive future. Do something special today. You may be disappointed if you fail; however, you are doomed to fail if you never take the first step. There is one prevailing factor that keeps individuals stuck in their rut, planted on the sidelines, and watching life pass them by - that is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of failure, fear of taking a risk. There is a good reason I am bringing this to your attention this morning. I had a friend that recently died at 31 years old. I assure you she never thought that 15 years old was middle-aged... this life is not a dress rehearsal - it is ok to live it out loud and on purpose NOW!!!! Unless you have the courage to take that first step, you may never know what successes are possible for you. Winners lose much more often than losers, because winners take more risks to achieve what they really want. Oh wait.... since most winners choose to learn and grow from their losses they actually rarely lose. Every day we get to make a choice to get in the game or sit on the sidelines of life. Unfortunately, most people blame the weather, the economy, the color of their skin, their age, and many other things for not taking the risk to succeed. Yes, I said the risk to succeed. When you are focused on what you want, you are not risking failure, you are risking success. When you play full out focused on success, there is no failure. Negativity is energy that can be directed in any way you choose. Hmmmmm, so rather than spending any more time blaming anyone or anything else for what's creating the negative energy, identify what you want and accept personal responsibility to make it happen. Now use that same energy to make it happen. Oh, was that a smile? Pain has gotten a bad rap and your comfort zone is far overrated. I often hear people say I don't need to change; I like me the way I am . I agree that no one needs to change, however, everyone deserves to experience the benefits of growth. I understand that it is sometimes painful; however, the growth creates new possibilities. You are either green and growing or you are dead and decaying. If you have never failed at anything, it is predictable that you are playing small. Failure or falling down has been given a bad rap. When you get out of your comfort zone and go for the things you REALLY, REALLY want, you risk success, not failure. Learning from failure is an incredible gift and brings you one step closer to your success. So get out there and play full out today. A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. They do not set out to be a leader, but become one by the quality of their actions and the integrity of their intent. In the end, leaders are much like eagles... they don't flock together; you find them one at a time. There is an I in team! There is a difference between doing the right thing and doing things right . It is possible to do the wrong thing right . So, how do you know when you are doing the right thing ? When you set an outcome, focusing on that outcome will allow you to determine the appropriateness of every choice you make. First responders and frontline workers are not heroes, they are SUPER Heroes, find a way to say thank you to them today. Say goodbye to yesterday and climb out on those skinny branches to get the sweetest fruit available. If you risk nothing, you are risking everything. It is SO important to be aware of what you are creating with every behavior and every thought you practice over and over again. What are you creating? Say goodbye to yesterday because life is not a dress rehearsal. There will be NO do overs. What will you do to create a better version of yourself? What are you willing to do today to make a more positive contribution to your relationships? That is awesome, now let's get it done. Say goodbye to yesterday. When you change your mind, you will change your world. The same mind that got you to success prior to Covid-19 will not get you to success post Covid-19. What will you do different? Be aware of the thought seeds you allow to be planted in your mind. Those thought seeds will germinate and produce fruit that will be the likeness of the seed. Say goodbye to yesterday so you can get unstuck and become unstoppable. What are you waiting for? Whether your mom is alive or deceased, take a moment today either virtually, in person or through prayer to thank her for EVERYTHING that has gone right in your life. That means you will need to accept personal responsibility for everything else. One of our greatest gifts is choice and we alone control it. Happy Mother's Day. This is the eve of Mother's Day. This Mother's Day will be like none we've experienced before. How will you honor your mother tomorrow that will create a positive memory like no other Mother's Day? One of the greatest antidotes to depression is focusing forward without referring to historical experiences. This is not saying you should get over anything. It is however offering you an invitation to get on with your life. When you keep your feelings inside, they build up pressure like water behind a closed dam. Release those feelings in a healthy, loving way and allow your feelings to flow. Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness. Life is not fair for everyone... wait, doesn't that make it fair? As the smoke clears, check the conversation you are having with yourself and get outside of your comfort zone to reach your next level of growth. Make NO excuses, blame NO one for how something affects your life. Determine what you want and accept personal responsibility to make it happen. Be outcome-focused, benefit-driven and watch what happens. I'm Just Sayin'. You will be able to see what's around the corner when you get around the corner. Stop wasting your energy anticipating and stressing about what is around the corner and prepare yourself to do whatever it takes to successfully deal with whatever is around the corner. Today is a new day with infinite possibilities, do not accept today on its terms. Define today based on what you want by having the courage to make it happen. Life is not a dress rehearsal. In our lives we will have struggles and triumphs, win and losses. It is important to have no attachment to either of them in order for you to live a well-balanced life. Over the course of your life, you have experienced situations that you felt were too much to handle, yet you handled the situation and were better because of it. You have another opportunity to do that today. As you look back on the choices you made yesterday regarding your attitude and engagements with people, I pray that you tested positive - for a positive attitude. Instead of focusing on the things you do not have during this pandemic, focus on and appreciate the things that you do have. Understand that it's not about what you've got, it's about what you do with what you've got. Let's ensure that GRATITUDE is more contagious than covid-19. Pay it forward and remember that givers gain! We are ALL systemically connected. The choices I make today will positively or negatively affect you. The choices you make today will positively or negatively affect me. Be mindful of your choices today. I know that it will be difficult to hear this today, however, there is a universal conspiracy occurring today and it is focused on your ultimate success. Spend a few moments in silence today. Relish those moments of silence because they will reward you with greater clarity of the path in front of you as you clear the smoke and move forward. It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy. It is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves. - Helen Keller You cannot be everywhere today, nor can you meet all of the many needs that exist during this pandemic. Mindfully choose to be where you are and attend to the needs of those around you. You've got this, and if you need help, I am on your team. All is well on this Monday and you are ready for whatever comes your way. Your yesterdays have appropriately prepared you for whatever comes next. Trust yourself and take the next step. During these very challenging times I encourage you to radiate an energy of calm, uplifting, peaceful serenity for the people around you. When you do, your very presence will encourage others to feel calm and assured. Please join Discover Leadership Training tonight on GoToMeetings at 8:00 pm central time and help create a Tsunami of Positive Energy. We are focused on transforming this crisis into something positive for you and your family and want you to take control of what you can control. (Your attitude!) Visit our website at to join the PARTY! See you tonight!!! The push to and the belief in a more positive future is what we all must focus on today. What you are focused on will determine the energy and actions you will experience today. Focus on what you control. On this Monday morning it is important to be aware, we do not have to choose to be Republicans, we do not have to choose to be Democrats. We can choose to be Human Beings fighting the same enemy. Let's fight together to defeat this enemy, we want the same thing. It has been a long week and yet there are additional challenges ahead. Let's take a moment today to refresh and recharge because it is not over until you say it is over. It is Not Over . Please join us tonight on Facebook or Periscope for HAPPY HOUR at 8:00 pm central time. Zoom has been dealing with hacking issues where hackers have found ways to penetrate public meetings. In order to protect us both, we have cancelled our Tsunami of Positive Energy Zoom meeting and look forward to seeing you tonight for HAPPY HOUR!!! Please join us tonight for a Zoom Tsunamic of Positivity Party at 8:00 pm central time. Go to the link on Discover Leadership Training for the link to join the party. There is a lot of stuff that went wrong yesterday. If you focus on that, it will negatively affect today. I know how tough this will be, however, if you focus forward, you will create new opportunities and new possibilities. Pain is temporary. Today you will get to choose your attitude. I know, that is a tough awareness today, however, today it is more important than ever before for you to accept the responsibility to make that happen. If I can help, call or text me at 832.489.2936. It is Hump Day and I am going to do something very unreasonable to remind people to do what you can to create a positive future for you and others, stay tuned to the Discover Leadership Training Facebook Page. There is a lot of hurt and pain being experienced in the world. There are a lot of people globally grieving the loss of loved ones. Take a moment today to pause for a moment in honor of them. Thank you! Your successes and failures over the next few weeks during this pandemic will be based on your choices, not this pandemic. There is SO much that you do not control, however, there is a LOT that you do control. Make choices that will allow you to be successful. It is Sunday and we will continue to designate Sunday as Funday. Quite often, most of you take yourselves far too serious. One of the many opportunities we have right now is to play more and have more fun. Have a Funday on this Sunday, #tsunamiofpositivity. We will be conducting a Zoom Tsunami of Positivity Party tomorrow night at 8:00 pm central time. This party will be informative, engaging, uplifting and positive. Set your alarm and join us. Go to to get the information to join the Zoom Tsunami of Positivity Party tonight at 8:00 pm central time. We want to know what you are doing to help create a Tsunami of Positivity, we need your help. Go to to get the information to join the Zoom Tsunami of Positivity Party tonight at 8:00 pm central time. We want to know what you are doing to help create a Tsunami of Positivity, we need your help. Let's pretend that you have a crystal ball and you can see 30 days into the future. How will you be better than you are today? This is an incredible opportunity to get healthier mentally and physically. Take small steps and get small wins. What will you do today to move your positive attitude needle in a positive way? Please join us tonight at 8:00 pm central time for Happy Hour on Facebook Live and Periscope. Our outcome is to create a Tsunami of Positivity. #tsunamiofpositivity Last night during our Happy Hour broadcast we talked about the difference between a marathon and a sprint. It is clear that we are in a marathon and will be physically distancing for at least another 30 days. Pace yourself, take small positive attitude steps and get small positive attitude wins. In 30 days those small steps will add up to a big win. Generally when we use absolutes in our communications (always, never) we are coming from emotion. Then it's predictable that drama is about to show up. When we are coming from emotion, we are not communicating effectively. My coaching is to check the conversation you are having with yourself and address what is making you emotional before talking about anything else. I'm Just Sayin!! Let's call this Fun Day Sunday . How many different things will you do today to have fun? Make a list and post it on our Facebook Page. Your ideas may benefit someone and you can visit the page to see what ideas others are sharing that may benefit you. The gravitational pull