Disposable email accounts and unlimited email addresses

Web Name: Disposable email accounts and unlimited email addresses

WebSite: http://www.mailslurp.com






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Powerful Email & SMS APIs for development and testing.

Send and receive emails from unlimited custom email addresses in code and tests. Create real phone numbers and process inbound TXT messages. MailSlurp is the leading email and SMS API for developers, QA testers, and email marketing teams.

Sign up for freeView documentation

Getting started guides

Build email integrations for any use case.

Creating email accounts

Create temporary or permanent mailboxes using MailSlurp domain pool or your own custom domains.

Send and receive emails

Send and receive emails in code or tests using webhooks or waitFor function. Search and match emails.

Inbound SMS/TXT APIs

Process text messages for real phone numbers using webhooks and REST APIs.

Test using real emails

End-to-end test applications using real email addresses.

See more guides

Powerful developer integrations

Create and control email inboxes in any language or framework.


Node SMTP setupCypress JS email testingJest Puppeteer examplePlaywright login tests

Github Examples

Nodemailer SMTP exampleJest email testing

A feature-rich email platform

Quick setup for any environment

Get started in minutes with developer SDKs, online dashboards, or using your favourite mail client.

Send and receive at scale for any campaign

Transactional email APIs for every use case with email-open tracking, templating, and contact lists.

Real phone numbers for inbound SMS

Process TXT messages at scale. Test 2FA/MFA one-time passwords and SMS login.

Disposable or permanent email inboxes

Create unlimited test email accounts or permanent custom domains. Control mailboxes in code and tests.

Email address validation and bounce reduction

Verify email lists and increase deliverability with DKIM, SPF and bounce webhooks.

Forwarding, route rules, and automation

Create complex email routing rules for forwarding, automation and email proxy.

End-to-end testing, spam rating, and content analysis

Write integration tests using real email addresses. Test user sign-up, email notifications, email verification and more.

SSO team email accounts and inbox sharing

Enterprise mailbox provisioning with single sign-on support for Google, SAML, OAuth2 and more.

Webhooks, content matching and search

Process email events at scale with queue-backed HTTP webhooks.

IMAP, SMTP, and custom domains

Access email accounts in any mail client. Control mailservers from any language or framework.

See pricing table

Test software end-to-end

Test user authentication, forgotten password, email verification and more for your application using real email addresses. Use REST API, developer SDKs, and Zapier integrations to receive emails in code, test user sign up flows, and save new contacts and attachments to Google Drive and more.

Get started

Fake SMTP Servers

Capture emails in inbox traps to test emails safely with quick setup, no maintenance, and zero risk of spamming real users. Create virtual inboxes for every environment. Verify email sending without connecting to outbound SMTP servers.

Inbox guides

Use email accounts your way

Email integrations for everyone. Pick an approach that suits your workflow.

In applications and tests

Test applications end-to-end with real email addresses or build powerful email functionality that scales.

Using no-code dashboards

Send and receive emails with no-code dashboards. Build campaigns and automation for every use case.

Your favourite Mail client

Connect Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird and more to MailSlurp inboxes using IMAP and SMTP.

See examples

Developer Toolkits

Get started in minutes with official MailSlurp integrations in a wide range of languages and frameworks.



















See more integrations

Trusted by thousands

Developers, QA, and product teams around the world use MailSlurp to build powerful applications and test suites. Join them today.

Sign up today

Frequently asked questions

What languages and protocols are available?MailSlurp's REST API supports any programming language. There are also generated SDK libraries in a wide range of languages. Email messages can be sent and downloaded in code and tests or received via high through-put webhooks. Additionally IMAP and SMTP access is available as well as GraphQL and Terraform providers.Can I send email campaigns?Yes, MailSlurp supports message sending at scale and has powerful tools to improve email deliverability. Use email templates and custom domains to increase email delivery rates and avoid trash mail and bounces. MailSlurp also supports contact groups and email open tracking pixels.Does it support email testing?MailSlurp provides fake email address creators for throwaway email accounts that can be used for end-to-end application testing. Use the address generator to create unique temp mail boxes during tests. MailSlurp is not limited to testing and can be used as a personal email address or for large scale applications.Which regions support SMS?Create real phone numbers in the USA and UK (from any region) and receive inbound SMS/TXT messages in code, tests, and webhooks.Is there a free plan or trial?Yes! MailSlurp has a free account plan and 7 day trials for all subscriptions. For more information please see the pricing page.Can MailSlurp handle my use case?Most likely. MailSlurp handle very high email and SMS loads using secure AWS based cloud infrastructure that automatically scales to our customer workloads.


Unlimited email addressesSending emailsReceiving emailsEmail validationZapier email automationEmail webhooksInbox rulesetsSMTP/IMAP accessSMTP librariesTeam SSO mailboxesCustom domainsEmail dashboardsEmail open trackingEmail testing guides


Developer documentationExample GitHub repositoriesPostman CollectionREST APIIMAP / SMTPGraphQL APIJavascript libraryCSharp NugetJava PackagePHP libraryRuby GemPython packageGolang libraryAdditional integrations


Getting started guideCypressJS email testingSelenium email pluginCucumber RSpec testingRobot FrameworkJest Puppeteer integrationPHPUnit and codeceptionNodeMailer SMTP setupDisposable email accounts.NET Specflow testingiOS email librariesEmail testing guideDocumentation


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© 2022 Pettman OU: Tule põik 1, Saue, 76505, Harjumaa, Estonia. All rights reserved.

TAGS:accounts email Disposable addresses

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