VAIS - Vaccination Answers Informed Sources

Web Name: VAIS - Vaccination Answers Informed Sources






How do you know about vaccination? Government literature? Friends and family? Your doctor? Personal choice? Everyone has an opinion about what is best or right. The majority are genuinely concerned about the health and well being of your child, your family and the wider community. For a growing percentage of our community however, they do not agree with or follow the recommended schedule. Why is this so? 1. In Australia, vaccination is not compulsory, nor a requirement for school entry. Up until recently, the Federal Government required mandatory registration of vaccination status to receive child care and/or family benefits. Those who cannot or will not follow the vaccination schedule were being encouraged to register as a Conscientious Objector or obtain a religious or medical exemption. More recently however, the Federal Government announced 'No Jab - No Pay' removing Conscientious objection and Religious exemptions, effective January 2016. (See Vaccine Exemptions). 2. Vaccination is not the same as immunisation. Vaccination is a medical procedure. Immunisation occurs spontaneously via environmental exposure and/or infection. A vaccinated and unvaccinated person can contract and/or transmit a virus. A vaccinated and unvaccinated person will gain lifelong 'immunisation' from an infection contracted environmentally. At the same time, exposure to or presence of a virus does not guarantee infection. 3. Vaccines are manufactured and tested by pharmaceutical companies. Vaccines contain toxic and controversial ingredients. The vaccine manufacturers warn of contraindications (those that should not have it), in addition to severe risks and allergic reactions. The most severe reactions are lifelong disability and death. There is an undetermined percentage of the population who cannot or should not be vaccinated. 4. Childhood diseases are acute, and often self limiting (the disease has a predictable life cycle). A blood test is a precise way to indentify infection. A vaccine cannot guarantee disease symptoms will be less severe. Highly vaccinated populations continue to contract 'vaccine preventable diseases', resulting in mild and severe symptoms, serious enough to require further medical intervention and hospitalisation. 5. In Australia there is NO mandatory reporting of adverse vaccine reactions, nor Government compensation when vaccination fails or causes temporary or permanent damage or disability. Reporting is completely voluntary and at the discretion of the vaccine administrator. Anyone in Australia can report their vaccine reaction with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The TGA is the regulatory body the government relies on to recommend the safety of all pharmaceutical products, including vaccines. A comprehensive report by the Health Consumers Council (WA) was submitted to the Senate Health Committee in September 2014, where it identifies significant issues of concern;"Of even greater concern, the operations of our safety regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), is far from transparent and effective. When licensing drugs for marketing the TGA relies on research funded and controlled by pharmaceutical companies. Too often pharmaceutical companies ‘cherry pick’ favourable evidence, and hide or ‘spin’ unfavourable evidence to support their commercial interests." Download report (PDF). 6. Herd immunity is a theory with inconsistent and inconclusive results. Communities throughout the world, such as China, with over 99% vaccine uptake have recorded same disease outbreaks. Viruses are known to be unpredictable and can change, rendering a vaccine ineffective for disease prevention.Unfortunately too many media and government claims about vaccination safety are biased and dismissive of serious risk, and any research supporting it. Public complacency about disease or laziness is often to blame for not vaccinating. There is some truth in that, but it's not the whole truth. When something goes wrong after vaccination Vaccine administrators are encouraged, via incentives, to increase vaccination rates, however the decision to vaccinate yourself or someone you are responsible for is ultimately your own - you are asked to trust in the science and marketing of vaccines, as well as accept and manage any complications for the greater good, no matter how mild or severe. Vaccine injury is an tragic reality for thousands of families in Australia. The definitions qualifying 'vaccine caused injury' have changed many times over the years, leaving many families stranded, or faced with an expensive and unforgiving legal system. This website was created to encourage discussion and highlight the status quo surrounding vaccine injury. The public is asked to trust and support the ever changing, ever increasing vaccine schedule, in the pursuit of good health, individually and for the community. Who decides how many vaccines are on the schedule? Is there any justification to research, question or explore the matter any further, other than make the scheduled appointments as recommended? What constitutes an informed decision? Did you know it is a government required procedure for any vaccine administrator to first discuss ALL the vaccine risks and benefits with the patient or their carer, check prior medical history for possible adverse reactions, check the current health status of the patient, and allow a period of time between visits for the patient to reflect upon the information discussed? This appears to be the exception, not the rule. As high vaccination rates indicate, the majority do not have reason to question or doubt the practice, so why waste consultation time explaining? Fortunately, most experience little to no immediate injury. For those who do, that's considered 'unfortunate', 'bad luck', 'coincidence'. Has duty of care been sufficiently demonstrated? What about conscientious individuals who are justifiably sceptical and rationally present intelligent concerns including, reports of vaccine failure, how to manage an adverse reaction, what reactions require emergency intervention, vaccine ingredients, possible allergic reactions and previous history of severe reactions within their family?The conclusions arrived at can vary - some find the answers too confusing or controversial, and dismiss any further doubts, including their own 'gut feelings'. Others are true sceptics of mass medication and if still in doubt, choose to 'sit the fence'. Others, through observation and bad experience, actively reject the current schedule, not because they don't fear disease, rather they are not convinced the government or pharmaceutical giants have done enough to ensure vaccine safety or effectiveness. Pharmaceutical representatives, rather than independant researchers market directly to the medical community, promoting the use and safety of their vaccine. Revolving door representatives also hold advisory positions within Government. Is this a conflict of interests? For many expectant parents, the decision to vaccinate or not, is considered and even debated long before baby arrives. A couple may or may not be united on what to do, and even if they are united, are often unprepared for the criticism, doubt and fear mongering, even from those they expect support from the most. In most cases, their decision about vaccination will be influenced by others experiences (family, friends and case histories), consultation with health professionals (holistic and allopathic), books, media, internet (forums, blogs, topic specific sites and scholarly articles) and seminars. There is information available for those who decide to investigate.Increasingly, people choose to become educated about the primary function and cause of illness, the history of disease, the vaccine industry and the long and short term benefits of holistic living, disease prevention and management. Yes, there can be much to consider, especially as the popular media and pro-vaccine networks continue to portray the unvaccinated as irresponsible and negligent towards public health. Unfortunately much fear, abuse and ignorance is encouraged for the benefit of sensational journalism, while those families who endure tragic vaccine injury remain largely ignored or misjudged, by not just the media, but by the very medical community that encouraged their compliance.Vaccination is hailed as an unquestionable, scientific institution focused only on the greater good of community health, even though its history and science is revealed to be flawed and profit driven. Government bodies are heavily invested in this science, providing legal loopholes to protect vaccine manufacturers from vaccine injury claims and compensation. Who protects against vaccine injury? Is vaccination only about community health? That is for you to decide. Do you have the right to make and stand by an conscientious decision, without intimidation or discrimination? According to Australian law, it is your unquestionable human right. DISCLAIMER VAIS does not seek to disrespect those who make an informed choice to vaccinate, nor should information provided on this website be considered absolute. VAIS does not issue medical advice and accepts no liability for the application of the information contained herein. For medical advice, always seek a second and third opinion from a qualified health practitioner. Web content, links and download may be updated, replaced or removed at our discretion. Only present versions are valid to our cause. Our site is reviewed and updated regularly to ensure content is current and relevant to our members. This site and any attached files may contain information that is only for use by the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering this link to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this in error. Please notify the sender immediately and delete the message.

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