to negativity and hopelessness during this pandemic is strong. Do not resist that gravitational pull because everything that you resist will persist. My coaching is to run to what you want rather than from what you don't want. When you run to what you want, it will create a gravitational pull to positivity. Let's create a tsunami of positive energy. Since you likely have a little extra time on your hand, connect with someone you have not spoken to in a while and send them a positive message and see how they are doing. You just never know how it may contribute to the tsunami of positive energy we are creating. I invite you to join me in creating a tsunami of positive energy during this pandemic. What will you do today to create more positivity in your world? Leave a post on our Facebook Page at discoverleadershiptraining to show us. This is Day 3 of our 7 Day WAYFO? Challenge. If you have not been participating, jump in and finish strong with us as we commit to make life happen because of us, and not to us. Go to our facebook page at dicoverleadershiptraining and join us. The CDC and other medical officials are asking us to commit to social distancing to protect from spreading Covid-19. I completely disagree with them. Join me tonight for a SPECIAL Happy Hour to discuss the difference between social distancing and personal distancing . We will broadcast live ait 8:00 pm cst on Facebook Live and Periscope. Much of what is happening regarding this Coronavirus is beyond your control. That does not mean you are helpless. There are still a ton of things you have control over that will affect your quality of life. So Stand tall, set those shoulders back and your head held high and take control of what you control. Whether you choose Murphy's Law or Discover Leadership Training's Law, be aware, the reality you are living in is the result of your choice. One is focused on the possibility of a negative outcome and the other is focused on a positive outcome; you get to choose. How will you change the way this negative event is affecting your world into a positive reality for you moving forward? It is in times like these that the human spirit gets the opportunity to step up to help fulfill the needs of others. Look around you; see, acknowledge and fulfill the needs of those around you. Together we will be victorious. As you wake up to a very new world today, it appears that Murphy's Law is in FULL affect. Murphy said, anything that can possible go wrong, will go wrong Well I remind you that for every negative, there is a positive. Discover Leadership Training's Law is anything that can possible go right will go right . Both of these laws are available to you today, choose wisely. You never know how far reaching something you think, say, or do today will affect the lives of the people on your professional and personal teams. YOU matter, YOU count. You affect everything that you touch either positively or negatively. PLEASE be aware there is NO neutral. Make the choice to create a positive environment through your positive attitude. never know how far that positive attitude will reach today. Have you ever thought of yourself as a salesperson? Every conversation or interaction we have is a sales transaction and somebody is being sold something during every one of those transactions. What are you buying and what are you selling? If you are unsure, check your attitude; the answer is being stored there. How happy are you at this point in your life? What else do you feel that you need to be happier? I submit that many of us look for happiness in how successful we have been in the events of life. Successful events are not the key to happiness, choosing to be happy will be the key to your success. It's Not Over . There are NO problems, just opportunities. Today I begin again. My coaching to you is to not avoid getting angry, however, understand the positive action that you are committed to take that is focused on what you wanted and accept personal responsibility to channel all of that energy to reach that outcome. Oh my, what might that change of approach produce? Please share; I really would like to know. Anger is a secondary emotion, which means there is always a warning sign that it is about to occur. If we choose to continue moving in that space until we become angry it may make us feel better in that moment, however, there is very little long-term benefit derived from that choice. My coaching to you... (to be continued tomorrow) The greatest challenges of leadership are: BEing bold, but not a bully; BEing thoughtful, but not lazy; BEing kind, but not weak; BEing proud, but not arrogant; BEing strong, but not rude. Well, ALL of the above is going to be someone's interpretation based on their personal map. Ok, my best coaching is to just BE . There is a lot of talk these days about happiness. Let's get this handled once and for all. Choose to be happy right now. Ok, do it again. Ok, keep doing that. Now I can hear someone saying, Mike that is not realistic and they are right. I can hear others saying, Mike I did it and it's working and they are right too. Enough said. There is a lot of talk these days about happiness. Let's get this handled once and for all. Choose to be happy right now. Ok, do it again. Ok, keep doing that. Now I can hear someone saying, Mike that is not realistic and they are right. I can hear others saying, Mike I did it and it's working and they are right too. Enough said. One of the greatest enemies to potential is success. Refuse to be satisfied with yesterday's success. Today presents brand new possibilities for you to redefine your 100%. If you are still celebrating yesterday's successes very likely you are not accomplishing anything today. We all occupy the largest room in the house - the room for improvement. As long as you are living on this earth, there is an opportunity for growth. Keep moving forward, armor on the front, and know that as you climb your current challenge... heave yourself over the edge... take a deep breath and look up... you will see there is another level there waiting for you. It's Not Over . Consider for a moment ALL of the unfulfillment in your life. Things you say you really, really, really want and yet you do not have. Getting those things requires you to BE unreasonable, BE confident, BE positive, BE a risk taker, because the sweetest fruit on the tree is out on the skinny branches. Choose in this moment to go for it - the worst thing that could happen is you could fail. So what? The good news is You Get to Do it Again. So change your approach and go for it again. We should never permit ourselves to do anything that we are not willing to see our children do. (Brigham Young) You are a role model - who you BE is who they are BE coming. Are you all that you want them to be? Are the choices you are making an example of the choices you hope they make? You can't give away something that you don't have, so make the choice to BE who you want them to BE . No reasons, alibis, or excuses. The time is NOW! I believe that an effective leader understands that it is better to be respected by their team than to be liked. Effective leaders understand their responsibility to make tough decisions at times and they make them while remaining focused on the positive outcomes. iFOTO (I Focus On The Outcome) is my Motto! Think about this... if you don't define your own purpose, you will never grow roots. If you never grow roots, then you will never be grounded. If you are not grounded, you won't stand for anything. If you don't stand for anything, then you will fall for everything. Make today about defining your purpose and living each moment focused on that purpose. Enjoy the journey! The only limitations to your ability to do whatever it takes today to get one step closer to your outcome will be your failures and doubts from yesterday. The conversation you are having with yourself will create the energy and actions you will deliver in this present moment and that will produce the reality you are experiencing. Generally, limitations only identify your capacity to believe that what you want is possible. You must believe it, before you see it. You have likely received and perhaps sent out a few invitations to some pity parties. I promise you, they are no fun and attending a pity party will only produce a negative outcome. Now that you have that awareness, my coaching to you is to not waste your time and energy feeling sorry for yourself and others because it will never benefit anyone. The sooner you refocus on your positive outcome, the sooner this party will become a celebration. It is PARTY TIME!! There are only two words that will make the difference between a positive and negative day today and they are, I AM . Ok, so repeat after me; I AM Positive . No matter what happens today, it will not define you; it will reveal your I AM . Listen to the conversation you are having with yourself and observe that your actions are the fruit of that conversation. I have heard many scholars ascribe to a belief that you should find what you are good at and only do that. Well, I disagree with that approach. It is important to know what you do well and do it well; however, I believe that the most significant opportunity for you to do something truly amazing is in the areas you see as your weaknesses. One of the main reasons that there is more potential opportunity there is because you rarely look for opportunity there. Hmmm, just a thought. There is a great likelihood that you have been hurt during your journey. What new awareness might you discover if you re-examine what happened from this perspective? In your relationship, was the hurt created as a result of the two of you managing your expectations of each other or from managing specific promises? This awareness will set you up for more successful relationships. When I speak to people about going for what they say they want, I am often told they are waiting for the right time . If you choose to set a positive outcome, make a commitment to yourself to make it happen, surround yourself with the kind of people who will hold you accountable and support you and give your heart, body and soul to achieve the outcome, unexpectedly the right time becomes NOW! So, what again are you waiting for???? If you find yourself repressing your feelings, then there is a great likelihood you are living with disappointment, frustration, stress and anger. When you express your wants, needs and feelings, at the very least you create a possibility that you will receive those things. The one thing we are certain about is that if you continue to repress those things, you may never get what you want and need from the people in your life. This just may be the greatest gift you give to yourself and others. In order to have the absolute, most positive day of your life today, I recommend that you set it as your outcome today and accept personal responsibility to make it happen. If you are waiting for anyone else to create it for you, it may never happen. This is your NOW, and this IS the best day in your life to begin living on purpose. What will you do today to be more positive? This is your early morning reminder that in order to create unreasonable, positive, new possibilities you will need to do things you have never done. Continuing to start your day the way you always have will create a predictable future. Most people start their day with a negative; they hit the snooze button. Think about the conversation you are having with yourself when you hit the snooze button. Is it positive or negative? Now that we are clear about that, it is time to change that behavior. What will you do different to create a new, positive possibility? Shakespeare said, To thine own self be true . When you choose to be honest with yourself about where you are and how you feel about things, it will speed up your opportunity to get to your next level. Tell yourself the truth today About how you can improve one of your relationships and accept 100% personal responsibility to best your best in that relationship. Wow, did you feel that? It was a shift in the universe, and it happened because of you. Pick another relationship and do that again. The greatest determiners of your happiness and success is not your circumstances, rather it is your assessment of the circumstances. There is positive and negative in EVERYTHING. What are you focused on? (WAYFO?) Success and happiness will not happen to you, it will happen because of you. Whatever is going on in your life right now (fear, anxiety, depression, hurt, resentment), acknowledge it. Pretending that it is not there will not make it go away. Acknowledging it allows you to accept personal responsibility to set a positive outcome and get on with living. That first step is to acknowledge it and that is the most important step. So, have the courage to take it now. Bbn If you are unable to find joy within yourself, it is useless to search for it through someone or something outside of you. Even if you are successful in finding it outside of you, you will not own it or be able to replicate whatever created the joy. Positive thoughts create a chain reaction of positive attitudes about work, relationships, and everything else going on in your life. In every given moment you are