DairySight | Home

Web Name: DairySight | Home

WebSite: http://dairysight.com





DairySight is a supplier of Internet-based information tools for the analysis and management of dairy herds. We are funded privately, and managed independently, working with dairy records suppliers to provide access to distributed sources of data crossing the traditional boundaries of the DHIA system. We also work with experts in various areas of dairy herd management to develop proprietary methods for the analysis of data that will take advantage of specialized expertise and advanced information technology, wherever it may be found. DairySight accounts are free, and open to all, but each sector within DairySight is free to establish rules for access to data and services, and to charge accordingly. You will always be warned before any charge is made to your account, and you will never be billed for something you did not specifically request. Most DairySight sectors provide at least some free services and documentation.To see a list of current DairySight sectors, click on the Sectors pulldown menu at the top of this screen Create DairySight account

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