Opinion, y redacción y corrección de textos.

Web Name: Opinion, y redacción y corrección de textos.

WebSite: http://bello.cat





Articles publicats des del març de 2013 a la premsa, en català / en castellano Redactar o corregir textos, en català / en castellano Paulo Bello / Alicia Bello - 2020: Serie mensual "Sobre ..." ctubre - Sobre cómo seguimos siendo vulnerables y víctimas del balbuceo] [Septiembre - Sobre la participación de médicos en la tortura] gosto - Sobre recordar para no olvidar] [Julio - Sobre la jaula y el desaliento] [Junio - Sobre el cierre de los colegios y el pulmón de acero] [Mayo (II) - Sobre la barbarie y la esperanza] ayo (I) - Sobre el trabajo y los trabajadores ] [Abril - Sobre lo vulnerable y lo social] [Marzo - Sobre el futuro de niños y jóvenes] [Febrero - Sobre el suicidio y los suicidas] [Enero - Sobre la ignorancia] - 2019 [12/2019] [11/2019] [10/2019] [09/2019] [09/08/19] [21/06/19] [09/06/19] [05/2019] [12/04/19] [06/04/19] [28/03/19] [14/03/19] [28/02/19] [14/02/19] [23-27/01/19] [17/01/19] [03/01/19].- - 2018 [16-24/12/18] [10-11-12/18] [12/10/18] [13-27/09/18] [26/08/18] [12/08/18] [02/08/18] [15/07/18] [01/07/18] [21/06/18] [07/06/18] [20/05/18] [10/05/18] [26/04/18] [07-12/04/18] [29/03/18] [11/03/18] [25/02/18] [01-15/02/18] [15/01/18] [04/01/18].- - 2017 [17/12/17] [07/12/17] [23/11/17] [09/11/17] [26/10/17] [12/10/17] [1-O: 01/10/17] [12/09/17] [27/08/17] [13/08/17] [03/08/17] [20/07/17] [06/07/17] [22/06/17] [08/06/17] [11-25/05/17] [27/04/17] [13/04/17] [30/03/17] [16/03/17] [02/03/17] [16/02/17] [04/02/17] [02/02/17] [19/01/17] [05/01/17].- - 2016: [08-22/12/16] [24/11/16] [10/11/16] [27/10/16] [13/10/16] [29/09/16] [15/09/16] [01/09/16] [15/08/16] [01/08/16] [17/07/16] [04/07/16] [23/06/16] [09/06/16] [26/05/16] [12/05/16] [28/04/16] [14/04/16] [31/03/16] [12/03/16] [03/03-18/2/16] [04/02/16] [23/01/16] [07/01/16].- - 2015: [24/12/15] [10/12/15] [22/11/15] [08/11/15] [29/10/15] [15/10/15] [28/09/15] [25/09/15] [17/09/15] [11/09/15] [01/09/15] [06-20/08/15] [31/07/15] [23/07/15] [10/07/15] [25/06/15] [11/06/15] [30/05/15] [23/05/15] [15/05/15] [02/05/15] [23/04/15] [05/04/15] [02/04/15] [21/03/15] [07/03/15] [20/02/15] [07/02/15] [24/01/15] [14/01/15] [10/01/15].-

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Opinion, y redacción y corrección de textos.

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