choosing the conversation you are having with yourself, thereby choosing your attitude. Your quality of life will not be determined by the circumstances that happen to you, rather 100% of the quality of your life will be determined as a result of how you react or respond to those circumstances. With that in mind, the only correct choice is to choose to be positive. We have been taught there is NO i in team. Well, I completely disagree and here is why. Every one of us matters on every team we are on. When you choose to be negative, you are creating a circumstance for your team to overcome. When you choose to be positive, you create an opportunity for your team to have greater success. Make the choice to accept 100% personal responsibility to be the i on your team. Life is Great!! Were did we get the idea that tough circumstances and the need to work hard to overcome these circumstances was negative? Please realize that this is the gift that allows us accomplishment and a victorious life. Embrace this gift with your whole heart Your self-worth cannot be verified by others. You are worthy because you say it is so. You create the reality based on the conversation you are having with yourself and self-image that conversation creates. If you give more value to what others think about you, then you are waiting on the sidelines for their approval or for their permission to live life. Ultimately, it is an illusion because there is no individual on this earth that can give YOU self-worth. It can only come from you. It is your choice to see yourself as worthy. Your energy and action will reflect your choice. It has been said that a leopard will never change his spots. I am glad that is true, because he does not need to change his spots; however, he may need to change his choices and, yup, he can make that happen at any time. If it is possible for you to see what you want in your mind, then it is possible to manifest it in your life. WAYFO? What are you focused on? What you focus on expands for you. Energy and action follow thought. Focus on the problems around you, and you will produce more problems. Focus on the positives you see, and you will produce more of the same. Becoming aware of this truth creates new possibilities that what you can see in your mind's eye is what you will get. Living life on purpose does not happen by accident. It is not a matter of chance; rather it is a matter of choice. Whether you accept it or not, life is not happening to you. Whatever is going on in your life is because of the choices you are making. Have courage, take action now, and move into the direction of your dreams. You must wake up and accept personal responsibility in order to make your dreams a reality. If you continue creating your future based on your past, then you will be predictably right about the ending of your life's story. Rewrite your story by setting a positive outcome and committing to do whatever it takes to get to the outcome. The road to your outcome is not always paved or smooth. It is up to you to create the momentum to overcome the inertia and keep moving forward. Waiting around for conditions to be perfect before taking action results in stagnancy, leaving you waiting on the sidelines. Get off the sidelines, find the solution, and play this game full out. Now is the time to TAN (Take Action Now)! The way people treat you is the way you have TAUGHT them to treat you. You are in control of how you project yourself to the world. How you react or respond in certain situations, what value you give to the people around you, what behaviors you encourage or allow from them, and what boundaries you create all affect how individuals will treat you. If you are looking for a different result in how someone is treating you, change your approach. Your behavior with them will need to be different in order to create something different. Accept responsibility for what others are bringing into your world -either positive or negative. Remember, there are no victims, only volunteers. Can you remember Dr. Martin Luther King saying, I have a dream ? Well, I hope you too have a dream, a really big dream. If your dream is not scary, then it is likely not big enough. Once you have that big dream, it will be important to wake up in order to make your dream a reality. Remain focused on your dream, no matter what circumstances get in your way. I also suggest that you surround yourself with people who will support you every step of the way, even if you fall down. Now that you are awake, go make it happen. Everything that you fight against weakens you. Failure is the refusal to give up what you don't need. Holding on to things from past relationships that hurt you means they continue to hurt you until you choose to release them. Releasing those negative things also releases you. Each of us reproduces a likeness of our self, whether you maintain a positive attitude or a negative attitude. Whether you are self-confident or have a lack of self-confidence or whether you are enthusiastic or lethargic. Whether you choose to live or just exist, that is exactly what you will reproduce in the people around you in both your professional and personal life. Yup, like it or not YOU are a Role Model. Your dreams, potential and aspirations are your unreasonable, positive new possibilities. In order to manifest them in your life, you must first believe in the possibility of waking up and making your dreams a reality. There are no limitations or impossibilities; they only exist within your capacity to believe. Check the conversation you are having with yourself. If it is not the conversation that will get you to what you want, change it, and watch what happens! Remember your attitude is not controlled by what is happening to you, however it is 100% controlled by the conversation you are having with yourself about what is happening to you. We should also note that every time an environment was infected by a negative attitude, it also began with one person. Sounds like that I am Personally Responsible thing keeps showing up. Attitudes are contagious, whether they are positive or negative. Don't wait to catch your attitude from others; choose to infect every environment you are in with a positive attitude. Every time that happens, it starts with one person; why not you, why not NOW? It is important to know that the biggest energy in any environment will prevail. Continued tomorrow morning. When your eyes are focused on a specific positive outcome, obstacles are rarely seen. Once you have determined your positive outcome, the next step is to focus three feet and beyond that outcome. As long as you remain laser focused on where you are going, the choices necessary to get you there will be obvious, and the obstacles along the way will become mere stepping stones. Remember - what gets your attention, gets YOU. I want to help you with an awareness this morning that just may change the way you see everything and everyone you encounter today. Everything you are viewing or experiencing on any level is going through your personal filter. You are assessing those things as good, attractive, ugly, bad or whatever. Here is the awareness; the assessments you make have nothing to do with your feelings or moods relating to what you see. You are creating 100% of them based on your personal map. And here is an even bigger awareness ... your map is not the entire territory - it is just your map. So many people continue looking outside of themselves for their purpose, however, it is inside of you. If that didn't make it clearer, then this likely will - decide what you are committed to do to leave this world better after you are gone. Guess what you just discovered? That's right, it's your purpose! Now move your butt and go make it happen. Every time Challenges, Negative People, Personal Weaknesses and Procrastination show up for you, a new unreasonable possibility is created to build positive capacity. The reason these are my new BFF's is because they present significant opportunities for me to grow. I am grateful for them. In other words, when they show up, celebrate. Then TAN (Take Action Now). I have four new BFFs that will make 2020 the absolute best year ever. Now, I am aware that you are acquainted with them, however, up until now you have been avoiding my new BFFs. They are Challenges, Negative People, Personal Weaknesses and Procrastination. (continued tomorrow) You cannot meet every need of every person in the world; however, no matter what your conditions may be, you can help someone. Givers Gain. When the winds of change begin to blow in your life, recognize that it was always blowing and you just became aware of it. I encourage you to embrace the change. It is the only way you will grow. You must be willing to let go of the life you have in order to receive the life that is available for you. There is no need to wait for things to go wrong before you desire to have them become better. I assure you, there is more to life than you are experiencing in this moment. If being enthusiastic about your life and demonstrating that enthusiasm means you must stand alone, then stand alone. Be the Game Changer. When you have an internal barometer, growing in every aspect of your life becomes an inside job. The commitment everyday will be to best your best. You likely did not start today by writing a plan to be late to work, spend money unwisely, be less than a special friend or partner, give less than your best, or eat unhealthy foods. Those are generally the things that happen when you failed to plan for the success you say you want. Greater success will not be handed to you. You must go out and make it happen for yourself. I have heard it said many times in my life that good things come to those who wait. I believe that is only true if you are waiting on disappointment. Helen Keller once wrote, One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar. Today is the best day in your life to get in the game, play full out, and soar. Nothing will be accomplished if every circumstance, issue or objection must be resolved before you take the first step. People spend billions of dollars working on the 1% of themselves that others can see; however, most people spend little or nothing working on the 99% of themselves that is invisible to the human eye. I encourage you to create a better version of yourself from the inside out. Most people judge how well they are doing in the world based on an external barometer or measurement. They see themselves as having self-confidence, or lacking it, as they compare themselves to others' demonstration of confidence. I encourage you today to create an internal barometer. Identify where your level of self-confidence is in this moment and focus on only comparing your next level of potential growth to your internal barometer. There is much to say about this subject; stay tuned until tomorrow. When you play full out and go for what you want today, you are not risking failure; you are risking success. What you focus on will expand for you. Both of them are available to you in this moment. Choose one. You will never regret the things that you have done as much as the things you didn't do when you had the chance to do them. Many people will lie on their death beds and wonder, What if? Play FULL out today. I have recognized that one of the most important keys to greater success is the commitment to do what others are unwilling to do. There are few differences from one person to the next that really matter; however, there is one little difference that makes all the difference in the world. That little difference is the choice to have a positive attitude or a negative attitude. Whichever you choose, you can expect a predictable result. Once you choose to replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts, you will start to create more positive results because your energy and actions will follow your thoughts. You can Be , Do , or Say anything you want. Why not BE positive, DO positive things, and SAY positive words to yourself and others. Just a little tip to start your day off strong. When we catch people doing things right, we are leading them forward. Even when we need to correct undesirable behavior, we can still lead forward by telling them what we want them to do versus telling them what we do not want them to do. Create a habit today to begin catching people at work and home doing things right. During the time I flew airplanes and helicopters, I always plotted a course to my destination before takeoff. I found that it was important to know where I was going before I took off. I am encouraging you to plot a course today, and I am suggesting that your destination should be to become more positive. One of the ways I do this is by taking 5-10 minutes to meditate and visualize the positive things I will do today. Quite often I reach my destination of being even more positive. Where are 24 hours in this day. I am asking you to make a promise to yourself that you will spend a minimum of 20 minutes of this time doing some physical exercise. There are SO many benefits of doing this, one of which is you will fall in love with yourself. Give someone permission to hold you accountable to do this every day. When you are truly committed to a positive