
What is YJoLT?

YJoLT is the only Yale law review to study the immensely important interaction between law and technology, as well as the only law review at Yale Law School to offer a fully interactive publication environment. We publish articles related to law and technology semiannually.

For Potential Authors

We are now accepting submissions for Volume 25! Please submit articles through Scholastica or, alternatively, via email to rafael.bezerranunes@yale.edu. Should you email, specify in the subject line that you are submitting to YJoLT.

We publish articles on a very wide range of topics related to the intersection of law and technology. You can peruse the articles of past issues on this website for a sample of topics we have accepted.

If you are interested in publishing with YJoLT, please submit your materials electronically through Scholastica. Please submit the manuscript in both Word and PDF format, including a resume/CV, a short abstract, and the author’s contact information. If you are unable to submit your article via Scholastica, please contact us using the information at the end of this web page. If you require expedited feedback, please email us in addition to submitting your article online.

We review articles on a rolling basis and generally make publication decisions in the Fall and Spring. YJoLT receives a significant volume of articles, but we guarantee that we will make a decision on every article submitted through Scholastica. Additionally, we will be sure to notify authors when an offer for publication is made.

YJoLT also features The Record, a blog for shorter or less formal pieces. We review submissions on a rolling basis; to submit, please email us your article in Word and PDF format, along with a resume/CV. Feel free to take advantage of the online format as well–we encourage innovation!

For Potential Editors

Do I need a science/technical background to join the journal?

No. We welcome perspectives from all disciplines, because we believe technology is implicating every facet of our life and tech law thrives at the intersection of humanities and sciences. YJoLT is also a great way to learn about the fascinating new developments in law and technology.

What do new editors do?

New editors play an integral role in selecting and editing articles for publication. All editors are divided into edit teams and collaborate at sourcecite sessions to proofread articles and check citations prior to publication. Editors can also opt to join the Submissions Committee to help review and select student submissions for publication. 

What kind of time commitment is YJoLT?

YJoLT is a great way to learn about being on a journal without making a huge time commitment. Each editor will participate in one or two sourcecites per semester and will have the opportunity to offer feedback on articles we consider for publication. We also have a few brief meetings that give YJoLTers the chance to catch up, eat dinner, and discuss the direction of the journal.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about YJoLT, please contact our Editor-in-Chief, Rafael Bezerra Nunes at rafael.bezerranunes@yale.edu.

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