outcome, you'll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may become, you will continually change your approach to gain success. I am 100% convinced that the differentiator is being committed. The same mind that brought you to the place in your life where you have arrived today, will not get you to the place you say you want to be tomorrow. Please be clear that you will not become who you say you want to be if you are committed to continue being who you used to be at the same time. Our friends and family sometimes feel as if they know how long we need to grieve a broken heart. My coaching to you is to do it in your time; however, be aware the longer you nurture your broken heart, the tougher it will be to get back into the game and begin putting positive points on the scoreboard. I also highly recommend you do not take that hurt, pain and bitterness into the next relationship because that will create a predictable future. I have spent most of my life transforming negative situations into positive realities. During the time I was speaking to millions of high school students, I shared with them a situation that made me angry and MAD. I went on to share that I transformed MAD from a negative to a positive and choose to spend my time on this earth Making A Difference. I encourage you to transform the negativity in your life to positivity. When you are truly committed to a positive outcome, you'll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may become, you will continually change your approach to gain success. I am 100% convinced that the differentiator is being committed. When something happens and someone says painfully, life will never be the same , guess what? They are right. No matter what happens, each day is different from the last and will be different from tomorrow. My coaching to you is to focus on a positive outcome and move forward. I realize that depending on what happened that may not be easy, however, surround yourself with supportive people and take the first step forward. Knowing the truth and living the truth are completely different. Knowledge is only powerful when it is applied. It is important to be aware that it is impossible to awaken someone who is pretending to be asleep. Be courageous today. Choose to LIVE. It does not matter how long you have been on the playing field. My coaching to you today is to continue preparing like a rookie. Remain hungry for knowledge and open to new possibilities. When I was young, my Grandmother told me, Stand up to be seen, speak out to be heard, and sit down to be appreciated. This applies in everyday life as well. Stand up for your values, speak out with love and respect, and sit down and listen when you know you have said your peace. I am sure you have known some negative people in your life; likely some of them may have been very significant to you. If you are focused on being positive, those people are not your enemies, they are your gift. They give you the opportunity to practice being positive. From experience I will tell you that if you choose to remain positive each and every day in spite of their negativity, one of 3 things will happen: Your positivity will rub off on them, they will go away, or you will walk away. You want positive things to happen in your life, a great place to start is by thinking and doing positive things. Yes, it is that simple. In the universe in which we live, everything will produce a likeness of itself. When you identify the why you are on this planet, the how created by social norms will become irrelevant. Why are you on this planet? Circumstances are the excuses for the weak and uncommitted. Circumstances are also authenticators of the strong and committed. Life will continue to happen. Your choice is to allow it to happen to you or to choose to make it happen because of you. If you cluck around with chickens, you will master being a chicken. If you soar with eagles, you will master being an eagle. You may want to check the crowd around you. Whatever behaviors you practice most often will become you. My commitment every day is to live my life so passionately and purposefully that the devil in hell, if he exists, is pissed off every time my feet hit the floor in the morning. So often people borrow from past accomplishments to dilute present moment pain they have caused someone. I truly believe that I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I used bad judgment are nothing more than excuses for not being committed in that moment to what you made a promise to do. I believe that being committed and accepting personal responsibility means NEVER saying I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I used bad judgment . You ALWAYS have a choice. Your purpose is not elusive; it is your choice. Stop searching for purpose and just decide what you will do today to make something or someone better, and then do it again. When it comes time to move on, then move on. Sticking around and complaining will never make the situation better. Making the choice to remain in a situation that does not benefit you does not mean that you are not a quitter. The authentic truth is, you have already quit. You have just not walked away. Life is filled with many unanswered questions. It takes courage to ask why and seek those answers that continue to give meaning and purpose to your life. You can accept all of the answers given to you by others and you will identify how to live your life; however, I believe that knowing why is more powerful. What will you do to leave the world a better place? When you know the answer and you know why , you will have found your purpose I highly recommend that you passionately go for what you want today. Once you achieve it, take the time to celebrate and enjoy it. It is okay if everyone on the team is singing in a different tone. You should welcome the diversity in tone; however, we must all be singing the same song. The synergy of a team focused on a shared vision will always produce more than any one of them will produce on their own. Every gift that you have, every talent that you possess, every skill that you have acquired all become more valuable when you give them away. Givers truly gain. I encourage you to fight for the things you want today and stop fighting against the things you don't want. If you do not have a clearly defined outcome of what you are committed to do to create a better version of yourself today, then sooner or later you will be practicing daily acts of mediocrity. If chipping away at something is producing the result you want, keep chipping. If it is not producing the outcome you want, stop it. There are no victims, only volunteers If you only focus on the victory of getting to the top of your mountain, you will miss all of the victories that occur during the climb. Every successful step is a victory. Celebrate it and enjoy the climb. Set an outcome today that is outside of your reach, an outcome that you do not presently have the resources to obtain, and then set a deadline to make it happen. Now, take the first step to make it happen. That outcome may be somewhat out of reach; however, it is not out of sight if you believe it before you see it. I believe that one of the greatest failures in life occurs when we attempt to please others. My coaching to you today is to become the person that you are committed to being and enjoy pleasing yourself. During one of my recent early morning runs, there were thunder storms in the area. As I was passing one of the few runners out at that early hour, he said to me, Be sure to avoid those storms today. As I often do in situations like this, I ask myself, Why? I encourage you not to avoid the storms today. I have learned many times in my life that the gift is in the storm . With every choice that you make, consider the consequences. Every choice has one.Loving your life partner should come with NO criteria or restrictions to what they need from you. So, unleash your Whatever it Takes love, understanding, and support todayLoving your life partner should come with NO criteria or restrictions to what they need from you. So, unleash your Whatever it Takes love, understanding, and support today The recipe for more success today is to be happy with yourself. The recipe for more failure today is to wait for others to be happy with you. If being committed to going for what you want in life means you must stand alone, then stand alone. Be the brave Game Changer. Some of the healthiest trees have very deep roots. I recommend that you deliberately plant roots very deep because some of the storms and drama that life will send your way will blow you away if you are not grounded in who you say you are. I suppose that would be a good place for us to start! Who are you I encourage you to have a closed door policy in your relationships. If any of your relationships are not bringing value to your foundational beliefs, tell that person exactly what you need from them and gain agreement that they will deliver. If they choose not to deliver what you need from them, open the door and escort them out. There truly are no victims, only volunteers. To know what you want and passionately go for it, instead of saying yes to what the world wants for you, is to live a purposeful life. I believe there is a difference between being flexible and compromising. If you hate shopping and your significant other asks you to go, be flexible and go. However, if you say that you are an honest, positive person, who has integrity with your commitments, any time you make a choice that does not authenticate that, you are compromising. If you are truly grounded and committed to be a positive person, then you will NOT allow yourself to be a sounding board for any outside negativity. By the way, that is not called venting, it's called spreading toxicity. The absolute best gift you can give to your significant other, your children, your employer and to your self is to create a better version of you. Investing in your personal growth should not only be a commitment made by your employer am sure you have heard the saying, Fake it 'til you make it. Well, let's take a brief moment to authenticate that, because this might come as a surprise to you. If you are faking it aren't you really doing it without accepting personal responsibility for it? So be real with yourself and accept personal responsibility to make happen whatever you need to in order to experience the success you want in your life. I'm just sayin'. I find it quite interesting that we human beings are always searching for peace and calm. I have experienced my greatest successes in the midst of chaos and adversity. When you are in comfortable, peaceful calm, God does not get an opportunity to be God. I have recognized that people spend their money on the things they see as valuable. When was the last time, if ever, you made an investment in your personal development? You are valuable and you are worth it. There is research that says that most of us human beings only reach 10% of our full potential in our lifetime. That means we are leaving 90% on the table by the time we die. I encourage you to stop judging how well you are doing by the people around you. Because if you are doing better than them in comparison, you will likely become complacent to further growth. If you are not doing as well as they are, you may resign from further growth. My coaching is to look within yourself and focus on continually growing by besting your best. I have observed that the most successful people on the planet are those willing to dream big and wake up and make that big dream a reality. Be aware if you have the courage to go for your big dreams you will awaken doubters, cynics, enemies, and road blocks. People you think are your friends will seemingly, lovingly put up some of the biggest barriers. Please be aware that they are your gift from God. Celebrate them and now go authenticate your commitment to make your dream a reality. It is okay to be first. You get what you pay for, and you pay for the things you give value. Why not value yourself enough to make an investment in your own personal growth? It will help you become a better parent, a better team member, a better partner, and a better friend. If that doesn't make the investment in yourself a valuable investment for you, I got nothing else. What are you willing to let go of today to create more joy and happiness in your life? Oh wait, you really will not be losing anything. You are actually gaining joy and happiness. Now that was very clever of you. I am not sure who said, Good things come to those who wait however, I have learned that great things happen for those who lose wait . The things that you really, really want are waiting for you to have the courage to go make it happen. What exactly are you waiting for? It has been said that money is the root of all evil . I absolutely disagree with that belief. I believe that how we choose to use money is the root of all evil. When you spend your money growing as a person from the inside out, you will experience more joy and success, not evil. I heard someone say earlier this week that that all races should stay with their own kind . Well that is exactly what I will do. My kind are ALL human beings. I will Make America Greater by treating all people with respect. What will you do to Make America Greater? Llife is too short for baby steps. You do not need to work on Making America Greater, you can choose to make it happen NOW! What will you do TODAY to Make America Greater? What is life? Life is a puzzle. How will you solve it today and Make America Greater The only thing more powerful than dreaming of a Greater America is the individual who has the courage to make their big dream a reality. What will you do today to Make America Greater? The best way to predict the future, is to create the future. What will you do today to Make America Greater? I have observed that the most successful people on the planet are those willing to dream big and wake up and make that big dream a reality. Be aware if you have the courage to go for your big dreams, you will awaken doubters, cynics, enemies, and road blocks. People you think are your friends will seemingly, lovingly put up some of the biggest barriers. Please be aware that each of them are your gift from God. Celebrate them, and now go authenticate your commitment to make your dream a reality. It is okay to be first. You get what you pay for, and you pay for the things you give value. Why not value yourself enough to make an investment in your own personal growth? It will help you become a better parent, a better team member, a better partner, and a better friend. If that doesn't make the investment in yourself a valuable investment for you, I've got nothing else. The only way you can be taken advantage of is if you are not grounded in who you say you are. If you are ungrounded, you will be pushed in the direction of the biggest energy in your environment. The only way someone can manipulate or take advantage of you is if you give them permission to do so. There are NO victims in the context of this conversation, only volunteers. It really is not necessary to wait until January 2020 to make a commitment to create a better version of yourself. It is also not necessary for something to be wrong or broken before you begin working on it, with a commitment to make it better. Do something today to best your best in some area of your life. The world has created a mold of who you should become. There are prescribed ways of how you should behave at certain milestones in your life, such as your 21st, 40th, or 50th birthday. Who might you become when you stop fitting into the mold of who the world says you should be? Life is too short for baby steps. It takes faith, courage, and a commitment to something bigger than what you have right now to take that BIG scary step. Take a big step TODAY. The only thing more powerful than a Big Dream is the individual who has the courage to make their Big Dream a reality. You will need to believe in that Big Dream before you see it. Do you believe? I suggest that it is better to be respected than liked. Effective leaders understand that tough decisions have to be made at times, and they make them while remaining focused on a positive outcome. If you are seeking to be normal, be aware you are focused on delivering mediocrity or goodnuf results. Honestly, is that the life you really want? The time to LIVE life is NOW. Taking baby steps will predictably have you lying on your deathbed contemplating what if and if only . Have the courage to take a giant step today toward something you really want. When you know and understand the true value of time, you will seize and enjoy every moment of it. That means you will never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. That also means no laziness or procrastination. It takes courage to live that way. You can only lose if you don't have the courage to play the game. Winners take the risk to play the game heart, body and soul. If they lose, they stand up, dust themselves off and go for it again. Losers never play or they stay down when they fail to meet their outcome. Are you a winner or a loser? Some people grin and bear it, while others smile and get it done. There is a big difference in running from pain and running to gain. Set a positive outcome today and focus on what you want. What you focus on will expand. Know what your average is and focus on besting your best. Excellence is not a gift, rather it is a choice. Every reality you have experienced in your life is the direct result of a choice you made. If that choice produced the result you were focused on, celebrate that reality. If the choice did not produce the reality you wanted, you should change your approach and make a different choice. The gift of choice is yours. There is research that shows that most of us human beings only reach 10% of our full potential in our lifetime. That means we are leaving 90% on the table by the time we die. I encourage you to stop judging how well you are doing by the people around you; because if you are doing better than them in comparison, you will likely become complacent to further growth. If you are not doing as well as they are, you may resign from further growth. My coaching is to look within yourself and focus on continually growing by besting your best. IIt is impossible to wake a person up who is pretending to be asleep. When you begin a journey of personal growth and self-awareness, it is important to realize that you must have the courage to practice the new learnings and behaviors; because knowledge is only powerful when it is applied. I was my past, I am my present, I will become my future. Well, this is only true if I am in a state of growth; because if I am choosing to remain the same, I am in a state of decline and therefore, I am my past. Run as hard and fast as you can today toward your positive outcomes. Run like there is NO tomorrow, because in the context of this conversation, there is not. It is incredible the amount of time and energy people invest in other people's past, compared to the amount of time they invest in creating their own future. Why would you invest your time and energy learning something that will never benefit you? By the way, generally the information they are sharing with you is incomplete anyway, so what is the benefit? The world and ALL that is going on in it is not a predictor of your life's experiences. How you view that world through your lens and filter is the best predictor of how happy and successful you are or will be. Take some time to interrogate your present self and come to a knowing why you are making the choices you are making. Once you know, either celebrate or change your approach. The reality you are living in today is the result of your choices. The absolute best thing about fear is, the only place it truly exist is in the stories we have borrowed from others. It is ok to write a new story focused on what you want and the benefits of getting it and choose to feel the fear and go for what you want. I encourage you to ask the people in your life how they want you to treat them. It is a bit selfish to think they want you to treat them the way you want to be treated. Let me also add this word of caution; do not ask the question unless you are committed to give them what they want. I said to a client that I am coaching, If you are unable to visualize yourself at a specific place before you arrive there, then you will likely never arrive there. If you do, you are lost and will not know where to go from there. You must believe it before you see it. I submit that your greatest gifts are not the things you see as your strengths or your positives. I believe that your greatest gifts are the things you see as your weaknesses or negatives, because your weaknesses offer the greatest opportunity for growth. Ok, lets re-evaluate that statement. That being said, it appears that your weaknesses are also your positives. Wow, who knew? Change Your Mind, Change Your World. A good leader inspires their team to have confidence in them; a great leader inspires their team to have confidence in themselves. How will you inspire the members of your team today? Happiness is a gift that you can choose every day. The world cannot take it from you, the government cannot tax it and there is NO limitation on how much of it you can have today. Choose to be happy today. When you know and understand the true value of time, you will seize and enjoy every moment of it. That means you will never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. That also means no laziness or procrastination. It takes courage to live that way. You can only lose if you have the courage to play the game. Winners take the risk to play the game heart, body and soul. If they lose, they stand up, dust themselves off and go for it again. Losers never play or they stay down when they fail to meet their outcome. Are you a winner or a loser Some people grin and bear it, while others smile and get it done. There is a big difference in running from pain and running to gain. Set a positive outcome today and focus on what you want. Colton, what you focus on will expand. If you tell me what gets your attention and what you spend your life's currency on, I will clearly show you your authentic self. Who you Be speaks louder than what you say. Life is too short for baby steps. It takes faith, courage, and a commitment to something bigger than what you have right now to take that BIG scary step. Take a big step TODAY. I do not believe there are any finish lines in life. Even death is not a destination, because however you are choosing to live your life today will live on long after you are gone. What legacy are you creating today? Everything that you fight against weakens you. Make a commitment today to meet people where they are, listen carefully to their offering and then acknowledge their position. They will likely be more receptive to your offering at that time. It really is not necessary to make others wrong for you to be right. I suggest that it is better to be respected than liked. Effective leaders understand that tough decisions have to be made at times, and they make them while remaining focused on a positive outcome. The time to LIVE life is NOW. Taking baby steps will predictably have you lying on your deathbed contemplating what if and if only . Have the courage to take a giant step today toward something you really want. When we take responsibility for our choices that lead to actions before we make the choice; that is called personal responsibility. If we wait until we get caught or there is an unintended consequence and we are confronted, we are not accepting personal responsibility, we are simply demonstrating a lack of commitment. Personal responsibility is the only price you will pay to have greater success in every area of your life. The same mind that brought you to the place in your life where you have arrived today, will not get you to the place you say you want to be tomorrow. Please be clear that you will not become who you say you want to be if you are committed to continue being who you used to be at the same time. When you are truly committed to a positive outcome, you'll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may become, you will continually change your approach to gain success. I am 100% convinced that the differentiator is being committed. When you play full out and go for what you want today, you are not risking failure; you are risking success. What you focus on will expand for you. Both are available to you in this moment. Choose one. One of the most important things in life that you can never recover, replace or do over is the moment. Whatever opportunities are available to you in the moment to live a positive, passionate, enthusiastically full out life, capture that moment. You will regret the moments you didn't. Greater success will not be handed to you. You must go out and make it happen for yourself. I have heard it said many times in my life that good things come to those who wait. I believe that is only true if you are waiting on disappointment If you accept the negative expectations and opinions of others as it relates to how you choose to live your life, then your life will very likely not turn out the way you want. It will turn out the way they want. If that should occur, I would not say shame on them; I would say shame on you If being enthusiastic about your life and demonstrating that enthusiasm means you must stand alone, then stand alone. Be the Game Changer. When you make the choice to focus on a positive outcome, everything will change. No circumstance that has occurred or will occur defines you; the choice you make in that moment does. Because you act in accordance to what you believe and perceive the truth to be, the world in which you live is a product of your thinking. If you want to change your world, you must change your thinking. When we tell people what not to do or what we don't want, we are literally leading them backwards. When we tell them what to do and what we want from them, we lead them forward. You will speed up the process and have more Take yourself on a date today and invest in the relationship that you have with yourself. The healthier that relationship is, the healthier all of your relationships will be. Do something special on your date and make a memory Think about how uniquely amazing you would be if you used ALL of the energy, focus, commitment, drive, and determination you spend on others liking and accepting you, on just being you and liking you. Every day for the past 30 years of my life, I have made the choice to change the world by choosing to change the one thing I have 100% control of, myself. Join my party this morning. Today, I begin again. You may be a product of what happened in your past; however, you do not have to allow that to determine what you will become in your future When we accept personal responsibility to make sure that those we are communicating to understand what we are communicating and that we understand what others are communicating to us, we build trust and respect in the relationship. I always ask, why is there never enough time to do things right the first time; however, there is always time to do it all over again? Dead trees are only really great for one thing...FIREWOOD. Think of all your self-defeating behaviors and attitudes in the exact same way. Let them burn away from you and watch the positivity flourish. Positive and negative are choices, why not choose positive? Throw your heart into the game, and the rest will follow. Life is a game, accept it or not. You can choose to get in the game or sit on the sidelines observing the game. If you choose to get in the game, you can either play not to lose, or you can play to win. As far as we know, we only get one shot at the game of life, so why not choose to play full out. Life is not a dress rehearsal Dead trees are only really great for one thing...FIREWOOD. Think of all your self-defeating behaviors and attitudes in the exact same way. Let them burn away from you and watch the positivity flourish. Positive and negative are choices, why not choose positive? Focusing on the things that went wrong yesterday creates depression. Focusing on things that could go wrong tomorrow creates anxiety. The greatest gift that you have is choice, so choose to be in the moment and leave the depression and anxiety behind. Choose to be happy NOW. I admit it may be comfortable, even easy, to live your life on the sidelines, maintain the status quo and do what is reasonable, logical and normal . Look around, you will find an army of supporters and fellow observers in the game of life. When you step away from the crowd, disrupt the status quo and Live in the Chaos, in that moment, life will begin again. We must continue learning and growing. Personal growth concepts and principles are simple; however, they are not easy. We must practice new learnings and behaviors daily because knowledge is only powerful when it is applied If you tell people what you want or need from them, they may forget. If you show them and involve them, they will understand and remember. If the approach you are using to get the things you want is not working, change it! Winners know that failure is nothing more than a precursor to success as long as you stay in the game. If you fall down five times, stand up six. Remain focused on your outcome and keep moving forward because winners lose more often than losers lose. The best time to go for what you want is now. Time is a paradox, stretching between your past and your future; it has no reality except in your mind. So, live in this present moment. Go for what you want with heart, body and soul. You get to choose to be the flag or the wind. The flag moves in the direction of the strongest energy. In other words, it waits for direction. The wind chooses its direction. A life on purpose is a CHOICE. Make a moment to compare the difference in the energy when you are running from something as opposed to when you are running to something. When you are running from something, there is fear, apprehension and anxiety. When you are running to something, there is excitement, joy and eagerness. Be outcome-focused and benefit-driven. It feels good. My coaching for you today is to meet people where they are and acknowledge their position; then show them yours. There is no need to make them wrong or fight just to prove you were right. Everything you fight against weakens you. Have the courage to keep moving forward Where is a difference between doing the right thing and doing things right. It is possible to do the wrong thing right . Set the outcome that you want, and remain focused on that outcome. When circumstances appear, you will know the appropriate response. Connect back to your benefits and keep moving forward. WAYFO? (What Are You Focused On?) When you hold on to the past, you are simply standing still, waiting on the sidelines of life. Live life on purpose by setting a positive outcome and then have the courage to make it happen. Life is not a dress rehearsal. WAYFO? (What Are You Focused On?) Good leaders inspire by having confidence in others; Game Changers (great leaders) inspire others with confidence in themselves. Who will you be today To many of us spend our energy dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of creating our own rose garden in this moment. Happiness does not exist outside of you. Looking for affirmation and for happiness outside of you will ultimately lead you to disappointment, frustration, and it will always prove elusive. Make the choice to BE happy and to BE worthy of your own rose garden, then CREATE it! WAYFO? What Are You Focused On? There is a universal rule that says, When you give, it always comes back to you. It may not look like what you gave; however, it will always come back to you. Give away everything you have learned to those around you. Sharing your knowledge only makes everyone better. The measure of your life will not be in what you accumulate, it will be in what you give away. Why not go out on a limb, isn't that where the sweetest fruit is? Taking the risk to go for what you want means that you could fall, you could fail. You will never know the taste of the sweetest fruit on the tree if you never reach for it. Failure is nothing more than a learning opportunity unless you quit before accomplishing the outcome. I have said it before and will say it again, Winners lose more often than losers lose. You have a choice in every given moment to get in the game and choose to live a life on purpose or to sit on the sidelines allowing fear, being uncomfortable, indecision, and lack of courage to keep you planted where you are essentially waiting to die. Take action now and realize that you have been given the tools to create success. It is simply about moving beyond the fear and going for it heart, body, and soul! This is not a dress rehearsal... So many of us spend our energy dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of creating our own rose garden in this moment. Happiness does not exist outside of you. Looking for affirmation and for happiness outside of you will ultimately lead you to disappointment, frustration, and it will always prove elusive. Make the choice to BE happy and to BE worthy of your own rose garden, then CREATE it! WAYFO? What are you focused on? The greatest challenge to creating your outcomes and owning your potential in life... is you. Many individuals are able to see the strengths and to find value in the people around them, the people they see as leaders, and the people they see creating success. However, they are unable to see that within themselves. Check the conversation that you are having with yourself and be aware that YOU are in control of that conversation, YOU are in control of the outcomes that you produce, and YOU are in control of your attitude. You can choose to BE confident, courageous, and successful - all of those attributes that you value in others. The choice is yours... so what are you waiting for? Thy not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the sweetest fruit is? Taking the risk to go for what you want means that you could fall, you could fail. You will never know the taste of the sweetest fruit on the tree if you never reach for it. Failure is nothing more than a learning opportunity unless you quit before accomplishing the outcome. I have said it before and will say it again, Winners lose more often than losers lose. The famous author Kobi Yamada once said, Sometimes you just have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down. What that means to me is remain focused on your outcome and be in the moment. Don't ask yourself how ask yourself why because if you are committed to the why of your outcomes and the benefits of those outcomes, you will soar Our dreams, potentials and aspirations are our new possibilities. There are no limitations or impossibilities. They only exist within the conversation you are having with yourself. Create a conversation that is outcome-focused and benefit-driven then watch to see what happens! The Samurai Warrior was outcome-focused and driven by the benefits of his outcome. As a result, he only moved forward. I encourage you to have the heart of a Samurai Warrior and celebrate your circumstances. Those circumstances will authenticate your commitment to move forward. If you believe your outcomes are possible before you see them, it means that you have faith that the outcome will come true. Now, have the heart of a Samurai Warrior and have the courage to take the first powerful step towards your outcome. Failure is nothing more than a precursor to success as long as you stay in the game. If you fall down five times, stand up six. Remember... Winners lose more often than losers lose. In order to grow as a leader, you must grow as a person. Personal growth is the toughest kind of growth there is, and for that reason, most people avoid growing personally. Take the risk to grow because it will determine who you will become. No need to wait for someone else to see the value in you to make that investment in yourself. It would be okay to get that handled today. Each of us reproduces a likeness of our self. When you maintain a positive attitude, self-confidence, focus, determination, drive, integrity, passion, conviction and enthusiasm, then that is exactly what you will reproduce in the people around you in both your personal life and your professional life. Whether you want to be or not, YOU are a role model to someone. Choose to be a powerful self . When an individual has the courage to take a stand, the spines of others stiffen. It is not the critic who counts, nor is it the person who points out how the doer of courageous deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the person who has the courage to get in the game and remain focused on their positive outcome no matter the circumstance Let's put this iFOTO concept to the test today. Let's say our outcome today is to be positive in every interaction we have with every person we come in contact with. Now I realize that you have no control over some circumstances, however, you have 100% control over how you respond to the circumstance. Before you take this on today, take a moment to write down 5 benefits of being positive in every interaction you have with a person today. No matter what circumstance comes your way remain focused on your outcome and be driven by the benefits of doing so. When iFOTO becomes your motto, people will begin to ask What are you on? My coaching to you is to tell them you are on purpose . If the choices you are making in every given moment are not focused on a positive outcome, then it is likely that they are attached to historical events or belief systems. I suggest that everything you know or have experienced has the potential of being a resource that will benefit you in your life if you use it appropriately. Okay, so what determines appropriateness? The outcome that you are focused on will. leaders have the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. They do not set out to be a leader, they become one by the quality of their actions and the integrity of their intent. Who are you...a leader or a follower? Your attitude is not controlled by what is happening to you; however it is controlled by the conversation you are having with yourself about what's happening. Check the conversation you are having with yourself and remain focused on your positive outcome and you will get to the things you want. When circumstances arise, it is important to know that the biggest energy in any environment will prevail. If you find yourself in a negative environment, focus on a positive outcome and remain enthusiastically committed to your outcome and watch what happens. Yupp, you have always had the ability to do that - pretty cool stuff. There are almost 7 billion people on this planet, are you going to let just one of them take your joy away from you today? If you choose frustration over patience, anger over understanding or jealousy over love that's what you will do. Claim your joy today and then give it away to everyone in your life! Getting out of the paradigm, living life, exploring, and creating new, positive unreasonable possibilities that benefit you and others are available to you today. Warning; should you choose to take this journey, you will fall down a few times. When you do, focus on the gain, not the pain. I want you to realize today that whatever is getting your attention is getting you. Are you focused on the negative things or the positive things going on in your life? If you just became aware that you are focused on the negative, then you are running from pain; stop that. In order to run to gain, you must set a positive outcome. Okay, now move your butt. There is a great likelihood that yesterday's Thought of the Day may have been a little confusing. It was meant to get those neurons firing.So what it means is, if we are looking for the answer, we will simply create our future based on historical information. We are following the path that someone else has created. When we live inside of the question and we are focused on a specific, positive outcome, the answer we discover has the potential of creating a brand new future. Live inside the question. I suggest that you stop looking for the answer and start looking for the question. I'm about to give you a recipe that creates positivity every single time. Are you ready for this? Imagine what you would accomplish if you knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that the universe is conspiring for YOUR success. Well, guess what? IT IS!! When you add the choice to believe in yourself to your commitment to a positive outcome, Surprise! POSITIVE results show up, along with the desire to celebrate your imminent success. So, let's get on with it and go share that big ol' smile! It is Thursday and today our focus is to start this day with a party, celebrating the successes you will have. Let's add this to your compelling story for today. Look for every opportunity to catch people doing things right and tell them about it. Wow, look out! Negativity has just left the building - LOL. What a positive day this will be because of you! I want to have a slightly mathematical discussion this incredible Wednesday morning. In math, the symbol (-) when placed to the left of a number represents a 'negative' or absence of. Alternatively, the symbol (+) represents a 'positive' or presence of. If you have more negatives than positives, the outcome will ALWAYS be negative. It is the same in life. When you focus on the negative or absence of what you want, the outcome will be negative. So, my suggestion this morning is to focus on the positive and create your positive outcome. I am Positive . Okay, it's Tuesday, and as soon as you open your eyes this morning, you can decide to make this another Great Day to BE Alive. I understand there may be some stuff going on right now that you have NO control over, however, you do have control of the choice you are about to make regarding that stuff. I highly recommend that you write a compelling story about the positive day you will have before you get started. This entire week will be focused on creating more positivity in the world. I am going to need your help; without it, I will not be successful. Let's re-visit this Monday thing. First of all, TGIM (Thank God It's Monday). Now repeat after me, I am Positive . Okay, now smile and celebrate! Why, you ask? No matter what circumstances you may be experiencing right now, I would like for you to be aware that Monday is not to blame. Stop for a moment and write down three things that you are grateful for this Monday morning. See, I told you. It is Indeed Another Great Monday to be Alive. Let's keep that celebration going ALL day. None of our stories are true and none of them are false, they are just stories. The energy and action that follows our stories creates an outcome that provides evidence that will prove the story to be true or false. In order to produce a positive outcome focused on what we want, the outcome must precede the story. Embark on a journey of exploration. Rather than accept everything that you have been taught by another human being, seek a deeper understanding of why you are here on this planet and how you can transform this negative society into a positive society. During this exploration you will discover that you absolutely matter. What would it be like if every one of us accepted personal responsibility for our own personal growth? We KNOW what it will take to transform our world into a place where love, peace, self-confidence, effective communication, being focused on positive outcomes, and catching people doing things right is the norm. Unfortunately, few are willing to get off the sidelines and play full out. Most are only willing to wait for someone else to take the lead or wait for someone else to give them permission. What will you choose today? If you continuously have to motivate your team, whether it is the team at work or at home, it is likely they do not understand your vision or you do not have a vision. A continuous need to motivate your team is a result of not effectively empowering, motivating and inspiring them in your vision; because a vision empowered team is self-motivated. As I listen to the stories people tell about why they choose to exist on this planet rather than live life on purpose and play full out, I have become aware that most people would rather look good and lose, than look bad and win. Winners lose more often than losers lose. If you live your life focused on meeting the expectations of others or concerned about being liked, then you are likely playing not to lose. You may end up looking good; however, in the end, you will lose. I have heard many of the people I coach say that when they get the right job then they will be happy. Well, I tell them, The right job doesn't bring happiness. Neither does getting married, having children, sending your children to college, or even retirement. None of those events will make you happy. Happiness is something you decide every moment of every day. It's a choice, not a destination. Many of us who began the journey of personal growth and self-awareness have gained insight and knowledge about ourselves that we did not have prior to starting that courageous journey. You may have some people in your life who are not willing to take those same steps. Remember it is impossible to awaken a person who is pretending to be asleep. Have the courage to continue moving forward with armor on the front, no holding back! No matter what you have accomplished in your life, success is never final unless you become complacent. No matter how hard you have fallen while going for what you want, failure is never fatal or the end unless you decide not to get up. As you choose to create success around you, it is important to see that success as the stair step to your next level. To remain committed to moving forward and redefining your 100%; to push yourself from what has become comfortable into the unknown; that my friend, will take courage. You've got this. If thoughts of doubt, fear, worry, doom and gloom, and focusing on what could go wrong are a part of your thoughts today, be responsible for eradicating those thoughts. They will never benefit you. If you choose to focus on your potential of succeeding, you will have more success than if you focus on your potential of failure. I'm just sayin'. When we are angry, it is generally because we allowed something to go too far. Anger is generally a secondary emotion; therefore, if we dealt with issues in the moment, we would never experience anger again. Would that be okay with you? Success begins first in the conversation you are having with yourself; envision it, create a conversation around it, and celebrate it. Giving it life in your mind opens the door to manifesting it and makes the impossible possible. One of the greatest secrets revealed is that the only impossibilities that exist in the universe are those that exist in the conversation you are having with yourself. One factor that makes a difference between a purpose and a wish is personal responsibility. Wishing for what you want abdicates that responsibility and leaves it up to someone else to fulfill. Take that wish and accept personal responsibility for bringing it to life, and now you are on purpose. There are no victims, only volunteers. The greatest gift you have in every given moment is choice. And not choosing is choosing. Ultimately, you are 100% personally responsible for those choices and what they create for you. When there is a confrontation between a river and rocks, the river will always win in the end. Not by strength, but by perseverance. The biggest determining factor whether you will reach your outcome is your perseverance. Constantly moving forward - focused on the outcome - will create your push, your growth, and ultimately your success. Persevere in creating what you want. YOU make the difference! Each of us has a personal map that was developed by everyone who taught us everything they knew. They didn't know everything; therefore, the highest form of ignorance is to reject something just because it's not on your map. Your map is not the entire territory; it's just your map. Step outside your comfort zone and learn something new today. Choosing to grow to our own next level of leadership development requires that we continue to move forward. Should we find ourselves knocked flat or stumbling along the way, it is up to us to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and keep going for it. That takes courage. As we create success around us, it is important to see that success as the stair step to our own next level, to remain committed to moving forward and redefining our own 100%, and to push ourselves from what has become comfortable into the unknown. And that, too, takes courage. I am celebrating my birthday today! Recently I was asked how I would determine if my life was successful. My response was, I must have fulfilled my deliberate, intentional purpose of leaving the world a better place. My commitment to myself is to enrich my life by aspiring to live On Purpose every day and as a result, inspire others to do the same. Let's make it happen and celebrate our success together. During our toughest circumstances, there is always a light there somewhere. Have the courage to remain focused on your specific positive outcome while choosing to have a positive attitude and keep moving forward. One of the qualities that all successful people have is they accept personal responsibility for their outcomes. Accepting personal responsibility means taking ownership for your choices and the consequences of each of those choices. Until you accept that responsibility, you are volunteering to be a victim. My coaching to you is to own your choices and live your life on purpose! Love is in the air on this Valentine's Day. When was the last time you told yourself, I love you? That has been far too long ago. I invite you to go take a look in the mirror today, look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself, I love you and you are worthy of my love. Happy Valentine's Day! Leaders have the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. They do not set out to be a leader, but become one by the quality of their actions and the integrity of their intent. Who are you...a leader or a follower? Measuring your wins and losses based upon someone else's successes and failures will never be a true test of your potential. Comparing your 100% to another person is either limiting or self-defeating. Make the choice to redefine your 100% daily, and you will redefine the successes you are able to create. Today is a great day to best your best. Observe the people in your world today and recognize all of the things they do that they learned from you. You are the CEO, Chief Example Officer. Are you setting the example of what you want them to become? If the approach that you are using isn't working, change it! Let's get that handled today. When you are focused on what you want, you are not risking failure, you are risking success. When you are focused on success, there is no failure, just learning opportunities. If you miss the mark the first time, stop, evaluate, and change your approach appropriately to get to the outcome you want. It is tougher climbing up a hill than climbing down the hill because the benefit of climbing up is the incredible view at the top. Every day of our lives we get to make one of two choices; tough or suffering. Choose one. Keep Climbing! There is a difference between the flag and the wind. The wind chooses its direction; the flag, on the other hand, waits for direction to be given. Learn to set your course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship. When you are outcome-focused and benefit-driven, the wind will be your only option because you know what you want and you will go for it! This statement may confuse you this morning; You don't know what you don't know until you know you don't know. Many of us believe If they know I don't know, I will die . Every one of us occupies the largest room in the house and that is the room for improvement. You will not grow until you accept that fact. There is no need to get sick before you get well. If you could have ANYTHING in the world, what would it be? Is that it, really? Well, you CAN have it. Just go make it happen! Step into a new possibility that no one thought was possible for you. Being affirmed by others should be a value-add, not what drives you. If you wait for others to affirm you or give you value, life will pass you by. You can choose to believe anything you want, so why not believe in yourself and accept personal responsibility to get what you want? Every day we crucify ourselves between two thieves: the regrets of yesterday and the fears of tomorrow. This is your NOW! Pour your heart, body and soul into this present moment. There is nothing wrong, nothing needs to be fixed and there is nothing broken. Whatever you want is available Right Now. The choice that you make now will either begin a journey toward what you want or it will not. Some people allow failures to thwart their dreams. If you have failed, so what? I have some good news for you. You Get To Do It Again! Change your approach to get a different result and go for it again. Failure is not falling down, it is staying down. You may fail many times on your life's journey; however, you are not a failure until you begin blaming others. Have the courage to accept personal responsibility for the choices that create your reality. I know it is early; however, I have a raised beverage toasting your successful day. So what will we celebrate before we get started this morning? I have an idea; how about we celebrate that no matter what happens today, you will remain positive and accept personal responsibility for the outcome. Yay, I am drinking to that. Cheers! If you are continuously having to motivate your team regarding your outcome and the benefits of that outcome, you either do not have a clear outcome or you have not effectively communicated the outcome to them. A continuous need to motivate your team is a result of not effectively empowering, motivating and inspiring them regarding your outcome because an outcome focused team is self-motivated. You will always be able to rise above the image that others have of you; however, you will never rise above the image you have of yourself. It is important to be aware that the image you have of yourself is being projected by the conversation you are having with yourself. When you change that conversation, you will change how you see yourself. So check the conversation. You are worth it. If you really want to live a purposeful life, make iFOTO your motto. iFOTO means, I Focus on the Outcome . The only way to know if the choices you are making every day are purposeful is by being aware of what is driving those choices. If the choices are being driven by anything other than your outcome, it is time to reevaluate those choices. Make life happen because of you. Whether you are having a good day or a bad day is not determined by what is happening in your world. A good day or a bad day is determined by your assessment of what is happening. You are a prophet. Check your conversation. Fired Up GC, Fired Up! It is lonely at the top. Allow us to help you reignite the flame in your team as your business returns to prosperity. Discover Leadership Training will partner with you to get your team fired up and prepared as business gets busier, so you won’t have to repair tomorrow. Relight Your Fire! A fire that is not being feed will burn out. Rediscover Discover and relight your fire as you Rediscover Yourself. Get an I am Positive Kit (10 wristbands, I am Positive t-shirt, 365 Power, Positive TOTD book) We will also make these items available individually Get an I am Positive Kit Nominate Someone! The more logs you place on the fire, the brighter it will burn. Rediscover Discover and create a larger flame as you Rediscover Yourself. Nominate Someone Join Us On-Team! Feed the fire and Rediscover Discover by coming out on-team. Set an inferno as you Rediscover Yourself. Join Us On-TeamPopup Get ready because we are preparing to execute our annual Black Friday Sale! This is an opportunity to invest in our programs and get the greatest savings we offer ALL year. Any seat you invest in will be available for 12 months for you to enroll members of your team at work and at home. You can also utilize our payment plan options to spread the investment out for 6–12 months for a nominal administration fee. Be advised that we also customize 1 and 2 day programs to meet your specific needs and come to you to deliver them for your team. For more information or to purchase a class, call (713) 807-9902. DiSC "Getting to Know Me" Class This class will be a deep dive into each member of your team getting to know themselves better. This allows each member of your team to identify what areas they can further develop and grow in to benefit themselves and their team members at work and at home. Benefits of the DiSC "Getting to Know Me" Class: Understand why you have conflict with certain people Identify your strengths and weaknesses (Some of which they don’t know you have) Learn how to effectively communicate what you need Less Conflict Learn to "Change your Approach" to get what you need Investment for this 3 hour virtual on-line class is $300.00/person Enroll Now DiSC "Getting to Know Them" Class This class will be a deep dive into understanding how others want to receive communication from you. Each member of your team will learn to communicate more effectively with others by meeting them where they are. This allows each member to develop more trusting relationships and support each other at a higher level. Benefits of the DiSC "Getting to Know Them" Class: Learn the benefit of "Gaining Agreement" Create more team synergy More Understanding Communicate More Positively Eliminate Conflict Getting Things Right the First Time Developing More Trust Investment for this 3 hour virtual on-line class is $300.00/person Enroll Now In the 20+ years of developing leaders we have found in order to get to your next level of leadership development, you must first realize that you don’t know what you don’t know and further realize we ALL occupy the largest room in the house and that is the room for improvement. Mike Jones is the Wingman for small to medium size business owners and their teams. Through leadership development, he will be your co-pilot to create positive Game Changers to take your team and business to the next level. Benefits of 1:1 Wingman Certified Coaching: Get you to your next level Decrease Stress Outcome Focused Pilot your team to their next level Get the job right the first time Results Oriented More effective communication More positive environment Next Steps: Schedule your FREE 15 minutes 1:1 Wingman on-boarding meeting to determine if this is a great fit for you. Schedule Now After completing this immersive, four-day retreat-style program, graduates are equipped with the leadership tools to fully maximize their potential, focus on positive outcomes and develop high-performance teams professionally and personally. You will: Be outcome focused get sustainable results Be the Game Changer in all your relationships Thrive in challenging environments Make powerful presentations Increase team accountability Accept personal responsibility to create the life you want The Ignition Leadership Program is a 2 day, intense, experiential program that is focused on uncovering the under-utilized potential your team possesses. Through this eye-opening experience your team will become aware of game changing truths they were unaware of. After completing this immersive, two-day retreat-style program, graduates are equipped with the leadership tools to: Fully Maximize their Potential Focus on Positive Outcomes Increased Accountability Understand Others Better Be the Positive Game Changer Accept Personal Responsibility Be Outcome-Focused Produce Sustainable Results Thrive in Challenging Situations During surveys of graduates of Discover Leadership Programs, 99.9% stated that these programs were the most impactive and challenging leadership programs they had ever experienced. Investment: $2049.99 (12 month payment plan is available, and you can attend after just one payment of $187.50) Enroll Now By integrating the character traits of a Samurai Warrior, this two-day, adventure-based leadership development program will have you focused on realizing your BIG, Positive Outcomes. Armed with your own personal bushido, the Samurai’s code of ethics, you will step powerfully to your next level. Every step of the journey will have you realizing more of your own potential. This class does not have a pre-requisite and is an excellent class to do with family, friends and co-workers. You will: Be Outcome-Focused Get Sustainable Results Become Aware of What You are Unaware of Learn the Value of Being in the Moment Gain an Advanced Understanding of Personal Responsibility Learn How to Thrive in The Chaos Most people wait for there to be a problem in their relationship before they see the need to work on the relationship. That means the focus is now on fixing something that is broken. We believe when you work on a relationship even when things are going great, it will lead to a partnership that is destined to succeed. The Couples Heart of a Samurai Program will help you understand yourself better and teach you ways to change your approach to change your results in your relationship with your partner. The outcome of the Program is to develop the most supportive, effectively communicative, passionate, positive, intimate relationship ever. You will be crystal clear after this experience that you do not need to make others wrong to prove that you are right and if you continue to wait for your partner to change in order for the relationship to change, the future of the relationship is predictable. As much as this Program develops the couple, it particularly improves the relationship the individual has with her/himself. Please contact us for available class dates. (713) 807-9902 Enroll Now This two-day experiential training program utilizes a series of powerful videos featuring Mike Jones and is delivered by facilitators who have been certified by Discover Leadership Training. Newly trained Game Changers are people who positively transform every relationship and situation by accepting Personal Responsibility for their professional, relational, financial and physical wellness. Past Discover graduates will benefit from being reinvigorated and taking themselves to a whole new level. Anyone new to Discover Leadership Training will benefit by learning to disrupt the status quo and take personal responsibility for their lives. Program Overview Program Agenda You will: Learn to Live in The Chaos™ Unleash Untapped Potential Focus on Positive Behaviors Awaken and Empower Self Become Outcome Focused Thrive in Challenging Environments Take Relationships to the Next Level Organizations will: Sustain a Higher Performing Team See Increased Personal Responsibility Realize Measurable Improvements Against Specific Outcomes Have more Loyalty See Higher Levels of Enthusiasm Have Personal and Organizational Transformation Read testimonials Please contact us for available class dates. (713) 807-9902 Enroll Now Beyond Excellence graduates are more focused, enthusiastic, self-confident and bold. This unconventional Leadership training program teaches participants integrity and the importance of doing what they say they’ll do, when they say they’ll do it. You will: Be Outcome Focused Get Sustainable Results Break Through Barriers to Succeed Academically, Professionally and Personally Understand Yourself and Others Better and Build Stronger Relationships Unleash Untapped Potential Make Powerful, Confident Presentations Accept Personal Responsibility for Choice The Cougar Quest Leadership Program is a four day leadership development program for youth between the ages of 13 and 17, Cougar Quest utilizes classroom and outdoor learning experiences that challenge your teen to step out of their Comfort Zone and to live their potential, stay focused on Outcomes and accept Personal Responsibility for their choices. Your teen will: Be Outcome Focused  Choose Positive over Negative Breakthrough Barriers to Academic and Personal Success Understand Themselves and Others Better and Build Stronger Relationships Unleash Untapped Potential Give Powerful, Positive Presentations Accept Personal Responsibility Please contact us for available class dates. (713) 807-9902 Call for more infomration: (713) 807-9902 The Tongue-A Creative Force by Charles Capps Order this book As You Think by James Allen Order this book Today Matters by John Maxwell Order this book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Order this book The Alchemist Order this book Your Erroneous Zones by Dr. Wayne Dyer Order this book You’ll See It When You Believe It by Dr. Wayne Dyer Order this book Excuses Begone by Dr. Wayne Dyer Order this book 365 Powerful, Positive Thoughts to Start Your Day by Mike Jones Order this book Change Your Mind, Change Your World by Mike Jones Order this book Hold Nothing Back by Mike Jones Order this book Unreasonable Possibilities by Mike Jones Order this book Books Nominate a Friend or Co-Worker The only way to attend Discover Leadership Trainings Master Graduate Leadership Program or Beyond Excellence Program is to be nominated. If you’ve been nominated, someone who graduated from one of these leadership development programs thinks you could benefit from it as well. It doesn’t mean there is anything wrong, broken or needs to be fixed —being nominated is an honor they want to share with you. Have a general inquiry? Contact Us Schedule an Interview NOTE: Interviews times are available Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm central time. Error! There was an error submitting your information, please try again. Token has expired.

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